yeah, Qoga wasn't any problem & TES: Oblivion - while more challenging (from my perspective, that is) - was also playable. It was pre-trophies but, I'm sure that I did everything that there was to do in the game/100%-ed it; that's probably the action-y-est RPG that I've played completely...I think.
Believe it or not, my 3 most difficult & frustrating one-handed success stories, all come from the same older game...FF VII
- the motorcycle mini-game was annoying,
- the soldiers marching mini-game was annoying AND frustrating, and
- that hell-spawned, god damned, pitiful excuse of a mini-game in a submarine was ALL of the above AND required several cooling-off periods/"Time-Outs" (read Carry stroking my hair/petting my head while whispering sweet calming & reassuring condolences & words of love & encouragement...while I babbled incoherently & turned red with rage:)
Surprisingly and interestingly enough (because of its genre/the type of game it is), I was really surprised when I read on AbleGamers (a great site for gamers w/ any kind of disability; from being deaf or color blind - all the way up to & including those who are completely paralysed & and are limited to controlling everything with their mouth, etc) that Bayonetta, of all games, was rated as one of the easiest games to play one-handed
I'm not exactly sure how or why that can be but, it piques my interest enough to ask those of you who have played it + know me/my gaming tastes; if it's something that you think I'd like?
In all seriousness though, sometimes that site can help to restore some of my hope & faith in gamers & human nature because - there are people there who have overcome challenges equal to (and, in some cases, even greater) than my own...and yet...through being resourceful, determined, persevering against & disproving the odds & statistics, doing the un-doable, and loving games & gaming...
Game On!