Author Topic: The Comic Book Thread  (Read 47126 times)


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2013, 08:23:02 pm »
I'm hungry for more cosmic comic stories! I need recommendations.

I've always loved the cosmic scene over at DC Comics. I'm a HUGE Green Lantern fan and have been for a very long time. I'm also a big fan of Darkseid and the New Gods. Superman's cosmic stuff has always been great. And I'm one of the only fans of Darkstars. Crisis on Infinite Earths was one of the greatest tales ever told, IMO. And anything involving the DC Multiverse I'm drawn to.

Over at Marvel I'm a big fan of Captain Marvel, Adam Warlock, Quasar, Nova, and Thanos. The Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War are 2 of my favorite stories of all time. And despite everyone seeming to grumble about it, I REALLY like War of Kings.

So considering all that. What are some great cosmic comics that I'm missing out on? Stories that follow that same sort of grandiose storytelling style of the stuff I mentioned above?


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2013, 02:11:24 pm »
Justice League, JL Unlimited, and Batman Beyond on Netflix Streaming starting today! Whoo hoo!


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2013, 11:07:10 pm »
Justice League, JL Unlimited, and Batman Beyond on Netflix Streaming starting today! Whoo hoo!
Not in Canada, damn :(


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2013, 01:00:02 pm »

Thought it was AWESOME! A young Thor battling a young (yet still very powerful) Apocalypse in the past! Epic battle issue!

I've never been a big X-Men fan, but I've always been a sucker for Apocalypse related stuff. And I've always been an Avengers fan. So I just couldn't pass this storyline up. And then after you read it, you see that it not only involves Apocalypse, but also Kang the Conqueror! Arguably The Avengers greatest villain!

Can't wait to see what happens next! Between this storyline, The Worlds Colliding storyline over in New Avengers, and Age of Ultron going on; I'm one happy Avengers fan!

Who else read it? What did everyone else think?


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2013, 10:49:38 pm »
I've only read #1 of Uncanny Avengers. The series looks really promising. Remender is a fantastic writer. I also loved seeing Cassaday back on a book. And if Acuna is the fill-in artist, that is an all-star team.

I've been keeping up with the X Books. All-new X-men was a horrible premis in my opinion. But I really enjoy it. I hate to say it, but I like Bendis in this. And as long as Peter David can stay of X-Factor, I am happy. I'm surprised Marvel has left that book alone for so long. The higher ups must have forgot it existed. I just hope it stays that way.
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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2013, 03:17:48 pm »
Just finished re-reading this:

Fantastic story, fantastic artwork, great characters, some of the best comic creators working on it (George Perez was like the PERFECT choice for the artist on this); everything this crossover should have been. Wish we could see more DC + Marvel stuff of this caliber.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2013, 05:59:44 pm »
The Iron Man movies have encouraged me to look at the old Iron man comics and the "history". I was surprised by how good the comics are. i really want to collect them but I can barely afford my final fantasy collection :P Damn this collection addiction.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2013, 06:43:27 pm »
The Iron Man movies have encouraged me to look at the old Iron man comics and the "history". I was surprised by how good the comics are. i really want to collect them but I can barely afford my final fantasy collection :P Damn this collection addiction.

There are definitely some fantastic stories in Iron Man's history. The problem that I've always had with his comics is that they're inconsistent. Even though there are great stories, they are pretty far in-between with a bunch filler stuff in the meantime.

Some of my favorites:
-Alcoholism Storyline and Jim Rhodes takes over as Iron Man, finally culminating in the creation of the iconic red & silver armor.

-Civil War - Not specifically an Iron Man story, but Iron Man was a key player in this story. A pivotal moment in the Marvel Universe's history. A war between super-heroes. And the death of a legend.

-The Crossover - Tony Stark goes a little mad, and the Avengers and young Tony Stark from a different era must stop him.

-Extremis - Great Iron Man story involving a techno-organic virus released by terorrists and results in Iron Man having to design an entirely new armor technology to defeat them.

-Iron Man #149-150 - Dr. Doom & Iron Man must team-up to escape the medieval ages when a time travel accident happens.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2013, 11:21:16 pm »
I loved the Civil War stuff and a lot of the stuff involving the New Avengers leading up to it.

Actually, when I get a chance I was thinking of re-reading all my Civil War - Invasion books. Plus I need to double check if I am missing anything in my New Avengers collection.. I think I have a complete collection of the original run.
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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2013, 01:18:04 am »

PLEASE tell me somebody else read this, here. Such an amazingly, epic, and satisfying end to an amazing (and long) run.

At first I was like "EIGHT DOLLARS?!" But then after I read it, I realized it was more than worth the entry price. (And the thickest single-issue, non-prestige format, comic I have ever seen!)

Incredible, epic story. A fantastic tribute to the character of Hal Jordan and the mythos that Geoff Johns laid down for the GL Universe.

I've got to say, in the main-story at least, Sinestro shined even more than Hal did.

And what a classy act by DC to give Geoff Johns the respect he deserves on what will likely go down as one of the greatest runs in comic history.

Any fan of Green Lantern, or super-hero comics at all, NEEDS to go out and read this comic. This is why we read comics!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 01:23:49 am by burningdoom »

Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #40 on: May 23, 2013, 06:27:18 pm »

PLEASE tell me somebody else read this, here. Such an amazingly, epic, and satisfying end to an amazing (and long) run.

At first I was like "EIGHT DOLLARS?!" But then after I read it, I realized it was more than worth the entry price. (And the thickest single-issue, non-prestige format, comic I have ever seen!)

Incredible, epic story. A fantastic tribute to the character of Hal Jordan and the mythos that Geoff Johns laid down for the GL Universe.

I've got to say, in the main-story at least, Sinestro shined even more than Hal did.

And what a classy act by DC to give Geoff Johns the respect he deserves on what will likely go down as one of the greatest runs in comic history.

Any fan of Green Lantern, or super-hero comics at all, NEEDS to go out and read this comic. This is why we read comics!

I thought it was the perfect end to Geoff Johns' run. Its not often you see the definitive "end" to a character and we get to see them all in this one! Although I wouldn't be surprised is there is a retcon somewhere down the line. Awesome issue that should please any Green Lantern fan and it also serves as a good jumping on point for new readers.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #41 on: June 05, 2013, 07:32:11 pm »
I went to Goodwill today, and came back with some awesome issues for only $1 a piece! Filled in my X-Factor whole (from the original 5 X-Men run), And got the first couple of issues of New Warriors from when Scarlet Spider joined the team. And all of them bagged and boarded to boot!

But best of all, for only a $1, was the first appearance of Apocalypse issue in X-Factor #6:

Hell yeah! That's a find!


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2013, 06:40:32 pm »
That is a very good find for a buck. That and issue 24 are good finds for the wild.

My local movie trading company has an uncanny #129 (early Dark Phoenix issue) for $15. I'm tempted...
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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2013, 07:01:20 pm »
That is a very good find for a buck. That and issue 24 are good finds for the wild.

My local movie trading company has an uncanny #129 (early Dark Phoenix issue) for $15. I'm tempted...

I already have the #24. I have that entire storyline. Apocalypse is like my favorite X-villain. Which is why I'm so happy with that find!

$15 isn't bad at all for one of those issue. Besides Giant Size X-Men #1 and the original X-Men #1, those are probably the most sought after X-Men issues.


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2013, 01:20:53 am »
That is a very good find for a buck. That and issue 24 are good finds for the wild.

My local movie trading company has an uncanny #129 (early Dark Phoenix issue) for $15. I'm tempted...

I already have the #24. I have that entire storyline. Apocalypse is like my favorite X-villain. Which is why I'm so happy with that find!

$15 isn't bad at all for one of those issue. Besides Giant Size X-Men #1 and the original X-Men #1, those are probably the most sought after X-Men issues.

Yeah, I've managed to pick up 5 of the Dark Phoenix Saga issues so far for cheap. I'm slowly going for a complete run of Uncanny but allowing for reprints. Just as long as every issue is accounted for in floppy form. I don't want to pay the price for X-men number 1 when I can get The "X-men Early Years" reprint for 25 cents.

The X-Factor series is going to be one that I go after. I really enjoy Simonson's work. As well as when Peter David took over with the new X-Factor. It's one of my favorite series that is currently on my pull list. I'm sad to see that the series is on it's last arc. But I hear Peter David is having health issues. No idea if it is getting rebooted with the rest of Marvel Now. Hopefully Bendis doesn't keep the time traveled original five and reboot X-Factor that way... As much as I love the original five, I love Jamie and Layla's crew a bit more.
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