I usually get the itch to play an RPG between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think it stems from receiving games for my birthday as a kid, which is in October. I would always have fun playing them before Thanksgiving, but when school was out for a couple of weeks around Christmas it gave me some real time to sit down and play an RPG. I didn't really play much of anything in the second half of 2012 (other than Shinobi on the 3DS and 999 on the DS), so now I'm trying to catch up a bit. To satisfy the RPG urge I'm going through FO: NV but I've been wanting to play a lot of FPS games recently for some reason. I beat Rage this weekend, am about half way through Killzone 2, just bought Wolfenstien and want to pick up Resistance 2 and Doom BFG Edition this week.