i got 50 dollars and shit tons of food 
Damn I love food. That's awesome and I want a drooling smiley now

My wife got me a ton of stuff for Christmas. She gave my mother-in-law some great pointers, too. Here's some highlights.
You can't know how jelly I am of that Zelda Game and Watch. Damn, those are all great gifts!
My own Christmas was pretty gaming-related this year, as I got a PSP, Kirby 64, Zelda: Yume o Miru Shima, a n64 gameshark (to play japanese n64 games!), Adventure Island II, Paper Mario: Sticker Star, a pre-order of the Twilight Symphony CD (
http://twilight-symphony.com/), some awesome Sonic pajama pants and gaming posters. I was also surprised with 2 starter decks of Lord of the Rings TCG cards, which are so damn impossible to find nowadays!
For gifts I gave, my brother got a red Wii motion plus remote, which he wanted for quite a while now (before finding it on Kijiji, I actually didn't even know that Nintendo sold them separately from the red console bundle). I also found a cheap Super Smash Bros 64 for my cousin, and an Android humidifer for my dad because Android is awesome