Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 113174 times)


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #645 on: April 04, 2017, 01:00:20 pm »
WrestleMania thoughts:

-Shane vs. Styles was the surprise match of the night. We knew Shane could fight, but who knew he could actually wrestle?

-Hardyz return was, of course, a highlight of the night. I'm still not sure, even after Raw, if we're getting Team Xtreme or The Broken Hardyz. WWE haven't let them talk, yet.

-Best match was actually at NXT Takeover: Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode. And the better man won. Bobby Roode is the best, most well-rounded performer in all of wrestling today.

-Awesome seeing J.R. come back. I don't know if his return or the Hardyz return was more exciting.

-Sad to see Undertaker go. But the way he exited the ring was well done. I do feel he should have went out against a legend, though, and not Reigns.

-Speaking of Reigns, I just don't understand the hate he gets. Yeah, I get it, he's no Stone Cold or Rock, but few are. For a big-man wrestler, I think he does just fine.

-I totally thought Owens vs. Jericho would be the match of the night, but it actually turned out to be one of the more boring matches.

-Lesnar vs. Goldberg...meh. We've all seen it before. And we knew Goldberg wasn't staying after WrestleMania, so we already knew Lesnar was gonna win.

-How stupid was a giant ring, above the ring, as a decoration?

-Biker slut Stephanie, aw yeah!


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #646 on: April 04, 2017, 02:04:26 pm »
Managed to watch almost all the matches a couple of hours later and definitely will manage to make some free time to see the Kickoff show this week anyway here are my thoughts:

Shane vs. AJ: Can't deny that it was a good damn match even when sometimes Shane was without an idea what the hell was happening in the ring but the performance of Styles saved it.
Jericho vs. Owens: Being honest for a moment had the idea that KO was about to apply a Package pile driver, was expecting more of this also I see weird that Kevin managed to get the United States Championship belt since he didn't asked a rematch for the Universal title.
WWE Raw Women's Championship: Only saw the entrances of the ladies where The Boss stole the show but that damn peacock dress from Charlotte leaved me speechless.
Tag Team Championship: Seriously was expecting to see Broken Matt and Brother Nero at the WWE but the fact that they are now the new champs makes me forget everything, wonder what were the thoughts of Lita when she was in the same building than her EX.
Nikki Bella and John Cena defeated Maryse and The Miz: Decided to watch the full match and am glad to know that people is still booing Cena and that they supported the Miz about the result and the proposal only have to say that it was Lame.
Non-sanctioned match: Can somebody tell me what the hell was with HHH entrance, as far as I remember he used to have some amazing ones, Stephanie as always was so sexy and that leather pants leaved nothing to the imagination about the match well I only saw the entrance, like five minutes of it where I was more focused enjoying Step's butt, didn't care a damn bit about the result.
WWE Championship: No words can describe my feelings about this one, was so fucking happy when they decided to give Wyatt the belt and now this.
Universal Championship: A failed and poor attempt to fix the mess that they did at WMXX, can't believe that at this point they still don't know that a lot of suplex's and spears won't gonna make everybody satisfied, a pathetic performance of these two but am pretty sure that Vince doesn't give a shit about my opinion.
WWE SmackDown Women's Championship: Didn't saw it and don't care about the result but what did piss me off is why on earth they put this one almost at the end of the show.
The Undertaker: There are a lot of wrestlers that are 100 times better than Booman Reigns so why the fuck they choose him to retire a true legend like the Dead Man, there is no way that someday I'll give this ex shield dude my support, again I know that they are trying so desperately hard to make him the face of the company but is so fucking ironic that in a company where you are suppose to entertain the people with amazing skills and performance they are using the one that doesn't have any of these attributes, nothing personal with him but he stills need to cover a long pat to be the main face that runs the company, hell even Cena deserved that place and I do hate him as a person as a wrestler.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 02:06:46 pm by doafan »

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #647 on: April 05, 2017, 07:36:06 pm »
Please watch yesterday's SmackDown  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #648 on: April 05, 2017, 09:13:11 pm »
I watched both Raw and Smackdown and it was great to see Revival show up on Raw and Nakamura show up on Smackdown.  I'm already drooling at seeing Nakamura fight Styles again after they killed it at WrestleKingdom about 2 years ago I think. Also expecting DIY to show up on the roster soon, possibly Smackdown next week with whatever this Superstar Shakeup is going to be.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #649 on: April 06, 2017, 06:00:43 am »
I love Vader, he  is a wrestling Icon in Japan. One of the most popular American wrestlers of all time over there.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #650 on: April 06, 2017, 12:41:12 pm »
Shinsuke Nakamura's live-played entrance was freaking epic!

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #651 on: April 10, 2017, 11:27:12 pm »
Bit of an actual shakeup with Raw tonight.  They are doing the superstar switching by having the other people come over, so for Raw, they got Miz/Maryse, Ambrose, Curt Hawkings, Kallisto, Apollo Crews, Wyatt (I assume perhaps Rowan, he's still on Smackdown on their website though), Bliss, Mickie James, and Slater/Rhyno for the tag team.  I feel like Smackdown lost too much by losing the IC belt with Ambrose.  That leaves no unique belt with Smackdown, while Raw gets the US belt, IC Belt, and Cruiserweight belt.  I'm not sure how they are justifying this.  Really makes Smackdown look abit lacking in that department, but it was a nice shift in mid tier guys for Raw.

Also, this might've been the best backstage beatdown I've seen since coming back to wrestling 2 years ago.  It felt very Attitude era in its brutality and it all looked great.  Strowman decimated Reigns in multiple beatdowns, leading him getting pushed off the back docks bound in a gurney and then Strowman would flip the ambulance onto its side in a fit of rage.  Its too ridiculous, but damn was it entertaining and I'm not saying that in wanting a beatdown on Roman.  Incredible way to make off with the heat on Roman for taking out Taker, while building up Strowman as a legit beast.

Zayn will likely go to Smackdown tomorrow which is cool and I'm curious to see who else they might allow.  Looking at who is on the roster, I genuinely don't know as far as bigger names.  I'd say Jericho maybe as I think he's done with the Owens feud after today.  Getting him and Styles going at it would be great.  I want to say Cesaro and Sheamus perhaps together? They got a match against the Hardy's at Payback, so that would guarantee them not winning, but both of them together would be good and they could do solo stuff too.  Honestly, I have no idea who else.  It feels like Smackdown is really lacking right now, so they could use something big for sure.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 11:39:39 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #652 on: April 11, 2017, 09:13:20 pm »
Zayn will likely go to Smackdown tomorrow which is cool and I'm curious to see who else they might allow.

You will be surprised my friend ...

... so as I cause didn't expected this and now will return to see SDL at work, yes am at the office right now  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #653 on: April 11, 2017, 09:16:37 pm »
I was genuinely surprised Owens came over, but it makes sense as Smackdown gets the US Belt.  Zayn, Owens, and Nakamura fresh on the roster is amazing.

The new Day are coming to Smackdown! That's a big get I think and will really spice things up there and give them a chance to go for the Smackdown belts.  Also Rusev (who is recovering from injury) is coming to Smackdown and Lana seems to taking the leap into wrestling full on, so she'll most likely not be acting as Rusev's usual manager from now on.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 11:08:48 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #654 on: April 12, 2017, 02:54:38 pm »
I was genuinely surprised Owens came over, but it makes sense as Smackdown gets the US Belt.  Zayn, Owens, and Nakamura fresh on the roster is amazing.

Just wondering if Sami and Owens went to SmackDown together because the WWE staff decided it this way or because KO wanted to be with his friend ?, it's not a lie that the one who takes the decisions in this friendship is Kevin, clear example are the stories that he developed when both of them were part of Ring of Honor, at some point am ok having them at the blue brand but also was expecting to see Zayn do/earn something by him self anyway can't wait to see that match for the US belt between KO and AJ cause is clear as water that Owens is going to retain  8)

Kevin Owens: No.
Sami Zayn: Yup.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #655 on: April 12, 2017, 02:58:08 pm »
What is Seth Rogen doing on Smackdown?  ;D

And is Bray Wyatt on Raw or Smackdown? He was on both shows this week.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 03:05:01 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #656 on: April 12, 2017, 11:34:13 pm »
What is Seth Rogen doing on Smackdown?  ;D

And is Bray Wyatt on Raw or Smackdown? He was on both shows this week.

Before I answer your question I just want to point out that I forgot there was a wrestling thread on this board again and R-Truth would bad. As of Monday, Bray is on RAW however he does have a contractual rematch for the WWE Title which is happening at the no so much RAW exclusive PPV Payback because on the same night Owens has to defend the US Title against Jericho who is still on RAW. Now per rules of shake up because none of this made any sense, if by some off chance Wyatt lets say wins then he switches with Randy to SD and same with Owens. I thought it was winner gets the title from their brand but not the case it seems.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #657 on: April 14, 2017, 01:22:49 pm »
And is Bray Wyatt on Raw or Smackdown? He was on both shows this week.

He is officially part of Raw but just for a second imagine that he manage to defeat Orton and bring the WWE Championship to the red brand, wouldn't mind to see this belt and the WWE Universal Championship in the same company, if the WWE writers are smart they can re create an event like the Invasion or revive the Raw vs SmackDown events to get the gold back to their home  ::)

The following Superstars switched from SmackDown LIVE to Raw during the first night of the Superstar Shake-up:

    The Miz & Maryse
    Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose
    Bray Wyatt
    Alexa Bliss
    Mickie James
    Apollo Crews
    Heath Slater & Rhyno
    Curt Hawkins

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #658 on: April 18, 2017, 01:48:16 am »
What they are doing with Strowman is incredible right now.  On Raw, him and Big Show did one of those great "destroy the ring spots" that Big Show is known for, but it works great for this so much more as there was good buildup.  The last week Roman gets wrecked in an awesome behind the scenes beat down.  This week he terrorized a few stars in the back before getting slammed by Big Show and put into a match that actually went for a reasonable length, like I was worried we were gonna get like a 5 minute match, because that's all that was left, but they went 15 minutes long.  Sure it was slow at times, it's got Big Show in it, but they were doing some good spots and they sold everything well.  It ends with Strowman slamming show from the top ropes and destroying the ring and wins simply by being the one left standing.

Of course this could all fail miserably with Roman somehow winning at Payback, while injured, but man they are selling this guy as a god damn monster and this new tag of "Monster Among Men" is perfect.  He's basically the best big guy they got right now.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #659 on: April 18, 2017, 10:52:36 am »
Of course this could all fail miserably with Roman somehow winning at Payback, while injured, but man they are selling this guy as a god damn monster and this new tag of "Monster Among Men" is perfect.  He's basically the best big guy they got right now.

Correction my friend, he is the man right now and now that pussy of Reigns also did you know that some fan boy started a petition wanting Strowman to be fired because he beat the hell out of Roman ? and the best part of all is that Braun even replied to the petition with the following Tweet, it might be true it might not but damn it's some good publicity for the big man  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy