Author Topic: Game Room Pics  (Read 204588 times)


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #405 on: December 19, 2013, 08:21:58 pm »
I'll try to upload pics here after boxing day. I don't want it to become outdated in 1 week.

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #406 on: December 27, 2013, 01:08:07 pm »
Hello all.

First off I'm greatly impressed with the pics in here. And so perhaps you all could help me with some planning.

I own a home. It's a 3 bedroom 2 story house. No basement. Right now, my game collection is split into three areas: A Uhaul storage unit, my living room, and my son's room. Why storage? This was initially intended to be my starter house, with the intention of turning it for a profit and upgrading to a house with a den that I could turn into a primo gaming room. Then the 2008 housing crisis hit and I was out of work for a good while (I worked for Etrade at the time, and they took a big hit in their banking division, almost took them out of business), and took me a while to get caught up after that. So for the time being, this house is what I have to work with.

The living room is my primary gaming space. However, with a couch, loveseat and chair, along with my current gaming rig, I don't have much room for displaying my collection. My TV takes up almost the entire far wall (Mitsubishi DLP 3D 1080p 73 Incher.) The right wall is taken up by the couch. the love seat sits opposite the TV, the left side is dominated by the single seat and a side window. The backwall has two windows facing the front yard, but I do not use those windows. I currently have two large bookshelves that once held my Stephen King hardback collection and other books sitting in front of these two windows, and this is where the games that aren't in storage currently reside. Again, these shelves are the kind you'd see in a livingroom and were not built to store games. So currently everything is just stacked on top of each other, and it just doesn't look very cool.

What I'm planning to do this year is convert my livingroom into a gaming room/mancave deal. I intend to ditch the furniture I currently have and get four recliners: a two seater in the middle where the loveseat currently is, a recliner where the couch currently is, and another recliner where the sofa chair currently sits. This would free up most of the right and left walls for additional shelving.

My entertainment center only has shelving for three components, which is currently my Xbox One, my PS4, and my PS3.  I have my wiiu sitting caddy  corner on the shelf the TV sits on, with my cable DVR on the other side.  I have nowhere else for my other consoles, so the ones my son isn't using in his room (his own PS3, a ps2, a wii, and the xbox 360) are currently stored in plastic bins when not in use.

So, I'd like some advice on what type of shelving to buy which will allow me to maximize my free space while allowing me to customize the shelf size to hold different game formats, plus shelving for game collectibles and boxes and such, and most importantly, some kind of shelf unit I could set to the left of the TV to hold as many of my consoles as possibly but in a confined space, so it would need to be more vertical than horizontal.

I know that's a lot of text. I'll post pictures later so you can get a better idea of what we're talking about here. Thanks for the help in advance.


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #407 on: December 28, 2013, 12:20:27 am »
PacPix nice set up!!   8)  Love it!    If I may ask, would you support a NHL team if they expanded to Seattle or do you just like Baseball and football?


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #408 on: December 28, 2013, 04:07:29 am »
PacPix nice set up!!   8)  Love it!    If I may ask, would you support a NHL team if they expanded to Seattle or do you just like Baseball and football?
Baseball is my favorite, but I would love to have the NHL return to Seattle!  I have never watched hockey a whole lot, but I love hockey video games and it looks like a fun, fast paced sport to watch. Supposedly the NHL is saying if there is an expansion/relocation that Seattle will be the first place the team will go.  I have not wanted to get invested into a team since I want to wait for Seattle to get a team.  I thought we were close when it looked like the SuperSonics were coming back, but hopefully it is not too much longer.  Seattle had the first USA Stanley Cup so we deserve to have a team!
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #409 on: December 28, 2013, 04:37:28 am »
PacPix nice set up!!   8)  Love it!    If I may ask, would you support a NHL team if they expanded to Seattle or do you just like Baseball and football?
Baseball is my favorite, but I would love to have the NHL return to Seattle!  I have never watched hockey a whole lot, but I love hockey video games and it looks like a fun, fast paced sport to watch. Supposedly the NHL is saying if there is an expansion/relocation that Seattle will be the first place the team will go.  I have not wanted to get invested into a team since I want to wait for Seattle to get a team.  I thought we were close when it looked like the SuperSonics were coming back, but hopefully it is not too much longer.  Seattle had the first USA Stanley Cup so we deserve to have a team!

Pretty sure you're getting it!  They said by 2015 they will have expanded to two more teams and Seattle is first on the ballot so hopefully it works.  It should create a good rivalry between Seattle and Vancouver as well. 

Additionally, I love the Griffey stuff!  Not a baseball fan, but as a kid, Griffey was one of my hereos and I watched any Mariners game I got on tv just to watch him.  He is the true home run king!   8)  Awesome stuff you got there. 


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #410 on: December 28, 2013, 04:38:51 am »
Oh and you're pics of your game collection makes me curious.  Do you have any pics of you're tv and gaming systems set up?


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #411 on: December 28, 2013, 03:44:08 pm »
Oh and you're pics of your game collection makes me curious.  Do you have any pics of you're tv and gaming systems set up?
:o ha I thought I took a picture of that already.

Here it is, I use the cabinet to store controllers and extras cords.  Also I just ordered an Atari 7800 that will probably take the 2600's spot:

Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #412 on: December 31, 2013, 12:09:00 am »
Nice!   :)  Which system do you play the most?


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #413 on: December 31, 2013, 03:45:19 am »
Nice!   :)  Which system do you play the most?
Lately its been 3DS, NES, SNES, and some Odyssey 2.  It usually varies on whether I have recently bought games for the system or not.  The ones I have played the most of are SNES and N64 and the least is Genesis (Have not even turned it on since early this year).
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 03:50:57 am by pacpix »
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #414 on: January 01, 2014, 09:51:50 am »
Just started using this site.  Enjoying the thread.  Here's my setup, which has 44 systems that are hooked up and ready to play.  Parts of the game collection are shown in the video.


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #415 on: January 01, 2014, 10:10:14 am »
I'm impressed. Very nice setup. It's hard to keep stuff looking clean and neat with that much stuff. You pulled it off. I like it.


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #416 on: January 01, 2014, 10:25:17 am »
I'm impressed. Very nice setup. It's hard to keep stuff looking clean and neat with that much stuff. You pulled it off. I like it.

I'll 2nd this.

Welcome to the site, btw!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #417 on: January 01, 2014, 10:46:04 am »
The design is so simple yet so effective. I shed a single tear seeing an Xbox None sitting up there spreading its nasty disease to that beautiful PS4 next to it but, otherwise, very well done.

I have to ask ... what exactly are those little stands most of the systems are on? I like the thought of them cause my guess is thats where you "store" the cords for the controllers while they are plugged in which is one of my biggest consistency issues is the cord flops wherever.


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #418 on: January 01, 2014, 11:12:24 am »
Hey! I remember you! I watched some videos of your setup a few months ago! That's very impressive, I have to say!


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Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #419 on: January 01, 2014, 11:41:40 am »
Be sure to post/link to part #2 (and beyond) here...looking forward to seeing more  8)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"