Not much of a haul but its better than nothing : I was walking around a game store looking at stuff when this family comes in with a box. I tried to peek in it but to no avail. No sweat ... I just kind of remained by when the employee walks up. We have had plenty of conversations before so hes cool and he knows Im a collector so he doesnt mind me there. First thing the lady pulls out is a Gamecube. The employee told her that they dont buy them atm cause they have too many. She says "It even has this cool thing that lets you play Gameboy games." I figure that was going to be my cue in a moment to hit her up. I look up at the employee and he nods at me ... so I ask her what she wanted for it. She said she wants to sell it cheap cause her kids are in trouble and she wants to get rid of it. I open the GC and the disk isnt in there. I ask if she has it and sure enough she has the disk, the manual and the case. She says she will sell me everything for $15. I pause for drama's sake but tell her Ill take it. I give her the $15 and hit the door. In the car, I go through it all. Gamecube, 2 official matching controllers, GB player with disk and memory card, and half dozen games including Zelda Windwaker and 2 GB Pokemon games : red and gold. They are missing the label but they are still in the color matching cartridges. Not too bad I suppose. I need to clean up the disks but they work. Both the Pokemon games work.