I've been getting a bunch of digital games through bundles and stuff.
Earth 2140 Trilogy
Earth 2150 Trilogy
Earth 2160
Jagged Alliance 2: Mercenaries
Knights and Merchants
- Three bucks for these.
Screamer 2
- The only Interplay game they had that I was missing. Three bucks.
- Indie sale.
Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete
- The only D&D game they had that I was missing. Four bucks.
pid (Steam key from the same indie sale as the GOG version)
Red Orchestra 2 + Killing Floor DLC (Humble Weekly)
The Cave (trade)
Lunar Pack + Anodyne (Indie Royale bundle key)
Thirty Flights of Loving + Air Forte (Humble Weekly)
La-Mulana (Steam key from a Groupees bundle)
I also got a shareware CD with "1100 games" for Windows and Mac. We'll see if that's true.