Author Topic: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased  (Read 23144 times)


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #180 on: April 26, 2013, 09:05:46 pm »

I love the Sega Master System.  Slick and sophisticated, its clean lines and crisp colors suggest an elegant lady assassin ridin' dirty on corinthian leather seats to a ballroom in order to eliminate the latest target.  It's got a flow chart printed on it that lets you know how the shit goes down on a day-to-day.  Its color scheme: black and red, the colors of a brotherman on the run.  It says to me, "fun is serious business."


It's the last SEGA system I need unless I go crazy and start with variations or pick up an SG 1000 or SC 3000.

HAHAH XD, that's a great description!

I make music.
I'm really cool, you should tell your friends about me :P


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #181 on: April 26, 2013, 09:19:45 pm »
April, you crazy son of a bitch!
I've picked up so much this month!
Stopped at my favorite flea market to trade some stuff.
Traded WC Battlechest, Diablo Battlechest, guild wars 2, swtor, unreal 2, need for speed pro street,
some other need for speed, sim city 4, morrowind, hyperblade, GBA-GC link, 360 av cords, 360 wired controllers with no breakaways, 2 wii stands.
(Didn't see the point in keeping PC games, I have ISO's of them)

Anyway, what I got today:
Sega Saturn Virtua Stick (been looking for one all month)
Dreamcast controller with VMU,
Blockbuster Genesis 6-button,
Pokemon Pinball (it even has the battery cover  ;D)
X-Men - genesis,
Final Fantasi XII collectors edition,
Space Invaders - N64
Gundum Battle Assault 2 (looking for this for ages)- PS1
Gex 3- PS1
Dino Crisis - PS1

Also ordered a Saturn Memory Card Plus for $10 earlier today!

I make music.
I'm really cool, you should tell your friends about me :P


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #182 on: April 26, 2013, 09:24:29 pm »
Sega Saturn Virtua Stick (been looking for one all month)

Every time I see Virtua stick, my heart skips because I process it as the twin sticks. I recently got a virtua stick thrown in on a deal and I'm seemed way too excited because I totally thought he was talking about the twin sticks for a moment.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #183 on: April 26, 2013, 10:57:38 pm »
So... I just got Back to the Future: The Game, Cargo Commander and Dungeon Hearts on Steam via the Indie Royale.

I was waiting to buy Back to the Future from Telltale's site but they haven't had a sale there in what seems like years. :(


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Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #184 on: April 26, 2013, 11:06:05 pm »
My wife made the plunge and bought The Boy Skylanders: Giants and 3 more figures. This could be a money pit.


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #185 on: April 26, 2013, 11:10:32 pm »
My wife made the plunge and bought The Boy Skylanders: Giants and 3 more figures. This could be a money pit.

Yup. I looked into it, and it looks like it could be fun... but I just can't even get started buying all that stuff...
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #186 on: April 26, 2013, 11:26:57 pm »
So... I just got Back to the Future: The Game, Cargo Commander and Dungeon Hearts on Steam via the Indie Royale.

I was waiting to buy Back to the Future from Telltale's site but they haven't had a sale there in what seems like years. :(

Pid, also!  BTTF has been on sale with GOG quite a number of times, but this bundle seemed decent for the price.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #187 on: April 26, 2013, 11:29:24 pm »
So... I just got Back to the Future: The Game, Cargo Commander and Dungeon Hearts on Steam via the Indie Royale.

I was waiting to buy Back to the Future from Telltale's site but they haven't had a sale there in what seems like years. :(

Pid, also!  BTTF has been on sale with GOG quite a number of times, but this bundle seemed decent for the price.
... I already got PID at IndieGameStand last week. GOG and Steam copies. :(

I guess this means anyone can take my spare PID key if they want. :p


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #188 on: April 26, 2013, 11:31:01 pm »
So... I just got Back to the Future: The Game, Cargo Commander and Dungeon Hearts on Steam via the Indie Royale.

I was waiting to buy Back to the Future from Telltale's site but they haven't had a sale there in what seems like years. :(

Pid, also!  BTTF has been on sale with GOG quite a number of times, but this bundle seemed decent for the price.
... I already got PID at IndieGameStand last week. GOG and Steam copies. :(

I guess this means anyone can take my spare PID key if they want. :p

Aw, if I knew that... :P
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #189 on: April 27, 2013, 12:54:42 am »
Went out garage salin' again today and found some goodies.
First find was a N64 with 14 games and a Genesis (model 2) with 3 games. Got it all for $30.
Games I'm keeping from the lot are.
Excitebike 64, Gex 64, Waialae Country Club, Battletanx, a Grey Zelda 64 & Road Rash 3 CIB on Genesis.
Next find was a bunch of SNES sport games for 75 cents each. yay collection fillers. lol
Then I found a SNES with 3 games for $15.
Also found 2 PS2 games for $1 WWE Smackdown vs. Raw & Fire Pro Wrestling Returns.
Then I stopped at a sale that had 3 DS Hannah Montana games CIB and 3 N64 games. (mario 64, mario kart & scooby-doo) when I asked prices, she said $1 each on the DS games and $2 on the N64 games, I was about to pay when she said on the N64 games, "oh wait those are old games, those are 25 cents each." lol
Then I also picked up today..
PS2 - Dawn of Mana
Zodiac - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Zodiac - Z Pack: Fun

I listed everything extra in my "sell list" gonna offer some friends some of the stuff. But if someone has an offer or trade send me a PM. I'm Looking for people to trade extra stuff I find.

Total Pickups for April.....

Console - Bandai SwanCrystal
Console - Intertron VC4000
GBA - Lunar Legacy
GBA - Texas Hold'em Poker
GBA - World Championship Poker
GEN - Phantasy Star III
GEN - Road Rash 3
LA - Gamepad
N64 - Battletanx
N64 - Gex 64
N64 - Excitebike 64
N64 - Waialae Country Club
N64 - Zelda 64 - Grey Cart
NDS - Hannah Montana
NDS - Hannah Montana: Music Jam
NDS - Hannah Montana: The Movie
NDS - Pictionary
NES - Battle Kid 2
NES - Chronicles of the Radia War
NES - Jimmy Connor's Tennis
NES - Nomolos
NES - Robocop vs. Terminator
NES - Suicidal Princesstual Orgy
NES - Sweet Home
NES - Willow - box and book
PS2 - Bratz the Movie
PS2 - Dawn of Mana
PS2 - Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
PS2 - Hannspree Ten Kate Honda SBK
PS2 - Radiata Stories
PS2 - Taiko Drum Master w/ Drum
PS2 - Toy Story 3
PS2 - WWE Smackdown vs. Raw
PS3 - DJ Hero 2
PS3 - Power Gig
PSP - Knights in the Nightmare
PSP - Lunar Silver Star Harmony
PSP - Ragnarok Tactics
PSP - Untold Legends
SNES - Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball
SNES - Clock Tower
SNES - John Madden Football 93
SNES - Ken Griffey Jr. MLB
SNES - Ken Griffey Jr. Winning Run
SNES - NHLPA Hockey 93
SNES - Secret of Mana 2
SNES - Super Bases Loaded
SNES - Super Noah's Ark 3D
VC4000 - Car Races
VC4000 - Blackjack
VC4000 - Tank Battle
VC4000 - Winter Sports
VC4000 - Hippodrome
VC4000 - Circus
VC4000 - Outer Space Combat
VC4000 - Bowlng
VC4000 - Cockpit
VC4000 - Casino
VC4000 - Invaders
VC4000 - Monster Man
Wii - DJ Hero 2
Wii - Geometry Wars Galaxies
Wii - Kart Racer
Wii - Ocean Commander
Wii - Pandora's Tower
Wii - Phantom Brave
Wii - Sin & Punishment
Wii - Spectrobes Origins
WS - Flash Koibito-Kun
WS - Gekitou! Crash Gear Turbo
WS - Inuyasha: Fuuun Emaki
WS - Inuyasha: Kagome no Sengoku Nikki
WS - One Piece Grand Battle: Swan Colosseum
XB360 - Akai Katana
XB360 - Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat
XB360 - Injustice: Gods Among Us (Collector's Edition)
XB360 - Mindjack
Zodiac - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Zodiac - Z Pack: Fun
"Happy game hunting!!!"


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Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #190 on: April 27, 2013, 02:31:25 am »
Went out garage salin' again today and found some goodies.
First find was a N64 with 14 games and a Genesis (model 2) with 3 games. Got it all for $30.
Games I'm keeping from the lot are.
Excitebike 64, Gex 64, Waialae Country Club, Battletanx, a Grey Zelda 64 & Road Rash 3 CIB on Genesis.
Next find was a bunch of SNES sport games for 75 cents each. yay collection fillers. lol
Then I found a SNES with 3 games for $15.
Also found 2 PS2 games for $1 WWE Smackdown vs. Raw & Fire Pro Wrestling Returns.
Then I stopped at a sale that had 3 DS Hannah Montana games CIB and 3 N64 games. (mario 64, mario kart & scooby-doo) when I asked prices, she said $1 each on the DS games and $2 on the N64 games, I was about to pay when she said on the N64 games, "oh wait those are old games, those are 25 cents each." lol
Then I also picked up today..
PS2 - Dawn of Mana
Zodiac - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Zodiac - Z Pack: Fun

I listed everything extra in my "sell list" gonna offer some friends some of the stuff. But if someone has an offer or trade send me a PM. I'm Looking for people to trade extra stuff I find.

Total Pickups for April.....

Console - Bandai SwanCrystal
Console - Intertron VC4000
GBA - Lunar Legacy
GBA - Texas Hold'em Poker
GBA - World Championship Poker
GEN - Phantasy Star III
GEN - Road Rash 3
LA - Gamepad
N64 - Battletanx
N64 - Gex 64
N64 - Excitebike 64
N64 - Waialae Country Club
N64 - Zelda 64 - Grey Cart
NDS - Hannah Montana
NDS - Hannah Montana: Music Jam
NDS - Hannah Montana: The Movie
NDS - Pictionary
NES - Battle Kid 2
NES - Chronicles of the Radia War
NES - Jimmy Connor's Tennis
NES - Nomolos
NES - Robocop vs. Terminator
NES - Suicidal Princesstual Orgy
NES - Sweet Home
NES - Willow - box and book
PS2 - Bratz the Movie
PS2 - Dawn of Mana
PS2 - Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
PS2 - Hannspree Ten Kate Honda SBK
PS2 - Radiata Stories
PS2 - Taiko Drum Master w/ Drum
PS2 - Toy Story 3
PS2 - WWE Smackdown vs. Raw
PS3 - DJ Hero 2
PS3 - Power Gig
PSP - Knights in the Nightmare
PSP - Lunar Silver Star Harmony
PSP - Ragnarok Tactics
PSP - Untold Legends
SNES - Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball
SNES - Clock Tower
SNES - John Madden Football 93
SNES - Ken Griffey Jr. MLB
SNES - Ken Griffey Jr. Winning Run
SNES - NHLPA Hockey 93
SNES - Secret of Mana 2
SNES - Super Bases Loaded
SNES - Super Noah's Ark 3D
VC4000 - Car Races
VC4000 - Blackjack
VC4000 - Tank Battle
VC4000 - Winter Sports
VC4000 - Hippodrome
VC4000 - Circus
VC4000 - Outer Space Combat
VC4000 - Bowlng
VC4000 - Cockpit
VC4000 - Casino
VC4000 - Invaders
VC4000 - Monster Man
Wii - DJ Hero 2
Wii - Geometry Wars Galaxies
Wii - Kart Racer
Wii - Ocean Commander
Wii - Pandora's Tower
Wii - Phantom Brave
Wii - Sin & Punishment
Wii - Spectrobes Origins
WS - Flash Koibito-Kun
WS - Gekitou! Crash Gear Turbo
WS - Inuyasha: Fuuun Emaki
WS - Inuyasha: Kagome no Sengoku Nikki
WS - One Piece Grand Battle: Swan Colosseum
XB360 - Akai Katana
XB360 - Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat
XB360 - Injustice: Gods Among Us (Collector's Edition)
XB360 - Mindjack
Zodiac - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Zodiac - Z Pack: Fun

Just wanted to say: You're collection is insanely huge! You must have like a museum's worth of digital history.


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Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #191 on: April 27, 2013, 07:58:46 am »
I just walked out of Gamestop with the following for $45:

- Rhythm Heaven Feaver (Wii)
- Eternal Sonata (PS3)
- Super Paper Mario (Wii)
- Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP)

Some of them might not be worth it for the price I paid (new doesn't go for much more for some of them), but I figured I could always swap something out this weekend if I came across something better in another GS.  Just had a B2G1 coupon I wanted to use, and they have a little sale going on right now through Sunday.

Deso -

You've got a 360 Eternal Sonata (pictured) 'described' as a PS3 one...just wanted to give you a heads-up & make sure you added the "right" one to your collection :P
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #192 on: April 27, 2013, 05:27:18 pm »
Just wanted to say: You're collection is insanely huge! You must have like a museum's worth of digital history.
Your not the first to say that, lol. But believe it or not I've seen bigger collections. Helps that I was collecting games way before it became popular.

Went out to a few more sales and local stores and picked up a few more goodies.
at garage sales picked up...
PS2 - Dynasty Warriors 5 ($2)
XB - Ninja Gaiden ($2)
XB - Ninja Gaiden Black ($2)
Wii - Crazy Golf ($2)
NES - Alien Syndrome ($1)
GBC - Pokemon Red CIB ($1)
GBC - Toy Story 2 ($1)
NGB - F-1 Race ($1)
T16 - Battle Royale ($1)
T16 - Pac-Land ($1)
T16 - Victory Road ($1)
Console - Turbo Grafx 16 (console only) ($4) "tested it out and it works"
Accessory - Gameboy Printer with paper ($1)
Then at Local stores picked up...
SNES - Final Fight (CIB)
SNES - Paperboy 2 (CIB)
N64 - 1080 Snowboarding ($1)
N64 - Extreme-G ($2)
N64 - Milo's Astro Lanes (free)
PSP - Legend of Heroes II ($3)
XB360 - Dead Island Riptide - Rigor Mortis Edition
Then traded a bunch of extra stuff for these..
3DO - The Coven
3DO - Endlessly
3DO - Sex (ya these 3DO adult games suck, heck they are not even games but they are rare) 
NGC - Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
NGB - Metroid 2
NGB - Bomberman GB

Total Pickups for April.....

Console - Bandai SwanCrystal
Console - Intertron VC4000
3DO - Coven, The
3DO - Endlessly
3DO - Sex
GBA - Lunar Legacy
GBA - Texas Hold'em Poker
GBA - World Championship Poker
GBC - Pokemon Red
GBC - Toy Story 2
GBC - Printer Accessory
GEN - Phantasy Star III
GEN - Road Rash 3
LA - Gamepad
N64 - 1080 Snowboarding
N64 - Battletanx
N64 - Extreme-G
N64 - Gex 64
N64 - Excitebike 64
N64 - Milo's Astro Lanes
N64 - Waialae Country Club
N64 - Zelda 64 - Grey Cart
NDS - Hannah Montana
NDS - Hannah Montana: Music Jam
NDS - Hannah Montana: The Movie
NDS - Pictionary
NES - Battle Kid 2
NES - Chronicles of the Radia War
NES - Jimmy Connor's Tennis
NES - Nomolos
NES - Robocop vs. Terminator
NES - Suicidal Princesstual Orgy
NES - Sweet Home
NES - Willow - box and book
NGB - Bomberman GB
NGB - F-1 Race
NGB - Metroid II
NGC - Legend of Zelda: Four Sword Adventures
PS2 - Bratz the Movie
PS2 - Dawn of Mana
PS2 - Dynasty Warriors 5
PS2 - Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
PS2 - Hannspree Ten Kate Honda SBK
PS2 - Radiata Stories
PS2 - Taiko Drum Master w/ Drum
PS2 - Toy Story 3
PS2 - WWE Smackdown vs. Raw
PS3 - DJ Hero 2
PS3 - Power Gig
PSP - Knights in the Nightmare
PSP - Legend of Heroes II
PSP - Lunar Silver Star Harmony
PSP - Ragnarok Tactics
PSP - Untold Legends
SNES - Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball
SNES - Clock Tower
SNES - Final Fight
SNES - John Madden Football 93
SNES - Ken Griffey Jr. MLB
SNES - Ken Griffey Jr. Winning Run
SNES - NHLPA Hockey 93
SNES - Paperboy 2
SNES - Secret of Mana 2
SNES - Super Bases Loaded
SNES - Super Noah's Ark 3D
VC4000 - Car Races
VC4000 - Blackjack
VC4000 - Tank Battle
VC4000 - Winter Sports
VC4000 - Hippodrome
VC4000 - Circus
VC4000 - Outer Space Combat
VC4000 - Bowlng
VC4000 - Cockpit
VC4000 - Casino
VC4000 - Invaders
VC4000 - Monster Man
Wii - Crazy Golf
Wii - DJ Hero 2
Wii - Geometry Wars Galaxies
Wii - Kart Racer
Wii - Ocean Commander
Wii - Pandora's Tower
Wii - Phantom Brave
Wii - Sin & Punishment
Wii - Spectrobes Origins
WS - Flash Koibito-Kun
WS - Gekitou! Crash Gear Turbo
WS - Inuyasha: Fuuun Emaki
WS - Inuyasha: Kagome no Sengoku Nikki
WS - One Piece Grand Battle: Swan Colosseum
XB - Ninja Gaiden
XB - Ninja Gaiden Black
XB360 - Akai Katana
XB360 - Dead Island Riptide - Rigor Mortis Edition
XB360 - Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat
XB360 - Injustice: Gods Among Us (Collector's Edition)
XB360 - Mindjack
Zodiac - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Zodiac - Z Pack: Fun
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 05:30:10 pm by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


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Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #193 on: April 27, 2013, 07:09:18 pm »
Only a couple things lately. Gotta watch the budget very closely right now, unfortunately.

Plus Dishonored, E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent during recent Steam sales, plus Gothic 1-3 on sale from GOG. All dirt cheap!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 07:14:31 pm by insektmute »


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Re: April 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #194 on: April 27, 2013, 08:07:28 pm »
went out to some garage sales today and left with but two things, Jack and shit... and Jack left town.

hopefully I'll have more luck tomorrow... don't think I'll find much video game related stuff but I'll being going to a Toy, Model, & Film Expo so I should be finding some neat stuff at least.