Author Topic: Currently Playing?  (Read 12215 times)


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2011, 04:57:04 pm »
Decided to marathon Oblivion and finally finish the game before I get my copy of Skyrim on the 11th. So far I've become the master of ever guild and the champion of the arena. I still have 1/2 the main quest to go and then on to the Shivering Isles dlc. 12 days and counting!
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2011, 11:07:24 pm »
Taking a break from Skyrim to revisit some old PC gaming and installed Diablo and Diablo II onto my PC. Can't wait for Diablo III!
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2011, 11:33:41 pm »
Skyrim and Starcraft 2. I have L.A Noire waiting but not installed too :/


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2011, 12:39:19 am »
I decided to try to one-man Borderlands Claptrap Revolution.

I got bored after the first mission and quit. Heh. Um.


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2011, 01:10:18 am »
@Foxhack I've just got to kill the final boss of that dlc, its the only one that has given me any trouble while playing solo.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2012, 06:38:07 pm »
Thought I would revive this thread,  ;D Just wondering what others are playing.
Last couple of days I've been playing James Noir's Hollywood Crimes on N3DS.
Now Playing: Lollipop Chainsaw


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2012, 07:29:04 pm »
I'm playing Golden Sun on my Game Boy Micro and still putting in some time with Star Wars: The Old Republic, but really not that much.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2012, 07:47:21 pm »
@scott: Now that Legacy is out, I've been playing SWTOR more again. It really is a great game, but MMORPGs are so time consuming.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #38 on: April 17, 2012, 09:25:40 pm »
I just finished clearing the single player mode for Batman: Arkham Asylum on PC on Normal. All Riddler Trophies, all Arkham Chronicles, and I only used an FAQ to figure out how to get up to a certain place. The game's awesome, unfortunately now I have to do the challenges so I can 100% the achievements, and boy is that not going to happen anytime soon, haha.

I also spent last night clearing New Game Plus mode on Bastion (PC) so I could get the rest of the story achievements I was missing. The only ones I'm missing are the "Clear dreams with shrine idols invoked" ones and the Score Attack one.


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2012, 10:53:46 pm »
Chrono Trigger for SNES.  I borrowed it from a friend about a year ago, and finally got around to it last week.
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Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2012, 06:25:52 pm »
I have been splitting my time between Golden Sun for the GBAand Henry Hatsworth for the DS.

Henry is an interesting blend of platfomer and a puzzler. So far I have become pretty addicted to it.


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2012, 12:33:52 am »
I have been splitting my time between Golden Sun for the GBAand Henry Hatsworth for the DS.

Henry is an interesting blend of platfomer and a puzzler. So far I have become pretty addicted to it.

I've been meaning to pick up Henry Hatsworth... Was pretty cheap last time I checked.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2012, 10:03:27 am »
I have been splitting my time between Golden Sun for the GBAand Henry Hatsworth for the DS.

Henry is an interesting blend of platfomer and a puzzler. So far I have become pretty addicted to it.

It is a pretty addictive game.  It's strange how they make it work; you're esstentially playing a sidescrolling platformer and a puzzle game simultaneously (one on each screen).  It's something that couldn't really be done on anything other than the DS.

It gets extremely difficult though.  I actually haven't finished it yet.


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2012, 11:21:07 am »
I have been splitting my time between Golden Sun for the GBAand Henry Hatsworth for the DS.

Henry is an interesting blend of platfomer and a puzzler. So far I have become pretty addicted to it.

It is a pretty addictive game.  It's strange how they make it work; you're esstentially playing a sidescrolling platformer and a puzzle game simultaneously (one on each screen).  It's something that couldn't really be done on anything other than the DS.

It gets extremely difficult though.  I actually haven't finished it yet.
I heard about how hard it was first but the design sounded so unusual that I really wanted it. So far it's not too bad but I can see how intense it will get.


Re: Currently Playing?
« Reply #44 on: April 20, 2012, 04:01:05 pm »
The dual-screen gameplay reminds me a bit of The World Ends with You or Monster Tale... definitely something you can't pull off with any other system really.

Glad developers are still trying to utilize that functionality!  @jcalder8 it does get tricky at times (it took me forever to get a grasp on TWEWY) but it's extremely satisfying once you get a hang of it... if ever :\
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)