Author Topic: Turf's Zero Edits Productions  (Read 28997 times)

Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #135 on: November 08, 2014, 12:41:23 am »
Great vid again! You guys are funny and entertaining ....  ;D


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #136 on: November 09, 2014, 10:36:34 pm »
My son and I enjoyed the 2 most recent installments (we watch on Sundays after church so our comments always lag a week behind.

He would like to see more of your cats in a future video.

I got a kick out of your wife's "you're gonna get it up" coment in episode 3.

In general you seem to have the same impressions of many of these games as I do.

Did you get Bonk before or after it skyrocketed to retarded prices? My local shop has a copy here for $350!


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #137 on: November 10, 2014, 09:49:26 am »
My son and I enjoyed the 2 most recent installments (we watch on Sundays after church so our comments always lag a week behind.

He would like to see more of your cats in a future video.

I got a kick out of your wife's "you're gonna get it up" coment in episode 3.

In general you seem to have the same impressions of many of these games as I do.

Did you get Bonk before or after it skyrocketed to retarded prices? My local shop has a copy here for $350!

I'll keep that in mind about the cats.  You can hear them scratching at the door in most of the videos I've done.  One doesn't like closed doors and the other one waits for me to sit down just so she can get in my lap. 

I got Bonk about a year and a half ago, I think.  I can't remember if it was last spring or the one before.  It was when it was on it's crazy climb.  My wife, God bless her, sold a bunch of purses on eBay and used the money to get if for me.  I think she paid around $225 in used purses.   ;)

I really appreciate y'all watching these videos.  It's really fun for us to do.  It gives me a real purpose to play all these silly games.  I've found quite a few that I need to go back and spend some real time with and I'm only through the C's. 

Just stick with me, kid.  I'm going drive this train all winter long.  At this rate, I'm figuring on being done around the middle of February.   
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 09:53:32 am by turf »


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #138 on: November 11, 2014, 09:40:24 am »
It's Tuesday!  That means a new chapter on The Complete NES Review!  Let's set sail for the High C's!


Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #139 on: November 11, 2014, 10:22:01 am »
I agree with your wife about Castelian. My girlfriend didn't like it, but I enjoyed it! I also enjoyed Championship Bowling! I thought it was pretty fun anyways.

Edit: Thanks for posting this so I can avoid work this morning!
Currently Playing: The Witcher

Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #140 on: November 12, 2014, 12:09:51 am »
Chip And Dale awesome game... Never played the second one but I am sure it's great... I don't have Castlevania ... Not because I don't want it.. Just haven't found it for a good price.. When I was growing up my dad would buy me second hand games from kids around the neighborhood that were tired of playing them.. Didn't really get good games just commons... As of now the games for NES haven't really changed because I am to busy buying the new games ... I have seen it played at a friends house and played with him and I really do like it ... Just personally don't own it... I do have Castlevania for 64 ... Haven't had a chance to play it yet though...

Again great video  ;)

Thanks for the information and thumbs up though you can't see


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #141 on: November 13, 2014, 07:58:35 am »
Here we go!  Bonus Video of the Week! Chapter 6!  Let's Do This!


Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #142 on: November 13, 2014, 12:43:10 pm »
I'm definitely a fan of Conquest of the Crystal Palace too. I was way surprised how good it was when I randomly bought it and played it. That's one thing I love about NES games. You see them so cheap sometimes, why not pick it up, could be terrible, or it could be good. Always a surprise  :).

I've been a fan of Crystalis since I was a kid. I recently played through it again and I felt it still held up. Definitely a fun game.
Currently Playing: The Witcher

Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #143 on: November 14, 2014, 12:22:06 am »
No pants why am I not shocked I am sure you guys aren't wearing any  ;D

Anyway great vid again ... Hope to have some of those games in my collection also...

I have Super C ... I want Contra so bad but I have been saving money to purchase consoles ... After I get most of the consoles out of the way ... Time for games ...

Thanks for the information it was great!  8)


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #144 on: November 15, 2014, 12:41:54 am »
I got super lucky in September and found a dude selling a box of games on Craigslist.

The box had practically every game left in my NES wishlist:

Super C
River City Ransom

and some others I can't remember right now.

Got em for $15 each.

Continue to enjoy the videos Turf!

I need to _make_ time to film stuff again.


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #145 on: November 18, 2014, 04:38:25 pm »
It lasted 3 weeks, but I finally missed my Tuesday release day.  I'll get it up tomorrow... I hope.


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #146 on: November 18, 2014, 10:22:08 pm »
It lasted 3 weeks, but I finally missed my Tuesday release day.  I'll get it up tomorrow... I hope.

So disappointed.

My life has lost all purpose!

You know what you doing? Take off every zig! For great justice!


Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #147 on: November 18, 2014, 11:27:27 pm »
It lasted 3 weeks, but I finally missed my Tuesday release day.  I'll get it up tomorrow... I hope.
Now you have to do 50 games in one video to make up for this!  :)
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #148 on: November 19, 2014, 12:06:03 am »
It lasted 3 weeks, but I finally missed my Tuesday release day.  I'll get it up tomorrow... I hope.
Now you have to do 50 games in one video to make up for this!  :)

Do you really want a 50 minute video?  I'm bound to find something I like in there. I'll start talking and won't want to stop.

Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #149 on: November 19, 2014, 12:09:50 am »
It lasted 3 weeks, but I finally missed my Tuesday release day.  I'll get it up tomorrow... I hope.

Everyone needs a relax break every now and then... I am sure everyone will forgive you lol  :P