Author Topic: Turf's Zero Edits Productions  (Read 29004 times)


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #150 on: November 19, 2014, 01:32:22 am »
It lasted 3 weeks, but I finally missed my Tuesday release day.  I'll get it up tomorrow... I hope.

Everyone needs a relax break every now and then... I am sure everyone will forgive you lol  :P

Speak for yourself. This throws my entire universe in chaos. CHAOS!


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #151 on: November 19, 2014, 08:15:01 am »
Alright Folks.  You're ole buddy Turf is here to set the world right.  I hope we haven't come too far.  Surly the damage can be undone.  All we have now is hope.... (**Dramatic Pause**)  AND A NEW CHAPTER IN THE COMPLETE NES REVIEW! 

« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 01:55:24 pm by turf »

Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #152 on: November 20, 2014, 01:19:03 am »
Great vid again!
I actually like the movie Darkman   ;D

I have those pants lol my wife bought them for me for Xmas a couple years ago  :o

Thanks again for doing the vid it does help me.. Who has a very slim nes collection right now...
I will try and use it as a reference when I find/start buying nes titles.


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #153 on: November 20, 2014, 10:40:44 am »
Great vid again!
I actually like the movie Darkman   ;D

I have those pants lol my wife bought them for me for Xmas a couple years ago  :o

Thanks again for doing the vid it does help me.. Who has a very slim nes collection right now...
I will try and use it as a reference when I find/start buying nes titles.

I'm glad it helps.  Keep in mind these are just my opinions of these games.  I'm by no means the authority.  I'm just some dude who needed to work through his backlog and has had a lot fun sharing that with 20-50 people.   There are types of games that I don't like that you may love.  I'm not an RPG fan... at all.  They're not bad games.  It's just not my style.  Just because my wife has fervent hatred for Deadly Towers doesn't mean you won't like it.  (Wait, scratch that. You won't like it.)   ;)

Between you and me, can you keep a secret?  If you can lean in real close... Before you get real spendy on a game, emulate it and see if you like it.  If you want to play it some more, hunt down a cart. 

I appreciate all of you fine folks giving me thumbs ups and encouragement.  It honestly makes me feel good.  Thank you.


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #154 on: November 25, 2014, 08:10:44 am »
Guess what, folks.  It's Tuesday!  I'm back on schedule this week.  Hope you enjoy Chapter 8 of The Complete NES Review!


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #155 on: December 01, 2014, 02:35:43 am »
Keep up the good work Turf!


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #156 on: December 02, 2014, 01:04:01 am »
It's Tuesday again!  "Already?" you ask?  I know.  You've only had time to watch the last Chapter of the Complete NES Review 4 times.  I know.  The week comes at you quickly.  Here's the next one!  Strap your self in for the E's and F's. 

It's a long one (That's what she said!).  So, kick off your shoes, cuddle up next to that special someone, and enjoy The Complete NES Review!

Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #157 on: December 03, 2014, 01:00:32 am »
Sorry haven't been on here in a week missed your last one but on track again..

Have to say great job again... Donald Duck for last week and I like the Xmas decor... That wreath is awesome... ;)

And thank you again  :)


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #158 on: December 03, 2014, 10:32:11 am »
Sorry haven't been on here in a week missed your last one but on track again..

Have to say great job again... Donald Duck for last week and I like the Xmas decor... That wreath is awesome... ;)

And thank you again  :)

You Are Welcome.  I'll keep doing this until we get through library.  Hope keep enjoying these.  Thanks for watching.


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #159 on: December 09, 2014, 07:45:33 am »
It's Tuesday!  My favorite day of the week!  It's not Monday, so that's a plus.  Tuesday!  It's garbage day for me.  So, I get the trash out.  That's good.  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class is tonight.  I love that.  I look forward to it all week. 

Oh Yeah!!  Tuesday is the day for The Complete NES Review!  Here's Chapter 10 for you fine folks!


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #160 on: December 09, 2014, 04:36:03 pm »
It is amazing that your wife sits through these things and takes the time to hand you these games 1 at a time on the NES series. She's a keeper!


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #161 on: December 09, 2014, 04:44:13 pm »
It is amazing that your wife sits through these things and takes the time to hand you these games 1 at a time on the NES series. She's a keeper!

At first that's all she did.  If you go back to the first videos, you'll see her read her part then hand it to me.  Not anymore.  She's right in there playing the games and giving her 2 cents.  This is less "My" video thing, and more "Our" video thing. 

She has a lot less preconceived notions about most of these games.  It's a fresh look. 

*Edit: Yeah, she's a keeper
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 04:45:49 pm by turf »

Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #162 on: December 10, 2014, 12:42:55 am »
Great job again Turf... Keep up the good work u guys are hilarious ..  ;)


Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #163 on: December 10, 2014, 07:09:52 pm »
Now I know what Turf means about "Zero Edit"! This is insane! The things I do for YouTube..... Love your videos Turf! Keep up the great work!


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Re: Turf's Zero Edits Productions
« Reply #164 on: December 10, 2014, 07:40:06 pm »
Now I know what Turf means about "Zero Edit"! This is insane! The things I do for YouTube..... Love your videos Turf! Keep up the great work!

I would love to lie and say its about artist integrity and I want to do something different. But it really comes down to one simple fact: Editing is hard.  I don't have time, patience, or talent.  What I do have is a love of games and the gift of gab.  It also doesn't hurt that I like to hear myself talk.   ;D

Thanks for watching.  I'll keep trying to put out stuff that a handful of people like to watch.  As cheesy as it sounds, it really makes me feel good to know that a few cool people like what I do.