Great vid again!
I actually like the movie Darkman 
I have those pants lol my wife bought them for me for Xmas a couple years ago 
Thanks again for doing the vid it does help me.. Who has a very slim nes collection right now...
I will try and use it as a reference when I find/start buying nes titles.
I'm glad it helps. Keep in mind these are just my opinions of these games. I'm by no means the authority. I'm just some dude who needed to work through his backlog and has had a lot fun sharing that with 20-50 people. There are types of games that I don't like that you may love. I'm not an RPG fan... at all. They're not bad games. It's just not my style. Just because my wife has fervent hatred for Deadly Towers doesn't mean you won't like it. (Wait, scratch that. You won't like it.)

Between you and me, can you keep a secret? If you can lean in real close... Before you get real spendy on a game, emulate it and see if you like it. If you want to play it some more, hunt down a cart.
I appreciate all of you fine folks giving me thumbs ups and encouragement. It honestly makes me feel good. Thank you.