Man, some of you really hated last gen.

I admit there were negatives, but IMO every gen has had those. I prefer to focus on the positives, and there were quite a few for me. Here's some off the top of my head:
* This was the gen I finally got into the Tales of... series, after trying since the PSOne. Vesperia just clicked with me, and I've absolutely loved every game since then (and am looking forward to picking up my Symphonia Chronicles CE this Tues!). Great games, and they're also finally getting a fair shake in the US with the next major title in the series being the first one that will release in the US & Japan at the same time.
* This gen could be described as the "rise of the indie". Independent devs have breathed fresh air into many stale or forgotten genres, and created many quirky games we never would have seen from major publishers. Games such as Braid, Super Stardust HD, Flower, Bastion, Limbo, Fez and the list goes on & on.
* Just when I had written off the Wii completely, along comes a little game called Xenoblade that became my favorite game of the gen. A fantastic game that showed that the JRPG can successfully borrow ideas from newer Western RPGs that work without losing their identity and uniqueness.
* I'm certainly not above a good AAA-game either, and we saw several new franchises this gen that I loved including Bioshock, Portal, Uncharted, inFamous, Assassin's Creed, the Batman: Arkham games, Resistance, Dead Space and Borderlands. Sure, there are some duds in some of those series, but there are also some of the best games I feel this gen had to offer.
* While I know this one especially will be somewhat controversial, for me trophies & achievements pushed me in many games to do things I never would have done otherwise. When done correctly, they provide a great way for a developer to help a player explore their games to the fullest.