Home from a day of garage sales and lets see what I found.

Namco Ms. Pac-Man Plug & Play Normally I pass on these, but it was brand new sealed for $3 so ya I picked it up. lol
XB360- A complete Kenect with adapter for fat 360's for $10.
PS2- Chicken Little ($1)
- Sea World: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures ($1)
- Breeders Cup: World Thoroughbred Championships ($1)
NGC- TMNT ($2)
- TMNT: Mutant Melee ($2)
- TMNT: Battle Nexus 3 ($2)
- Luigi's Mansion (PC) ($2)
- Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition ($2)
NDS- iCarly ($1)
- iCarly 2 ($1)
- Pokemon White Version ($8)

- Backyard Football 09
- Hot Wheels Beat That!
Last 2 games where loose packed with GBA deal below.
GBA All these games where bagged together for $8
- Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
- Finding Nemo
- The Incredibles
- International Karate Plus
- Digimon Racing
- Board Games (no label)
- Power Rangers: Ninja Storm
- Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun
- Yu-Yu-Yakusho Spirit Detective
- Spongebob Squarepants Movie
PS1- Bowling (normally i'd pass on this game, but it was sealed for $1)
A stack of NES manuals for free.
Nintendo DS Lite (Pink) with charger, stylist and GBA cover for $10.
N64 with 7 games and 2 controllers for $25.
Games included...
- Pokemon Stadium
- Star Wars Rogue Squadron
- Nascar 2000
- NFL QB Club 98
- Super Mario 64
- Mario Party 3

- Diddy Kong Racing
SNES- Darius Twin ($2)
Also (not pictured) picked up a
original Xbox with a bunch of controllers, remote and other accessories. Was going to pass but the gal there really wanted me to take it and accepted $10 for the whole box.