Author Topic: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 48625 times)


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #225 on: May 26, 2014, 05:16:17 pm »
So my wife is at the pool with the kids and im at home on the computer.  She calls me and wants me to go to the gas station down the street to buy some drinks.  I did not really feel like going, and after arguing, at the end of the day, I ended up doing what she said.  But, I went to the good will before the gas station and found this bad boy for 2.50 fully complete and in great condition 8.5/10!!!!   :D :D :D :D  Thanks wife for making me go get some drinks at the gas station!!

Also, I got Legend of the River King for Game Boy cartridge only at a yard sale for free.

Great deal! Maybe it's a sign that next time she asks you to do something, you should comply too  :P haha (just kidding. Don't do everything anyone says, even the wife!  :o)


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #226 on: May 26, 2014, 05:33:31 pm »

Now the only Tony Hawk game I need is Tony Hawk's Underground 2.

I've never played 3 but the second in my opinion is the greatest one on the Dreamcast!  I used to have hours of game play of Tony Hawk 2.  The sound track was awesome as well

I have THPS 2, but I have it on PS1 (I have the original THPS on Dreamcast, though). It is a great game, one of the best in the series for sure. The first THPS is still my favorite, for nostalgic reasons; followed by the first Tony Hawk's Underground, because I love the hugeness of the levels and the open-area feel of them.


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #227 on: May 26, 2014, 06:26:59 pm »
So my wife is at the pool with the kids and im at home on the computer.  She calls me and wants me to go to the gas station down the street to buy some drinks.  I did not really feel like going, and after arguing, at the end of the day, I ended up doing what she said.  But, I went to the good will before the gas station and found this bad boy for 2.50 fully complete and in great condition 8.5/10!!!!   :D :D :D :D  Thanks wife for making me go get some drinks at the gas station!!

Nice. All my local goodwills appear to check ebay before pricing. They currently have a busted DS fat going for $36.

Also, I got Legend of the River King for Game Boy cartridge only at a yard sale for free.

Great deal! Maybe it's a sign that next time she asks you to do something, you should comply too  :P haha (just kidding. Don't do everything anyone says, even the wife!  :o)

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #228 on: May 26, 2014, 06:54:41 pm »
Grabbed two more games from Toys R Us with that sale.  Operation Raccoon City, which I know isn't a great game, but I'm gonna fool around with it some more cause I still really dig the concept, and DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi, both on PS3.  I believe even this DBZ game wasn't very good (I think the two first budokai games were the last reall good ones), but it's sorta like, if I can get something under ten bucks, I'm pretty good with it lol


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #229 on: May 26, 2014, 06:58:44 pm »
So I just got 52 Genesis games!

... for Steam. :p

Amazon has a Memorial Day sale and I grabbed all the Genesis games I was missing through two packs and sold off the duplicate copies so everything ended up costing me like $6. The packs have a bunch of classic Sega games and the Toe Jam and Earl stuff. I've been waiting for this to go back on sale for over a year. Woohoo.

I also picked up a Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara four pack (Steam) and have two left over if anyone's interested in grabbing one for actual cost.

Oh and I picked up a used gray Saturn gamepad (first party) and a 3D Saturn Pad for $5 at the local flea market. There were games, too, but they were all scratched, or sunfaded... or had cracked discs. :(

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #230 on: May 26, 2014, 08:48:17 pm »
I finally get to try this plan thing everyones talking about. Got it $5 at a yard sale along with Gears 2 for the same price. Already have it but another gears 2 for $5 is uh, impossible not to buy.


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #231 on: May 26, 2014, 08:56:17 pm »
So my wife is at the pool with the kids and im at home on the computer.  She calls me and wants me to go to the gas station down the street to buy some drinks.  I did not really feel like going, and after arguing, at the end of the day, I ended up doing what she said.  But, I went to the good will before the gas station and found this bad boy for 2.50 fully complete and in great condition 8.5/10!!!!   :D :D :D :D  Thanks wife for making me go get some drinks at the gas station!!

Also, I got Legend of the River King for Game Boy cartridge only at a yard sale for free.

Ha! My sleep-deprived self misread that as you finding the game at the gas station. Was wondering what sort of backwards (or awesome) gas station you frequent. Nice find.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #232 on: May 26, 2014, 09:17:11 pm »
I finally get to try this plan thing everyones talking

about. Got it $5 at a yard sale along with Gears 2 for the same price. Already have it but another gears 2 for $5 is uh, impossible not to buy.

Darn phone, I meant okami.


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #233 on: May 26, 2014, 09:28:04 pm »
Went to the Salvation Army today and found a Warcraft board game. Didn't expect this at all! I wasn't sure if I'd take it at first, but after searching quickly on ebay I decided that for $4 it was totally worth a try. Board games really do come in all varieties, huh  :o

« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 11:11:30 am by karyann »


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #234 on: May 26, 2014, 09:46:56 pm »

So I have the entire series now, minus the Wii "Chronicles" spin-offs! RE: Director's Cut, RE2: Dual-Shock, RE3, RE: Code Veronica X, RE4, RE: Zero, RE (Remake), RE5, RE6, RE: Survivor, RE: Dead Aim.

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #235 on: May 26, 2014, 10:16:16 pm »

So I have the entire series now, minus the Wii "Chronicles" spin-offs! RE: Director's Cut, RE2: Dual-Shock, RE3, RE: Code Veronica X, RE4, RE: Zero, RE (Remake), RE5, RE6, RE: Survivor, RE: Dead Aim.

I'm probably gonna get most of the RE games myself minus maybe the early ones on PS1.  I'll probably only go back as far as GC and PS2.  Don't care as much for the old tank controls.  Right now, I'm working on getting all versions of RE4.  Just need both Gamecube versions.

Got my RE5 copy signed by the voice of Wesker :D


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #236 on: May 26, 2014, 10:19:59 pm »
I finally get to try this plan thing everyones talking

about. Got it $5 at a yard sale along with Gears 2 for the same price. Already have it but another gears 2 for $5 is uh, impossible not to buy.

Darn phone, I meant okami.

Ahhhh. I was like "plan thing?"

You just reminded me I need to add Okami to my wishlist.

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #237 on: May 26, 2014, 10:30:33 pm »
HAve not tried it yet but heard its basically twilight princess with a dog and art.
I finally get to try this plan thing everyones talking

about. Got it $5 at a yard sale along with Gears 2 for the same price. Already have it but another gears 2 for $5 is uh, impossible not to buy.

Darn phone, I meant okami.

Ahhhh. I was like "plan thing?"

You just reminded me I need to add Okami to my wishlist.


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #238 on: May 26, 2014, 10:32:53 pm »

Now the only Tony Hawk game I need is Tony Hawk's Underground 2.

I've never played 3 but the second in my opinion is the greatest one on the Dreamcast!  I used to have hours of game play of Tony Hawk 2.  The sound track was awesome as well

I have THPS 2, but I have it on PS1 (I have the original THPS on Dreamcast, though). It is a great game, one of the best in the series for sure. The first THPS is still my favorite, for nostalgic reasons; followed by the first Tony Hawk's Underground, because I love the hugeness of the levels and the open-area feel of them.

Underground 1 is my favorite if only for the soundtrack which is, in my opinion, the best licensed soundtrack on any game I've ever played.


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #239 on: May 26, 2014, 10:33:54 pm »
HAve not tried it yet but heard its basically twilight princess with a dog and art.

Hahahahaha. Just made me laugh soda up my nose.