Mortal Kombat Kollection (Deception, Shaolin Monks and Armageddon)
Super Game Boy
Game Boy
Pokemon Yellow and Red
Pokemon Stadium w/transfer pak
Tekken 2 and 3
this was my big one... So I've been waiting forever to find a Wu-Tang Ps1 controller at a somewhat decent price. I almost never see the item come across ebay (and definitely never see it locally) and when it does it's usually more than I want to spend (one went up for 90 bucks recently that I passed on). While it wasn't the best deal ever, I came across one today that was selling for 41 bucks and it came with the game (Wu-Tang Shaolin Style... which, I guess, is called "Taste the Pain" for the PAL region) as well. However, it's from the UK and after shipping it ended up being just over 50 bucks... Main thing that sucks is I can't really play the game due to region locks, lol. I'm super happy about it tho, I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Wu-Tang Clan fan.

Now comes the waiting...