Tally another one in favor of the one by one format too, as long as they have something to say about each game, and aren't simply calling off the name and moving on. And I might be the only one who finds it mildly annoying when people don't appear to know what game it is they are showing, they give it the glare of being foreign and have to carefully read the title, and sometimes get it wrong. Gives the immediate impression that they buy a lot of games but don't invest much interest in them, much less play them.
Game room tours are cool and all, but what's the point of scanning past each row of games at 3 mph and telling me to pause the video? May as well read a text list and be as entertained. At least mention some of your games and why they are special to you.
Whaahah. every game i buy i have an interest for i dont buy games i maybe wont like but, noo i dont play them all there to many.
Yea sometimes i forget what the japanese names are is that wrong when you have 800+ games?
No. No one has time to play 1000s of games, but say if you were only collecting games in your native region and could not remember the names, what type of game they are, or that you even had them, then you probably shouldn't have bought them - unless you are a completionist collector. Some just want bigger numbers and more games on the shelf, and doesn't really matter what. - "Wait, what is this game, The Legend of Zeldolf?.... ZELDA, ahem, excuse me" "Oops, I bought three copies of Spongbob Squarepants, whatya know?".