This will be my last finds post in 2014.
and it was a great year.
Amiibo - Captain Falcon
- Pit
PS3- Ride to Hell (it was $10 new)
WiiI've been hunting for this game for some time and my local Gamestop surprised me with this today.
- Calling
JAGMy local used game store had a sale on all games so I got a rather pricey game cheaper.
- Rayman
MVSA big thank you goes to Soera for these, Seora sent me a link for a craigslist ad for a large lot of Neo Geo MVS carts for $10 each and soera was awesome enough to get a deal on the whole lot and ship me 8 of the 9 carts in the deal (he kept Samurai Shodown) so I got these 8 carts for $70 plus shipping. There was 15 carts originally but someone else bought 6 of them. Only one I know I missed out on was King of Monsters the 2 others I saw posted I already owned, But I still wonder what I missed. here's what I got.
- Fatal Fury (x2)
- Top Players Golf
- Thrash Rally
- Puzzle De Pon
- Quest of the Jongmaster
- Unknown Japanese Title
- Unknown Game
Nothing to exciting, but for about $10 each I can't go wrong. Best part there was 2 carts the seller did not know what they where, one was in Japanese and the other had a worn label that couldn't be read.
I figured these would be ones I had or very common carts like Fatal Fury 2, Samurai Shodown 2, World Heroes 1 or 2, a second Top Players Golf or some other common cart. Figured wth, it will be fun to see what they are. Seora sent them and I payed him the money plus shipping and after cleaning them all up I tested the unknown carts. and the Japanese one was...
- Stake Winner 2
I didn't own this game on any platform so I was happy, then the unmarked one was put in my MVS Custom Console and it was...
- Magician Lord
I was happy to see this for 2 reasons, one it was one I didn't have in my MVS collection and two this game is priced at $100-$150! It's common on AES but kinda rare on MVS and CD.
This game made this deal all worth it. Thanks Soera.