the usual assortment of cash, gift cards, scratch-off's, my favorite coffee, etc.
A 2nd (and, 3RD), actually copy of
Akiba's Trip
(I now have - all never used - a minty & cib PS3 copy + a minty & cib PS4 copy + a *sealed* PS4 copy); I'd be open to any & all reasonable offers to buy and/or trade for all but one of my PS4 copies of it...if any of you've been looking for or interested in it
best & most surprising of all (so far!)... of my cards from Carrie - had an awesomely generous & thoughtful message in it...informing me that, to date - every single outstanding game that I'd pre-ordered (~$500 worth!) has been fully paid for/paid off!
the day is still young & filled w/ many & more visiting personages...each one of em...bearing limitless potential & possibilities for LooT yet to come.
tl;dr =
Life's GooD!