As someone who hasn't gamed on a PC in...decades, I'm always curious & wonder about all the ads that I'm always seeing for those "Alienware" pre-built gaming computers.
Also, more recently - I've started seeing ads (by, presumably, the same company) for a "pre-built home console".
Is this stuff really anything special *OR* is it just marketed at the lazy, the unknowing & ignorant; completely UN-Tech-savvy folks (like myself), who'd rather 'pay' than 'learn' how to build everything, from the ground up, themselves?
I'm not about to out & buy myself one...If/when I ever decided to buy/make myself a gaming PC, or if I ever got tired of consoles & finished playing all of dem gamez in da backlog (which, in & of itself, renders doing so an impossibility); I'd certainly talk to people like Erik, Greg, Foxy, etc here who either game on PC's a lot, work in related fields, and - simply put...know wtf they're talking about

So, anyone have, tried, and/or know anything about these Alien gadgets -n- gizmo's?