Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 633914 times)

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1725 on: November 30, 2014, 03:45:30 am »
Playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on PC and really liking it.  It's still slightly wonky in a few areas, mouse controls acting up, framerate between cutscenes and gameplay isn't the same, I believe the cutscenes being locked to 30fps which makes no sense, but I just found a possible fix for that, so it should get better.  I really like how the game is being handled as I feel like for being an open world game, it has just the right amount of content in it.  It's not overwhelming like Skyrim or some others with just ridiculous amounts of pointless or boring quests and an obscene amount of collectibles.  As someone that likes that stuff, it can even get too much for me.  I haven't even gone to the other areas yet.  Mostly trying to focus on one area at a time, so 7 hours in and still in the Hinterlands, though I've opened up another 3 areas.

I never really got into Dragon Age stuff before, so I can't compare it, but I do feel like it's comparable in feel a tad to something like Kingdom of Amalur or a cross of that and The Witcher, but not nearly as bland as Amalur and not quite as hardcore as The Witcher.  Only big issue I have right now, aside from hair that looks fucking awful (Fallout 3 had the same quality hair in 2008...Characters look fantastic and are well textured, but have the worst hair and not many options lol), is that the loading can get rough.  It's not a completely open world, it's interconnected zones, so if you leave the zone, the load is kinda pretty long, even on PC.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 03:51:26 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1726 on: December 02, 2014, 04:29:34 am »
Need to start with:     Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles [ps2]
But first I want to finish Parasite Eve II
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1727 on: December 02, 2014, 11:15:02 am »
I have finished Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Next I have installed Bioshock but have not started it yet.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1728 on: December 02, 2014, 09:39:54 pm »
Playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on PC and really liking it.  It's still slightly wonky in a few areas, mouse controls acting up, framerate between cutscenes and gameplay isn't the same, I believe the cutscenes being locked to 30fps which makes no sense, but I just found a possible fix for that, so it should get better.  I really like how the game is being handled as I feel like for being an open world game, it has just the right amount of content in it.

Using an Nvidia card, by chance?

I recently upgraded from my 660 Ti to an R9 290 and all the weird glitches (disappearing characters, framerate stutters, etc) have completely disappeared. I suspect a patch is forthcoming for some of that stuff, but for now, it's very much an AMD-optimized game.

PS: Load times are still meh, but still improved. It's weird that a GPU upgrade would impact load times, but it does. o.O


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1729 on: December 03, 2014, 12:47:35 am »
I'm really close to beating Arkham Origins in New Game Plus mode. But I almost uninstalled the game out of disgust due to how some of the challenges to get a specific achievement are set up. It took a guy at the game's Steam forums convincing me to trudge on and I'm almost done, and I might be able to actually get that achievement I'm going for too.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1730 on: December 03, 2014, 01:20:16 am »
Playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on PC and really liking it.  It's still slightly wonky in a few areas, mouse controls acting up, framerate between cutscenes and gameplay isn't the same, I believe the cutscenes being locked to 30fps which makes no sense, but I just found a possible fix for that, so it should get better.  I really like how the game is being handled as I feel like for being an open world game, it has just the right amount of content in it.

Using an Nvidia card, by chance?

I recently upgraded from my 660 Ti to an R9 290 and all the weird glitches (disappearing characters, framerate stutters, etc) have completely disappeared. I suspect a patch is forthcoming for some of that stuff, but for now, it's very much an AMD-optimized game.

PS: Load times are still meh, but still improved. It's weird that a GPU upgrade would impact load times, but it does. o.O

Yeah using Nvidia.  I used a command line for the game that is supposed to unlock it for 60, but it's really not the most reliable as it still dips down alot or doesn't really properly work right, which is true, it's a workaround.  It's annoying as it's not a very well optimized game for sure.  I've been getting these weird long load moments where sometimes they are rather short, but then others go on for nearly ever.  It gets ridiculous.  There's also a lot of weird physic and sound bugs.  Sure, it's not Skyrim bad at least, but I've had a few times where the physics go wonky and I get launched into the air lol

But even with all that, I'm still hooked to the game.  Nearly 30 hours into it and I still have a lot to go.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1731 on: December 03, 2014, 04:27:22 pm »
Yeah using Nvidia.  I used a command line for the game that is supposed to unlock it for 60, but it's really not the most reliable as it still dips down alot or doesn't really properly work right, which is true, it's a workaround.  It's annoying as it's not a very well optimized game for sure.  I've been getting these weird long load moments where sometimes they are rather short, but then others go on for nearly ever.  It gets ridiculous.  There's also a lot of weird physic and sound bugs.  Sure, it's not Skyrim bad at least, but I've had a few times where the physics go wonky and I get launched into the air lol

But even with all that, I'm still hooked to the game.  Nearly 30 hours into it and I still have a lot to go.

I tried the 60fps unlock when I first started the game, but the end result was the game skipping the opening cinematic entirely and placing me on top of a mountain with no way to continue o.O

I wondered if it was just me being launched into oblivion, though. It doesn't happen often, but I was fighting a dragon last night (my 3rd one!) and controlling Cassandra. Somehow, the dragon flung me into a tree on top of the mountain. I tried to walk forward, expecting to maybe slide down the hill, but wound up walking on air until I hit a certain point, then hit the ground hard and lost most of my health bar.

So, so hooked though. I'm trying to hit all the side-quests and other optional stuff, including all 10 dragons, but still feel like there's tons left to do. Origin reports 103 hours in-game, but it's tough to say how much of that is just me trying to zoom in and look at my badass two-handed warrior chick. The character models are easily some of the best I've ever seen!


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1732 on: December 03, 2014, 04:47:47 pm »
Just got Garry's Mod. I will be busy for a while...


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1733 on: December 03, 2014, 04:49:41 pm »
Garry's Mod is preeeetty great. :P

Right now I'm trying to 100% Hotline Miami.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1734 on: December 04, 2014, 11:05:46 pm »
The Last Of US PS4
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1735 on: December 04, 2014, 11:30:11 pm »
I've been playing a lot of Etrian Odyssey V... err Persona Q. It's really good and I'm liking how they mixed the two groups together. The only thing I'm not digging is that in order to open the chests that require 100% map completion, you have to physically step on every square in the dungeon. It doesn't just go off of whether or not you have it drawn correctly.

Oh and that they changed how weaknesses and All Out Attacks from Persona work. Instead of knocking everything down if it's weak, you get Boosted. If enough of the team is Boosted they can All Out Attack.

Minor issues, overall.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1736 on: December 05, 2014, 12:01:48 am »
Beat Arkham Origins on NG+. Now speedrunning through My Parents Are Dead mode.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1737 on: December 05, 2014, 09:22:18 am »
I've been playing through this week's list of NES games, but I got stuck on one.  Gargoyle's Quest II is a fantastic game.  If I don't get a video out Tuesday, this game is to blame.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1738 on: December 05, 2014, 09:29:20 am »
I've been playing through this week's list of NES games, but I got stuck on one.  Gargoyle's Quest II is a fantastic game.  If I don't get a video out Tuesday, this game is to blame.
I still have this game from when I was young (thankfully) and I remember loving the crap out of that game. I should give it a play through sometime soon.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1739 on: December 05, 2014, 12:19:26 pm »
I downloaded the demo of Child of Light and gave it a run for a few minutes ... then I immediately turned it off to download the whole game. Its super fun and a blast to play!

I've been playing through this week's list of NES games, but I got stuck on one.  Gargoyle's Quest II is a fantastic game.  If I don't get a video out Tuesday, this game is to blame.

Hah Turf getting distracted. Yeah GQ is a cool game. I got distracted by that game before myself. :)