Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 633913 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1695 on: November 20, 2014, 09:08:35 am »
Finally got back to playing AC: Black Flag with all the talk of how poor Unity is and how derivative and weak Rogue is lol I played for awhile before, but didn't get super deep into it before getting sidetracked, but I do love sailing the seas, attacking ships, being a pirate.  Definitely the best one to me in a series I really don't care for too much.

What are they saying about Unity and Rogue?

I just read the MP is having issues, but i dont really care about that since i am not a big MP person... And that it has some frame rate issues...

Unity is apparently a pretty buggy mess right now across all the systems.  Rogue just sounds like it kinda is a "Best Of" for the AC series, having aspects from the previous games, but doesn't really do much new.  It just sounded like people were underwhelmed by both of them.  I personally don't really even like the series, the combat is bad and it never really has that great of a story, but Black Flag for the first time seemed like it actually had an interesting world to explore and the modern aspect in it is very minimal.  A good thing I feel since I hated the modern part of the story in AC3.

Interesting.... I like AC..... But hated AC3 too..... knowing me, ill end up buying them just to add to my collection.
I wouldn't pick up Unity right now, mostly due to the amount of bugs and glitches in the game, as well as the unstable frame rate present throughout the game unless you turn online off. The story isn't very good from what I heard, and there's also microtransactions that ubisoft put in the game because they felt they needed it of course. The Xbox One version of this game runs the best, followed by the PS4 version, and then Steam in dead last( since many people are pissed that you need dual graphics card to make the game run smooth, along with the other requirements for PC. Rogue is like Black Flag in some ways, there are some glitches in the game as well, but its somewhat better than unity. Honestly, I would wait until those games drop in prices and get everything fixed before any sort pf purchase.

thank you for the info
No problem. I still think unity is a decent game, but I wouldn't pick up until the fix all of the bugs, glitches, and fps problems that are numerously strewn throughout the game, since it can be pretty unplayable in its current state. Not everyone will experience huge amount of problems, but its just best to play it safe and wait.

Right now I'm planning to grab Unity (and probably Rogue too, we'll see) next year when the CE's inevitably get slashed in price and places are trying to unload them. Then even if the game sucks I'll have some nifty statues. :P
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1696 on: November 20, 2014, 02:25:13 pm »
I couldn't help myself, and have spent the last couple of days having my mind completely blown by the awesomeness of Dragon Age: Inquisition. The best way I can describe it is a mix of Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, The Witcher 2, and Skyrim, and it's absolutely amazing.

What Resident Evil 4 was to survival horror/action-adventure games, Inquisition is gonna be for RPGs. Total game changer.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1697 on: November 20, 2014, 02:30:56 pm »
I couldn't help myself, and have spent the last couple of days having my mind completely blown by the awesomeness of Dragon Age: Inquisition. The best way I can describe it is a mix of Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, The Witcher 2, and Skyrim, and it's absolutely amazing.

What Resident Evil 4 was to survival horror/action-adventure games, Inquisition is gonna be for RPGs. Total game changer.
I really want to pick it up for PC, but I feel I need to build a new PC first to do it justice. It just so happens that works out with my plans to do it before the Witcher 3 anyways.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1698 on: November 20, 2014, 03:14:42 pm »
Finally got back to playing AC: Black Flag with all the talk of how poor Unity is and how derivative and weak Rogue is lol I played for awhile before, but didn't get super deep into it before getting sidetracked, but I do love sailing the seas, attacking ships, being a pirate.  Definitely the best one to me in a series I really don't care for too much.

What are they saying about Unity and Rogue?

I just read the MP is having issues, but i dont really care about that since i am not a big MP person... And that it has some frame rate issues...

Unity is apparently a pretty buggy mess right now across all the systems.  Rogue just sounds like it kinda is a "Best Of" for the AC series, having aspects from the previous games, but doesn't really do much new.  It just sounded like people were underwhelmed by both of them.  I personally don't really even like the series, the combat is bad and it never really has that great of a story, but Black Flag for the first time seemed like it actually had an interesting world to explore and the modern aspect in it is very minimal.  A good thing I feel since I hated the modern part of the story in AC3.

Interesting.... I like AC..... But hated AC3 too..... knowing me, ill end up buying them just to add to my collection.
I wouldn't pick up Unity right now, mostly due to the amount of bugs and glitches in the game, as well as the unstable frame rate present throughout the game unless you turn online off. The story isn't very good from what I heard, and there's also microtransactions that ubisoft put in the game because they felt they needed it of course. The Xbox One version of this game runs the best, followed by the PS4 version, and then Steam in dead last( since many people are pissed that you need dual graphics card to make the game run smooth, along with the other requirements for PC. Rogue is like Black Flag in some ways, there are some glitches in the game as well, but its somewhat better than unity. Honestly, I would wait until those games drop in prices and get everything fixed before any sort pf purchase.

thank you for the info
No problem. I still think unity is a decent game, but I wouldn't pick up until the fix all of the bugs, glitches, and fps problems that are numerously strewn throughout the game, since it can be pretty unplayable in its current state. Not everyone will experience huge amount of problems, but its just best to play it safe and wait.

Right now I'm planning to grab Unity (and probably Rogue too, we'll see) next year when the CE's inevitably get slashed in price and places are trying to unload them. Then even if the game sucks I'll have some nifty statues. :P
That's a good way to pick those up for cheap. I know that even if I pick up one of those games, and turns out to be a bad experience for me, I can still give the game to my friend who's a diehard AC fan and keep the extra stuff for myself.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1699 on: November 23, 2014, 08:52:47 pm »
Still working through Smash to try and get all the major unlocks first, which are characters and stages.  Only have R.O.B. left to get, but the challenge is pretty tough.  Crazy Orders is hard.  Then I just need Pac Man's stage which is another bit of challenge.  Think that's all and then I'll try to focus on music best I can.  I doubt I'll ever 100% the game, some of the challenges in this game are stupid ridiculous.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1700 on: November 24, 2014, 12:22:58 am »
I'm installing random games from my Steam collection to give them a try.

Mafia 1:
Does not work with a 360 pad (of course) and the keyboard+mouse controls are JACKED UP. WASD to move,  0 on the keypad to jump, arrow keys to drive instead of WASD... what the crap were they thinking?

The Culling of the Cows:
Basically. But you're a farmer shooting zombie cows.

Yes, really.

Paper Sorcerer:
Pretty neat oldschool-styled RPG with a bunch of weird design issues. You have an inventory, but you can't see your weapons and armor in it. You have to go to the equip screen to do that. It's boneheaded.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1701 on: November 24, 2014, 01:21:26 am »
Playing Landstalker on the Genesis.  Pretty awesome playing games again without trophies and achievements that I tend to obsess on getting.  Really enjoying the battle system and puzzles.

Please check out the games I have for sale.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1702 on: November 24, 2014, 09:26:41 am »
Finally broke down and bought River City Ransom when I found it at Goodwill.  Forgot how bad the slowdown is with 2 players, but its still my favorite beat-em-up on the NES.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1703 on: November 24, 2014, 10:57:30 am »
im playing farcry 4 & halo masterchief collection ;D


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1704 on: November 24, 2014, 04:04:56 pm »
I really want to pick it up for PC, but I feel I need to build a new PC first to do it justice. It just so happens that works out with my plans to do it before the Witcher 3 anyways.

I highly recommend doing so. I have a fairly slick system, centered around a FX-8320 and 660 Ti. Both are lightly overclocked, with the CPU now running at 4GHz, and the GPU at 1126Mhz gpuclock and 6108Mhz memclock. I still can't come close to maxing out the game. Most settings are on High with only meshes and textures set to Ultra, ambient occlusion set to HBAO Full, and virtually no antialiasing outside of some low post-process AA. The framerate usually sits around 40-55fps, but sometimes drops down to around 28-35.

That said, it looks absolutely breathtaking. I don't think I've ever seen such well-done visuals, especially the character models, but given the hardware needed to even hit my settings, I suspect the console versions look like absolute shit.

So yeah. I want a new video card already, and possible a new CPU, even though this build isn't even all that old. Inquisition's already a hardware monster, but I suspect Witcher 3 is gonna bring most systems to their knees.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1705 on: November 24, 2014, 04:08:55 pm »
Just finished the 41st, 42nd, and 43rd stages in Tears to Tiara 2 - there's 45 total 'story' stages before the (50-level) "Bonus" Dungeon.

None of the last 3 stages that I did were that hard but - they're taking a lot of time.

Not so much #41 *but* #'s 42 & 43 were 'paired' together (no break for changing skills & abilities, etc) --and-- the last two stages (44 & 45) are also going to be paired together like that.

So...I'm gonna finish off the last 2 *fresh* tomorrow, instead of maybe having to rush through them tonight.

Tonight, we are, however - going to watch a few more episodes of the original Tears to Tiara anime.

And, tomorrow's pick-up day for the Persona Q LE's, right?

...not like I'll be playing that in the near future
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1706 on: November 24, 2014, 04:19:02 pm »
I really want to pick it up for PC, but I feel I need to build a new PC first to do it justice. It just so happens that works out with my plans to do it before the Witcher 3 anyways.

I highly recommend doing so. I have a fairly slick system, centered around a FX-8320 and 660 Ti. Both are lightly overclocked, with the CPU now running at 4GHz, and the GPU at 1126Mhz gpuclock and 6108Mhz memclock. I still can't come close to maxing out the game. Most settings are on High with only meshes and textures set to Ultra, ambient occlusion set to HBAO Full, and virtually no antialiasing outside of some low post-process AA. The framerate usually sits around 40-55fps, but sometimes drops down to around 28-35.

That said, it looks absolutely breathtaking. I don't think I've ever seen such well-done visuals, especially the character models, but given the hardware needed to even hit my settings, I suspect the console versions look like absolute shit.

So yeah. I want a new video card already, and possible a new CPU, even though this build isn't even all that old. Inquisition's already a hardware monster, but I suspect Witcher 3 is gonna bring most systems to their knees.
My build is a little long in the tooth at this point. I built it towards the end of 2011 so my 560 TI isn't holding up like it used to. Not only that, but it's a PCI-e 2.0 port/card so I need a new motherboard.

Luckily, my CPU (an i7-2600k) shares a slot type with the generation 3 i7's. So I think at this point, I can just get a new motherboard (and at a pretty cheap price since everyone is focusing on Haswell CPU now), and a video card. Reuse my CPU and everything else. If I find my CPU is a bottleneck, I'll just get a gen 3 i7. There really isn't much of a performance gain between gen 3 and gen 4 to worry about it.

Still mulling over my options. I just started looking this morning coincidentally enough lol.
Currently Playing: The Witcher

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1707 on: November 24, 2014, 06:31:45 pm »
With the Sonic Boom fiasco, I thought I'd pick up Lost World for the heck of it.  I'm not too far yet, but the best thing I can say for it, is that it's a competently made game.  Ignoring them basically adopting the Mario Galaxy style of jumping around planetoids, it's your basic Sonic game that plays well and looks alright for the most part.  Visually it could be a lot crisper in the HD department, but it plays well, I can run around and attack enemies fine, it plays smooth, and while it isn't anything amazing or even really great, I think it's good enough to play.  It really just highlights how poor Sonic Boom is lol


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1708 on: November 25, 2014, 03:08:01 pm »
^ In Elder Scrolls, guards don't know if you stole something if you're in a house by yourself. You have to be seen by someone in order to be caught.

Not so with Oblivion, it was fixed by mods. Just go look up psychic guards in Oblivion. The guard AI would know if you killed any NPC outside of a quest, broke into a building or stole something while not in sneak mode.

Yes so in Oblivion. I have 100% achievements on it. Half my gear is stolen. All guards will know if you've done it, but only if you've been caught by someone. Otherwise the entire thieves guild and assassin's guild questlines would be pointless.

Notice I said "outside of a quest." Since you say achievements, I guess you played on console version... I don't remember there being any achievements when I played. It certainly did happen, but it didn't make the game unplayable. Here is one example:

Anyways I gave up on Far Cry 3 and I was pretty much at the end anyways. I watched the game over videos on Youtube and I'm fine. So I removed that and been playing Blood Dragon now instead. I finished the MQ in 2 days, which is some record for me. I will go and try to get the gun upgrades, since it lets you keep playing. Couple of great scenes, one at the beginning and one at the end. Music reminds me of Tron but my only real complaint is that it is always night time.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1709 on: November 25, 2014, 03:44:37 pm »
^ In Elder Scrolls, guards don't know if you stole something if you're in a house by yourself. You have to be seen by someone in order to be caught.

Not so with Oblivion, it was fixed by mods. Just go look up psychic guards in Oblivion. The guard AI would know if you killed any NPC outside of a quest, broke into a building or stole something while not in sneak mode.

Yes so in Oblivion. I have 100% achievements on it. Half my gear is stolen. All guards will know if you've done it, but only if you've been caught by someone. Otherwise the entire thieves guild and assassin's guild questlines would be pointless.

Notice I said "outside of a quest." Since you say achievements, I guess you played on console version... I don't remember there being any achievements when I played. It certainly did happen, but it didn't make the game unplayable. Here is one example:

Anyways I gave up on Far Cry 3 and I was pretty much at the end anyways. I watched the game over videos on Youtube and I'm fine. So I removed that and been playing Blood Dragon now instead. I finished the MQ in 2 days, which is some record for me. I will go and try to get the gun upgrades, since it lets you keep playing. Couple of great scenes, one at the beginning and one at the end. Music reminds me of Tron but my only real complaint is that it is always night time.

Again, no. That's just not correct. You can steal to your heart's desire in Oblivion. And yes, I did have both a PC and an Xbox 360 version. IT's seriously my all-time favorite game, no exaggeration. If you are alone or unseen, you can get away with it. It's only if you're caught by somebody that the guards know.