Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GCN) today and it's every bit as awesome as I though it would be.

No complaints here. It really puts me in the mood for a replay of
Radiant Dawn, though we'll see if I have enough time for that.

I'm also still playing
Tales of Graces f and it's still great too. Usually after putting a good amount of time into a game I have a thing or two to whine about but not in this case. I'd almost say that
Graces f is on its way to becoming my new favorite
Tales of game. What puzzles me is how it took this long for me to discover how awesome the series is.

I'm looking at getting my hands on more of these games soon. I'd really like to get
Xillia soon since
Xillia 2 has been collecting dust on my shelf for more than a year now and I'd like to play that too.