Been a long time since I've posted here, so this is gonna be a long post. Going over the last few games I've been playing.

I really, really want to like this. I love Metroid, so much. Super Metroid and the GBA titles are in my top 10 of all time list. But that damn melee counter just ruins the game for me. I wouldn't mind it so much if it was just sometimes you used it, but the game really pushes the move by having like every single enemy rush you. I'm still trying to get over it and get used to it. We'll see what happens.
Side note: The thumbstick on my 3DS XL broke off. I'm now playing my 3DS XL with a repaired thumbstick. All I used is Gorilla Glue. That stuff is amazing. It works perfectly.

Just finished Resident Evil 5 last night. First playthrough of it. I tried it when it was new and hated the AI partner, and wasn't fond of the more action approach, not to mention the loss of zombies and Umbrella monsters soured me a bit (big old-school RE fan). Glad I gave it another shot. Not that it changed by view of the gameplay too much, but it was nice closing to the Umbrella chapters of the RE saga. Felt like the ending to the story that RE4 should have been.

Played through this again to prepare me for my playthrough of RE5. Been so long I needed a refresher (or so I thought). Turns out that other than the Las Plagas being used, there really is no connection between the two games, oh well.

What inspired me to give RE5 another shot. Loved this (and the RE2 remake) so much that I decided to revisit the series. I heard a lot people giving this one crap in comparison to the RE2 remake. Can't say I have the same complaints. Yeah, it's short, but then so was the original RE3. Yeah, the Nemesis attacks you mostly in pre-scripted events; that's also how the original was. Amazing graphics, great gameplay, intense moments, cool monsters and zombies; what's not to like here for a RE fan?

Amazing Metroidvania game with a stunning art style to it. Emotional story set in a foreboding and creepy forest. It's hard to convey how good this game is without playing it yourself. But if you're a Metroidvania fan, this is a MUST PLAY!

The sequel to Ori and the Blind Forest, and somehow is just as good. A bit more difficult, but not barringly difficult. The platforming in this one just seemed a bit more demanding. Still a fantastic experience, emotional, and atmospheric as the first one. And that great Metroidvania gameplay to boot.

Because you have to have the retro, too. I've played through this countless times, and it never stops being fun. One of the all-time best!

Another classic I go back to again and again. Love it.