Im not going to put these in any sort of value or time frame, Im just going to list a few of the things I acquired last year that were among the most interesting or special pieces to my collection.
Retron 5 - I had this bastard on pre-order for like 6 months when it finally arrived at my door. All the different topics on different forums about how they would never release, that they were bound to be bugged forever, etc made me question whether I should keep my pre-order or not. Well, once they started shipping, I was glad I kept it but it still took over 2 months after initial shippings for mine to arrive but it finally did and now its a main piece in my living room.
Turbo/Duo magazines - Ive been slowly trying to finish this set for a while. Striking out everywhere or missing very overpriced items, I almost decided to sell off what I have rather than trying to finish. I somehow ran into a guy who was selling virtually every issue I was missing (minus one) and I got them for a steal of a price. Then a nice Ebay auction netted me that last piece and its all complete now.
DQ Heroes PS4 - I saw this item the day the pics started showing up online and knew I had to have it!!! Luckily enough I had been active in the "Save your change 4.0" thread and accumulated almost $500 in change already. I took the money to the bank, deposited it, and went and put a pre-order on it. It sits on the desk with me and Ive used it almost every day since it arrived.
James "Buster" Douglas boxing (SMS) - The grail for NA SMS collection. Thanks to an amazing trade on this very forum, I acquired a really nice copy of this game to finish off my set.
DQ Monsters Battle road victory controller - This is the one piece of my DQ collection that I had written off to "will never obtain". But fate happened and our very own Anruiukimi has a good friend in Japan who was able to not only get me a complete version of the controller but a complete copy of the game itself to go with it. And at a price that was within my budget.
I have made lots of trades and acquisitions over 2014 and all of them were special in their very own way so if I left off something that I got from someone on here, its not out of lack of interest or something like that. The ones I listed were just situations where it took a lot more effort or planning to get than the average transaction.