Author Topic: What are your collecting goals for 2015?  (Read 18268 times)


What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« on: January 01, 2015, 09:55:41 am »
First off here are my goals from 2014:
1. Make it to 3400 total games. I'll probably hit 3500 too ;D I beat this by about 500 lol
2. Buy my 600th 360 game. Only 14 more to go so that will be easy to finish Yup finished at over 640
3. Get to 50 Intellivision games. Hopefully the locals will be better this yearZero Intellivision games added :(
4. Hit 400 DS games. With the 3DS still growing I think I won't have much of a problem finding cheap games.Got this one too 425
5. Buy 7 more Neo Geo Pocket Color games to get to 10 total I'm ashamed that I completely forgot about this
6. Get to 100 SNES games. I am currently at 74 so with a bit of luck I'll be able to get there.I only added 3 games to this

Here is a link to last year's topic:,4325.0.html

Goals for 2015
1. Buy 1 more Intellivision game
2. Hit 80 SNES games(currently at 77)
3. Hit 150 PS3 games(currently at 143)
4. Hit 30 TG16 games(currently at 27)
5. Buy my 675th 360 game(currently at 643)
6. Hit 50 3D0 games(currently at 45)
7. Be awesome!

So what are your goals for 2015?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 10:02:25 am by jcalder8 »

Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2015, 10:48:05 am »
-Finish my PS2 collection (only 3 games away)
-Get my PS1 want list to under 10 games (I still have 41 games on the want list)
-finish my Smash Bros Amiibo set (49 is the magic number)
-Add at least 10 new import Saturn games to my collection (added 0 in 2014)

I've mentioned this before, but my collection will be growing at a snails pace most likely from here on out. I have most of the stuff I want, with mostly only expensive and rare titles I still need. The only exception to this are a bunch of 7th gen games I'm still on the lookout for, but those still aren't at that sweet spot where they are very abundant and dirt cheap. Still, I can see myself adding at the very least 50 new games for the PS3, 360, or Wii this coming year :)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 01:14:57 am by bikingjahuty »


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2015, 10:51:44 am »
Here is my thread for both 2013 and 2014

"Lol I went back to the 2013 thread and this is what mine was :  my gaming goal is to get Suikoden II and Ni No Kuni. Thats it for now. Im not sure what will follow in the future.

Heh definitely accomplished that and then some. So this year is going to be a bit more in depth.

#1. First and foremost : Complete SMS set. Im pretty close already and I have some titles that were not released here as well (Bubble bobble, Forgotten worlds, Dragon crystal, Heroes of the lance, Dracula, etc). After all the stuff I have currently worked out and waiting on its arrival, Ill be down 11 games. Buster Douglas is definitely the kicker here. Not looking forward to that at all. Not only did I complete the US SMS set but I got all the games released in North America period! I also finished the entire 16 game kiosk set and I have purchased the final items for the blue release set and CIB accessories.

#2. 750 NES titles. Right now Im sitting around 715. I marked all the silly expensive ones off that I do not already own and that should hit me right where I want to be. Its a perfectly nice number and I would be absolutely satisfied not having those last ones. I didnt add too many to this but I did pick up some pretty good titles like Jetsons and Gun Nac. Ive decided to abandon this one. With the constant price increases on these, I simply dont see a reason to keep going. Also with the fact that I moved and dont have room to display them, I cant forsee me spending any money on games that are going to go into a box in a closet.

#3. PS4. I plan to get one but I just do not know when. With titles like Diablo III Ultimate edition, Elder scrolls online, and Everquest next all being slated for PS4, my ability to not buy one is pretty slim. I posted this last year before the DQ Heroes themed one was announced so not only did I get a PS4 but I got a really great special edition one!

#4. DS/3DS games. Im really enjoying this little thing. Ive never cared too much for portable systems but I feel differently about this one. Im hoping to find a lot more games to play on it. I have around 7-8 titles but I would like to be around 20 or so by the end of the year with all the main ones I want covered. I cant recall how many games I actually picked up but I do have all the ones I wanted covered. Hopefully this year Ill get some more (especially if they release Bravely Second, FF Explorers, Theatrhythm DQ, etc)
Im happy to see that 2 of the 3 wish items I had for this system has indeed been announced as well as plenty of other unexpected titles on the way. 3DS is very high on my list atm.

#5. PS3 controllers. I dont know what started me collecting them but it has happened. I now have 6 different colored official Sony ones. I ended up with 10 total : black, blue, camo, crystal, gold, grey, pink, red, silver, white. The only one I didnt pick up was the green but its cause I cant seem to find one with a green back"

Not too many goals to add this year.

#1. PS4. This system is definitely going to be my go-to for a while. Im looking forward to all the titles that will be released on this monster.

#2. Odds and ends. Ys I & II for Turbo, Rayearth for Saturn, my last issue of Sega newsletter, sealed Krull for 2600, last 2 cards for Hyper scan.

Updated as of 9/8.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 02:24:50 pm by soera »


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2015, 10:56:22 am »
I hadn't quite joined the community this time last year, so I don't have any previous goals to comment on. :)

1 ) Finish my PS3 Guitar Hero / Rock Band collection (only missing the 2 RB Country Track Packs)
2 ) Finish PS3 RPG collection (currently missing 25, including upcoming releases - some of those have rumored PS4 ports, so those would be removed from my list if that happens)
3 ) Hit 300 PS3 games (262 now)
4 ) In my Wii collection, focus on the first party games I'm missing
5 ) Ditto for my DS collection, I need to track down several first-party titles for it as well
6 ) Work on tracking down 360 exclusives I want before they start disappearing
7 ) Continue to work on my PS1 & PS2 RPG collections
8 ) And most importantly, PLAY MORE OF THE GAMES I HAVE!!! :D
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 11:03:23 am by argyle »
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2015, 11:37:56 am »
Last year's goals weren't achieved, mainly because I removed from my collection the games that I don't own myself but are my family's. I took a drop in number, I'm at a little more than 350 total right now, but now the number is more accurate!

My big goals this year would be:
1- Reach 400 games. I think it will be hard, but doable.
2- Reach 50 3DS games.
3- Reach 100 Nintendo DS games. I don't think I'll make it, but it would be really fun to achieve!

As for this year, I'll complete the list I had started last month:

1- Get a Playstation 4 (this will be checked off the list very very soon... I got a shipping confirmation yesterday!)
2- Complete at least 3 Zelda games, ideally starting with the top of the chronological order
3- Have >10 Vita games
4- Bust either 50 3DS games or 100 DS games

Might add more as I see fit :)


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2015, 01:08:30 pm »
Goals for this year (in no particular order):
-Get a WiiU
-Get a Retron 5
-Import more games exclusive to other regions
-Get more shmups
-Pass 100 games owned for my PS3
-Pass 50 games owned for my PSP (I'm halfway there now)
-Build up a decent PS1 collection before it gets too expensive to want to collect for
-Get the rest of the versions of all the games currently released in the Disgaea series (including spinoffs and ports)
-Get the rest of the versions of all the games currently released in the Hatsune Miku franchise, including importing the rest of the Japanese exclusives I don't have yet.

This is another good one:
6 ) Work on tracking down 360 exclusives I want before they start disappearing

I forgot an important one :o
-Import a Bandai WonderSwan, WonderSwan Color, and SwanCrystal and plenty of games for them while they're still dirt cheap.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 01:21:21 pm by abe »
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2015, 01:11:18 pm »
-Import more games exclusive to other regions
-Get more shmups
-Build up a decent PS1 collection before it gets too expensive to want to collect for
-Get the rest of the versions of all the games currently released in the Hatsune Miku franchise, including importing the rest of the Japanese exclusives I don't have yet.

I can definitely add these to my goals as well.


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2015, 01:13:38 pm »
My goals from last year:

Get CIB and original copies of all of my games (FAILED)
Get the games that I used to own that I don't anymore (FAILED)
Get a Wii U (FAILED)
Reach 500 games (Achieved, finished 53 games over)

For 2015:
Same as last year I guess. Just for reference, there are around 130 games in my collection that aren't complete/the original release, so I probably will not achieve it this year, but it's a goal nonetheless. There are also 97 games that I used to own that I don't anymore, so that is a stretch as well. Some other goals:
1. Get a Wii U (Hopefully I can get one this year!)
2. Get Silent Hill
3. Reach 100 PS1 games (I'm at 91, so this should be easy, especially if I can get some of my previously owned games)


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2015, 03:28:17 pm »
My goals from last year:

Get CIB and original copies of all of my games (In progress)
Get the games that I used to own that I don't anymore (in progress)
Get a Wii U (in progress)
Reach 500 games (Achieved, finished 53 games over)
Fixed that for you ;)

My goals last year were:

1) Keep plugging away at the wishlist. (Down to double digits now) unfortunately I'm down to the pricier titles. down to 33 items!
2) Get a Sega CDX (a completely irrational desire because I have no Sega CD titles and have none in my wishlist. Although I do borrow some from time to time to play in my xbox) i am abandoning this goal. CDX prices have just gotten too inflated.
3) Get a 3DO with Demolition Man, Night Trap, Daedalus Encounter, Gex, and The Need a For Speed. (Also possibly an irrational desire since I don't know how much I'll actually play them. acheived halfway. Just need to get Gex, NFS, DE.

For 2015:
1) finish out my current wishlist.
2) create my own Homebrew title with my son.
3) get back into making YouTube videos regularly. (I have a review series in mind, I just need to sit down and do it. But I'm worried no one will be interested in more reviews).
4) play through the awesome backlog I've amassed.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 03:29:54 pm by dashv »


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2015, 04:02:40 pm »

2014 Goals

1. Be More Selective - Buy games that I really want and quit buying everything.  I'll still buy NES games, but Genesis, SNES, and the like will be pickier. 
Other than buying a lot of Wii games, I did pretty good with this one.

2. Play more of my games.  I have too many of these great games that I just don't put to good use. 
Still working on this one. I'm having a fantastic time doing it. 700+ NES games is a lot of games.

3.  This is the biggie.  I'm not joking at all about this.  I'm going to make a run at the World Record for Super Mario Bros speed runs.  I believe the record is just under 5 min.  As of today, I'm at about 7 min 40 sec.  I just need to keep shaving seconds off.  I've seen places that I can save time.  I don't really care if I get the recognition for it.  I just want to know I can do it.  If I get close, I'll start recording runs.  Don't you all want to watch as I blow through a game you know and love?

Got my time down to around 7:10, but didn't get close to the record. I watched videos on how to do it, but I don't want exploit glitches. I couldn't find a good glitch-less run (that I remember)

That last one wasn't a collecting goal, it just something I want to do.

*edit: 4. I want to get more games with Famicom adapters. Why?  I don't have a clue. It's just cool to me.

I found a couple, but I only wanted to find them in the wild. No eBaying these jewels.

2015 Goals

1) A complete licensed NES set (minus Stadium Events) This WILL Happen

2) Enjoy my collection and play more of these silly things.

I'm easy this year. It's just going to hurt my billfold.  :D


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2015, 05:16:06 pm »
Not even going to look at what my 2014 goals are I just know that they were to double collections and find all the N64 games I wanted. All I can really tell you is that I ended up with more on my N64 list and brought it back down to the 4 I started my goal with. This year I want to get more focused on games I actually want and would really play and possibly condense a little. And get any 360/PS3/Wii games I want before a sudden spike in price.

Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2015, 05:39:36 pm »
2014 found me shrinking my collection more than adding to it. I made a conscious decision to not keep any game or system I absolutely would not play and so far so good, I'm sticking to it. That doesn't mean my collection is stagnant and I do have some goals:

Get an Atari 800 - this has been a goal for over 3 years now.
Get more homebrews (got 7800 Astro Blaster this past week)
Increase my Commodore 64 collection
Get boxed 2600 games that i don't have
Starpath Supercharger games
The biggest goal is to get a 386 or 486 PC and start collecting some big boxed DOS games


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2015, 06:25:21 pm »
From last year, I completed most of my goals- Get at least 400 games, get 40 Gamecube games, Get a Wii U.
Now for this year-
-Hit 1000 games
Gamecube-  Get 200 games at least ( currently at 120 overall) Still going for that complete NTSC set, and other region exclusives.
Wii- Hit 175 games( currently at 108)
DS- Hit 111 games ( currently at 80)
3DS- Hit 50 games
More shmups
PS3 Hit 75 games
Dreamcast- Hit 50 games
Wii U games- Hit 50 games. Hopefully I can get lucky with some clearance finds for some of these games.
For 6th gen, look for multiplats only for Gamecube, PS2/Xbox games will only be for exclusives.
Find 7th gen exclusives before they become more expensive/unavailable
- Work on some more arcade 1cc's
 I probably have more to add to this, but these are just my general goals for the moment.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 07:21:41 pm by maximo310 »

Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2015, 10:41:40 pm »

3) get back into making YouTube videos regularly. (I have a review series in mind, I just need to sit down and do it. But I'm worried no one will be interested in more reviews).

Me too. My current computer runs Ubuntu and there's not a lot of great editing software available at all and my current capture device crapped out. Hard to find those that work with Ubuntu as well. These two things are hampering my video making abilities.

I'm thinking of getting some version of an iPad with iMovie to help out in this area.


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2015, 10:42:16 pm »
I don't actively set certain long term goals or new years resolutions, but I am seriously considering instituting a collection block for 2015.  I have to reevaluate my monthly financials in order to make sure I can attain other important life maintenance goals, so I am toying around with the idea of no game purchases for 2015.  I am in no immediate danger of needing to sell off anything, but I have to keep ahead of other things. 

Making no game purchases will be a major change for me, so I may have to build in a couple of 'fudge it' rules;  for instance, I currently have a couple of pre-orders that I have no intentions of cancelling. 

I want to make a concerted effort to actually enjoy my collection over the new year.  I constantly have my free time stripped from me.  Hopefully this year, I can reclaim a bit of it, and dig through my back log, without piling more on top of it. 

All of those 'must have' games in 2015 will still be there in 2016, and cheaper too.  Just trying to psych myself up here.