I just recently broke 700 NES titles (at 705). Considering how my game wall is set up, Im going to go for 10 more titles and be done (each row holds 65 games and 11 rows is 715 games). I am totally done with my Tengen releases, all 6 Mega man games, all 3 of : Ninja gaiden, Contra, Adv island, Lolo, all 4 AD&D titles and some other milestones. My last 10 games list is as follows : Bible buffet (last Wisdom tree title), Chip & Dale RR2 and Mighty final fight (final capcom games as well as last Disney game), Ultima Warriors of destiny (last of the 3 Ultima games) Linus Spacehead (last Aladdin title), Ultimate air combat (final Activision game) and then Jetsons, Cool world, Wacky races, and Wayne's world. Then my NES game wall will be complete.
Got a few other personal milestones that I am working on: My last 2 Gamecube Zelda titles are on the way to the house. Im 1 game from finishing my SMS display as well. Not sure where Im going to go collection wise from there. We shall see