Here's this weeks pickups...
Amiibo- Falco
- Lottie
WiiUSaw this on clearance for $5 brand new.
- Game Party Champions
3DS- Stella Glow - Limited Edition
Saw this on clearance for under $5 new so sure why not.

- Battleship
WiiIf you saw the post on weird games you knew this was coming. lol
I few weeks ago I was looking up odd games made in Japan and came across this one, A weird game where you have cats taking over your business and you have to play weird mini games with them. Watching a video on this made me laugh so hard I had to have it in my collection. The box art alone gets a good laugh. lol
- Sukeban Shachou Rena (JP)
SNESFound this CIB for only $3. Box is beat up pretty good but everything else is in great shape.
- Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
CVAt the same use game store I got the SNES boxed game I saw this. It's a rare Colcovision game that sells for about $40-$50 loose cart. This was CIB box okay shape, but had the manual and game in near mint shape. This sells for well over $100 CIB and they only had it for $30.
- Oil's Well