Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 82861 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #270 on: June 11, 2016, 12:26:22 pm »
Onimusha 2 has been finished. I liked the first one more, but it wasn't awful.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #271 on: June 16, 2016, 07:58:49 pm »
Game 13 - We Love Katamari (PS2) - 11 hours

+ This game was so much fun to play. I've never played any of the KD games before, but this one definitely lived up to what I've heard. Really interesting gameplay, a great soundtrack, and I like the love-themed story and self referential tone to the dialogue. It was so hard to put the game down, I wanted to play the next level! Just a really fun enjoyable game.

- I suppose if you aren't prepared for what the game has in store, you may not enjoy it. If you're expecting it to just be a fun silly game, then it's perfect  :) That's really the only "bad" thing I can think of anyway.

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« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 08:08:27 pm by telly »
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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #272 on: June 16, 2016, 08:05:45 pm »
Game 14 - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy - 7 Hours

This game was really hard for me to pin down. It's alright, but it's got a lot of stuff missing.

+ The gameplay is really solid, and they added some interesting features that allow you to dodge missiles and circle an enemy to lock on easier. It feels like a QTE, but here in a jet combat game I think it fits well. In addition, the game has a lot of interesting missions and  a ton of replay ability to unlock all the alternate missions, skins and planes. Overall I would say it's a much better upgrade over Ace Combat 2, which I personally did not like at all.

- The story, in my opinion, was awful. It just drops you in with hardly an explanation and expects you to just shoot down everyone. The context of the war and the reason why you're fighting at all never develops past the battles at hand, which was really disappointing. The music was also extremely mediocre, and with music from other games (like AC0) added in just to fill in missing music, it felt really cheap as well. Also playing the game on the 3DS can be rather frustrating with the somewhat slippery thumbstick.

The last two Ace Combat games that I need to play are ACX and AC6!

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« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 02:50:08 pm by telly »
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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #273 on: June 20, 2016, 03:11:13 am »
God I have lots of reviews to write. I finished Until Dawn. That makes three.

Necroing this comment. Did you ever write a review?

Was it any good?


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #274 on: June 20, 2016, 08:25:42 am »
I got Kirby's Blockball in the mail on Saturday. Yesterday, I finished it. It has to be one of the most addictive games I have ever played. A review will be coming soon.

God I have lots of reviews to write. I finished Until Dawn. That makes three.

Necroing this comment. Did you ever write a review?

Was it any good?

Yes I did. I gave it an 8/10. It's a great game.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #275 on: June 21, 2016, 06:48:03 pm »
It's not cheating if I count each game in the Mega Man Legacy collection as separate as I try to beat them right?  I know there aren't really any rules for this thing, but I feel like I'm good counting these individually lol

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #276 on: June 21, 2016, 06:49:19 pm »
It's not cheating if I count each game in the Mega Man Legacy collection as separate as I try to beat them right?  I know there aren't really any rules for this thing, but I feel like I'm good counting these individually lol

Nah, I've included single games in compilations before on here. As long as you beat it, or at least tried to, it counts in my book.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #277 on: June 21, 2016, 06:56:24 pm »
It's not cheating if I count each game in the Mega Man Legacy collection as separate as I try to beat them right?  I know there aren't really any rules for this thing, but I feel like I'm good counting these individually lol

Nah, I've included single games in compilations before on here. As long as you beat it, or at least tried to, it counts in my book.

Yeah I plan to beat them if I had them.  I had a quicky Genesis game I tried to play, but didn't finish that I was going to add to the list, but I didn't feel like they counted for my list personally since they were mostly under an hour or so.  I only have unfinished games on my list if I'm just done playing them after a few hours.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #278 on: June 21, 2016, 10:12:18 pm »
I ran out again on room for my 2nd post so here is all bottom bits of my post. the link below adds the last 3 reviews. (please ignore all bad writing, I'm an engineer not a book writer)
All ratings are based on my previous expectations of the game, not on gameplay, with 5 being exactly what I expected out of it.
Link to post #2,6762.msg111148.html#msg111148

47. Guinness World Record: The Videogame (ds): This is another game of mini games that only uses the touchscreen and requires the ds to be turned sideways. As you can imagine doing this is very awkward for long periods of time and because of this I would definitely not recommend spending the 2-4 hours of this game all at once (which I did). this definitely has some fun mini games and the "highest score in a video game" game was definitely my favorite with "tallest building" my second favorite and my grind level. you start with 4 pages of 3 games unlocked (normally you run around the world to find these), but I found a menuing work around because I found running around on the map to be overly complex and as such not fun. after you play a few and get coins you can go around and unlock 24 more games for a total of 36 games. some of the games like "most plungers thrown in 1 minute" are broken and are nearly impossible to get even the regional record let alone the world record. A bunch of the games I just kept thinking that it would be such a better game if I could use the d-pad. I just ended up playing till I got the regional record or I played the mini game 5 times. overall I give  this game a 3/10

48. Kirby's Super Star Ultra (ds): this is a Kirby game that is more a set of smaller levels and mini games to get through. you have to play and beat them in order to start unlocking more stages to play. the gameplay is relatively varied and consists of many random things like beating a level, doing a boss rush mode, or racing a boss and gathering food along the way just to name a few. overall this fits in well with the normal Kirby theme, easy game anyone can pick up and play. overall I think this deserves a 7/10 for throwing more at me than I was expecting it to.

49. Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal (steam): Ive had this for a while (yay friends gifting stuff) but finally got around to beating it. I remember playing the original creeper worlds on kongregate and other flash game sites and have to say they really outdid themselves in making one of the ONLY good tower defense titles I have ever played. you have to land your base and place down structure that are directly connected to your dase and slowly branch out to push back the creeper. The creeper is this blue liquidy substance that flows out of dispensers throughout the maps that you have to destroy. the game is constantly giving you new tech and throwing more situations at you that require you to think about how to proceed. after you proceed throught the game you unlock more game modes and their is a plethora of user made content that can push you to getting better at the game. graphics are dated as everything is rough edges terrain, enemy lines, your buildings as this was designed as a semi-early flash game that was fleshed out to full length. but if you enjoy tower defense games this is definitely worth a play as it is very fun. 7/10

50. Song of the deep (ps4): this game was worth the price and the collectors edition, although not much, was well made. story line in this game is really good and makes you feel for Merryn. the visuals are fantastic, while running through the world backgrounds and for grounds are dynamic and will react to your movements. the controls are very good for this kind of game. when you move and let go of the joy stick your character slows down over time (wish it would have been floatier after all you are a submarine). you get a surprising amount of power ups and abilities but it seemed to me that it was mapped to the controller a bit poorly at times. when they occurred the puzzles were fun and interesting and my favorite area has to be the tower because of this. this game was also very well polished. normally when you get a game brand new there are loads of bugs/glitches but throughout this entire game I did not notice a single glitch. no sound issues no freezing. the only thing close was whenever you went over a save point it would slow down/lag but only for the time that it took to save. there were a few boss fights throughout the game and were relatively difficult.. except for the last fight.. that is my only complaint with the game, the final boss was easier than ALL the mob rush rooms before it. in fact I walked away from it still thinking there had to be more. btw their is no NG+ for this game. overall I give this a 8/10

51. Knack (ps4): very fun game with loads of secrets and relatively hard beat-em-up sections 6/10

52. Lego Indiana Jones (wii): I always have fun playing these games with my GF. lego games are deffinately a fun experience. but it seems to me that more often than not anymore I start dreading the end of the game. too much puzzleing creates too many instances where the game can screw up, and this is deffinately no exception. Although we ran into no game breaking glitches we still ran into parts where they didn't fully play test and certain scenes caused major headache with trying to figure out what to do. also ran into a part where indi's phobia ended up glitching him to constantly fall into a pit of snakes. we got past it but it destroyed all ~20,000 studs I had at the time. overall this is still a very fun game and I give it a 5/10 (Rayne dont know what hes talking about. This was a great game! We had so much fun playing it! He's just mad that he couldn't figure out how to throw chairs at the bosses. Lol! Love you honey)

53. Just dance (wii): Ok. I know i've been slacking. I have the attention span of a squirrel. Anyway, i dont know what got into to me to play the Just Dance games again.... in order. I played every song and made it a goal to get at least get 3 stars (or 7000 points).  I even got Rayne to play with me. I forgot how bad the song selection was in the first game. I mean who wants to dance to a song about mashed potatoes? Thankfully the games makers have improved a ton since the original came out. On to Just Dance 2 (it has double the songs). 

54. Thief (ps4): My gf wanted to watch me play through this one again so I got to play it on a higher difficulty and I have to say the thief taker general is a MASSIVE pain in the ass. I pretty much breezed through the rest of the game otherwise but spent almost 2 hours on the thief taker just to try and get out of the room (would have killed him but didn't have the ammo for it). this still gets a 4/10 from me but I did find out something that made it a bunch easier. it never tells you but if you press down on the d-pad you pull up a mini-map that stays on screen and makes it about 10X easier to move around. (On the PC it plays much better. Asylum is best:D)

55. Animal crossing: Happy home designer (3ds): So, i didn't even mean to complete this game. I didnt even know it had an "end". I was playing and doing the public works buildings for Isabel when she said she wanted to throw a party. I go to the party and speeches are made then the credits roll. I flipped out i was so excited. Rayne bought me this game since it was on sale and i had to ground myself from it since i play it so much. Its a great time wasting game. I was extremely surprised how much you can do. I still havent unlocked everything.  Im going to continue to play it till at least classes start then ill have to hide it so i can get homework done. Lol!

56. Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Remastered (PC): I'm a huge Nancy Drew game fan i own every one and have played and beaten almost everyone. I decided to break them out again and play them in order in preparation for #34 coming out this fall. I decided to play the remastered version of the original because 1. the graphics are better, 2. i haven't played it yet, and 3. i don't have to switch disc every time i go to a new location. Since i've played and beaten the original i kinda knew what i was doing (lol yeah right). i really enjoyed this game but i have two things i wasn't too happy with... Possible Spoilers coming up? 1. The game was extremely short for a Nancy Drew game, and 2. I didn't get to shoot anyone ( in the original you get to shoot someone with a gun) Other than that it was pretty good for a remake. On to Nancy Drew #2 Stay Tuned for Danger.    EDIT: #2 wont work on my computer so im going to skip of it and go to number 3.

57. Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion (PC): After finding out the second Nancy drew wouldnt work on my computer i jumped to number 3. I remember when i was little this game was really hard for me, but going through it again and knowing what to do it was fairly simple. Is game was really fun to play through again and i cant wait to start the 4th one which is one of my personal favorites.

58. Super Smash Bros: Wii U (Wii U): still one of the best games ever to be made. controls feel very fluid and characters very diverse not to mention lots of unlockables and your GF finding out she really loves the game and plays the entire thing with you. great game, loads of dynamic maps, fun items, lots of characters, lots of moves, and finally being able to once again destroy with my Kirby... this game was great! 6/10 for my expectations and 10/10 for how good it is.

59. Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower (PC): This is still one of favorite Nancy Drew games. It's a fairly easy play and i only had to cheat once and look at the forums, only because i thought i screwed up and had to start over. #1 rule for this game, dont make Lisa mad. On to #5 The Final Scene.

60. The gym (internet): one of my friends linked me this online game. it was.... interesting... that is all I will say about it. knowing that its running through individual web pages is also... interesting. I don't even know why I played through this game..

61. The Physio (internet): I had previously seen a youtube video of playing the most randomest games ever and saw bits of this game, which just so happened to be the sequel to the gym so I ended up playing through it also. im not sure if I will play through the sniper or not which is the game after this one but they are seriously brain dead games you can beat in 20 minutes. but I still wouldn't recommend playing them.

62. Gundam Seed: Battle Assult (GBA): this is an ok and relatively easy fighting game. there really aren't and combo moves (at least none that I found). to beat the game there are 12 battles you must go through with 3 rounds each... geez I really don't want to write these reviews. 4/10 easily beat in under an hour.

63. The Santa clause 3: The escape Clause (gba): a crappy platformer based off of a movie. you have 6 worlds with 4 parts each separated into a minimum of 2 screens each (max 3) the last part is always a elves making toys part and a delivering presents part where failing has no effect on the story or your lives. there are a bunch of frozen platforms where you slide down directly into spikes that damage you and just overall bad gameplay that I have seen too much with not enough variation on these games. the boss at the end was very easy and took WAY to many hits to beat. 3/10

64. Dora the explorer: Super spies (GBA): this was a challenge game from my GF who didn't think I could have the endurance to beat it. this game is a chore to beat and one of the longest shovel ware games I have ever played. it doesent help that all the dialogue in the game is displayed in slow fade in fade out pictures and there is a LOT of text for this game (like usual I ignored them). there were 6 worlds with 3 parts each and each part requires you to get 3 large gems that are scattered throughout the level and sometimes hidden (some levels artificially inflate the time by requiring you to go from one end of the map to the other to the other to the other) and it gets very tedious sometimes. you have 8 powerups and will realistically only ever use half of them end each time you get one you have to do a horrendous (its not hard just not what you want to do) button mash to tell swiper to GTFO. Dora walks slow as crap and there are times when you can swap to boots and he walks super fast I even spent a few minutes trying to glitch it so I could remain boots. btw this takes about 2 hours to beat which is 2 times longer than most shovel ware games 3/10

65. Titanic Mystery (ds): this is a I spy game that is WAY to long for its own good. with 19 chapters that all have between 2-4 segments all with 3 games in each segment (in a few chapters there are only 1 game). why I say its way to long (although you can easily get through it in 2-3 hours) is because every possible room on the ship (don't remember how many possible room there are) have pre-determined item placements. so if your on the same map as a previous game every item will be in the EXACT same location. there is a story element to it but reading the amount of text added to the game easily can add 30 minutes+ to the game and trust me by the end you will just want it to end. on thing that really upset me is the chapter count is 19 but it looks EXACTLY like a 10 with the 0 having a slash through it so you don't confuse it for the letter. the biggest issue with this game is it will drop inputs, so if you click those pair of glasses it will most of the time not pick up. some items have the absolutely worst hit box possible like a pin... I swear that thing is pixel perfect just to pick up. 3rd game puzzles are fun and challenging and if you are not thinking outside of the box I can easily see how difficult and long they will take you. but that was about the only part that I personally found enjoyable. overall I give this game a 2/10 (not a big fan of look and finds and this was very poorly done also)

66. luigi's mansion (GC): a very fun game that I am glad I got the chance to play. the mechanics were fun and challenging but I seem to be very confused on how a few things work. 1. most of the time when I pull back on a ghost the count drops by 10 points but every now and then it will have a huge boost where I will get 20-30 points all really quickly (same time frame as 10 points). 2. the point system is rather weird, I played through the entire game and found the secret hidden treasure room, every room I went in I manipulated everything to get every single $ and I found every optional ghost and every boo and yet at the end of the game with just under $40 million I only got a medium sized house. 3. sometimes on the final boss the spikeball would go through his head and not allow me to catch the boo. other than those I was extremely impressed by the game. never once did I ever receive any framerate issues. overall I give this a 7/10.

67. Journey (PS4): this is a very interesting game. it plays more like a video than it does a game and is very story driven in the way that it makes you think about what is happening rather than telling you. this is a very short game only taking about 1.5 hours but it flows together very nicely and seamlessly (no wonder it was in the flower and flow bundle on ps3) unfortunately I came into this thinking this would be more along the lines of a god type game where you had to try and egg the character to follow a path (don't know where I got that idea from) and as such this gets a lower score by me. 5/10 although it would have been a 6-7 otherwise.

68. Overwatch (ps4): I finally got into diamond league and am happy there. it took a god aweful amount of effort and luck as I kept on getting placed with people who decided to test out new characters/didn't know how to play there role. realistically I should have been placed in platinum to begin with as im a really good player but my internet was on the fritz during my placement matches and it ended up dropping during 3 matches which caused me to take gold. the team I play with are all good as well (2 diamonds, 1 platinum and me) this is a very fun game and it really impressed me with how deep it is in the character department overall I give this a 8/10 because is my bae.
EDIT: I realize now that I am in ELO hell when I solo-queue for competitive. my team hasn't been online in a while and I have not found any teammates that were worth their salt and have fallen to 1800 rank because of it. nothing is more frustrating than not being placed with a team your own skill level.

69. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (ds): I finally got around to playing this game and oh my god was it good. my favorite part of it was how tense the final trial was (where you are defending edgeworth) that guy was just horrible and doesn't let you do anything. in fact there were a few times when I would easily have lost the case had it not been for dumb luck on my accusations. overall this was a very good game and my only grip would be wishing it were longer than it is. 9/10

70. Battlefield 1 (ps4): playing through some parts of the great war was actually really fun and enjoyable to see how they decided to make their campaign. unfortunately I was hoping for more of a trench warfare type singleplayer than what I got. the intro mission was bad but I know it was just getting you started on the game but I wish the mechanics of it were fleshed out in the game more. (where if you die you don't respawn but instead take over another soldier and continue the fight. that would have been interesting and would have made you care about your ai companions more. either way the campaign is split up into stories of certain heroes on the battlefield with each part being centered around one major design, tanks, planes, stealth, etc. the longest part was the first chapter which took place as a tank driver and was one of the best. overall for the single player I give this game a 5/10

71. Olli Olli 2: Welcome to olliwood (ps4): this game is the absolute worst game difficulty wise I have played since I beat trials fusion earlier this year. its one of those games that require perfect inputs from you to finish the levels. in fact the last level I didn't beat by skill, more like I beat it by shear luck and memorization as the final level probably took me 5 hours of in game time to beat. the levels are very colorful with nice themes and obstacles that all work for the theme and all flow together in such a way that you can pull off entire level combos with a little skill. when you get a perfect input you know because the trick you do (grinding or manueling) flashes green behind you and gives you a slight speed boost (which is required to get through the later levels). one gripe I have with this game is that throughout the game it just feels like the controls would have been better if they were maped to the d-pad instead of the joystick (I constantly found myself switching to the d-pad for better inputs and failing as a result). overall if you like games that require you to make outlandish inputs (like trials games) then this is the game for you and I give it a 6/10. it would have gotten higher but you cannot re-map buttons in the game.

link to next page:,6762.msg129397.html#msg129397
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 12:17:29 pm by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #279 on: June 21, 2016, 10:12:30 pm »
22 - Mega Man 1 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - If this game wasn't so short, I'd say I hate it lol This was a miserable experience.  Level design is tedious and I would say in fact bad at times.  By the time I was going through Wily's stage, I was starting to use save states.  Not constantly, just as a check point here or there because I was getting frustrated by constantly having to replay levels.  Eventually you start to learn a few more tricks, but the game has too many pixel perfect moments.  I'm really hoping my memory of Mega Man 2 being a more fun game is true and not just nostalgia.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #280 on: June 22, 2016, 08:28:40 am »
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest has been completed. It's been a while since I played a nine hour RPG.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #281 on: June 22, 2016, 08:15:59 pm »
Game 15 - Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) - 68 Hours

This game was fantastic, was really a fun RPG to play

+ Pretty much everything in this game is masterful and really well done. The battles, graphics, music, story, difficulty level and the unique themes and overall atmosphere were all really great. It was so amazing walking through all the towns and large open maps and experience the great story with the really great voice acting and musical score as accompaniment. It was just a lot of fun to play from every perspective, and it felt like a really special experience.

- A couple really trivial nitpicks ;) For one, the map sucked. Nothing on it was labelled, and it was only viewable either zoomed out all the way out or focused right on your location. It made it really hard to find where anything was or see ahead to where I was going.  Also, a lot of people spent too much time reading their lines, and it made conversations drag on and on. I would just read through it and continue without the voices finishing.

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« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 10:59:54 pm by telly »
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #282 on: June 22, 2016, 10:11:58 pm »
23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Night and day practically with this one and Mega Man 1.  Mega Man 1 is like a 3 or 4/10, while Mega Man 2 is way up there as a like an 8/10 if I had to compare them.  Mega Man 2 has so much better level design and bosses and while it still has some annoying points to it, it's far more reasonable to play.  Genuinely good game.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #283 on: June 22, 2016, 10:36:36 pm »
23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Night and day practically with this one and Mega Man 1.  Mega Man 1 is like a 3 or 4/10, while Mega Man 2 is way up there as a like an 8/10 if I had to compare them.  Mega Man 2 has so much better level design and bosses and while it still has some annoying points to it, it's far more reasonable to play.  Genuinely good game.

I agree, I think the only really unfair part of Mega Man 2 was that 4th Wily boss with the lasers in the walls. So difficult.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #284 on: June 22, 2016, 10:46:06 pm »
23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Night and day practically with this one and Mega Man 1.  Mega Man 1 is like a 3 or 4/10, while Mega Man 2 is way up there as a like an 8/10 if I had to compare them.  Mega Man 2 has so much better level design and bosses and while it still has some annoying points to it, it's far more reasonable to play.  Genuinely good game.

I agree, I think the only really unfair part of Mega Man 2 was that 4th Wily boss with the lasers in the walls. So difficult.

That's one I was specifically thinking about too.  It's more of a puzzle in that you have to specifically utilize the bombs in a certain way and if you run out, you can't beat it.  This is terrible game design.  Thankfully I have save states, so I don't have to keep restarting the level when I run out of lives.  I must've easily died a half dozen times in it and it isn't even hard, it's just annoying.