Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 82747 times)

52 Games Challenge *2016*
« on: December 31, 2015, 06:13:48 pm »
Here it is folks! Let's all make 2016 another awesome year of playing those games and reducing our backlogs, however ridiculously long they may be!

Just like last year, list the games you've beat and if you'd like create a small review, tell us how much time it took you to beat it, or any other details like you'd like to share about the games you'll finish in 2016.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2015, 11:27:37 pm »
1. Ghost Blade (Dreamcast): So this game is awesome! I'd go as far as saying it's my second favorite SHMUP on the Dreamcast (Mars Matrix is #1). The soundtrack is one of the best I've heard on the console as well. My only gripe was frame rate dips during certain sections of the game that made it hard to dodge what was coming at you. Other than that, this game is proof the Dreamcast is alive and well with awesome new games :)

2. Cruisin Exotica (N64): One of my favorite arcade racing franchises from the 90s, this one goes for the tried and true formula of the first two. The gameplay is shallow, but the reason you play these games is the odd and interesting stages, which this one had some, but not as much as I would have hoped for. A good game to keep yourself busy for half an hour or so.

3. Twisted Metal Black (PS2): Sadly, I remember this game being a lot more fun when I was younger. The game is decent. but I have more to complain about than to compliment.

4. Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (Dreamcast): This game is definitely a lot of fun, not F-ZERO or Extreme G fun, but the Star Wars settings and themes make it enjoyable if you're a fan of the series. The most irritating part of this game is the difficulty spike mid-game which outpaces how much money you have to upgrade your pod, which leaves you SOL at times. Pretty fun game overall though.

5. Mortal Kombat (PS3): This game literally had everything going for it; excellent reimagining of the first three MK games with an awesome story, great combat, amazing graphics. Hell, I'd almost go as far as to say it's one of the best fighting games of the 7th gen...and then there is the final battle with Shao Kahn. He is one of the cheapest, most unimaginative, and grossly overpowered final bosses I've ever had the displeasure of playing. My satisfaction with this game plummeted after trying a variety of tactics to beat him since, you know, fighting him was completely ineffective. While you can avoid playing against him in various other modes, story mode, which is arguably the best thing about this game, is ruined by him.

6. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube): Certain games become nearly obsolete due to their successors being better in almost every way. Melee, unfortunately, is victim to to this, mostly because of the newest installment on the 3DS/Wii U that outdoes it in controls, levels, modes, trophies, roster, balance and nearly everything else. Don't get me wrong, it is incredibly fun to play still, but I couldn't help but wish I was playing Smash on the Wii U most of the time.

7. Kirby's Air Ride (Gamecube): This game is crap. Aside from the interesting and flashy stages, and the occasional good tune, this game is one of the worst racing games I've ever played. Even Nintendo makes bad games from time to time.

8. Motorstorm (PS3): For a long time when the PS3 first launched, this was the game that made me want to get one so badly. Still, to this day it's an excellent racing game. The damage effects, the gameplay, the levels are all awesome! My only gripe is the lack of stages and vehicles, however there is definitely enough to keep you occupied for a long time.

9. Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (PS3): Being a fan of the various series that this game has characters from, it was easy for me to enjoy playing with them and fighting against other awesome anime/manga characters. The combat is fun and I love the overt Sega love in this game. Pretty fun, although overall beyond the characters and Sega-fan service this game stands as a mediocre 2D fighting game.

10. Star Fox 64 3D (3DS): Aside from the controls not feeling as good as the N64 version, this game had almost everything, plus some, that made the N64 version so great. The upgrade to the graphics was very well done as well. One thing that bothered me only slightly was them changing the voice actors for some of the enemies that had voice acting so bad it was good, from the original.

11. Irritating Stick (PS1): This game is one of those instances where a games simplicity is exactly why it's good. Based on a Japanese game show, this game has you leading a stick through a maze where you are not allowed to come in contact with the sides of the maze or any objects. This game, while fun, gets boring due to the lack of stages, meaning you can see everything the game has to offer in an hour or less. I wish they would have added more stages since the fun was in each stage's unique challenge.

12. Life is Strange (PS4): God, what a colossal disappointment this game ended up being! The game was nothing short of amazing, that is up until the endings, yes there are two of them. What ends up happening is pretty much choosing between shit and worse shit! To add insult to injury, both endings leave giant plot holes that ruin all the good writing that lead up to the end. What a wonderful way of taking a game that would have definitely made my top 5 games of the year, to making it one of the shittiest games I've played in a while. ALL BECAUSE THE FUCKING ENDING! Fuck this game!

13. Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 (PS1): Aside from one taking place in modern times and the other in the old west, these games are practically the same. The stop motion animation is pretty amusing and makes one sentimental about the time period these games were made. Each game is a decent light-gun shooter, however my main gripe in the overall repetative nature of both games as well as this game often throws way more at you than you can handle which makes it feel cheap at times. Overall, it's a fun game and worth playing when you're in the mood.

14. Street Fighter V (PS4): Given how bare bones this game is right now, I hate to write this up, but I feel I've played around with the game enough to pass judgement on its core gameplay. Overall, yes it's great, but the severe lack of content makes me wish I was playing pretty much any edition of Street Fighter IV instead. Excellent game, but desperately in need of more content.

15. Super Breakout (Arcade): For a 40-year old game this game is pretty addicting and fairly challenging. You simply have to break all the blocks with a pong-like paddle to win. Found myself playing it for far longer than I thought I would, and continuing to try and beat my high score.

16. Halo 2 (XBOX): Its hard to say whether the original Halo or it's sequel is better. Halo 2 definitely definitely has better gameplay and better pacing, but for some reason it's story didn't hit me the same way the original did. A great shooter however and fun as hell!

17. Dead or Alive 5: Final Round (PS4): Like the other DOA games, this games s hard hitting, flashy, and a surprisingly deep combat system. The stages are very fun and offer a variety of settings and destructible objects. A highly enjoyable game overall with a lot of fan service (those who are familiar with the series know exactly what I am talking about).

18. The Oregon Trail (Apple IIe): One of the first games I ever played, and probably the first PC game I ever played, this was one of my favorites in elementary school back in the early 90s. Thanks to the wonders of technology, I was able to play this through a web browser and after all these years it's still a fun, captivating game. Hunting is hard as hell, but as long as you buy enough food you should be fine. This game will always be a classic and will always be fun.

19. Unreal Tournament (Dreamcast): The best way to describe my experience with this game is to compare it to the Dreamcast port of Quake III Arena. Quake 3, while missing a lot of content compared to it's PC port is a very purest experience, playing very similar to it's PC counterpart. Unreal is also missing a lot of content compared to the PC version, but plays very different from its PC counterpart. Unreal on the Dreamcast played more similar to Goldeneye or Perfect Dark, complete with auto aim, and fewer bots which I feel worked way better for the console port of this game, versus Quake 3's approach of releasing a PC optimized game on a console which made the game very difficult to play. It's a tough trade off, but in the end I enjoyed Unreal for what it was on the Dreamcast, albeit an almost entirely different game than the PC version, for better and worse.

20. Project X Zone 2 (3DS): This game would have been significantly better if it were about half the length it ended up being. After the 20th chapter I kept on thinking, "is this the last level?" Nope! It dragged on for about another 20 episodes. The story is forgettable and generic, in fact the only thing that this game has going for it is quarky dialogue, an awesome mashup on great video game characters from many great franchises, and a fun combat system. Again, would have enjoyed this game way, way more had it been shorter with a more interesting story.

21. Home Alone (Genesis): This one comes directly from my childhood. The game itself is fairly basic, but doesn't let you know soon enough what you're actually able to do. While it definitely does capture some of the charm of the movie it is based off of, and stays true to the source material, the game is rather shallow and does nothing to really make it memorable.

22. Batman Returns (Genesis): This game is an abysmal piece of shit and definitely the weakest title of many games that were based of the popular Tim Burton film. the controls suck, the gameplay sucks; perhaps the only things that this game has going for it are its music and the art style.

23. Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed (PS2): The first word that comes to mind when I play this game is clunky, followed by stiff. That is because the controls and the way your mobile suites move is best described as just that! I honestly wanted to continue to play in order to unlock all the mobile suites and stages, but the difficulty posed by the broken controls was too much for me to tolerate so I gave up on this one. Sadly, not a good game at all.

24. Dragon Ball Z Extreme Butoden (3DS): The game itself plays pretty good for a 2D fighting game and the added bonus of it being a DBZ game makes it appealing to fans of the series, but overall I felt fairly disappointed by the lack of playable characters, the allocation of most of the game's claimed "100+ characters" as non-playable assist characters, and the amount of difficulty it takes to unlock many of the most basic of assist characters. Worth trying if you're a DBZ fan, but go in with low expectations.

25. Wacky Races (Dreamcast): Not being a fan of the source material (even as a kid I wasn't that interested in this show), I didn't expect much, and while I didn't get much, this game is still mostly a competent Kart racer game. Not Mario Kart tier, but a mildly enjoyable alternative on a non-Nintendo system.

26. Jurassic Park Arcade (Arcade): Not to be confused with the early 90s light gun shooter, this 2015 version is extremely fun! My only complaint was the lack of variety with the dinosaurs. The visuals were vivid, the controls were great, the scoring was fun, and the cabinet itself looks great! Only regret that it wasn't longer, but it's an arcade game so what would you expect?

27. DOOM (PS4): This game was satisfying as hell (no pun intended)! Definitely the best game I've played this year so far, the gameplay, the pacing, everything is incredibly addictive and is the first new FPS game I've played in years that got the old school FPS gameplay style down just right. I liked this game so much I am planning on replaying it to get 100% of the trophies and secrets. Highly, HIGHLY recommended this one!

28. Pokemon GO (Phone): Initially I thought this game was a godsend; catching Pokemon in real life, seeing a ton of other people doing the same, getting out and exploring. And while these things remain a very positive aspect of this game, the more you play, the more stale it gets. When you get to about the 80-Pokemon marker in the Pokedex, things start to slow down as you typically only run into the same 4 or 5 Pokemon 80% of the time. Still, for what this game is, it's probably the coolest app I've ever used and definitely the cell phone game I've sunk the most time into.

29. Timesplitters (PS2): The DNA of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark is definitely present in this game, however it fails to live up to how good either of those games are in every single way. The "story mode" is pretty much rinse and repeat for every stage, with only aesthetics like reskined enemies and level theme being the difference. There is a multiplayer mode, but I didn't like the story mode so much that I had no desire to play around with the bot modes or any of that shit. I sincerely hope the second game and Future Perfect are an improvement.

30. Killer Instinct Gold (N64): Having only played this game once before when it first came out, I forgot how deep and fun the combat in this game is! The famous combo system is pretty fun to master and when you pull it off you feel like a total boss! The characters all play pretty different and the stages are really cool. For what it's worth, it's one of the best fighting games on the N64.

31. Tekken Hybrid (PS3): I'm pretty much reviewing Tekken Tag Tournament HD since it is the only full playable game on the disk (the other content is a demo for TTT2 and a Tekken movie). But essentially it is a prettier port of the PS2 version which was an absolute blast and still is! All the content is already unlocked which takes out some of the replayability, but it's nice to be able to jump right in and enjoy this game for how I remember it, but with slightly updated visuals.

32. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3): While this game is a solid racing sim and does the franchise justice in that regard, the leveling system in this game, as well as the game's focus on certain vehicles being needed more than others to progress makes this my least favorite entry in the series. I also was not a fan of the used car system where the inventory changed daily. Pretty much I'd rather be playing Gran Turismo 4 which is far superior in nearly every way.

33. Unreal Tournament (PC): Having played and reviewed the Dreamcast version earlier this year, the PC version is by far the definitive version of this game with incredibly tight controls, amazing enemy AI, and very well done level design. This game is a blast for an hour or two here and there, but I will fully admit that deathmatch or capture the flag gets stale after so long, no matter how well tightly crafted the game is. Still, definitely one of the great FPS games by far!

34. King of Fighters XIV (PS4): I have poured some serious time into this game and I am still not tired of it. The combat is very deep, yet accessible. The characters are many and most play very different from one another. There are a ton of stages, extras, and unlockables making replayability very appealing. I'm a little biased since I have been a long time fan of this series, but I'd go as far as to say this is a top five entry in the series for me. I can definitely say that this game is leaps and bounds better than Street Fighter V, which kept my interest maybe a whole evening. Love this game!

35. The Last of Us (PS3): First off, this game is incredible from start to finish; the story and characters are by far the biggest standouts, and this game is definitely one of the best looking on the PS3. While it wasn't bad by any stretch, the gameplay was at times frustrating, creating limitations at certain parts of the game that made for some frustration. And this is a personal bias, but I'm not a huge fan of stealth is games, and this game definitely favors that approach during the majority of enemy encounters. I can't bitch too much though; the game was amazing and definitely one of the best games on the PS3 for sure.

36. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3): Back in the day I had a blast with Hot Pursuit 2 on the PS2, and I feel like the franchise just kept on getting better and better, with Most Wanted being the best imo. Unfortunately after this the series began to slide rather quickly into mediocrity, and I just gave up on it all together. Decided to try the follow up to Hot Pursuit 2 and sadly I am still pretty disapointed in this franchise. Aside from aesthetics of the cars, they handle the same and the difference between 120mph and 200mph is barely noticeable. I got bored with it after a few hours. Next!

37. Gran Turismo 6 (PS3): Sadly, this was another disappointing entry in the Gran Turismo series, albeit not as bad a 5. Cars were mostly the same, tracks are mostly the same, and to add insult to injury there are barely any cars you can earn in order to help you advance. The whole game came across as lazy and almost just a re-skin of GT5. I had some annoying framerate issues throughout too which was hard to deal with too. Sadly, I don't think I'll ever like a GT game as much as GT4. Maybe I should give Forza a shot.

38. Contra 4 (DS): If you're a fan of the Contra series, which I am a little bit you will definitely enjoy this game, especially since you can actually unlock the first two Contra games here. You will enjoy it about the same as you did the other games in the series, for better or worse.

39. Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Dreamcast): Like most 2D fighting games that Capcom released in the later half of the 90s, this game is a masterpiece! The controls, the music, the roster, the stages, everything is just magical in this game. Despite all this, i still wouldn't rank it up there with my favorites in the series, but that is only because there are so many amazing games in the Street Fighter series.

40. Dementium: The Ward (DS): I was pretty excited about this game when I found it; a first person survival horror game on the DS, sign me up! What this game ended up being was a boring, repetitive corridor shooter with the same enemies, cheap bosses and broken gameplay. There is no narrative either, making you wonder who you are and why you are even in this haunted ward. Avoid this game.

41. Lightening Force (Genesis): An amazing shooter with an incredible soundtrack! There are occasional frame rate drops during some of the more hectic battles, but never anything that ruins the experience. Very fun!

42. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES): This port had a time and a place at one time; it was for people who did not yet own a PS1  or Saturn, that wanted to play a new Street Fighter, but were willing to sacrifice most of the updated graphics, sound and gameplay. While far from unplayable, this game is a very, very watered down port, which has now made it to many consoles and can be experienced in arcade perfect or near arcade perfect quality for very cheap, meaning outside a collectors item there is no reason to own or play this game.

43. Kirby's Return to Dream Land (Wii): This game was pretty fun overall, especially since you can play with up to three other people cooperatively. The level design and difficulty leaves a little to be desired, however without spoiling anything, the end of the game, including the final bosses are totally worth getting to; you'll know what I mean when you get to them. A fun game and definitely worth checking out.

44. Sin and Punishment (Wii - Virtual Console): I played this game for the first time last year and I instantly fell in love with it. In fact, it was my favorite game I played last year. I decided to try out the Virtual Console release and just like the N64 version, it didn't disappoint! The story barley makes sense, but the gameplay, music, level design, everything is extremely good! Every time I play this game, I consider placing it in my top 10 games of all time, it is that good!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 12:28:48 am by bikingjahuty »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2016, 02:48:45 am »
well I am starting out strong!
All ratings are based on my previous expectations of the game, not on gameplay, with 5 being exactly what I expected out of it.

Bold Numbers were beat entirely by my GF with no help from me. so proud of you babe!

1. Yoshi's Wooly World (Wii U): beat this at 12:47AM 1-1-16 and my gosh do I have to say that this game already made purchasing the Wii U worth it. It is such a cute game and I even sat down and 100% it with my gf unfortunately all in casual mode where you can fly forever. (she got too frustrated playing the normal way) rating: 9.5/10

2. Splatoon (wii u): I love this game something fierce not only have I beat replayed and 100%ed the game I have also got to rank "A" currently (all 100% random teams) and trying to get into that S bracket.

3. Contra (NES) beat 3 times: I seem to play and beat this game at least once every month or so but I am capable of going 3 lives no continues on this (I have yet to no death it but have gotten close)

4. Super Mario 3d land (3ds(digital)): my girlfriend went out and got a blue 3ds that had this game pre-installed and was having trouble beating one level in world 4... so I helped her beat it... then I went back and beat worlds 1-4 so I can say I played it from beginning to end lol. it was a fun game but it angered me when I got to the end of world 4 I believe. just to realize that I needed to go back and get a bunch of the big coins to proceed.

5. Runescape (OSRS) (internet): like I said this was the first game I ever played that was mmo and every now and then I get back into it and will play it almost constantly for 2-3 months. playing on my 12 year old account (aged 4361 days as of yesterday 1-10-2016) I was able to get a skill from lvl 1 to lvl 99 (fletching) in somewhere north of 7 days of gameplay. fletching is probably the second easiest skill to get to level 99 next to cooking

6. Super Mario World (snes): you know whats really sad? I realized while I was playing through this again that 1. I have never actually beat the game before. 2. I have never beat all of star road (just to where bowsers star is) 3. and I have never known that their were bonus levels that altered gameplay.

7. Kirby's Dream Course (snes): yet another game from my childhood that I have yet to complete. (mainly because it was too difficult to make some of the shots when I was young) It probably took me a good 2 hours just to beat course 8 and just barely managed to do it on my last life (thank you relatively easy 8th hole) and then I was witness to something that I never thought of as a kid. A BOSS LEVEL IN A GD GOLF GAME!!! lol that took me another 30mins just to realize how to kill mecha-dedede. at first I thought I had to push him off the level but boy was I wrong. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who has yet to play it.

8. Final Fight (snes): my gf wanted to pick the next game I completed and this happened to be the one she picked. their really isn't much to say about this game other than its an ok beatem-up game. it took me 4 hours to beat from start to finish. I'm not a big fan of beatem-ups and have a difficult time playing them so I had to do 3 things to beat this game. find the hidden menu to turn up lives and reduce enemy difficulty, get 5 continues instead of 3 by naming my top 3 scores CAP, COM, KID, and get my turbo controller to be able to spam attacks lol. I admit it I'm weak but at least I was able to save the dang mayors daughter dang it!

9. NFL Quarterback Club '96 (snes): Another request from my gf (I think she is using a randomizer as she would never pick this). this is just your run of the mill football game. navigate menues and have your people run the ball on a passing play with the right play you can seriously just sit back and let the play run by itself. either way I found a 3 play combination that allowed me to idle and play something on my other snes while completing the season. this was actually quite difficult picking up because.. well.. this is probably the 3rd? football game I have ever played and the other 2 were ps2 titles with more required imputs and less play knowledge required.

10. Mega-Man X (snes): one of my original games I have owned ever since I can remember so of course I have played and beat this multiple times already but after not playing for years and years I found that I forgot the order to kill the bosses in. but I was able to figure it out after only a 1 or 2..dozen tries. I also figured that I would do something that I have never done before and looked up how to get the haidoken! it was so much fun being able to destroy things so easily.

11. Disney's Aladdin (snes): I forgot just how easy this game was. I ended up beating it with few lives lost the only reason I died any was that dang auto scrolling carpet ride when the magic cave was collapsing and that final boss... lagged sooo much and was so easy once you realize you can basically stay directly above him most of the fight (which took the fight from probably 5-10 mins to around 30-40 seconds when you take the lag out of the equation. but overall this was actually a very pleasant experience with good background, good level design, and a pretty good earwormy musical score. I did not actually read through all the dialogue but I assume that it follows roughly the movie anyway as all the levels did.

12. Oddworld Munch's Oddysee (GBA): this game actually depressed be all of the puzzles were so easy and they seemingly completely forgot that you can get an infinite amount of your power source just by standing near them and chanting. the game was also extreamly short and I managed to beat it in about 2-3 very casual hours. I experienced a glitch on level 7 (I believe it was 7 anyway) where I got to the end in an unintended route and because of it was unable to progress even though I completed all the objectives afterward... twice... so instead of playing the lvl a 3rd time I just looked up a code for the next level online. while looking up the code it told me their was 25 levels in the game which ended up being completely wrong as their were only 12.. game pace was slow and monotanace as I found myself running over the same spots multiple times. and in the later levels you would think you would need both abe and munch to complete but no, munch more often than not took a backseat in his own game. for example munch's only job in the final level was moving one platform for abe which the terminal for was directly out of the starting area with zero threats. you could literally just leave him their the entire last level. overall I would not recommend to play this game on this system to anyone.

13. Scooby-Doo 2: monsters unleashed (gba): this is actually a pretty fun game with a variety of gameplay elements to it. it was more or less easy up until the last levels 5-X where they really increased that difficulty curve. mainly because of moving platforms lots of enemy's and a bunch of instant kill pits that were only hinted at in previous levels. the bosses were actually varied with different gameplay required to hurt them. overall for a game that is specifically marketed twords kids it was quite a fun experience and I would play every level again except for 5-1. although the play time is only about 2 hours.

14. Shrek 2 (gba): another request from my gf. just another easy game marketed twords kids with easy controls and a bit of simple puzzle gameplay.

15. Finding Nemo (gba): This came to me as a challenge from someone who was never able to beat it. the only difficult part was finding the dang pearl (key) in the last level and finding all the fish in the fish tank when Nemo is at the dentists office. easily beatable in an hour-hour and a half.

16. Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga (gba): I do not know why this game gave me such a hard time. maybe it was because I ran through the game completely avoiding every enemy I could or the fact that I never took advantage of the BRO's attacks but I finally managed to kill the final boss. I had to change up my entire strategy at the last 3 bosses though as I was only hitting for 30 damage every attack. switched to BRO's attacks and was hitting about 90-100 each attack so I had to run back to the item shop and look at every possible combination I could and notice an over-powered combination of badges and apparel that took that my damage from 90-100 to around 300 each which made short work of the final boss. after that combination the only thing difficult about the game was getting the timing down to not get 1 shot by the boss (my health was only about 40) I wouldn't have been one shot but all his attacks can hit multiple times especialy with 1 fail destroying your timing. this was a fantastic game and I would recommend it to any fans of Mario and RPG's.

17. Trials Fusion (ps4): This is both one of the few racing games I have ever played, and one of the hardest ones. I have spent a total of 6:30 hours in this game beating just the 50 levels that it took me to get to the credit roll. that's an average of almost 8 minutes a piece! and when you think about it the final level took me 42 minutes in total, and ~650 faults all but 30 of them being at the last freaking obstacle, yeah I am insane for spending all that time just trying to beat one obstacle but you know what that credits was worth it. If you are like me and have to watch the entire credits it is a ridiculously long one for you taking up 4 entire loops of the opening music so around 8-10 minutes. In all honesty though the controls were very fluid and every death/fault I experienced felt 100% my own doing. the sound, what little you will be able to pay attention to is nice and upbeat to keep you on your task and the courses have a very understandable difficulty curve. this is mainly a game of muscle memory and patern recognition that makes you feel great every time you beat a hard track. (yay rambling) this is a fun game and was worth it to pick up.

18. Popeye 2 (Game boy): an old title from 1993 that wasn't really worth all the headache. their are 4 world with 3 levels and a boss plus a bonus stage. the game has a very hard time with sprites that causes it to lag very bad. but what is very confusing is the time limit that is always ticking away is always extremely regular. most times when its lagging and your only getting like 10 frames a second the time guage also slows the heck down but in this game it is independent of the frame rate. also If you do not own the Manuel then you would not know that the B button is run, and in combination with a (jump button) makes long jumps possible which you WILL NEED. the reason you would never know that is because it never tells you and whenever you hold the B button, like you would at the start of the game to figure out what buttons do, It lags at the exact rate that makes you believe your walking normal speed. the only reason I found out is after exhausting 4 continues on 3-2 trying to jump from rope to rope i accidently hit both buttons and made it for the first time. both boss 1 and 2 you can literally just stand at the far left and keep attacking and never get hit. the third boss is easily dispatched buy jumping his fireballs and throwing cans of spinach (only with max power) at or taking a hit of damage and jumping to its back where it cannot hit you. the last boss I just threw cans of spinach at till i was hit then tanked damage till he died. BTW if their is lag you have NO invincibility after hits, AND moving rope is your sworn enemy as its difficult enough to jump on normal rope.

19. New Chessmaster (Game boy): You know I always thought I was good at chess. this game proved me wrong as i failed over and over again to try and beat the opponent. but after 3 losing games I found something that just barely worked. With only a rook, a bishop, and a pawn i was finally able to best the computer (I want you all to keep in mind I am a guy that was in chess club for 5 years and was the second best their after the teacher who was a registered master of chess). it was surprisingly intuitive for an early chess game (if you know chess) but the terribly synthesized voice that played after every move got annoying fast. I checked it out just out of curiosity and holy crap was the save system garbage. don't get me wrong it completely remembered everything about the board and whose turn it was but it was like 16 or 20 characters long and consisted of uppercase, lower case, numbers, and symbols (by symbols i mean everything brackets, math signs, punctuation marks, if it was on a keyboard it was n the game) and all are case sensitive btw. I found out why I had trouble. It was set to a high difficulty setting.

20. Sudoku Gridmaster (ds): This game is exactly what it sounds like.. Sudoku.. that's all it is. when you play through it you start out with a limited amount of puzzles (which is still extensive) and after you complete a ppuzzle you are ranked based entirely on time it took to beat and given stars. after you collect enough stars you will unlock new puzzles and rank tests. for levels their are 10 practice levels at 4 stars max (ranging from easy to hard difficulty to teach you new techniques), 80+ easy that reward 4 stars, 190+ normal levels at 5 stars, 120+ hard levels at 6 stars. and 4 rank tests that are randomized every time you play them that require you to beat them in less time the higher rank you get. I'm at 225 stars and unlocked gold rank which required me to beat a puzzle in under 10 mins and also took me close to 7 hours to achieve. I'm guessing platinum (last test) unlocks at around 350 stars total, which is about another 2-3 hours at my pace of 5-6 stars a puzzle. one thing to keep in mind. their is only a hand full of songs (I think I only heard 5?) and the same one will play until you go to a different puzzle so get used to it or turn off your sound.

21. Super Mario Maker (Wii U): I have been playing a lot of user levels and decided to start in on the 100 Mario challenge and have beat all difficulties. their are some very great levels/creators out their and a lot of hard courses to beat, and I will deffinately continue to play. I just wish that their were a lot less auto levels and levels showing off amibo collections.

22. Pokemon X (3DS): Rayne (my boyfriend) told me i had to enter this one on my own, so here we go. I can sadly say I've never beaten a Pokemon game before. If it wasn't for Exp Share i wouldn't even have beaten this one. The story line was amazing and i couldn't stop playing it. I'm not aloud to restart because i have Mew and Celebi from the Mythical Pokemon thingy going on every month on it. Yes, i could get Pokebank but Rayne's cheap (love you honey). We are going to get Y so he can play through it and fall in love with the story like i did. 

23. Yoshi's New Island (3DS): This is not a bad game by any stretch but if you have played any other Yoshi's island game you will understand what I mean by this feeling like a LAZY game. Not only are the levels super short (compared to other Yoshi's islands) but they seem less involved, fleshed out, difficult, less levels, with less animations than those of the original. overall I still give it a 4/10 strictly speaking by its own merits but with a first party Nintendo title, especially of this title, I would have expected an 8-8.5.

24. Labyrinth (DS): For the love of god, if you see this title please pass on it. I picked this title up looking for puzzle games expecting it to be nothing more than actual labyrinths like what you find on pieces of paper. As you can tell my expectations were low. It came in below my low expectations. with 4 game difficulties varying in length of "puzzles" you need to complete. your given a ball that has a designated "weight" to it with weight affecting both falling speed (of which your ball always falls) and how far away you have to be to breakable blocks to break them (the heavier the closer you can be. so with the plusses of being a heavy ball why would you ever b the lightest one? (still waiting for this answer) the only real difficulty is placement of blocks that remove some of your time limit which can be hit multiple times a second to easily end your run. movement is solely falling downwards with the bumpers/left/right allowing you to rotate the whole level, but bumpers make it move faster meaning you will never use arrows. BTW the levels look like something a person will make as a novice making their very first level ever. overall this was not a fun game at all. ALL 23 MINUTES OF IT the entire game seriously took me 23 minutes according to my ds's application timer. overall I give this a 1/10.

25. New York Times Crosswords (DS): I finally got to the point where I don't think I can continue anymore without looking up answers or using a ridiculous amount of hints. This game is exactly like it sounds crossword puzzles. nothing to exciting but I was surprised by the amount of puzzles programed in. I refreshed the easiest difficulty for quite some time 20-30 minutes and didn't see the same puzzle twice. As I have said before I am really bad at crosswords and was only able to make it to the Wednesday difficulty, which is the 3rd easiest, and the difficulty follows the actual puzzles in the paper easiest on Monday and hardest sunday. If you can find it for cheap and like crosswords pick it up.

26. Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (3DS): This is the first only other rhythm game I have played besides instrument games and I have to say the concept is fantastic. but because it only pulls music from the original final fantasies (1-13, no title offshoots) it makes it feel like their is not enough music. the reason I say that is because it only pulls 3 songs from every title so a total of 39 songs. their are 3 modes , easy, hard, and expert. when you beat a song you gain exp for your team of 4 characters you pick as your party (of 13, with 3 additional unlocked through LARGE amounts of play), once you level you increase 4 stats that are used for the 3 particular songs types (battle, travel, and cutsceens) leveling is actually a huge part of progressing through it. overall, not being a big fan of rythym games, I give this game a 6.5/10.

link to list #2,6762.msg111148.html#msg111148
« Last Edit: December 02, 2016, 11:17:07 am by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2016, 06:36:39 am »
Blue - Playing
Green - Beat
Black - Endless
Red - Abandoned

1 - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Wii U) - 23 HOURS BEAT
2 - Blue Estate (PC) - 2 HOURS BEAT

3 - Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) -  40 HOURS ABANDONED
4 - Slime Rancher (PC) - 9 Hours ENDLESS
5 - Bloodborne/The Old Hunters (PS4) - 40 Hours BEAT
6 - Rocket League (PS4) - 1 Hour ENDLESS
7 - Dying Light: The Following Expansion (PC) - 15 Hours BEAT
8 - Godzilla (PS4) - BEAT
9 - Street Fighter V (PS4) - BEAT
10 - Infamous: Second Son (PS4) - BEAT
11 - PVZ: Garden Warfare 2 (PC) - 10 Hours BEAT

12 - Stardew Valley (PC) - 49 Hours ENDLESS
13 - Metal Slug 3 (PC) - 80 Minutes BEAT
14 - Guitar Hero Live (PC) -  BEAT
15 - Hyrule Warriors Legends (3DS) - 15 Hours BEAT
16 - Hyper Light Drifter (PC) - 5 Hours BEAT

17 - Twilight Princess HD (Wii U) - PLAYING
18 - Dark Souls 3 (PS4) - 39 Hours BEAT
19 - Uncharted 4 (PS4) - 12 Hours BEAT

20 - Overwatch (PC) - 35 Hours ENDLESS
21 - Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (PC) - 4 Hours ABANDONED
22 - Mega Man 1 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
24 - Mega Man 3 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
25 - Mega Man 4 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
26 - Mega Man 5 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
27 - Mega Man 6 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
28 - Song of the Deep (PS4) - BEAT

29 - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U) - PLAYING
30 - No Man's Sky (PS4) - ABANDONED
31 - Empyrion: Galactic Survival (PC) - 11 Hours ENDLESS
32 - Shadow Warrior (PC) - 11 Hours BEAT
33 - Journey (PS4) - BEAT
34 - Attack on Titan (PS4) - BEAT

35 - Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PS4) - BEAT
36 - Dragon Quest Builders (PS4) - ABANDONED
37 - Shadow Warrior 2 (PC) - 17 Hours BEAT
38 - Battlefield 1 (PC) - BEAT
39 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (PS4) - BEAT
40 - Titanfall 2 (PC) - BEAT
41 - Doom (PC) - 10 Hours BEAT
42 - Final Fantasy XV (PS4) - 100 Hours BEAT
43 - Dead Rising 4 (PC) - ABANDONED
44 - Abzu (PC) - 2 Hours BEAT
45 - Jotun (PC) - 3 Hours BEAT
46 - Furi (PC) - 2 Hours PLAYING
« Last Edit: December 26, 2016, 11:53:57 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2016, 12:17:57 pm »
Expect reviews soon for both Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly and The Evil Within.

What a great start to the new year!!


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2016, 12:20:46 pm »
I loved it last year, so I'm definitely going for as many as I can this year again  :) I'm going for 52 different games played and as many beat as possible.

01/12 - Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX (3DS)
01/31 - Pokémon: Art Academy (3DS)
02/03 - Portal 2 (PC)
02/05 - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS)
03/14 - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
04/03 - Child of Light (Vita)
04/06 - My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS)
05/?? - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4/PC)
05/26 - Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4)
06/19 - LEGO The Hobbit (PS4) (100%)
07/06 - Zero Time Dilemma (Vita) (100%)
09/XX - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Vita) (100%)
10/XX - Journey (PS4)

Playing / played
Dragon's Crown (Vita)
Pokémon Picross (3DS)
Pokémon Shuffle (3DS)
Super Mario Maker (WiiU)
Catherine (PS3)
Dokuro (Vita)
Yoshi's Woolly World (WiiU)
Rayman 3D (3DS)
Atelier Totori: Adventurer of Arland (PS3)
Hyrule Warriors: Legends (3DS)
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (PC)
Heroes of the Storm (PC)
Overwatch (PC)
Heroes of the Storm (PC)
Clannad (PC)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (WiiU)
We Happy Few (PC)
Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment (PS4)
Don't Starve (PC)
Pokémon: Moon Version (3DS)

-Total beaten/played: 13/32

As part of my "becoming a game designer" master plan, I'm also playing a bunch of smartphone games recently. It's always nice to see a wide variety of games, and great smartphone ones usually have to be very simple to succeed.Playing and understanding how and what in their simplicity makes them appealing is a great learning tool  :)

Anyway, separate list of Android games:
Fast like a Fox
Alpaca World
Binary Puzzle
Rayman Jungle Run
Quiz RPG: World of Mystic Wiz (btw, this game isn't so good. I do not recommend  ::))
Anime Gacha! (also an awful game)
Kingdom Hearts Unchained X
Puzzle & Dragons

Total played: 8
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 02:23:04 pm by karyann »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2016, 02:57:16 pm »
Last year was great! Hopefully this year I make the 52 games goal!

1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100%
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100%
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100%

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 04:42:09 pm »
I'm still trying to focus on beating games myself, though there are some games that I just won't end up beating for reasons of it not being a good game, or I was getting bored.


PRO Supporter

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2016, 03:29:06 am »
My focus this year will be on completing games as well.


1) Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) (completed) I love Lara Croft and luckily my wife's ok with that.
2) Bravely Default (3DS) (completed twice) Just trying to get 100%
3) Super Mario Maker (WiiU) the makers here on VGC pulled me back into this one.
4) Child of Light (WiiU) (completed) a beautiful game with Metriod style side scrolling exploration, power ups, and nonlinear play. But turn based enemy battles with a very unique combat system.The game begins when the main character, a little girl named Aurora, dies in her sleep. Great game but prepare yourself for sadness early on.
5) Kirby Superstar Ultra (DS) great port of the SNES version. Currently cheaper to find in the wild and has more bonus features! :)
6) Saturday Morning RPG (PS4) (completed) Couldn't wait for my physical copy to arrive so I picked it up for $9.99 on the PSN. A great stroll down nostalgia lane.
7) Superman 64 (N64) - I said I'd play it live on Retro Reload Podcast if someone got it for me. Well Bad@chaos sent me a copy and I was true to my word! I was surprised to discover that it's not, in my mind, the worst N64 game of all time.
8) That's so Raven (GBA) got it in a bag o games from Goodwill and played it live on the Retro Reload podcast. It's surprising decent! If you have a young daughter or niece she'd probably like it.
9) Atomic Betty - (GBA) it's Like Lost Vikings but with terribly stiff and clunky controls. Play Lost Vikings instead. Was in the bag o games.
10) Hi Hi Puffy AMIYUMI KaZNappeD! - (GBA) a surprisingly decent platformer/puzzle type game where you switch between two Japanese pop stars as you work your way through the levels. This was in the same big o games and I played it on Retro Reload.
11) Cheetah Girls - (GBA) was in the bag o games. Played it on the show. I will never play it again.
12) Xenoblade Chronicles X - (WiiU) just started this game. The storytelling is a bit slow paced but the scale of this game is absolutely amazing for a WiiU title. I plan to play this one to completion.
13) Quantum Break - (Xbox One) (completed) an excellent game by Remedy about time travel. Hands down the best game about time travel released to date. Excellent story. Great blend of live action footage with 3D rendered actors during gameplay.
14) Bravely Second - (3DS) (completed) don't let the lukewarm reviews sway you. This is a great game. Improves on the original in every way.
15) Alan Wake - (Xbox 360) (completed) another masterpiece by Remedy. You are are Alan Wake an author trapped in your next horror novel you don't even remember writing. One of the best horror games I have ever played. Gameplay could use more balance and tuning but the story is so compelling you will need to finish it.
16) Escape Goat - (Roku) it was $2 bucks and I once met the indie Dev in person at a gaming event. It's and endless runner. You move a bouncing goat left and right as it tries to climb it's way into the mountains as high as it can. It's a simple mindless way to burn a few minutes while waiting for my wife to grab a drink or some snacks between shows.
17) Ori and the Blind Forest (Xbox One) (completed) - This is the next-gen 2d Metroid we've all been waiting for. With the definitive edition available for $20 there is no reason not to play this game. It even inspired me to write a small review here on VGCollect.
18) Shovel Knight - (WiiU) (completed) If Ducktales, MegaMan, and LoZ II had a baby it'd be this game. Playing through a 2 player campaign with my son using the Amiibo to unlock co-op! This game is Nintendo hard.
19) Super Mario Bros. 3 - (NES) (completed) did a playthrough to test my new 8bitdo Bluetooth dongle and SNES Bluetooth gamepad. Worked wonderfully with my CRT. I could not detect any gameplay altering input lag. :)
20) Mutant Rampage Bodyslam - (CDi) Someday I will finish this game. Good graphics, good sound, good animated sequences (admittedly terrible storyline). This is a Double Dragon/Streets of Rage style beat em up that's actually not bad. My friend and I took turns playing this for about an hour to test a SNES to CDi adapter that TPugmire made for me. The adapter works great.
21) Space Pirates - (3DO) (completed) played and almost beat this game while testing a model FZ1 before I purchased the console. Recently played again with dual light guns and a friend. Completed the game and recorded the playthrough. I'll post the video one of these days.
22) Alan Wake's American Nightmare - (Xbox 360) (completed) While not quite as polished and certainly much shorter than the first game this not quite spin off not quite sequel was a blast to play. It adds a lot to the story picking up where the second DLC leaves off. The music during some of the monster fights makes them feel really epic. The Alan Wake franchise (for now) replaces Resident Evil as my favorite survival horror genre game.
23) Beyond Eyes (PS4) (completed) You play Rae a little girl who became blind. Her only friend is a stray cat she named Nani that one day stops coming by. Rae ventures out into the world to find Nani. You experience the world as Rae does. The world springs to life around her immediate radius as she interacts with it. Painted in beautiful but vague water colors based on her memory of how things used to look. The concept sounds way cooler than its execution. Playing the game you will experience and appreciate the plight of a blind person. But For a blind person the sound should be much more powerful than it is. For example, when it rains you can't hear it!? Why can't you hear it? It should be all around you in glorious surround sound. When she interacts with the world it can be convincing at times but mostly falls flat. She'll fumble to find handles when opening gates. But if the gate can't be opened she just stands there, arms drifting. Why doesn't she at least attempt to open it?! She walks at a snails pace and the game requires frequent backtracking in the later levels. I feel like she should be able to at least walk double speed through areas she's become familiar with. She should be able to knock things over. She can't. She should be able to be in harms way. But you literally cannot get hurt, let alone die in the game. The world is relatively empty of people. But even when there are people around they seem completely oblivious to the fact that a blind girl is wandering around alone. Who the hell are these careless people?! What is their problem? Why won't they help her find her damn cat!? The game is creative and brilliant when it works. But it seems unfinished and, honestly, very unfun. It's literally a walking simulator. You will spend most of your time wishing she'd move faster and wondering what the hell it is you're supposed to do. I'm over halfway through and I used to have a blind neighbor that would walk the streets daily. Out of respect for him and a desire to understand him better I'll most likely finish the game. This game had real potential but it seems afraid to go that next mile and realize it. I want everyone to play this game but many will not enjoy it. I'll just stop my write up here.
24) Duke Nukem: Manhatten Project - (Xbox One) This is actually an Xbox 360 live game ported from the PC. It's rendered in 3D but it's a 2.5D sidescroller/platformer. It's not great but it's not terrible either. Overall not a bad way to kill some time.
25) Super Mario Land - (GameBoy via Game Cube Player) played the first couple levels while testing my video capture setup. Turns out the hauppauge capture software adds some bad and blatant ghosting when capturing s-video. Used capture4me and it was perfectly clean. Only played the first couple levels but I beat this game long ago. :)
26) Day of the Tentacle - (PS4/Vita) (completed) the sequel to Maniac Mansion. Got it for $5 in a psn flash sale. It's pretty great. You can switch between classic and remastered graphics in-game. There is an Easter egg which contains the entire first game fully playable. Both games allows cross/device save syncing. So you can pick up where you left off on the ps vita!
27) Rainbow Moon - (PS4/Vita) Another game I bought in a flash sale. Also allows for cross/save. Played for about an hour. I will probably play more.
28) Lode Runner - (Roku) a really good remake of the Atari classic. I suck at this game. A lot. I will probably play it to kill small amounts of time here and there.
29) Prince of Persia - (Roku) a port of the original computer game. Good looking platformer with very slippery and unforgiving controls. I may play it some more but dang it's difficult!
30) Hello Kitty - (famicom) never released in the US this is actually a sequel to Balloon Fight and it's excellent! Unlike the first game this game scrolls and has platformer elements and bosses. Two player mode is unique in that the other player picks up were the other player left off. Making it cooperative rather than competitive. This game starts out calm and simplistic but ramps up to brutal difficulty rather quickly. Don't let the cuteness fool you. It's a lot of fun to play!
31) Shantae: Risky's Revenge - (PS4) (completed) good (but short) Metriodvania style game by developer Wayforward.
32) Shantae: Pirate's Curse - (3DS) (Completed) more great Shantae!
33) Kirby's Return to Dreamland - (Wii) - Excellent platformer. Having fun playing couch co-op with this one.
34) Shantae: Half Genie Hero - (GBC) - Just played it enough to prove it works. Gonna pick it back up after I finish Pirate's Curse.
35) PAC-Man Championship - (PS3) - This game is addicting. Imagine the classic arcade game on speed and acid!
36) Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour - (PS4) - Played through the first three levels of the first episode. Trying to 100% the game. The dual analog controls and advanced lifting effects are nice and greatly increase the playability of this game. Other than that it's the same old Duke and that's ok!
37) Trauma Center - (Wii) - Excelent sci-fi surgery simulator. My wife and I take turns on the operations. Starts out simple but quickly becomes intense. Excellent motion controls. First of the four Trauma Center games on the Wii.
38) Burnout Paradise - (PC Steam) got this on sale and kind of regret it. Game looks amazing in 4k but is missing nearly half the dlc found in the PS3 & 360 versions. No big surf island. No Legendary cars. Very disappointing.
39) Double Dragon Neon - (PC Steam) (Completed) got this on a steam sale. Recorded a start-end playthrough with my son. Game looks fantastic in 4k and is just as fun on the pc as it is on PS3. Tongue in cheek interpretation to Double Dragon and a love letter to the 80's! Must have for any beat em up lover.
40) Bro Force - (PC steam) this game is like Jackal meets Contra meets Terraria. Absolute mayhem. Recorded a playthrough with my son. Started out fun but after a half hour of grinding and dying faster than I could see what was going on it got old pretty quickly.
41) 20XX - (PC steam early access) This is a Megaman Rogue-like game. One or two player platformer. Feels and plays like mega man but the levels are randomly generated. Excellent controls and graphics.
42) Dead Or Alive Final Round - (PC steam) played halfway through arcade mode. Graphics sadly cannot be pushed to 4k resolutions but the game looks and plays better than on the consoles.
43) Skull Girls Second Encore - (PC steam) played a few rounds with my son. A lot like street fighter but much harder to follow due to the crazy cartoony animation style. Characters aren't always animated in a straightforward way. So an attack might make a character mutate and slap someone with a chainsaw instead of simply punching them. Makes timing and spacing attacks difficult. But perhaps I'm just getting too old for fighting games. Graphics and sound are unquestionably fantastic.
44) Super Mario Run - (mobile) Played and completed the demo. It's alright good graphics and sound but super simple gameplay (just tap) doesn't seem worth $10 to me for the full unlock.
45) Life is Strange - (PS4) Played and completed episode 1 with my wife and son (we took turns). The language is terrible and the game could use a bit more polish. But it's compelling enough that we will probably play through the entire game.
46) Nidhogg - (PS4) a pointless game of hack n slash and run to the goal. My son loves it.
47) KHUx - (mobile) these just tap repeatedly to play games are not really my thing.
48) FF XV Demo - (PS4) I played through the entire demo in about 20 minutes. Graphics and sound were amazing but I have no clue what the hell was going on or why I should care.
49) Disruptor - (PS1) Played through the first 2 or three levels of this one. Worlds were more intricate than Doom and the game has live action cut scenes. A solid game but simply could not compete with the Doom name back in the day. Interviewed Craig Stitt one of the artists for the game. His pretty proud of it and rightfully so. It's a forgotten gem on the PS1.
50) Warriors Land: Six Golden Coins - (Game Boy) played a couple of levels live on the show. Beat it as a kid back in the day. Solid game.
51) Pinball Arcade: Attack From Mars - (PS Vita) My favorite Pinball game of all time. :)
52) the Oregon Trail - (PC) (completed) finished this game as a Farmer with the whole family intact. Live on Retro reload. Played a couple more times offline with my actual family. Always a fun time.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 03:58:03 am by dashv »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2016, 11:08:08 am »
God I have lots of reviews to write. I finished Until Dawn. That makes three.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2016, 03:00:37 pm »
My son (7) finished Madgascar 3 yesterday. He practically beat the game in one day so that's 1 for him in 2016. I need to kick him off the console and get to finishing games or just concentrate on some handheld ones that I can play anywhere. Sheesh.
As dangerous as a stampede of cattle...and almost as smart.


PRO Supporter

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2016, 03:02:03 pm »
I'm going to try to do this this year!  I'm going to try to play 52 games anyway.
Let's start with:

1: Mario Maker - It's simple.  You make Mario Levels. It's awesome.  Let the creativity flow!

2: Broforce - It's a throwback to games of a simpler time.  It's sprite styled graphics, over the top action, and tongue-in-cheek humor.   Such a good time.

3: Shantae and the Pirates Curse- Great 16-bit style 2D platformer.  Such a fun game

4: Probotector - It's European Contra

5: Probotector II: The Return of the Evil Forces - It's European SuperC

6: StarFox Zero - I want to defend it, but the controls aren't good.  It spoils an otherwise really good game.

I'm sure there's more to come.  I've played a lot of games, I just can't remember them all
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 05:13:52 pm by turf »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2016, 05:19:17 pm »
I think I played quite a bit last year, but totally forgot to write some stuff down. I guess I'll try my hand at reviewing stuff for 2016.

1. Dogyuun Arcade ( Toaplan V.2 board)- Completed to 2-1(2nd loop) 1cc Very fun shmup by Toaplan with some great/huge enemy designs,a good soundtrack, and a level where you jump into a invincible mech and punch things. The only main downsides are the lack of a spreadshot weapon, some of the level design at the end. 2cced the game, but still going for 1cc.  8.5/10

2. Kamui( PC)- Completed 1cc on easy A doijun shmup that is heavily inspired by Rayforce and Sokyugurentai with its scoring system and multi-parted bosses, only played through the game once so far; but its very enjoyable. 8/10

3. Solatorobo: Red the Hunter  DS- Completed  A pretty fun action rpg developed by the guys behind the .hack series and spritiual successor to Tail Concerto. Story was good, the quest system was actually more enjoyable then I thought, and the combat was solid. 8/10.

4. Point Blank DS Completed- Port of the 1994 Namco arcade game adapted for the DS with the stylus replacing the lightgun. Pretty barebones port, you can do arcade mode which consists of some of the games, although quite a few are missing. There's a brain challenge mode and practice mode, but those don't last very long. Stick with the PS1 version if you can. 5.5/10

5. Korg DS-10 Synth Plus DS Complete- This is surprising; it's a music creating tool which simulates a Korg synth from the early days of snyth technology. It's pretty cumbersome to learn how to make sounds, and the range of stuff you can make and do is limited but its fun nonetheless. However, there are much better tools than this nowadays, probably on PC.     7/10

6. Drone Tactics   DS- On Hiatus- On Chapter 6 A typical SRPG with kids who are called by bugs to save this other world. The story feels pretty cut and paste so far; the combat can be fun although a bit limiting to attack options. The game was pretty easy for the first few chapters, but then chapter 6 has a huge spike in difficulty so I got my ass handed to me. Not sure if I want to keep playing, as I've heard its a very long game for a SRPG. Chapter 6 has a huge diffculty spike so I'm going to come back to this at a later date. 6/10

7. Dragon's Lair Trilogy(Wii)- Completed- This is great port of Dragon's Lair I and II, and Space Ace onto one physical package. The game plays pretty much like the original arcade release, faults and all, but there are arrow/sword/gun indicators on screen to help guide, and makes it a bit more fair to progress. Even with all three games, it takes less than a hour to beat.  6.5/10

8. Blazeblue Chrono Phantasma Extend (PS3)Completed- This was a co-op playthrough with me/bro in story mode. Story mode is way more streamlined and offers additional character development, and the combat system has defenitely stepped up from continum shift and is enjoyable in its own right. I'm looking forward to seeing how Centralfiction will be handled as a console port. 7.5/10

9. Trials HD (X360)- Completed ( except for Hard/Expert)- This game has some ridicuolously sensetive controls for your motorbike, and takes a ton of trial and error to get past certian sections and not get hit by something or flip on your back. I'm having fun with it, but the Hard/Expert levels feel near impossible at times.  7/10

10. Limbo (X360)- Completed- A platformer game with quite a bit of trial and error to it, but not as bad as Trials HD. The minimalism,  and monochrome colors really do add to the atmosphere of the game. 7/10

11. 'Spolosion man (X360)-  On World 3-1- Seems like a pretty easy platformer so far. I wish there was more variation in the enviornment and the music, but the mechanics are decent. 6.5/10

12. Ikaruga(GC)- Completed- Wow, this is a pretty good port of the great naomi arcade shmup. Not exactly accurate to the arcade, as there is less slowdown in some spots and the lack of story sequences, but it has a bunch of options for practice mode, which is something I love in shmup ports. The polarity mechanic is simple and fun to use in combat; I can defenitely see some influence from Radiant Silvergun in here. I'd like to improve my playskill at this before even atttempting to clear it. Defenitely the best shmup you can get on Gamecube, its also available on Steam,XBLA, and PSN as well.  8.2/10

13. DDR Mario Mix(Gamecube)- Completed  This is kind of an unexpected spinoff. The story mode is made up of 5 worlds, with 4 levels each; and the goal is to dance your way to victory by not missing anything. I'm not that big of a fan of the remixes, but if you like DDR and Mario, then it wouldn't hurt to check it out, especially since its a pretty short game. 5.5/10.

14. Gunstar Heroes(Sega  Genesis Classics/PC)- 3rd stage- Pretty fun run n gun game, especially since you can hold two weapons at a time, and switching them around in each level is estential to success. However, the base control layout for this game is not great, so I need to adjust it before I can go any further. 7.5/10

15. Fire Emblem Fates (3DS)- Chp.22 Birthright/Chp. 10 Conquest- Haven't gotten too much time to play it this week, but so far, I'm liking how the use of strategic elements on maps has gone up, the pair up mechanic isn't broken like Awakening, and they decided to go back to the damage formula present in the older Fire Emblems(FE 1-6) meaning that its more of a challenge this time around.  This seems to be a verygood improvement from Awakening, and since I'm doing Conquest line first, the maps will continue to be challenging w/ varied objectives.

16. Night Striker (Arcade Taito Z Board/PS2) 2cc- A pretty solid looking Space Harrier clone with some pretty decent music, although it has a lot of repeated enviornments/bosses despite the 26 zones ( named A-Z like Darius). I just wish I had a better control setup cuz my keyboard's d-pad is not good for dodging those nasty missiles. Available on Taito Legends PS2, and import ports on the Saturn/PS1.  7/10

17. Liquid Kids(Arcade Taito F2 Board/PS2) 1cc completed- Cutesy platformer similiar to stuff like NewZelandStory and Bubble Bobble. This one has a very fair difficulty curve compared to some arcade platformers I've seen; has some good scoring mechanics with killing more enemies in a row generates additional points+ items. Defenitely reccomended for any platformer fan, also on Taito Legends for PS2. 8.5/10

18. Tokyo Beat Down (DS) Completed- I picked this game for cheap, and even though its a pretty clunky beat em up for the most part, the script is hilarious, and the main character's name is Lewis Canoon (loose cannon haha). This feels like a good stress reliever compared to FE Conquest right now. 6.5/10

19.  Bayonetta 1 ( Wii U) Completed- Damn, this was a great experience from start to finish. It's a very good port of the xbox 360 port, ( considered to be the best), and every single aspect of the game comes together very well, especially the music and gameplay. My only compliant is some of the quicktime events don't give you much time to react, and then you can die and screw up your entire stage score. But this was really well done; one of the best hack n slashes and games of the last generation. 8.5/10

20. Bayonetta 2 ( Wii U)- Chp.10-  So far, this one feels like a incremental sequel but with some better changes, they got rid of the quicktime events, difficulty feels a bit more balanced in the earlier stages, new ways to get more life/magic, not too many reused assets, you are able to fight infernal demons now in some chapters.  The graphics are really good for the Wii U, its got a much brighter color palette than the first game, only a few minor slowdowns and a bit of extra time for loading screens.  9/10

21. House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii)- Completed This a light gun shooter that happens to be the prequel to the original House of the Dead. Its got a 70's horror B-movie vibe to it, and a money system that allows you to upgrade weapons. For the most part, it was graphically alright, but there were some slowdowns here and there due to the fact that there is a physics system for the zombie parts after you shoot them up. It's especially bad in level 5, where the game comes to a standstill with too much going on, and putting it in 480p makes it even worse. There are also missing parts to the story that can only be done in the director's cut mode, requiring a second playthrough. Overall, it was okay, but the upgradable system made the later stages a pain in the ass to not lose health and be forced to continue; I dunno if the PS3 port fixes any of this. 6/10.

22. Dragon Spirit( Namco System I Arcade/ Namco Museum 50 Annv. GC)- Completed A pure fantasy shmup from Namco that was originally released in 1987. It's the first game where Shinji Hosoe composed for, and its a pretty good first showing from him. The graphics are decent for there time, and there a quite a bit of powerups/ terrain/enemy patterns to deal with. The biggest problem with this game is your hugeass hitbox, and that having multiple heads only increases it, which leads to too many places where you'll get stuck, especially since many of the popcorn enemies home into your position. 6.5/10

23. Dragon Saber ( Namco System II Arcade/ PS1-JP Namco Museum Encore)- Stage 5 on 1c- Wow, the three year jump between Dragon Spirit and this game has a taken a huge leap in graphics and sound, many due to the vast increase of power in the arcade board. The soundtrack is even better this time; composed by Hosoe, and even includes a hidden soundtest to play remixed tracks from Dragon Spirit in the main game! Most of the old powerups are back, along with some new ones for different stages. Your hitbox is a little bit smaller this time, however you only have one bar of health, opposed to two in the original game. This makes many situations in the game extremely frustrating, especially since most of the bosses are beefed up compared to Spirit. This is even worse in the World version, requiring 2 credits for 3 lives, vs 1 for 3. Scoring is also more important here for end game bonuses, but I'm not gonna worry about it since I can only get halfway through the game on 1c right now. Quite a good improvement over Spirit. 7.8/10

24. Crimzon Clover: World Ignition ( Steam-PC)- Novice Arcade Complete- Got this for a buck, so I decided to check it out. It's a very well made bullethell shmup, with multiple ships/modes to test your skills. The main compliant is the lack of difficulty between novice and arcade; novice feels too easy while arcade will curb stomp you if you are trying to clear on one credit. There should have been a difficulty in between the two; everything else is pretty solid for the most part. 7.5/10

25. The Legend of Kage 2(DS)-  CompletedThis is a sequel to the 1984 arcade game Legend of Kage, and feels like a reboot in many ways.  The gameplay has been improved with new skills, ninjustu from orbs, and a pretty decent soundtrack. However, the level design is not great; you can skip over huge portions to get to the end of it; bosses aren't too bad besides the last few. The ninjustu was a waste due to only a few being useful and the rest not really helping. I'd say it was ok; but a bunch of fixing will be needed for a better sequel. 5.5/10

26. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia(DS)- Completd- A friend reccomended this one to me. Overall, there's a lot of items and weapons to get and the difficulty is actually pretty well-balanced so far. I think it has a way better dunegon variety, and the soundtrack was good as well. The only bummer was how Death was so pathetic in this game. 8/10

27. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow(DS)- Completed- This is a sequel to Aria of Sorrow for the GBA and continues mr. soma's story as well. There's some weapon synthesis and soul systems in place, although some of the later drops seem to be really uncommon. It feels quite a bit easier than Eclessia. I really dislike how the touch screen is only used for boss seals, and don't add anything to the game, and the soundtrack wasn't as good as well.   6.5/10.

33. Fixeight( Arcade  Toaplan V.2 board) 1cc Euro ver.- This is the sequel to Outzone, and quite a bit is changed around this time. You can select from 8 different characters, each with 2 different weapons, one that is  fire in any direction ( weak), or one that has a fixed direction( strong), along with bombs. You can change between the two weapons at change panels, and pick up various items including point items, special weapons/speed ups, etc. This version is much easier than the original Japanese version since you can breeze through bosses with C. Horn's weapons , but still manages to be a lot of fun,especially since you have to use the level terrain to your advantage to get past most enemies and certain bosses. The game does loop indefenitely with difficulty increases, so score is the main objective here. As with Dogyuun which runs on the same board, this game looks great for a 1992 game, although the color palette is a bit washed out at times and creates some very strange looking enemies. Music is mostly fits the aesthetic, but its not too strong in this game.  You'll like this game if you're a fan of run n guns.  8/10

33. Fixeight ( Arcade, Toaplan V.2. board, 1cc completed on Euro/Jap versions)- Refer to pg.18 of this thread for more info.  Awesome vertical run n gun with a ton of characters and varied stages. You have two main weapons ( can hold one at a time) and can pick up question marks for various items for each character. The color palette is very subdued, but I think this gives it a unique look.  Soundtrack was a bit weak. There's also multiple scoring opprotunities and fast bullets( Japanese version mostly) to worry about. Defenitely give this one a shot if you enjoy arcade games. 8.8/10   My 1cc run of the Japanese ver is here:

34. Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition ( PS3)- This is a HD port of the  Naomi/Dreamcast shmup, Under defeat which was created by G. rev, a company made up of former Taito employees.  You can select from two modes, Arcade and New Order ( i'll cover that soon). Arcade seems to be very similar to the original arcade mode, with a better resolution.( I'll cover more tomorrow when I play more of the arcade mode).

35.  Pacman & Galaga Dimensions (3DS)- This is a collection of Pac -Man and Galaga games, which includes Galaga, Galaga Arragement, Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, and Pac Man Championship. Overall it's a nice package for getting your fix on pac man/ galaga on the go, but it could have had more content from other classic namco games, or championship dx. 6/10

36. Metal Slug Anthology- (Wii, MAME, Completed 1cc on 1, X)- This is the reason I bought a Wii, and I decided to revisit it a month or two ago. This contains all of the Metal Slugs released at the time ( 2006), and allows you to unlock art gallery, interviews, and music tracks through repeated playthroughs. My favorities on this collection are Metal Slugs 1,X,3 and 6. The biggest problem of the Wii port ( same for the PS2) is that the emulation is pretty off at certain points, and that the control schemes besides the sideways Wii remote aren't very good. If you're looking to clear the games on a 1cc, MAME is a far better option but if you like a collection on consoles, then stick with the PS2 version. 7/10

37. Metal Hawk- ( Arcade, Namco System 2 board ,1cc completed)- I played this game a year ago not getting very far, but this time it was a completely different story. It's mainly a shmup with a xevious style of gameplay, although the main difference is that your helicopter can change altitude and direction ( free roaming style) thanks to the sprite rotation and scaling supported as hardware features. You need to get a certain amount of points within the time limit in each area in order to advance to the next stage. The soundtrack is very good, offering a 80's hard rock backdrop with a mix of FM and lots of PCM songs that fit the game's style. The game is pretty short, but can quickly get difficult due to the agressive enemies and ground targets, along with a necessary knowledge of the controls. Graphics are also some of the best of 1988, and because of the scaling was planned to have a 32x port but was canceled. A very unique game for its time, and its the only game of its kind, so check it out if you can. 8/10
 I was able to clear it (first in the West it seems) and here is my run here:

38. Outzone (Arcade, Toaplan V.1. board,1cc, completed)- This is the prequel to Fixeight, although you have to worry about your energy bar instead of an invisible timer.  The gameplay is mostly the same, but there is a greater amount of special weapons. The one weapon that will carry you through the game is the super ball, which spins in a ridicuolously huge area and can shoot projectiles across the screen.  This game isn't too hard, but it can easy to screw up and lose a run on one part. 8/10.

39. Assault/ Assault Plus( Arcade, Namco System 2 board or Namco Museum Vol. 4, PS1, Plus Easy 1cc completed)- This is a game where you control a tank from an overhead perspective. It predates Metal Hawk by half a year, and has many of the same effects and soundtrack composers as Metal Hawk. The tank can flip over ( useful for dodging waves of shots), launch regular shots, ranged nuclear missles and use assault pads to damage far ranged enemies. The controls are a twin stick method with a fire button on the left stick, but on MAME you map the sticks to keyobard keys, or to buttons on the PS1 Museum port.  There is a very interesting story in that you are reclaiming your home planet from an invasion by Earth's forces, and there are variety of different areas where your goal is to destroy different types of cannons in each area within the time limit.  The main game is made up of 11 stages ( only have gotten through 5 on 1 credit), while Plus has ( an improved color palette and fixes the 0 sec glitch), an Easy mode with 5 stages based off the original version, and a Super mode with reworked stage layout that is 10 stages. The graphics are some of the best of 1988, and the soundtrack is pretty good, although imbalanced ( due to the PCM sound driver being incomplete; this is fixed for the Namco Video Game Graffati soundtrack vol. 3). It's defenitely a very unique and challenging game, and its a shame that Namco never made an  offical sequel.  9/10
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 05:32:42 pm by maximo310 »


  • Guest
Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2016, 11:35:18 am »
I can give this a try, I finished Battlefield 4 yesterday so one game down.

  • Battlefield 4 - PC
  • Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - PC
  • Aliens: Colonial Marines - PC
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider - PC
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 04:30:50 pm by Veilor »

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2016, 01:14:54 pm »
Here is my list, linked below will be my thoughts, experiences, and ratings.

bold text denotes games that were beat, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized text denotes games that are currently being played.
standard text denotes games that have been abandoned, if only temporarily.

  • Thomas Was Alone (PS4)
  • Infamous: First Light (PS4)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider (X1)
  • Chibi-Robo! (GCN)
  • The Stanley Parable (PC)
  • Castlevania (NES)
  • Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville (NDS)
  • Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol (NDS)
  • Gone Home (PC)
  • Biker Mice from Mars (NDS)
  • Grand Theft Auto III (PS4)
  • Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (NDS)
  • Portal (PC)
  • Pony Island (PC)
  • Road Rash Jailbreak (GBA)
  • Human Resource Machine (PC)
  • Party Hard (PC)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS4)
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
  • Amplitude (PS4)
  • Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky's Big Adventure (PSX)
  • Tiny Toon Adventures: The Great Beanstalk (PSX)
  • Luminosity (PC)
  • Capsule Force (PS4)
  • Fallout 4 (X1) :Automatron (X1)
  • Child of Light (X1)
  • Retro City Rampage (PC)
  • Hacknet (PC)
  • Firewatch (PC)
  • Gas Guzzlers Extreme (PC)
  • Please, Don't Touch Anything (PC)
  • Rock of Ages (360)
  • Mahjong (Android)
  • Need for Speed: Rivals (PS4)
  • Road Redemption (PC)
  • GodBall (PC)
  • SuperTruck (PC)
  • Assassin's Creed (360)
  • Assassin's Creed II (360)
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360)
  • Assassin's Creed: The Lost Archives (360)
  • Pocket Mortys (Android)
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations (360)
  • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (X1)
  • Assassin's Creed III (360)
  • Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles (NDS)
  • Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD (360)
  • Assassin's Creed II: Discovery (NDS)
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS)
  • Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PSP)
  • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (X1)
  • Kirby Block Ball (GB)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (NDS)
  • My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS)
  • Assassin's Creed: Rogue (360)
  • F-Zero GP Legend (GBA)
  • Assassin's Creed: Unity (X1)
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS)
  • Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (X1)
  • Assassin's Creed: Syndicate: Jack the Ripper (X1)
  • TimeSplitters (PS2)
  • TimeSplitters 2 (PS2)
  • TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (PS2)
  • Air Combat (PS1)
  • Bomberman GB (GB)
  • I Am Bread (PS4)
  • Road Rash (PS1)
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
  • Metal Gear (NES)
  • Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA)
  • Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA)
  • Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (PS4)
  • Drill Dozer (GBA)
  • Homefront: The Revolution (PS4)
  • -KLAUS- (PS4)
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation (3DS)
  • Aero Fighters (SNES)
  • Star Fox 2 (SNES)
  • Demon's Souls (PS3)
  • Super Boss Gaiden (SNES-CD)
  • Mega Man & Bass (SNES)
  • Cave Story 3D (3DS)
  • Blacksite: Area 51 (360)
  • Hexcells (PC)
  • Hexcells Plus (PC)
  • Hexcells Infinite (PC)
  • Regency Solitaire (PC)
  • Ace Combat 2 (PS1)
  • Forza Horizon 2 (X1)
  • Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PS1)
  • Catlateral Damage (PS4)
  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS4)
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS4)
  • Haunting Ground (PS2)
  • Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS4)
  • Dark Souls (360)
  • Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PS4)
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
  • Aragami (PS4)
  • Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (X1)
  • Stikbold (X1)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties (X1)
  • Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)
  • Pokemon: Fire Red Version (GBA)
  • Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (X1)
  • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (X1)
  • Dungelot: Shattered Lands (PC)
  • Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)
  • Risk of Rain (PC)
  • Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2)
  • Tales from the Borderlands (X1)
  • Lococycle (PC)
  • Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE (Wii U)
  • Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)

Games 1-15
Games 16-27
Games 28-45
Games 46-59
Games 60-79
Games 80-98
Games 99-Final

Final Stats
« Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 01:56:54 pm by ignition365 »