Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78377 times)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #75 on: January 19, 2017, 08:23:13 am »
The review is up for Mega Man & Bass. I haven't started the review for Nocturne yet, which is a shame because I'm really excited to write one up for it. Such a good game!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #76 on: January 22, 2017, 04:33:49 am »
4 - Tokyo Mirage Sessions (Wii U 2016) - 46 HOURS ABANDONED - Was hoping I could add this to the beat list this year, since I didn't finish it last year, but even after putting another 10 hours into the game and looking at another couple hours till the end, I'm just done.  I'm tired of kinda the enemies gameplay.  Since the game involves entirely around weaknesses, if your characters get caught up in them, it can sometimes lead to endless death cycles.  Revive, get killed, etc...It's annoying that bosses get multiple attacks, along with the minions they have.  It doesn't make the fights enjoyable in the slightest.  There was a boss like mid game that drove me nuts with that.  Guess what? You have to redo all the main bosses before the final boss.  I hate that so much in games and it makes me fight that boss I hate again.  I'm just tired of the game.

It has a cool style to the UI and visuals, I'm kinda into the whole J-Pop/Idol thing, when you do combined attacks it can be cool (Though it gets repetitive by like halfway through the game and every attack is a sessions attack with everyone attacking) and it plays totally fine, but I'm just not having fun with it anymore.  Was gonna try and beat it, got close, but I'm done.  Tapping out.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #77 on: January 22, 2017, 12:59:30 pm »
I finished Klonoa for the Wii last night. I'm glad I got this version instead of the insanely priced PlayStation version; the game is super short.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #78 on: January 22, 2017, 09:00:27 pm »
Well this is completely unexpected. We aren't even through the first month of the year and I'm already almost 1/5 done! Most recent review:

10. Batsugun (Arcade): This game was one of the most amazing, balanced, and fun shooters I've ever played, until it looped, and then again, and then yet again! Each time, not only did I have to replay through most of the levels I had just completed, but they became more and more ridiculous, and I mean that mostly negatively. If this game had ended after its first five stages this would have no doubt become one of the best SHMUPs I have ever played, but by the time I actually beat it (Stage 15, aka stage 5, 4th time) I just wanted it to be over mostly. Other than that it is easy to understand why this game is considered one of the great classic shooters and the grandfather of the bullet hell genre. (1/22/17)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #79 on: January 23, 2017, 08:53:03 am »
Main List
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

78. Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (PS4)
My wife initially described the game to be like Breath of the Wild, I was sold... but I just never got around to it.  I asked for a description again and she described it as Breath of the Wild minus the combat.  A little less sold, but I'd give it a try.  First off, no gliding and no climbing.  Falling is using an umbrella and slowly descending.  Climbing is just jumping, but if you try to jump from a surface that isn't flat, you wind up just jumping backwards, so Elder Scrolls style mountain climbing is impossible.  The game seems to take a lot of the game play from Breath of the Wild and I guess Harvest moon.  Fetch quests galore.  Farming aspect exists, but I took no part in it and wasn't really necessary for the platinum aside from adopting some animals.  Exploration and crafting are the major part of the game, plus some minor collect-a-thon action.  Overall I rather enjoyed the game, enough to spend an additional day playing the game after beating it, just to work on the platinum trophy.  Game also doesn't take itself too seriously, has a lot of references to pop culture, tons of puns (LOVE IT), and there is an island in the game called "Troll Island", which appears to be little troll characters, decorative poop, and the characters dialogue seems to come directly from internet message boards. A+.
Rating: Honestly, recommended.  Troll Island makes this game worth playing by itself.

79. Super Mario World (SNES)
Got my SNES Classic in the mail, finally, fucking USPS and UPS Surepost. But mostly USPS for their pretending to attempt delivery but refusing to deliver, and then saying they'll hold it but then they deliver it because I asked for them to hold it.  Asshats.  Anyway, I decided to play through SMW, did the quick finish and went straight from World 2 to the Final Castle.  Whipped Bowser.
Rating: Stupid to ask, Top 5 games of all time, obviously recommended.

80. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
I was looking through my PS4 library and noticed I had a digital copy of MGSV, so I installed it.  Then shortly after I decided to play it.  I've been playing it all weekend.  Beat all of the side ops, got some trophies for a bunch of different things.  As much time as I have invested in this game over the past 2 years, it surprises me that I have no Gold Trophies for this game.  Just a ton of bronze and a handful of silver.  I have a few more trophies I'm going to work on before I abandon this game again.  Next year, maybe I'll go for some of the more involved trophies.  I really want to platinum this game some day.
Rating: Still highly recommended.

81. Super Mario Odyssey (NS)
I haven't quite been hyped about this game, I never get too ahead of myself with Mario games because they are generally hit or miss, no in between.  This game is quite fantastic.  A throwback to the collect-a-thons of the N64 era.  Nice open worlds like the N64 not the small levels or "worlds" of Galaxy or 3D World/Land.  Somewhere between Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine.  No power ups, but this has been replaced with the capture system, which works quite well and makes for some humorous gameplay.  This game has upwards of 800 Power Moons (or as I like to call them, Moon Moons, yes I imagine the mentally challenged wolf).  Very easy to enter a world, and within a minute find yourself with 3-5 Power Moons already.  Unlike SM64 or Sunshine, the entry to new worlds isn't locked behind a set amount of Moons, but requires you to obtain a set amount of Moons from the previous world.  This forces you to at least do some stuff in EVERY world.  SM64 and Sunshine, if you were thorough enough on certain worlds, you could completely skip less desirable worlds like water and ice levels.  Not this time around.  Take that as you want, but every world was enjoyable in Odyssey.  The water levels weren't frustrating, and the ice levels weren't too terribly slippery.  Collecting costumes and other collectibles is fun and enjoyable.  There are a lot of complaints about repeated boss fights, and I have to agree, but at least every fight is slightly different and more difficult as you progress.  Most kingdoms do incorporate their own mini-bosses, so there is some variety.
Rating: Absolutely recommended.  Definitely a top tier 3D Mario outing, easily better than any previous 3D Mario game.

82. The Legend of Zelda and the Lampshade of No Real Significance (PC)
I really shouldn't count this one, since it's a relatively short flash game, but I played through it and got to the end... plus it's funny and I like it.  Made 12 years ago by the same folks who made Snipperclips for Nintendo.  Most of the humor is either inside jokes referring back to other flash videos they've done, other flash animators and contributors (Rubberninja, Tom Fulp, Egoraptor), and some video game based humor.
Rating: Can't honestly recommend this unless you've seen the Decline of Video Gaming flash videos and find them at least slightly worth your time.

83. Gone Home (X1)
Assassin's Creed Origins had a 2GB title update, so I was like let me play some other games.  So I played and beat Gone Home a few times and unlocked a couple of trophies.  Basically speed runs.
Rating: Speedrunning aside, the story in this walking simulator is pretty good.  Recommended.

84. Pneuma (X1)
I started playing this game years ago, got to the middle of Chapter 5 and stopped playing.  The game gets good in Chapter 6, I totally regret abandoning this game years ago, the ending and dialogue are pretty good.  Mildly thought provoking puzzles, but nothing on the level of The Witness I'd venture.
Rating: Worth a play, especially if you got it on GWG, but maybe not worth the $20 price tag.

85. Turing Test, The (X1)
While waiting for the giant 2GB title update for AC:Origins, I decided to pop this GWG game on and play through it.  Shortly I figured out that this is made by the same folks who made Pneuma... COINCIDENCE!!! Story in this is pretty good, the AI has interesting things to say and there are tons of little notes and stuff all over the place.  The puzzles are tough enough, but not so hard it is frustrating and not so easy that it's boring.  Definitely Portal level puzzles.  I've read that this game uses a lot of inspiration from The Talos Principle, specifically in how the puzzles are presented and the theories needed to complete the puzzles.  Overall a good game.
Rating: Definitely worth a play if you got it on GWG, better than Pneuma from what I can recall from Pneuma.

86. Forza Horizon 2 (X1)
After finishing Turing Test, I was constantly thinking about pulling out my steering wheel set up and playing Forza Horizon 2.  So I caved and finally pulled it out and completed a handful of championships until I got bored again.  I've previously beaten this game, but there is always more to do in this game.  The entire reason I haven't even started Forza Horizon 3.
Rating: Fantastic racing game, definitely puts the NFS franchise to shame.

87. Snipperclips (Switch)
Honestly, this game, imo, is the stand out title for the Switch right now.  Snipperclips is what the Switch is all about.  The folks who made this game also made some flash videos in the early 2000's, specifically the Decline of Video Gaming series (which was Egoraptor's first foray into voice acting).  This is a quaint little puzzle game that requires cooperation, but also allows the users to act competitively.  The competitive multiplayer modes are quick and fun.  The cooperative elements have tons of different ways of solving a puzzle and can be frustrating or fantastic based on how well you and your friend can work together.  There is already many stories on the internet about folks making new friends through this game specifically.  It's just plain and simple a rather fantastic game.  Well worth the $20 price tag.  It's just a shame that isn't wasn't given a physical release.  Hopefully that will change down the line.  Making slow progress on this, playing about once a week or so knocking out a puzzle or two each time.  Finally finished this game, shortly after the release of Snipperclips Plus.  Will jump into that shortly.
Rating: Fantastic, must play game.  Definitely #3 in the top 3 Switch games worth playing right now.  #1 for multiplayer.  Highly Recommended.

88. Blade Kitten
I was thinking about jumping back into Bourne Conspiracy, but I decided to play Blade Kitten.  I had previously left off in the middle of Act 1, so I wasn't super far into the game when I last abandoned it.  But I persevered and finished the game.  Game isn't difficult, isn't frustrating, and is barely memorable.  It's just... kind of bland.  The only thing the game has going for it is the fact that Kit is attractive.  Even the dialogue is mildly annoying and fairly difficult to follow.  The ending is even a total cliffhanger, expecting you to go out and buy episode 2... but WAIT... Episode 2 wasn't released but 5 years later and only on Steam. Moderately unsurprising that this game just kind of faded away.
Rating: Meh, soft pass.  Nothing about this game screams "Play me"

89. Homefront: The Revolution (PS4)
I played through and beat this game last year... but some how at some point, I lost my saved data for it.  I read an article that talked about how the Timesplitters 2 easter egg is now 4K enabled or something on X1X, and I didn't even know there was a Timesplitters 2 easter egg... so I started the game over and got all the way to the end basically where you can get to the easter egg, so I could play Timesplitters 2 on my PS4.  So worth it.  Doesn't hurt that I actually enjoyed Homefront: The Revolution.  Don't get me wrong, there is still a lot wrong and bad with this game, audio gets desynced massively, characters/vehicles/items just despawn randomly, and a lot of other minor things... but this game is totally playable and the story is quite good.  I mean essentially this game is the same story as Wolfenstein II NC except Norks instead of Nazis.  The game does well to present how hard you have it.  I recently read about the DLC of this game, and it sounds like it really ties up the story and I may go out and buy them to experience the rest of the story.
Rating: I still highly recommend this game as a sleeper hit.  Game would be massively better if a lot of the bugs were fixed, but the game is still totally enjoyable.

90. Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (NDS)
Decided to jump into V now that I'm done with IV.  Would really like to play I-III but I only have 1 and I'd rather play the "remakes" than the originals, so I'll wait for the hopeful PS4 releases.  With the name of the previous title I expected that every game would play out differently.  The previous title being a Chapter-ed game, this one I figured would not be, and it isn't.  Like the previous game, I'm finding the early levels to be quite troublesome compared to the later levels.  Got my ass handed to me by the Ghost Leader because I ran out of MP in the middle of the fight with him and couldn't do ANY physical damage.  Already starting the game off with grinding... not happy with that.  Found an area with some Metal slimes and farmed for XP for a while and now I'm doing good.  I expect that now that I've progressed a bit that I'm going to be XP farming again not too far from now.  Made my way through a good portion of the game, but a large portion of what goes on at some point is a lot of going back and forth between some location and Gotha Kingdom.  That's where I'm at right now.  I've been slowly playing this, pretty much exclusively during bathroom breaks.  What few walkthroughs I've looked at, it looks like I'm right at the end.  Crocodilopolis and then on to Nadiria for the end of the game... then there is post game content.  Might not bother with the end game stuff this time around.  Made my way to Nadiria and Mt. Zugzwang, or as I like to call it Mt. ZigZagpaddywack.  I was having a terrible time with just random battles so I took off and did some grinding against some liquid metal slime, my whole team is about lvl 40 now.  I'm figuring that's good enough, but I'm having trouble finding the will to proceed.  Had no real issue finishing the game with my team so high... but I also gave the wife the staff that heals everyone a little, the legendary hero the staff that heals one person quite a bit, attacked constantly with the hero, and had the daughter cast bounce on everyone so the boss would deal massive damage to himself every few turns.  Worked pretty well.
Rating: Fantastic game.  Gameplay, story, and mechanics were different enough to feel like a brand new game compared to IV.  Well recommended.

91. Undertale (PS4)
I didn't manage to take notes while playing this or the next few games as I played them all rather quickly without having been at a computer the whole time.  Game starts off pretty slow and boring, takes getting out of Toriel's house for the game to really pick up... and it picks up as soon as you meet Sans.  What a guy, love him, all of the characters in this game are fantastic.  Even the enemies give me a chuckle in how you go about showing mercy.  Especially dug the Temmie puns.  Puns in general get me.  Such good and wholesome humor throughout this game.  Not a fan of bullet hell games, so the bullet hell segments were quite painful for me, but for the most part the game was entirely enjoyable and I had trouble putting it down and staying away from it when I needed to.  I even managed to get the Platinum trophy for this game before even beating it... which is weird, you'd think there would be trophies for the different endings, but there are not.
Rating: Well recommended.  Fantastic game.  Great humor. Easy Platinum.

92. SuperHyperCube (PSVR)
I've been looking forward to this game since I first saw about it and heard it was going to be a PSVR launch title... but it is pricey at $30 for an arcade only game.  Still hella fun.  Managed to get it for about half price I think, plus I get all my digital money at no cost to me, so it's not a big deal.  Though I was very hesitant because I was hoping for a physical copy, perhaps a la Iam8bit, but no dice so far.  Game is a fit a block inside of a like hole game, plays well, gets very difficult pretty quickly.  No other modes, strictly arcade style.
Rating: Recommended as it's fun, but it is very pricey for what you are getting.

93. Ittle Dew 2+ (NS)
I don't know for certain what features the Switch "+" version has over the other console versions, but this game is a fully 3D game over the previous iterations 2D implementation.  Still has the same humor and jokes, but doesn't appear to reuse any jokes, the game barely has any Jennys as it is, just Safety, Shark, Cyber, and maybe one or two more.  Game isn't terribly long, but has quite a bit of optional content in secret dungeons, optional caves, dream world, etc.  Game picks up directly after the end of Ittle Dew, and while a lot of stuff references the previous game, the previous game absolutely isn't necessary to enjoy this game.  That being said, I highly recommend playing the original game first as it makes a lot of good jokes itself and there are references back to the first game.
Rating: Fantastic, absolutely recommended. 

94. Circuit Scramble (Android)
I don't even know why, I guess I was updating apps and saw this game and decided to give it a try.  I do software development for a living, so logic gate puzzles appeal to me.  So I sat through and completed the game with 3 Stars across the board.  For a software person, this is too easy.  For a layman, it might be a decent challenge.
Rating: Soft pass, I suppose, but it's a short, interesting logic puzzle game.

95. Bourne Conspiracy, The (360)
Started playing this after Bioshock and Quantum Break, played it for a bit at a time for a few days and then started playing other stuff.  I will try to come back to it because I want to finish this and then start Nier.  I think I was expecting the combat in this to play out like the Batman Arkham games, but it's not quite like that.  The combat is actually super simplistic, which is fairly disappointing.  Shooting mechanics are fairly frustrating as well because the controls aren't very refined.  But I like the Bourne films so I'm going to try and finish this game, especially since I think I'm a decent way into the game at this point.  Power went out at some point and I lost my progress in a given level.  Went to play again and make up the progress, got further than I ever got, and then the game froze.  So I gave up for another week or so.  Picked it back up and now I'm on the final level.  Didn't take but maybe a half hour to finish the game.  An addendum, this game is made by the same folks who made the Deadpool game.
Rating: Fairly short, fairly frustrating mechanics.  Soft pass.

96. Nier (360)
Finally decided to start on this game because I'm wanting to jump into Automata down the line.  So far, I vaguely remember everything I'm doing from when my wife started playing this game 6-7 years ago.  She's still further than me and a few levels higher, but I'm sure if she played, she would have to start over basically.  I'm confident that if my wife continued playing this she wouldn't need to start over, but she assured me that if she does play the game, she wants to play on her own profile so that she can earn achievements.  The first half of the game was very slow for me, and it did feel very tutorial like, but once I got into the second half of the game, I was quite enjoying it.  Got a lot of good laughs out of the dialogue between the characters and some of the events that transpire.  Overall I really enjoyed the game, my only concern about jumping into Nier Automata is that the game might be similarly slow to start.  I'm going to either beat some shorter games or finish some of my previously abandoned titles before I decide to jump into Automata.
Rating: If you can get through the first half of the game, you'll enjoy it, but if the first hour or so is a painful experience to you, I'd pass.  Soft recommendation.

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« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 01:33:20 pm by ignition365 »


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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #80 on: January 23, 2017, 09:52:14 pm »
New review up for me on Page 1 for Crayon Physics Deluxe!

Also, can we get a sticky on this thread @ the mods? We had one last year but looks like the new thread hasn't been made official yet.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 11:02:36 pm by tafk »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #81 on: January 24, 2017, 02:31:42 am »
Well this is completely unexpected. We aren't even through the first month of the year and I'm already almost 1/5 done! Most recent review:

10. Batsugun (Arcade): This game was one of the most amazing, balanced, and fun shooters I've ever played, until it looped, and then again, and then yet again! Each time, not only did I have to replay through most of the levels I had just completed, but they became more and more ridiculous, and I mean that mostly negatively. If this game had ended after its first five stages this would have no doubt become one of the best SHMUPs I have ever played, but by the time I actually beat it (Stage 15, aka stage 5, 4th time) I just wanted it to be over mostly. Other than that it is easy to understand why this game is considered one of the great classic shooters and the grandfather of the bullet hell genre. (1/22/17)

Oh dude, you actually played Batsugun Special. There's a regular version of Batsugun which only has 5 stages, along with some minor changes like the bomb covering less area, your hitbox is a bit bigger, enemy colors are different, it starts at Normal difficulty instead of Easy on Special's 1st loop, no suicide bullets ( since its 1 loop),  and changed scoring mechanics.

I think you'd have a better time checking out regular Batsugun, since the version you played w/ 4 loops is Special. In addition, you should check out V-V/Grind Stormer or Dogyuun for more Toaplan proto-bullet hell goodness!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #82 on: January 24, 2017, 10:03:51 am »
Well this is completely unexpected. We aren't even through the first month of the year and I'm already almost 1/5 done! Most recent review:

10. Batsugun (Arcade): This game was one of the most amazing, balanced, and fun shooters I've ever played, until it looped, and then again, and then yet again! Each time, not only did I have to replay through most of the levels I had just completed, but they became more and more ridiculous, and I mean that mostly negatively. If this game had ended after its first five stages this would have no doubt become one of the best SHMUPs I have ever played, but by the time I actually beat it (Stage 15, aka stage 5, 4th time) I just wanted it to be over mostly. Other than that it is easy to understand why this game is considered one of the great classic shooters and the grandfather of the bullet hell genre. (1/22/17)

Oh dude, you actually played Batsugun Special. There's a regular version of Batsugun which only has 5 stages, along with some minor changes like the bomb covering less area, your hitbox is a bit bigger, enemy colors are different, it starts at Normal difficulty instead of Easy on Special's 1st loop, no suicide bullets ( since its 1 loop),  and changed scoring mechanics.

I think you'd have a better time checking out regular Batsugun, since the version you played w/ 4 loops is Special. In addition, you should check out V-V/Grind Stormer or Dogyuun for more Toaplan proto-bullet hell goodness!

Good to know! I didn't realize I was playing that version, but this evening I will make sure to play the original. Do you know if the Saturn version is the original or if it is Special?

And yes I really want to try those other titles as well. I used to own Grind Stormer, but it would take a miracle for it to work on my Genesis due to issues with Tengen's carts.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #83 on: January 24, 2017, 08:29:18 pm »
W00t! Two new reviews are up on on my page!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #84 on: January 25, 2017, 12:18:12 am »
5 - Resident Evil 7 (PC 2017) - 8 HOURS BEAT - Without spoiling anything, I think this is a pretty good game, best the series has been in awhile.  Right now, after just beating it, it's hard for me to place it in the series, though really the only ones I really like are RE4, 5, and Revelations 2.  If anything, it's at least a return to form for the series.  This is a straight up, survival horror game, like Resident Evil 1.  It's got all the basics you'd expect, other than most of the puzzle solving.  There's a couple, but they aren't ridiculously complicated or anything like that.  I'll talk about it more in the RE thread.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #85 on: January 25, 2017, 01:27:12 am »
Well this is completely unexpected. We aren't even through the first month of the year and I'm already almost 1/5 done! Most recent review:

10. Batsugun (Arcade): This game was one of the most amazing, balanced, and fun shooters I've ever played, until it looped, and then again, and then yet again! Each time, not only did I have to replay through most of the levels I had just completed, but they became more and more ridiculous, and I mean that mostly negatively. If this game had ended after its first five stages this would have no doubt become one of the best SHMUPs I have ever played, but by the time I actually beat it (Stage 15, aka stage 5, 4th time) I just wanted it to be over mostly. Other than that it is easy to understand why this game is considered one of the great classic shooters and the grandfather of the bullet hell genre. (1/22/17)

Oh dude, you actually played Batsugun Special. There's a regular version of Batsugun which only has 5 stages, along with some minor changes like the bomb covering less area, your hitbox is a bit bigger, enemy colors are different, it starts at Normal difficulty instead of Easy on Special's 1st loop, no suicide bullets ( since its 1 loop),  and changed scoring mechanics.

I think you'd have a better time checking out regular Batsugun, since the version you played w/ 4 loops is Special. In addition, you should check out V-V/Grind Stormer or Dogyuun for more Toaplan proto-bullet hell goodness!

Good to know! I didn't realize I was playing that version, but this evening I will make sure to play the original. Do you know if the Saturn version is the original or if it is Special?

And yes I really want to try those other titles as well. I used to own Grind Stormer, but it would take a miracle for it to work on my Genesis due to issues with Tengen's carts.
The Saturn version contains both versions of Batsugun. It also has a choice between original and arranged soundtracks, and removes most of the slowdown in the arcade versions( which can make the game a bit harder).

If you wanna play more of Toaplan's titles, I'd highly reccomend using MAME since a bunch of their titles didn't get home ports ( or were released in the U.S. as ports) ; I believe the newest version fixed the sound on a few of their games such as Vimana and Fire Shark.
Hmu too if you've got any other questions, especially if you wanna get some more 1cc's!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2017, 10:33:27 am »
Main List
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that were carried over from last year and I haven't started playing this year yet.

97. Homefront (360)
Did some HLTB research to find a game that I could beat in a day or two of minor gameplay to help me transition from the weekend back to the work week.  Decided to play this since it is allegedly only a 4 hour game.  Also, I'm kind of far from my goal for there being less than a month left in the year, so anything that will help.  Having play the "sequel" already, I expected this to be the events that lead up to the revolution, but it very much seems like the sequel is more of a reboot and just skipping the obvious events that lead up to the story.  This game plays as North Korea just as a major military force under Un, and just fairly quickly sweeping the world over.  The sequel plays NK as a cross between Apple and Stark Industries where NK is just this consumer powerhouse that the world depends on and they just decided it was time to take over America.  AFAIK there is no talks of other countries being attacked in the sequel, this one explicitly talks about other countries bowing to NK.  So far, the game is fairly responsive and I'm enjoying the mindless combat.  I was expecting this one to be less gritty than the Revolution game, but this game is just as gritty and gruesome, it just uses brighter color tones in the display of the game.  This game seems to be mostly about NK occupation in San Francisco, the US hasn't lost the war yet and the EU hasn't joined the war yet.  Revolution appears to be post war, US has fully fallen.  Revolution being the superior game.
Rating: Soft pass, nothing to write home about.

98. Sniper Elite V2 (360)
I have previously had one of the Sniper games recommended to me, but I can't recall if it was Elite or Ghost Warrior.  I don't even remember what the complaints were against the other title.  But I'm enjoying Elite so far, so maybe this was the recommended title.  I think the complaint had to do with the lack of bullet physics and Elite appears to have such a thing, so maybe Ghost Warrior was not recommended.  Regardless, I'll make an effort to play Ghost Warrior at some point, just to compare.  But I am enjoying this game so far, so I may go get the first game and the third and fourth game depending on how much I enjoy this title.  The X-ray headshots are a really nice touch.  I liked this game so much I went out and bought Sniper Elite 4 and I'm planning on acquiring Sniper Elite 3's collector's edition.
Rating: Very nice, well recommended for folks who like to play the slow and steady sniper route in games where the option is presented (like Fallout)

99. Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS)
I don't know for sure how to track this, so I'm just going to track it by how many Metroids I've killed.  So far, I've killed 2 or 3.  Game plays incredibly well.  I've only gotten sorta stuck once or twice, and the combat has been challenging, but not frustrating.  I'm finding that I'm recognizing that I will have to back track a lot if I want to do a lot of the things that will require power-ups from later in the game.  I've been killing about 1-3 Metroids a day when I play for about 30 minutes a day... so I might finish this fairly quickly.  I played Axiom Verge for about 20 minutes on launch day and I just wasn't quite feeling it and was concerned I'd feel the same way about this, but this game plays so much better than Axiom Verge, but I may jump back into that down the line.  Got stuck again, but only because I thought I missed something, read an article that sounded like a missed a few important things, and then realized I was reading the wrong thing and wasn't stuck.  Oh well.  I think I'm now in Area 4, some of the Metroids are such a pain in the ass to beat, and I can only imagine there are going to be WAY worse Metroids later on.  Metroids got so damned hard later on.  Queen Metroid and Ridley weren't so bad once I figured out their patterns.  Definitely my favorite Metroid game so far.
Rating: Highly recommended, best Metroid game that I've played so far.  I've only played this and Super Metroid.

100. Sniper: Ghost Warrior (360)
I call them missions, but it's more like a chapter or something, since everything is just minor parts of a major Act in the game.  I was expecting this game to play similar to the Sniper Elite games expecting you to be slow and methodical... but not quite.  There is so much wrong with this game compared to Sniper Elite.  It seems like it wants to be a sniper game, but the game constantly throws you into CoD type situations where you wish you had an assault rifle, but no, all you have is a sniper rifle and a pistol.  I'll try to explain this as best I can.  If you sneak up and snipe/pistol some one with a silencer, EVERYBODY goes on high alert looking for you as if they heard the gunfire or something... same thing if you use a non-silenced weapon.  But if you are in a situation that the game allows stealth killing, it doesn't matter if you use a silenced pistol or a loud rifle, nobody hears anything.  It's kind of stupid.  If enemies are on alert, you can be prone in bushes and if the enemy looks in your direction, they immediately see you, even from 100m away.  Entirely unimpressed by this game, but I already own the sequel, so I'll probably play it at some point to give this franchise another chance.
Rating: Solid pass.  Not a good sniping game, not a good stealth game, not even a good shooter in general.

101. Liberation Maiden (3DS)
Bought this during a sale a year or two ago, my wife's cousin suggested it, it was cheap, and he told me it was short so worst case if I don't like it, I won't spend a lot of time on it.  Very quickly realized that this isn't necessarily a mobile friendly game.  No subtitles in video sequences, so you need headphones.  The touch screen controls force you to constantly hold the system with one hand which can be tiresome.  Story reminds me of Metal Wolf Chaos, so there's that.  Voice Actress for Shoko sounds super familiar, but I can't find any info online about who does the voice.  Best thing I could find was that maybe it's Valerie Arem, but no confirmation anywhere.  Interesting gameplay I suppose, slightly different than the usually shmup stuff.  It is a Suda51 game though, so there's always that.  I'd definitely be more interested in the VN sequel getting localized.
Rating: Soft pass, definitely could've had more cut scenes and story to fluff the content.

102. Demon King Box (3DS)
Another game that I bought just on a whim during a sale last year.  I liked the art style and thought that I would really like it.  First impressions, HORRIBLE translation, and I don't know why I expected voice overs, but no voice overs.  I didn't really get the game at first and the game doesn't do well explaining everything and there isn't much on the internet about this game, as with most download only games.  I finally figured it out and that's when I started wrecking house through this game.  It's like Plants Vs. Zombies PvP.  It's alright, but it's not great.  I don't know if the horrible translation helps or hurts the game.  I'm going to go with hurts, because half the time I don't know what was being said and who was saying it.
Rating: Solid pass, too confusing and open ended to be worth anyone's time.

103. Mercenaries 2 (360)
A rare case of, mostly done with the game, abandoned the game, and don't remember ever having played the game in the first place.  Apparently I started this game about 9 years ago, got most of the way through the game... and just stopped.  Never touched it since.  Took me a few hours to finish the game.  Plays similar to what I recall the first game playing like.  Nothing magical, nothing outstanding.  Gameplay is quite mediocre to today's standards.  I will say though, I would love to see Volition make a successor to Mercenaries.  Agents of Mayhem was too neon and cartoony.  Take the controls you know and apply them to a serious franchise (like they used to do with Red Faction) and create a new IP.  Mercenaries 3 made with the Saints Row controls could be a fantastic game.  I think it would be too tempting to make it silly and neon purple for them though.
Rating: Hard to recommend when I only played the last few hours of the game and don't recall anything else.  Can't have been that good.

104. Rage (360)
In another case of, mostly done with the game, abandoned the game, and don't remember ever having played the game in the first place.  Last time I played this was about 5 years ago... or according to Microsoft, 264 years ago.  Yes, Microsoft says I played this game January 1st, 1753.  Apparently I abandoned this game with less than an hour of game play left.  I had the game over 90% complete, pretty much down to the last boss fight and that was it.  I never understand when this happens to me, but I do have ADHD and get bored pretty easily.  It looks like I abandoned this game just before finals my senior year of college.  So maybe I was more concerned with exams and stopped playing and after finals finished I picked up something else.  Literally have no clue anything about this game, I only vaguely remember starting the game and have zero recollection of actually playing through the game let alone putting in 11 hours and nearly completing the game in its entirety.  Boss fight and fights that lead to it were pretty bland and just waves of enemies.  If the original Doom 4 was anything like this, I'm not surprised that it was cancelled.  Looking at the game, the only thing I can think is that this game might be what Borderlands would've been had it had this serious art style and gameplay.
Rating: Solid pass.  Can't recall anything from this game, so it can't be that good.

105. Alice: Madness Returns (360)
And in a different case, there is this game, which I thought I was nearly done with, was actually not even half way done, abandoned multiple times, recall playing this game and abandoning it multiple times.  I couldn't remember the controls, so I got very frustrated and quit playing it and took a nap for 30 minutes or so, I was feeling sick all weekend.  After the nap, I went back and I read some stuff online to jog my memory.  Got into the game and finished a Chapter and started the next Chapter.  I'm expecting myself to get bored and abandon it again, but I'm going to try and finish this game.  Took a couple of days of on and off playing to truly get into this game... and even then, I barely got into it.  I just really wanted to finish it.  Alice's eyes kind of remind me of the Alita Battle Angel eyes that everyone is freaking about, but on Alice, they look fine, so maybe they aren't quite that big.  The game gets proper fucked up the further along you go.  Might have to go read a plot synopsis because I can't recall earlier events and want to get a better idea of what on earth happened at the ending.
Rating: Soft Recommendation.  Nothing really makes a ton of sense until the back end of the game.

The Punisher (PS2)
See Game Challenge 2018

Yakuza 0 (PS4)
See Game Challenge 2018

Picross S (NS)
See Game Challenge 2018

Lococycle (PC)
See Game Challenge 2018

Fire Emblem Warriors (NS)
See Game Challenge 2019

Dark Souls III: Fire Fades Edition (X1)
See Game Challenge 2021

109. Assassin's Creed: Origins (X1)
Current Progress: Beginning
I'm having trouble with this one, so far I'm regretting my purchase, because I haven't played this much and it's already going to be sub $30 on Black Friday.  Anyway, I'm venturing to guess this game is the origin of the Assassin and Templar orders, so as far as I've seen, little to no stealth, and Dark Souls-esque combat.  We'll see.

112. Tecmo's Deception: Invitation to Darkness (PS1)
Current Progress: Chapter 13
I have been wanting to jump into the Deception series for a long time.  Mostly because when I was in college I saw someone bring their PS2 and Trapt to the student center and play it and it looked really cool.  Like most PS1 games, I was concerned that it wouldn't age well and I would have trouble playing it.  It's not too bad, the graphics kind of suck, but it isn't impossible to tell what's going on, so I'm not bothered.  I was concerned that the game would be less forgiving and I'd have to do a better job balancing Souls, Gold, and Cadavers, but I'm about halfway through the game and I have over 30k in souls, 15k in gold, and a couple of cadavers that I haven't really had to use yet (not that I can).  I just recently read that I can upgrade my traps, so I'll need to look into that, but I'm not sure how it works.  The revenge story is pretty good so far and i'm genuinely interested in what's going on in the game.

113. Call of Cthulhu (Xbox)
Current Progress: Jailbreak
Another game I had pulled to play eventually.  I asked my wife for assistance in what to play next and she said something spoopy.  So I popped on Call of Cthulhu... my first Xbox game, never played an OG Xbox game before.  I was thinking that this might be a good game for my wife, sounds like a spooky investigative game, but so far it's been very unforgiving with timing and it seems eventually I'll get a gun to defend myself.  Beginning of Attack of the Fishmen is a very unforgiving and long chase sequence.  I've failed a handful of times already and I got almost done and then fell off a roof and died.  Gave up right there.  Will continue when I get off work.  Got through that part.  Around 1/3 of the way done with the game and I still haven't found any guns but have TONS of bullets.  Game has been very glitchy, it even kind of flipped out and set me a bit a head of where I should be, but then the game froze, so I have temporarily abandoned the game.

114. Tokyo Jungle (PS3)
Current Progress: Unlocking Act 9
Since I finished 3D Dot Game Heroes, I wanted to jump into a new game and I had a few games in mind, but wasn't sure what to do.  I played a few different games for about 5 minutes or so and abandoned a bunch of games, if only temporarily.  I threw in my copy of this and started it up.  I've been wanting to play this game for some time because it just sounds so damned interesting.  Playing through survival mode unlocks other characters and story levels.  Each animal plays differently and requires different strategies to stay alive.  I've not yet figured out if your "upgrades" stay after you start over.  From what I've read it kind of sounds like it does, but that doesn't sound right, but again, I'm used to Souls as of recent and games that just get harder and harder the more you play.  So you don't keep your upgrades, but when your animal changes generations (read as making the sweet boom boom) your new generation gets a permanent boost, so successive playthroughs are inherently easier.  I'm actually really really liking this game.  The combat is difficult but not impossible, the lore is entirely told through collectibles, you unlock things by beating bosses and stuff, you get equipment that apparent degrades with use... this is basically Dark Souls with animals.  I've decided to stop tracking my Survival mode progress and only track my story mode progress.  This game probably won't make my top 5 this year, but it definitely deserves an honorable mention.

Next List
« Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 01:53:13 pm by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #87 on: January 26, 2017, 02:04:47 am »
Beat Super Mario 3D World last night. I really liked it! It had a few frustrating moments, most notably locking the final boss behind a huge green star paywall, but overall it's still a great Mario platformer and I really enjoyed it!
So now I'm up to six:
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Kirby's Dream Land (completed)
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
  • Super Mario 3D World

I'm currently working on an Infinite Climax playthrough of Bayonetta 2. Besides that, my next game will be Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I just picked up Trilogy on the eShop, and I'm excited to finally give this series a try! Kirby Super Star Ultra has kind of fallen behind, but I'll try to get to it if I'm not in the mood for Bayonetta or Phoenix Wright (which I'd rather play right now).
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 03:58:43 am by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #88 on: January 26, 2017, 09:39:36 am »
Main List
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that were carried over from last year and I haven't started playing this year yet.

114. Toejam and Earl (Gen)
I've tried playing through this several times now and every time I get around level 17-19, I will have the issue that I will be in a situation that will lead to me immediately losing a life.  I've had a lawnmower guy just stand over me until I'm dead.  I've had 2 invisible bad guys just take turns pushing me at each other until I'm dead.  I've had 3 mole guys take turns stealing my items while a herd of nerds mows me down until I'm dead.  I've had 2 hulla girls make me dance while I get my ass handed to me by an insane dentist.  It gets pretty unforgiving the further you get.  I've gotten down to 4 items left, I'm going to keep trying though, because the game is still pretty entertaining.  No real progress to be made on this one, either I'll beat it eventually or it will be abandoned.

Shifting World
Current Progress: World 3 Level 6
I got this game for like literally 10 cents when Hastings was going out of business, I bought a few copies and gave them away.  It looks mildly interesting.  I was trying to read up on this game and found a review that pointed out something I never would've known.  Originally this game was a Flash game where each level is shown in its entirety to you at all times, kind of like N+ back in the PC days, but on the 3DS they only show you directly where you are, so you really can't plan out your movement, you just have to basically move around blind.  Yes, there is a bottom screen showing the map but it is small and it is hard to tell what's what especially with icons on the screen that take up quite a bit of space (Keys, doors, you, etc.).  What makes it especially difficult is that you can't see spikes on the map very well, so there is no way of knowing that the left side of a pit is death and the right side is safe.  No checkpoints, so guess and error and you must restart the whole level if you pick wrong.  Giant flaw that exists only because it existed in the PC version, should've been removed for the handheld version or at least given checkpoints or something.  Because of this I may well abandon this game... but we'll see, I'm about the end of World 2 and there are 8 worlds, so about 25% of the way done.  Like I expected, I would wind up abandoning this game due to it's lack of forgiveness and checkpoints.  I will not be coming back to this game.

Tales from the Borderlands (X1)
Current Progress: Episode 1 Chapter 6
Progress on this game is slow because I'm playing through this with my wife kind of, she half pays attention, but wants to at least hear whats going on, so she wants to physically be there while I play the game.  This game is going to be the game that is going to take me months to finish.  Another Laura Bailey game.  :)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (X1)
Current Progress: Memory Sequence 2
This and Russia are the last 2 Assassin's Creed games in the franchise to play.  I was kind of expecting, given that this released the same year as Syndicate, that this game would be directly related to Syndicate.  So far it's its own story, takes place within 100 years of Syndicate, before the events of Syndicate, but I have yet to see if it is in any way related.  I expect it will have some events that might have been referenced in Syndicate.  I really don't know if I'm going to come back to this game and I only put in a short period of time, so I may remove this game altogether and just abandon it.

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2)
My wife and I decided that we would not be playing any games on Valentine's Day unless we were playing them together, so I asked about playing Gamecube games, since we have a Gamecube hooked up in the loft (for the GameBoy Player).  No dice, couldn't agree on a game.  So I thought about it and went and grabbed a PS2 and a handful of games for her to pick from.  Again, no dice as she didn't want to pick.  So I picked Fallout and she obliged.  We played for a few hours and got to level 3, still haven't left the main area of Carbon, but I intend on continuing playing this game because I'm quite enjoying it.

Dungelot: Shattered Lands (PC)
Progress: Dungeon 14/18
So this game I got a free steam key from one of the streams that was taking part in the Dungelot 100 level challenge (Thanks RT_LoZelda).  This game was explained to me as minesweeper meets roguelike?, it's very confusing and I barely see it... but the game is pretty good.  I'm either 1/3 of the way through, or like 1/12 of the way through, I'm not sure yet.  A few dungeons left, and as expected, they get pretty tough as you go along.  The game is mostly luck, a lot of situations, just like minesweeper, you'd fail due to dumb eff-ing luck.  I'm towards the end of the game with the last 4 dungeons and sometimes I fail and die within the first 10 levels of the dungeon and sometimes I make it a little further, but it does seem to be very much down to luck.  Sometimes you get lucky and get no horrible mobs, sometimes you get the scorpion who gets free attacks if you make any moves instead of attacking it, but you can't attack it because it has 6 defense and you have 5 attack, so you just die.  I got that scorpion on Level 1 first mob to pop on the first tile checked.  I made it to level 2 of the dungeon with 5 health and no armor and no items... honestly I should've just quit and start over at that point.

Risk of Rain (PC)
I thought about not adding this game, because I wasn't sure if this game was a beatable game, so I had to do some research.  It appears there are minimally 4 levels in the game and the faster you beat it, the easier it is.  I got to the final stage, but I got bum rushed so fast and so hard.  This game is pretty fun, but it is definitely one of those arcade-ish games where you start from scratch every time you play.  I think I would've liked a mode where you can keep your stats and such, but I guess that isn't the purpose of the game, is it?  Gah man, this game is so hard.  I'm not playing on drizzle because I want to unlock a couple of artifacts.

Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)
Current Progress: Chapter 8
This game, man.  This game.  There is a lot of fun to be had with this RPG board game.  But there is a lot of frustration too.  Like an RPG, it is LONG AS FUCK.  Like longer than any game rightfully should be.  Early on, you'll attack each other, and try to slow each other down.  But then you'll realize that about every 4 weeks you have the opportunity to set everyone back to ZERO basically.  The goal of the game is to have the most money at the end.  Well, if someone goes Darkling, basically super evil, super powerful, unstoppable, at the cost of all of your money and items, they will have the power (and very easily too) to take away all of your money.  4 weeks is a short period of time in game, I'm currently around week 150.  If you play against each other and go Darkling frequently, it will take you several hundred weeks to beat the game.  But if you work together, always together, regardless of who is winning, you can get to Chapter 8 fairly quickly.  Once you get to chapter 8, feel free to fight among yourselves on your way to the end game, Heck.  Taking forever does have the advantage of leveling up your character and jobs, but that's up to you, I guess.  We got all the way to Chapter 7, with a lot of fighting each other, and eventually made a truce because the boss in 7 is ridiculous and we were going to work together to unlock the Hero job.  I'm holding 3 Hero's Licenses, so we don't want me to die, and I've been trying to work together the whole game.  We agreed that once we unlock Hero and Robo-Knight it's back to war, which for me means, let her do all the damage she wants while I go activate end game.  If this game were less board game (basically the random dice movement) and more free roam, this game could make for an absolutely awesome Co-op/anti-co-op RPG.  So I have the mindset of designing a friendly Co-op/PVP RPG video game, and my wife has the mindset of designing a true board game version of this game.

Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)
Current Progress: World 2-4
I love Nintendo, and I love the Mario/Yoshi games, but I always have trouble finishing the 2-D games.  After getting 2 or 3 worlds in, I just stop playing.  The 3-D Mario games, I'll sit there and 100% them, but the 2-D games I lose interest too quickly.  Super Mario World being the one exception, I could play that game for hours.  I'm going to make it my goal this year to play through and beat all the Mario/Yoshi games I haven't finished.  Finally used an amiibo with the game, because my wife wanted to take part in the game and wanted to be the pink yoshi which requires you use your pink yarn yoshi amiibo in single player mode first.  Single Player mode with an amiibo double is one of the most frustrating experiences I have had playing a Nintendo game.  I think I wasn't prepared for what they threw at me.  Co-op mode can be frustrating as well, accidentally eating each other or ricocheting eggs at each other.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE (Wii U)
Current Progress: Chapter 1
I was really enjoying this game yesterday when I started playing it.  But then it got to being around 8pm and I decided to start playing some more, played for about an hour.  Generally fighting people my level, about 8 or so.  Then I went in to a door and was immediately thrown into a fight with 2 level 10s and 1 level 13.  Needless to say I got my ass handed to me hardcore.  All three enemies one-hit killed all of my people on the first turn, game over, go back to the beginning of chapter 1.  Very very discouraging, and now I must remind myself to go through the system menu and save before opening any door.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 09:12:55 am by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #89 on: January 26, 2017, 11:03:20 am »
So...  my wife found out that she missed Gaius and Tharja while playing through Fire Emblem Awakening, she was around Chapter 20.  She just straight up deleted her save file and claimed to be done with video games forever.  Needless to say yesterday was really rough and difficult day.  So now I get to replay through Fire Emblem Awakening and try to rebuild her save file back to about where it was, but with Tharja and Gaius recruited.  Part of me feels like this is a sort of emotional abuse.

I was literally 3 relics away from being done with Mad Max when this happened.  I was so close to being done and being able to jump into my next game, but this is literally going to take all of my free time... and somehow Sumia was her strongest character with a rating of about 200.

Not sure if you've ever played Awakening, but I hear it is an incredible game. There are definitely worse things that you'd have to do to be a good husband ;)