Author Topic: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 5. DONE!  (Read 48964 times)


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 3. Gift buying/shipping (need sent updates!!!!)
« Reply #210 on: December 22, 2018, 02:14:23 pm »
Here is my haul from my Secret Santa!

I'm not quite sure who my Santa was but, I really appreciate the diversity in games.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 08:06:00 pm by wolfen »


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 3. Gift buying/shipping (need sent updates!!!!)
« Reply #211 on: December 22, 2018, 02:43:43 pm »
Here are my gifts! Thank you, santa! They all look fun and they're in like perfect condition :)

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Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 3. Gift buying/shipping (need sent updates!!!!)
« Reply #213 on: December 22, 2018, 11:55:13 pm »
My Secret Santa did an incredible job!  Many of these games have been on my wishlist for a while and I am so excited to finally have them. Assault Rigs and Robo Pit in particular are so much fun!  Also pictured is a Crash Bandicoot Micro Figure, I'll have to try to put this together over the break. Not pictured, some Jolly Rancher candy that I have also been enjoying. 


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #214 on: December 23, 2018, 07:33:04 am »
Updated the front page.

Email reminders were sent out to let me know if you have received your stuff!


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Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 3. Gift buying/shipping (need sent updates!!!!)
« Reply #215 on: December 23, 2018, 01:53:54 pm »
One day I want to be on the podcast!

I had a lot of fun, even if my nervous motormouth got a little away from me when since I opened first!

I honestly just hope my person is half as happy with what I got them as what was given to me.

You were fine. It was nice having you on.


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #216 on: December 23, 2018, 05:02:16 pm »
I finally got a sec to open my gift!  I have a suspicion as to who it is from, but thanks Santa!

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Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #217 on: December 23, 2018, 07:09:58 pm »
I finally got a sec to open my gift!  I have a suspicion as to who it is from, but thanks Santa!

How the eff, did you not own Ducktales?!?

Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #218 on: December 24, 2018, 03:26:11 pm »
Few things from my list, a few things not on my list, every bit of it awesome!!! Wild Arms 2 and Astonishia Story have been on my wish list for a long time and I'm really happy to finally have them. I had totally forgot about super bust-a-move and when I opened it, it really felt like being a kid on Christmas again, I used to spend hours in that game back in highschool so i couldnt be more psyched to have it in my collection! The extras were really cool too, that ornament is going right on my tree. Thank you so much Santa!! (I did open the envelop so I know who you are but I wont spoil it for everyone else)


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #219 on: December 24, 2018, 07:05:03 pm »
Chalk this up to 100% completion! Got the final confirmation at the last minute. :D

Hope everyone got what they wanted and have a great Christmas!


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #220 on: December 24, 2018, 08:03:32 pm »
Hope everyone got what they wanted and have a great Christmas!

Not exactly. Nothing from my wish list and half the games in the box were dupes. Oh well. Better luck next year?  ???


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #221 on: December 24, 2018, 09:47:18 pm »
Hope everyone got what they wanted and have a great Christmas!

Not exactly. Nothing from my wish list and half the games in the box were dupes. Oh well. Better luck next year?  ???

Woah, really? That's not okay >:( Whoever had you should not be allowed to participate next year.
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 4. Receiving
« Reply #222 on: December 24, 2018, 10:22:16 pm »
Hope everyone got what they wanted and have a great Christmas!

Not exactly. Nothing from my wish list and half the games in the box were dupes. Oh well. Better luck next year?  ???

Woah, really? That's not okay >:( Whoever had you should not be allowed to participate next year.

I should clarify they're dupes of games I already own on other systems, not duplicates of the same game sent in the same box. Like I was sent the Wii version of a game but had it on PS2 already. Same for a PS4 game I had split up as two PS3 games. Technically I didn't have anything that was sent in the box except for one and I do have a tendency to buy the same game across multiple systems (you should see how many different versions of Pac-Man I have  :P).

Meh. It could have been worse and nothing showed up, that's happened before on another forum. From what I can tell, my recipient was happy with what he got (though a couple of items were copycat from the year before because I DO have a warehouse full of Pac-Man Vs. discs  ;D). Happy recipients make me happy and Lord knows I spent a TON on myself this year. I just need to know if you guys liked the chili or not. Only Turf has ever let me know!  :P

Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 5. DONE!
« Reply #223 on: December 24, 2018, 10:24:22 pm »
I can tell you that I personally find Skyline tremendously overrated even though I was not on the receiving end ;)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 10:28:29 pm by Cartagia »


Re: Secret Santa 2018 - Part 5. DONE!
« Reply #224 on: December 25, 2018, 12:46:48 pm »
Merry Christmas, everyone. I opened my gift from my SS a while ago; I forgot to tell Soera that I received it until yesterday. Apologies for the delay.
I was going back and forth about posting something because I didn't want to sound ungrateful, but after seeing FlashBack's post...well...I'll just say it: my gift was not good.

I feel like I should preface by saying that I try to add some personality to a gift I send. In other words, I try to make the package something special instead of some games thrown in a box. I like to throw in a card, or a key chain, or some local candy. I like to send a message wishing someone a great holiday. I try to add something to the gift. I don't expect the same level of personality in return, but I also don't expect my package to look like it came directly from eBay. That's what it looked like when I opened it: three games thrown in and that's all.

And then, we get to the contents. Two PAL games, and one non-PAL. Let's break it down. The non PAL game was one I have wanted for years: Britney's Dance Beat. I love Britney, no lie.  The downside? The disc looks like crap. I gave it a test run, and it doesn't work. It's scratched. I tried another PlayStation 2 disc just to make sure it wasn't my console acting up. No, the PlayStation 2 was fine. Either the game didn't survive the journey, or the game arrived looking like that. I'm 0/1.

The next game was one I already had in my collection: Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition. Let's break this down further. Soera said that my giftee shipped my gift on December 10th. My issue isn't that over a week after the day you're suggested to ship. No, my issue is this: on the day before Thanksgiving (11/21), I received Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition. That same day, I put it in my VGC collection/signature. That same day, I removed it from my wish list. VG Collect is a site I visit at least once a day. Perhaps its my naivete, but I thought others involved in this woud do the same. So, now I have a PAL duplicate of a game I already own. I'll admit, I'm partially at fault for including it in my wish list. But, in my defense, I added it to my collection minutes after I got it. Also, I had other low hanging fruit games on there. I'm 0/2.

The last game (Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light), thankfully, doesn't have any technical issues. The downside? It's another PAL game. Aesthetically, it looks silly in my collection. I could have gotten the NA version at a random game store. Should I have specified in my wish list that, along with making sure the game is CIB, that the game is not from the PAL territory or Japan? I'm not 0/3, but I'm not 1/3, either. I guess I'm 0.5/3.

Should I be mad? Should I be acting this way? I feel that Secret Santa is about giving, but I also feel that there is a level of reciprocity that could be exhibited. I hope that, when I give someone something during this time of year (not just including Secret Santa), I'm making them happy. Should I expect to feel that way when it's my turn to open the gift? I have before with this. When I received Fatal Frame and Demon's Souls, plus a very a clever note in 2015, I felt that way. When I received four (!!) survival horror games plus some additional swag in 2016, I felt that way.

Again, should I be mad? If so, who would I be mad at? Would I be mad at Soera for paring me with this person? Would I be mad at the person himself for gifting me PAL games I didn't ask for and for gifting me a game that doesn't work? No, in the end I'm mad at myself. And, even "mad" is a harsh word. I think it's just a bummer. It didn't ruin Christmas by any means because I've been given and giving some great things. Also, I didn't have high expectations.

But, I did have hope. I hoped that I'd get at least one thing that I'd enjoy. I have no doubt that I'd enjoy The Four Heroes of Light, but I didn't ask for the PAL version. I have no doubt that I'd enjoy Britney's Dance Beat (I love Britney - sorry not sorry) but I didn't ask for the game to be in poor condition. I have no doubt that I'd enjoy Final Fantasy XV, but I already own it.

Needless to say, I'm done with Secret Santa. I like giving gifts to others, but I don't like being gifted something that feels thoughtless. But. All is not lost. I'm going to donate these to a local used media store. There's a store near me that has a donation box. I'm putting these in there, and hoping that someone can enjoy them.