Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2019  (Read 56390 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2019, 04:00:59 am »

Aven Colony


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2019, 10:01:43 am »
The game that I have beaten this far in 2019.

1- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (1995), SNES Did not collect every DK coin. Beat Every level
2- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998), N64 Wanted to go for a 100% but I have a few skulltulas left to collect.
3- Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988), NES Me and my brother we played every single level in 2 player mode, this game was a lot harder then I remember.
4- Disney's DuckTales Remastered (2013), Ps3 Played this in one sit for no reason one night, pretty fun game. Awesome soundtrack
5- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991), SNES My friend came over we did over a 100 match, I got beat pretty bad until I figured the control. After he was doomed, legends says he still hears: Yatta! to this day. Sorry Mike.
6- A Way Out (2018), Ps4 Platinum Played coop the whole way got the planitum trophy.
7- South Park: The fractured But Whole (2017), Ps4 Platinum
8- Absolute Drift (2015), Ps4 Platinum
9- Resident Evil 2 (2019), Ps4 Platinum
10-Ni no kuni II : Revenant Kingdom (2018), Ps4 Beated the game, still working towards getting the platinum trophy.
11-Super Mario World (1990), SNES Same as mario bros 3 me and my brother went throught all the exits.
12-Uncanny Valley (2015), Ps4 pretty boring game tbh, since I had to run it 3 times for the platinum trophy. Platinum
13-Super Mario Odyssey (2017), Switch Managed to beat this just before 2020.

Happy new years guys. Hope I do better next year. I plugged a lot of my older console on my new setup. Hopefully I will be able to play a lot more.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2019, 10:34:17 pm by blah1342 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2019, 10:30:36 am »
Beat it last year with 107 games

2017 :,7980.msg149108.html#msg149108
2018 :,8821.msg160906.html#msg160906

1. The King of Fighter XIV [Playstation 4]
2. Soul Blade [Playstation 1]
3. Hitman Codename 47 [PC]
4. Unravel 2 [Playstation 4]
5. Tekken [Playstation 1]
6. Yakuza 5 [Playstation 3]
7. Shadow Of the Tomb Raider [Xbox One]
8. Soulcalibur [Dreamcast]
9. Tekken 2 [Playstation 1]
10. Super Castlevania IV [Super Nintento]
11. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin [Playstation 2]
12. Tekken 3 [Playstation 1]
13. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 [Xbox 360]
14. Mortal Kombat [Arcade]
15. Killer Instinct Classic [Xbox One]
16. Hitman: Contracts [Playstation 2]
17. Half-Life [PC]
18. Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection [PSP]
19. Mortal Kombat II [Arcade]
20. Killer Instinct II Classic [Xbox One]
21. Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny [PSP]
22. Ultimate Mortal Kombat III [Arcade]
23. Red Earth [Arcade]
24. Marvel's Spider-Man [Playstation 4]
25. Hitman: Blood Money [Xbox 360]
26. Soulcalibur VI [Xbox One]
27. Red Dead Redemption 2 [Xbox One]
28. Half-Life: Opposing Force [PC]
29. Mortal Kombat Gold [Dreamcast]
30. Hitman: Absolution [Playstation 3]
31. Yakuza 0 [Playstation 4]
32. Half-Life: Blue Shift [PC]
33. Hitman [Xbox One]
34. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain [Xbox One]
35. The Simpson Hit & Run [Playstation 2]
36. Vampyr [Playstation 4]
37. Sniper Elite 4 [Xbox One]
38. Hitman 2 [Playstation 4]
39. Pipe Street BMX [PC]
40. Skater XL [PC]
41. Blade & Soul [PC]
42. Watch Dogs: Bad Blood [Xbox One]
43. Yakuza Kiwami [Playstation 4]
44. Half-Life 2 [PC]
45. God of War HD [Playstation 3]
46. The Walking Dead: The Final Season [Xbox One]
47. NBA 2k14 [Xbox One]
48. Half-Life 2: Episode One [PC]
49. The Simpsons Game [Xbox 360]
50. Assassin's Creed Odyssey [Xbox One]
51. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life [Playstation 4]
52. Half-Life 2: Episode Two [PC]
53. Gun [Xbox 360]
54. God Of War II HD [Playstation 3]
55. Just Cause [Xbox 360]
56. Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive [PC]
57. God of War: Chains of Olympus HD [Playstation 3]
58. Just Cause 2 [Xbox 360]
59. God of War III Remastered [Playstation 4]
60. Yakuza Kiwami 2 [Playstation 4]
61. Final Fantasy XV [Playstation 4]
62. Killer Instinct [Xbox One]
63. God Of War Ghost of Sparta HD [Playstation 3]
64. Bioshock [Xbox One]
65. Just Cause 3 [Playstation 4]
66. Little Nightmares [Xbox One]
67. Just Cause 4 [Xbox One]
68. Bioshock 2 [Xbox One]
69. God Of War: Ascension [Playstation 3]
70. Bioshock Infinite [Xbox One]
71. NBA 2K15 [Xbox One]
72. The Witcher Enhanced Edition Director's Cut [PC]
73. Days Gone [Playstation 4]
74. The Sinking City [Playstation 4]
75. God Of War [Playstation 4]
76. NBA 2K6 [Xbox 360]
77. NBA 2K16 [Xbox One]
78. NBA 2K19 [Xbox One]
79. NBA Live 18 [Xbox One]
80. NBA Live 19 [Xbox One]
81. NBA Street Vol. 2 [Playstation 2]
82. NBA 2K7 [Xbox 360]
83. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater [Playstation 1]
84. NBA 2K8 [Xbox 360]
85. NBA 2K9 [Xbox 360]
86. NBA 2K10 [Xbox 360]
87. NBA 2K20 [Xbox One]
88. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 [Playstation 1]
89. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x [Xbox]
90. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition [PC]
91. Dragon Age: Origins [Xbox 360]
92. EA UFC 3 [Xbox One]
93. Mass Effect [Xbox 360]
94. Skate 3 [Xbox 360]
95. Red Dead Redemption [Xbox 360]
96. Judgement [Playstation 4]
97. Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare [Xbox 360]
98. Gears 5 [Xbox One]
99. Watch Dogs 2 [Xbox One]
100. Life is Strange 2 [Xbox One]
101. Little Nightmares: Secrets of The Maw [Xbox One]
102. Madden NFL 20 [Xbox One]
103. Watch Dogs [Xbox One]
104. LA Noire [Xbox 360]

« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 01:23:14 am by chrismb »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2019, 10:42:02 am »
I have a few games I started 2018 that can move over to 2019. Going to focus on Switch mostly but also have some PS4 games I'd like to check out.

Games to Play
God of War (PS4)
Horizon Zero Dawn
Night Trap (Switch)
Yooka Laylee (Switch)
Saturday Morning RPG (Switch)
Fire Emblem: Warriors
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)

Currently Playing
Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu
Red Dead Redemption 2
Dead Cells (Switch)
Flinthook (Switch)

Games Beaten
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Switch) 1/17
Parappa The Rapper (PSP) 2/04
Katamari Damacy REROLL (Switch) 2/10
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 01:32:13 pm by bfbeam »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2019, 03:00:41 pm »
2019 is off to a great start! Just finished Destiny 2, I started it in 2018 but beat it today so I'm gonna call that the first game of 2019!!
I've also been playing Moonlighter on the switch and I'm getting close to finishing that too and I'm starting Red Dead 2 tonight! 2019 is going to be a great year!

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2019, 06:47:38 pm »
And just finished up Moonlighter, that's the last of the games I started in 2018, from here on out its fresh games for 2019!!

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2019, 10:18:38 pm »
First review is up :)

Going to play the PS1 version of X-Men vs Street Fighter again soon to see how it stacks up to the Saturn version as well.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2019, 10:54:25 pm »
Had a little extra time today so I knocked out Kirby's Dream Land on the Gameboy. 3 games in one day!


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2019, 10:24:24 am »
Question, so aside from having one post with what games you have finished, you can also post separate posts for reviews or even just to say some impressions?

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2019, 10:36:36 am »
Main List

Previous List

Quote from: Legend
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

20. Snake Pass (NS)
Decided to start this one after finishing West of Loathing.  Started up and beat the first couple of levels collecting everything, and then levels started putting stuff out where I kept dying, so I said fuck it and I'm already deciding that I'm just gonna play to beat this game and nothing more.  The controls for this game are wildly frustrating.  Maybe I just don't get it, maybe it's sorta Octodad terrible, I don't know, but I don't have a great grasp on the controls for this game.  Also, while trying to do stuff, the camera will automatically move around, generally where you don't want it.  The button placements don't make for a pleasant experience in that you need to be able to press face buttons, move the right stick, and press the shoulder buttons all at the same time.  Also, that same thing makes it wildly uncomfortable to use the joycons while playing.  Overall, early impressions, this is a pretty terrible game.  My hands hurt like crazy after 1 level.  It wasn't until about 12-13 levels in that I decided to read up on the game and found out that the little bird that follows you around can pick up your tail and help you so you don't fall.  This would've been great to know from the beginning but the game never let me know that.
Rating: Pass.

21. Resident Evil HD (PS4)
Started this game shortly after completing 0.  First thing I noticed with this game is that it takes like 15 bullets to down a zombie, compared to 0's 3-4 bullets.  And I learned very slowly that you are supposed to burn any zombies that don't despawn so that they don't become quick strong zombies, but they don't give you enough kerosene to keep that going because the zombies are unlimited, but kerosene is not.  And the strong fast zombies take like 3-4 shotgun shots to kill... I tried to kill one with a pistol and used 15+ bullets and that didn't even faze it before it killed me.  I've gotten more used to the game in general, but I am constantly having to manage inventory because I need to carry around 3 big damage dealing weapons because everything can't be killed with a pistol, not that I have pistol ammo at this point.  I'm pretty sure I'm pretty close to the end of the game.  I'm not really enjoying this game so much as I'm not a huge fan of survival horror in general, and this one is super spoopy and dangerous.  I think about playing again, to play through as Chris, but I just don't know if I can be bothered because of how much I'm just not enjoying this game.  I may think about it, but play it on super easy or something.  As it is, it's frustrating that you can't change difficulty on this game after starting, I'm not enjoying the difficulty I chose, but I don't want to start over.  In retrospect, I enjoyed my experience and I constantly looked forward to hopping back into the game... but was it stressful and difficult.
Rating: Soft Recommendation, I have a lot of complaints, but Resident Evil is a solid franchise for the most part and lore/story.

22. Resident Evil 2 (PS4)
Current Progress: Leon B
Been looking forward to this as Resident Evil 2 was one of my favorite Resident Evil games.  Game plays so well with the over the shoulder controls, inventory expansion is a freaking godsend, but I still had to do an annoying amount of inventory management.  Game doesn't let you drop items, so if you discard something, it's gone forever.  A lot of folks I've read are bothered by the fact that Leon and Claire look nothing like their OG counterparts.  I'll agree that it's jarring, but it didn't take long for me to get used to it.  Leon's face is a little too psychopath for me.  Claire only bothered me the entire game because the character model constantly looked like an actress (I know it's not who I'm thinking of) but I couldn't figure out who she reminded me of.  Closest I could come up with was Trish from Nick and Norah's infinite playlist, but I'm still pretty sure that's not who I was thinking of.  I enjoyed the game until Mr. X/Tyrant showed up.  Once he left I got back to enjoying the game.  I understand it's a survival horror game and it adds more to that survival OMG I'm gonna die feel, but I just don't enjoy being constantly hunted by an unstoppable killing machine when I have so limited ammunition.  Mr. X is probably the reason I won't complete Leon B, just because I don't want to deal with that shit on top of the game giving LESS ammo.
Rating: Recommended.

23. Golf Story (NS)
I've heard so many good things about this game that I decided to finally pop it in and give it a go.  I think I was expecting more of a Harvest Moon type of game for some reason, but it's not.  It's honestly what you should've expected from the game, a golf based RPG game.  It's an interesting and funny game, but if you can't get past the fact that you're essentially playing an old school golf game, you're gonna hate the game.  I won't say I love this game, but it's good.  The game adds in interesting enough mechanics to keep the game from being too bland, you gain xp and increase your skills (I think specifically your driving range), and get paid so you can buy equipment.  The dialogue is interesting and funny at times.  As I reached the final course of the game, I found myself feeling like the game had overstayed its welcome, but the next day I was perfectly fine playing again, so that might have just been me being in a mood... this was the same night that I felt that RE2 had overstayed its welcome as well... so it's possible.
Rating: Soft Recommendation, if you are okay with the fact that you're essentially playing an old school golf game.

24. Dear Esther: Landmark Edition (PS4)
I wanted a short game to play just to fill an evening before Sekiro comes out.  My wife suggested this one, and I have had it suggested to me before.  Can honestly say I didn't enjoy this game very much.  It didn't quite outstay its welcome at 40 minutes to beat the game.  I didn't really follow the story, part apathy and part my infant crawling/cruising and just kinda yelling at everything.  Slightly better than Ether One and Everyone's gone to the rapture, because it's short... but good god did this game really not deserve a physical release.  Might sell my copy.
Rating: Hard Pass.

25. Scooby Doo Mystery (SNES)
I really don't know why, but I was super in the mood to play a Scooby Doo game, so I popped in Scooby Doo for the SNES.  Basically a platformer escape game.  Game is 4 mysteries and each mystery probably takes 30 minutes to an hour.  Quick simple game with mildly frustrating mechanics, but it holds up well enough.
Rating: Soft Pass.

26. Fire Emblem Warriors (NS)
I went through hassle to get the CE of this game on launch day given BB screwing things up for me.  Was sitting in my car for an hour or so over the weekend, so I played this for an hour or so and got through a few chapters.  I think I'm at Chapter 4, not entirely sure.  Has that generic Musou gameplay.  Feels bland compared to Hyrule Warriors so far.  Sounds like the game is almost exclusively Awakening/Fates characters with a few of the really popular heroes from other games added in.  There is a tad of that Fire Emblem style to it.  There are some "tactic" type things you can do, like telling specific characters to go and do certain things, and you can swap between playable characters mid battle, all things that weren't available in Hyrule Warriors, but it still just feels like the same game.  I'm not a giant Musou fan, so this may be a long play for me, doing a Chapter every now and then.  I'm having trouble with this game in terms of its mechanics.  The characters have pretty strong weapons by default, so I see no reason to "upgrade" the characters so they can use higher class weapons because their default weapons are pretty strong, only seems to make sense if you're going to add skills/attributes to weapons.  Also, I get messages that characters are unlocked, but I see no way to swap what characters I use in story mode, I seem to be stuck with Lianna, Lissa, Cordelia, and Camilla.  I'd be pretty happy to swap out Lissa for someone better and Camilla is fairly strong, but I feel like she's too slow of an attacker, plus having 2 characters who instant die against archers isn't great.
Rating: Soft Pass.

27. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4)
I'm enjoying this game too damned much.  Played the majority of the weekend it came out and 3 days later I've put in nearly 20 hours so far.  This game is closer to Bloodborne than any of the Souls games.  The prosthesis feels similar to the alt modes on the weapons in bloodborne and the deflect system is similar to the gun mechanic in Bloodborne.  This game is currently my #1 game for 2019, but still behind Spider-man and West of Loathing for games played.  Spider-man because the characters, character models, and voice acting were just out of this world.  West of Loathing because it just blew me away, didn't expect it to be that good.  This game is so damned good and I feel pretty damned great playing it.  I shouldn't feel so proud when I use poorly implemented AI against itself and cheese some of the bosses, but it works.  I'm fairly certain I'm close to the end of the game, I've got 8 or 9 of the prayer necklaces now and there are 10 total.  I'm just short of entering one of the late game areas, but I decided to go do some clean up and beat some stuff I skipped.  Right now, what I have left before continuing is the Headless enemies (which I dread doing because divine confetti is not an easy resource to come by) and the Headless Ape fight, also dreading because the first fight was pretty damned hard.  This game might possibly push itself past West of Loathing.  Finished the game the other day and started up NG+ hoping to aim for the platinum... I need roughly 2 million XP to get all skills, so I might wind up with all trophies except this and the platinum when I give up.  I think by the time I get to where I need to start grinding, I'll probably be a little less than 2 million xp, but earning like 2-3k xp per minute will still take forever.
Rating: Highly recommended.

28. Fairune (NS)
Started this up after finishing Fire Emblem Warriors.  Pretty simple little Zelda game with next to no combat, but with a ton of back tracking and you definitely have to pay attention.  Took about 2 hours to beat the game, and was a pleasant little experience.
Rating: Soft Recommendation.

29. Sekiro (PS4)
This is a new thing for me, as I've never really done this before in previous years, but since I beat Sekiro twice, I'm gonna count it twice.  This wasn't some save scum thing, I start to finish beat this game again, right after beating it in general.  I want to not count it because I already beat it, but I put in the time and the effort and beat the game a second time.  If I decide to go for NG++ I'll probably count it a third time.
Rating: Highly recommended.

30. Fairune 2 (NS)
I don't really know how to track the progress in this game, so I won't.  More of the same from the last game, slightly better artwork, new world, new story.  I think this game was compared to Hydlide to me, so having enjoyed this game, I may go play that after I finish the Collection.
Rating: Soft recommendation

31. Fairune Origin (NS)
This is a short little ten minute 8-bit mini version of Fairune.  This was actually a pleasant experience and I would almost suggest starting with this one as it works out as a nice little tutorial and tests the waters before jumping into the longer games.
Rating: Soft recommendation

32. Fairune Blast (NS)
This is just a shmup, you can play through little shmup levels similar to how the final boss fights of the games work out.  I'm not a huge shmup fan and there is no story mode or anything, you have 1 level to play and you can play as 3 different characters.  That's it.
Rating: Hard pass

33. Reverie (NS)
Bought this because of FOMO.  Don't really regret it because I knew I'd prefer it on NS over PS4.  Enjoying it so far.  Looks like Earthbound, plays like Link to the Past.  Not much dialogue, game isn't particularly silly and dialogue isn't very memorable so far.  Feels like you're essentially playing the story of a Kiwi children's bedtime story.  Game is relatively fun, fairly short, and not too difficult... but it just doesn't stand out as a good game.
Rating: Soft Pass.

34. WWE 2K16 (X1)
I was having trouble deciding what to play next and this was already installed so I started playing this, partly because I was just yesterday watching some old WWF PPVs, so I was kinda in the mood for this.  Might only do the Showcase and call it quits.  At some point the devs completely changed up how these games play and I've just not really been a fan since.  I especially don't care for the submission and pin system, because I'm not good at those mini games.  I bot could knock me down and pin me right at the start of the match and they'd probably win right away.  I certainly had bots knock me down and immediately do a submission move and I tapped immediately.  I considered doing more in the game, but all of the online features are disabled and there are some online only content that you just can't unlock anymore and their recurring trend of story mode consisting of 2k showcase and a create a wrestler story mode just kind of irks me.  I think in previous years they had multiple story modes for various wrestlers, this game only having a story mode for Stone Cold seemed repetitive as they've done Stone Cold multiple times before, but this one includes his time in WCW and ECW which was enlightening and interesting.  I did find it interesting that they left out Stone Cold's Wrestlemania X8 fight with Scott Hall, which was allegedly one of the reasons Stone Cold left the company for a year, could be that they knew the fight sucked or the fact that Scott Hall was reserved as a DLC character.
Rating: Soft Pass

35. WWE 2K17 (X1)
I haven't actually started this yet.  I installed it last night after I finished 2K16 because I knew I wasn't going to put more time into 2K16.  I'm not interested in the WWE Universe mode as it's essentially one of those write your own story mode things, which is just too involved for me not knowing half of these wrestlers because I stopped paying attention to wrestling back in like 2004.  And I don't think I can put in the effort of creating a custom wrestler in each of these games.  I'll probably just do 2K Showcase again.  Well apparently this game has no 2K Showcase, the only form of a story mode this game has is Universe which is essentially Create A PPV type of thing and the CAW story mode.  I planned to do the CAW story mode with a female wrestler just to kinda get through it, but after spending like an hour building a character I found out that story mode doesn't support female wrestlers.  I'm just marking this as beat because as far as I can tell this game is a endless/unbeatable/no story game.
Rating: Hard Pass.

36. Lili: Child of Geos (PS4)
I wanted something to play while my kids was awake so I decided to play this.  Game didn't clearly explain the battling, so I just scraped by in most battles, until I started losing constantly, so I tried to figure it out on my own, eventually pieced it together and started getting 3 stars constantly.  Camera work is janky and laggy.  Dialogue is interesting and sometimes amusing.  Game wouldn't be terribly difficult to get the platinum if you planned for it from the start as there are some glitches that can be taken advantage of to make things less grindy, I missed out on the glitches.  Overall the game just isn't worth your time.
Rating: Soft Pass.

37. Far Cry: New Dawn (X1)
Been sort of wanting to play a kind of mindless shooter game and I picked this up cheap, so I decided to pop this in.  I'm enjoying it well enough so far.  Like all Far Cry games, it has its annoyances.  Like during one fight, a group of friendly NPCs pushed me off of a bridge as a car was driving, car ran me over and killed me, car stopped on top of me so I couldn't be revived.  Finished the game, overall the game wasn't terrible, but the final fights of the game were completely different than every other fight in the game.  The fight's were more raid boss than shooter boss, I felt like the game didn't properly prepare you for such a fight.
Rating: Soft recommendation if you enjoyed Far Cry 5.

38. Mortal Kombat XL (X1)
Decided to play this because I'm going to get MK11 at some point to play.  I've beaten MKX before, so popping this in, there really wasn't much for me to do.  I re-watched some cinematics to kind of catch back up on the story.  I played through the tower a couple of times unlocking endings for some characters and popping the credits.
Rating: Soft recommendation

39. Injustice: Gods Among Us (PS4)
I've been interested in this game for a long time, if only because I've heard really good things about the story.  Playing through the story, I'm realizing that I'm already aware of the story and I guess that's because they did an injustice comic line at some point and I'm aware of the story line.  Game's still enjoyable.  Combat is mildly frustrating in that O doesn't do low kicks like in MK, but does character specific things (i.e. wonder woman switches weapons, batman spawns little bat drones, etc.)  Story mode is short enough that in the 3 hours I played yesterday, I am almost done.  I'll probably finish within an hour.  Major disappoint was that the advertised Harley never really appears in the game.
Rating: Soft Pass.

40. Injustice 2 (PS4)
Immediately after starting up the game, I notice that the entire game is literally unplayable.  Every menu option gives an "Estimated time until available:" with an unchanging time.  I let the game install yesterday so I wouldn't have to deal with Xbox-esque usability where I can't play for hours because it's "installing".  Load up the game, and I guess it needs to install, but it does it through the game instead of the OS... but it doesn't tell you that or show you any form of a status.  I just get to sit there and wait until it magically starts working.  About an hour later I was able to play.
Rating: Other than the annoying install, this is an improvement over the previous entry.

41. Mortal Kombat 11 (X1)
Went through a whole hassle getting this game preowned because Gamestop was being retarded at best.  Took 3 days for me to be able to pick it up because they never told me they were holding it for me and when I called they said they didn't have it, hold finally expired and I was able to go pick it up, because it popped back into the system.  Story is interesting, but the last few MK games, since the reboot really, have been tough to follow.  This one seems to set up another reboot.  Series has really been downhill since the reboot, shit even Armageddon was kinda shit.  AI fighter is a really helpful bit and had me "playing" longer than I probably would've.  The krypt was interesting, but honestly it seemed pointless to me so after I while I gave up on it as well.
Rating: Soft Pass.

Next List
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 11:23:20 am by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2019, 10:43:09 am »
1. Kingdom hearts 3 (ps4): this was defiantly a fun game and I loved it but I do have major issues with 2-3 worlds in particular. they JUST followed the movie and pulled the movie sceenes into the game. those were seriously the most boring thing ever and it made it worse they were at the start. set a bad taste in my mouth until the further worlds brought it back with careful crafting and good storytelling. unfortunately the hardest difficulty Proud mode was a walk in the park. half way through the game I put on zero exp just to artificially inflate the difficulty and ended up beating the game at level 28. overall I think it was a 8/10

2. The Witness (PS4): this was a complex puzzle game that took me almost a week to complete. it is well worth it to anyone who is a fan of puzzle games. story line is a little iffy but the graphics are great and open world is of interest. depending on where you go there are also things of visual interest like trees at the right location that look like the clouds are the leaves or a giant being and a small person reaching for each other at the right position. overall very enjoyable. 9/10. if you play through it and want to try the most complex puzzle do it before completing the game as it will start you from square 1 when you beat it.

3. Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4)

4. Katamari damacy (ps2)

5. Bully (ps2)


« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 06:34:45 pm by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2019, 09:19:49 pm »
Ignore this


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2019, 12:43:22 am »
I started off exceptionally strong and then seriously petered out as soon as the summer hit. To my defense, I was studying for my Security + certification, and we had a major software deployment at my job. Sadly, I ended the year with only completing 17 games. A far cry from the 52, but I hope to complete more this year. Started 2019 out with finishing Dragon Quest 1 on IOS. I'll follow the same format from last year.


1. Dragon Quest: (IOS) Completed 1/1/2019 - Started this after completing DQ11's platinum trophy. Quick, easy, and as straightforward as you can get for a NES era game. Was cool to see where DQ started after playing the most recent release. I look forward to beating DQ2, and DQ3 on IOS as well. My goal is to beat all of the NA release DQ games this year.
2. Dragon Quest 2: (IOS) Completed 1/11/2019 - Decided to continue the Dragon Quest series on IOS after completing the first one. This release was definitely a step up from the first one as you recruit another prince, and a princess in your journey. Things are much easier with two caster/healers at your side. Looks like Dragon Quest 3 is next.
3. Trails in the Sky 3rd: (PC) Completed 1/13/2019 - It was bittersweet finishing Trails in the Sky 3rd. Wrapping up the Liberl Arc Trilogy was as quite satisfying as I got to see a part of the immense Zemurian world and the amazing character growth of the main protagonists. I've already started the fan translations of Trails to Zero to continue the story and plan on buying the PS4 releases of Trails of Cold Steel I & II. I only hope we get the announcement for Trails of Cold Steel III, and IV coming state-side.

Currently Playing

1. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness: (PS4) I'm close to 30 hours into Star Ocean I&F and have enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The main storyline is quite linear, but I'm fine with linear stories. The side quests, recipes, multiple endings, AND higher difficulties will make the platinum a long journey, but beating the main storyline should only take me another few hours.
2. Dragon Quest 3: (IOS) After beating the first, and the second, it only makes sense to move to the 3rd one. I've only played about 30 minutes of III, so I'm interested how its going to feel with the "create a party," part.
3. Trails to Zero: (PC) Wrapping up the Trails in the Sky Trilogy reminded me how much I enjoy these games, and the whole world brought to us by Falcom. Never getting an official North American release, I'll be using the fan translations for Trails to Zero, and Trails to Azure.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 09:43:23 pm by thewelshman »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2019, 03:10:14 pm »
    Game 1 - Final Fantasy X (PS4) - 55 hours

    I finally decided to go and beat Sin after spending several hours getting the ultimate weapons and doing side quests/grinding. Wakka was hitting for 99999 thanks to the AP trick so the final bosses were beaten in short order. Anyway, this will definitely be one of my longest reviews I've posted since doing the 52 games challenge. I haven't played this game in about 10 years, and it's always been in my top 5 games of all time. However, it was the first RPG I ever played back in my sophomore year of high school, so I've always wondered if it's been nostalgia that made me remember the game so fondly.

    This time around I'll talk about everything I liked then try to speak to the main criticisms of the game to give my own perspective. It's time to gush  ;D


    ~ First of all, the story is probably one of my favorites in all of gaming, period. And I don't say that lightly. This is a long-ass game, but the intriguing premise, impactful plot twists, and almost perfect pacing kept me hooked back then and still so to this day. I love the themes in the story including the dangers of theocracy, the inevitability of death, and the reconciliation with Tidus's father at the end of the game. Even though I already know how the story ends, there were still several moments that made me misty-eyed. lol

    I also want to touch on the unparalleled worldbuilding in this game.  The game's story and pacing fills you in on the culture (like the prejudice against the Al Bhed and Guado), history, religion, different languages, and favorite pastimes of Spira in a very digestible manner. It's incredible the amount of detail and consistency that was put into this game, especially for the time. Don't believe me? There are even three different kinds of scripts in the game (Spiran, Al Bhed and Yevon), and they're implemented into real world locations even in places you wouldn't think to look.

    There's a fascinating article about it here

    ~ I really love the characters in this game (we'll talk about Tidus down below). I think Wakka is hilarious yet humble, Auron and Kimahri are badass, and Yuna is one of my favorite female video game characters of all time. She's gentle yet determined, and just awesome. I also think the voice acting was on the whole, very good. Especially for the time. The secondary characters really impressed me on that front.

    ~ The combat was traditionally something that I wasn't the biggest fan of, but overall I think it's good. I like how you can use all of your party members, which was always a bummer in previous FF games where you could only pick 3 of 4. I like how you have to actually use buffs, debuffs, and unique character traits to get and edge on your enemies. The sphere grid is also really interesting, especially on the expert version. In this playthrough I made Kimahri a powerhouse with a mixture of Auron and Wakka's abilities, and I took Rikku down Tidus's path instead of her own.

    ~The graphics still hold up, even to this day in my opinion. The pre-rendered backgrounds are beautiful and so are the 3D environments. The cutscenes are also great too.

    ~ The music is masterful, as always. I've been listening to this soundtrack for a long time now, and it's still great even today. The hymn of the fayth is still beautiful and mesmerizing, and there are countless other amazing songs like To Zanarkand, Seymour Battle Theme, Besaid Island, and Assault.The new arranged music they added into the HD version is a nice touch too, but I hardly ever turned it on.

    ~The side quests are fun and the rewards are actually worth it. It's fun hunting for the celestial weapons, extra aeons, secret areas, and Al Bhed primers/Jecht Spheres. I plan on platinuming the game too, so I'm also looking forward to the bosses I never fought on the PS2, including the Dark Aeons, Nemesis, and Penance.

    Now for the criticisms!
    ~ Tidus is a bad/annoying character I know this may be controversial, but Tidus is my favorite Final Fantasy protagonist. I totally agree that he's arrogant, whiny and annoying, but that was intentional; he's a star blitzball player after all! So he's going to be cocky, pampered and self-entitled. Square took a huge risk designing a character like that, but it makes him flawed and a hell of a lot more interesting than Cloud or Squall. Tidus actually grows and develops over the course of the game because he's designed as a "fish out of water" protagonist. First, he has to realize he can't go home anymore, then because of that he develops and investment in saving Spira, protecting Yuna on her journey, and eventually he falls in love too.

    I will say though that James Arnold Taylor (the voice actor for Tidus) doesn't show his best work here. There are some definitely some awkward lines and he doesn't handle anger well at all. It's tough to say how the limitations from bringing the game over from Japan affected the localization given the resources, but on the whole, it's great.

    Oh, and I'll just leave this video here from James Arnold Taylor talking about the story behind the infamous laugh scene for y'all ;) It's one of the most misunderstood parts of the game

    ~The game is "too linear" I have never agreed with this criticism for two reasons. For one, I feel like the nature of the story fits a more linear style. The story is about a pilgrimage: going to a very specific set of locations in a very particular order, to gain the power to beat Sin; and all throughout the journey Auron and others are stressing the importance of haste and not lollygaging. I think if this game was more open ended, the impact and focus of the story would be completely lost. Also, I think the only thing that's really different compared to previous FFs, was the removal of the overworld. But come on... every Final Fantasy up until this point was mostly linear. When you leave Midgar in FF7, you have what, two places to go to? The big open overworld gives more the illusion of an open ended setting, but it really isn't. It's a very very small sacrifice that I really don't mind at all.

    ~The minigames all suck Now this is something that I totally agree with. All the minigames in this game are terrible. The butterfly catching, lightning dodging, hide and go seek/red light green light with Cactuars, and Chocobo riding are all terrible, tedious and frustrating. The only redeeming one is Blitzball, but even after 30 games or so it also becomes a drag. It's the only thing that I can say I don't like about the game.

    So now that I've beaten the whole game for the 3rd time I can definitely say that this game is still one of my favorites of all time. It might even been in my top 3.

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    « Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 04:37:44 pm by telly »
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    Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
    « Reply #29 on: January 05, 2019, 11:31:04 pm »
    Just finished up Bayonetta on the Switch, this was my first experience with a Bayonetta game and holy shit was it a wild ride! Gonna start up the second one next.