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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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Modern Video Games / Re: May 30th Playstation State of Play
« on: May 31, 2024, 08:36:38 pm »
I struggle to understand how any hardcore game enthusiast could look at the games shown, and not think the majority of them look promising. I read several comments in this thread which could be paraphrased "All of these new IPs just look the same, I just want my classic comfort titles back". It's kind of the old man yelling at clouds reaction. Not willing to get enthusiastic about the promise of new games, in an industry which already struggles to give us new things.

I remember some of you guys writing off Stellar Blade in the last State of Play like their was nothing interesting at all shown, and it went on to smash sales records in April. It was a fantastic success, and I'm happy that it did so well. You gotta love to see it. I want more of that for the games industry, but it's got to start with at least some degree of optimism and open-mindedness on the part of the consumer. You can't just chase after the past all of the time and demand more rehash of Uncharted or Sly Cooper. The new games look good, we should give them a chance. I think it's healthy to have some optimism and actually want to enjoy new things. It's a novel idea, but I believe in it.

I'll admit I'm even a bit close-minded still when it comes to what I call "live-service slop", because I assume that I can't have fun with a live-service game. That's based on nothing but a stupid stubbornness. However, there's plenty of single player games here, and those games literally hold up, because they don't get shut down in a year's time. That's what I want to see. Anyone making a single player game, I'm all for looking deeper into it than just the surface-level reveal trailer. There's no doubt in my mind that these will be good games, and there's a lot of folks too stubborn to want to give them a chance. They didn't see some title they wanted to see brought back, and so the rest of it is "not interesting" and the whole thing branded as disappointing.

It's one thing to be open-minded, but I think there's also a thing that there are so many games coming out there is just no way to justify being excited for all of them, so for me, I can only show interest in the games that have direct appeal to me, and established brands I love are gonna take precedent.  I always look forward to cool new games, I just beat Dave the Diver yesterday, it was dope, but there wasn't a whole lot of new at this showing and the ones that are new, are questionable.

Behemoth is new, but it's a PSVR 2 game, so most people will never play it.  Concord is new, but it's in a heavily over-saturated genre, the same boat with Marvel Rivals, and I don't really need another hero shooter.  Ballad of Antara and Infinity Nikki are new, but they are F2P games and therefore time sinks and I already play a few F2P/live service games.  Concord and Marvel Rivals are going to fit into this part too, same for Path of Exile 2.  There's only so much time for games like that.  Where Winds Meet is new, but this type of action adventure game is hitting some pretty high saturation levels itself and I can't and don't really want to play them all.  That sorta just leaves Astro Bot, which most folks were happy to see.

People like new things, but people also want stuff that their system is known for.  I'm not one of the folks outright hating on the PS5, it's been okay enough for me, but I'm not gonna deny that it's been kinda lacking and this State of Play didn't do Sony a lot of favors.

Modern Video Games / Re: May 30th Playstation State of Play
« on: May 30, 2024, 07:41:43 pm »
Seeing stuff like Astro Bot makes me wish that Sony would just go hard on smaller to mid-tier stuff way more.  Everything doesn't need to be crazy high end stuff like Spider-Man, God of War, Last of Us, etc, it all doesn't need to be 10+ million sellers, bring back Jak & Daxter, Little Big Planet, Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper, Infamous, and other dormant properties they got.  They need more inbetween games rather than banking on huge games that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and takes many years to make.

Just for the record, Silent Hill 2 has always offered players the option to utilize tank or directional controls. I doubt they'll preserve that choice for the remake based on all the trailers shown so far, though.

I don't think I knew that at the time, but looking back it with a video, the controls seem abit scuff still.  I just prefer the over-the-shoulder camera view for games like this, it's been great for Resident Evil, so it'll be a nice way to experience this game.

Modern Video Games / Re: May 30th Playstation State of Play
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:12:31 pm »
They've spent way too long on Concord for just another hero shooter game lol
God of War: Ragnarok on PC for those that want it.
Dynasty Warriors Origins.
Ballad of Antara, some sort of action adventure game, maybe Souls-Like? Not sure.
Skydance's Behemoth, PSVR2 game so most people won't even play it, but it looks sorta neat. Some interesting gameplay mechanics.
Alien VR game.  Both of the trailers for these VR games looked kinda rough quality rise lol
Where Winds Meet, action adventure game, general Souls/Sekiro/Nioh type feel.
If there was a game that didn't need a remaster, it's Until Dawn lol
I don't really have any expectations for the Silent Hill 2 remake, I never cared about the original games and this will be my first time playing the series other than a little bit of Silent Hill 4 back in the day, but getting these style of games without tank controls is something I'm looking forward to.
Hell yeah, Monster Hunter Wilds! More mount ability stuff, multiple weapon types at once, possibly changing terrain...can't wait.
New Astrobot game.  Looks charming as heck.  Sony needs way more games like this and not ones pushing for the most realism lol

Overall, fairly weak showing for me personally, I was happy to see Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay, but that's a game out next year and isn't a Sony game, Silent Hill 2 Remake could be okay, but I'm not amped for it, and that just leaves Astro Bot, which will be fun, but it's that a smaller game. Welp, guess its time to wait for Summer Game Fest next week.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: May 30, 2024, 05:02:35 pm »
15 - Dave the Diver (PC 2023) - BEAT - What an absolutely charming game.  I initially got into the game because I liked the art style, there was a Godzilla crossover, and I have that soft spot/spook spot for underwater stuff, so the general idea of diving into deep waters and hunting for fish seemed neat.  I wasn't expecting to like the more "management" side of things as you are getting fish to run a sushi shop, but it's all fairly straightforward and doesn't get tedious or boring.

I think what this game does best is variety.  There's always some silly little new minigame, a boss fight with a crazy creature that is different from the last one, there's always new fish and new areas to gather in, and while it has combat and such, it's still a pretty casual game I feel, like it's not Stardew Valley casual, but it's somewhere between something like that and say a survival game like Subnautica.

The games story and characters are really nice, and it's just a fun game.  It's kinda that perfect game where you can just jump in whenever, do a dive, hunt for specific fish you want, trying to get the best quality meals and make money for upgrades and expansions, and then come back later. I still have more to do also with the post-game.  The DLC they have that's for free right now are pretty light, something for the boat game Dredge and something for Godzilla, but they are very additions, don't think of them like expansions, though Dredge might be one that offers something more to the actual game, compared to the Godzilla one, which I would say is mostly glorified cosmetic DLC, but it's free, so zero real complaints. 

I have no actual major complaints for the game either.  There are a few elements of jank here and there with movement and aiming, and I think some of the boss fights are a little clunky, but I enjoyed myself, I kept wanting to progress to see where things went, what new areas there were, and what new fish I'd come up against.  Big recommend here.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: May 29, 2024, 10:49:55 pm »
14 - Gooba Ball (PC 2024) - ENDLESS - This one was an easy game to add, it's short, endless, it's a Suika Game copy, but it's a game dedicated to the 1st year anniversary for the Vtuber group VCHIBAN, and it's just a goofy little freebie game.  Put 2 hours into it, probably will play it more, basically if you can't pick up Suika Game on Switch, just grab it for free on Steam through Gooba Ball.

Modern Video Games / Re: May 30th Playstation State of Play
« on: May 29, 2024, 08:41:23 pm »
Other than that, I'm expecting a ton of underwhelming indie announcements no one will care about, maybe an FF7 Birth DLC sub game, and maybe, possibly. cool third party announcement. I know Capcom is busy making another RE re-remake and a teaser for that alone with make my day. I also expect maybe EA will finally reveal gameplay and something more substantial for Dragon Age, although I can see them saving that for Summer Gamefest,

The rumor is they are working on a RE: Zero and RE: CV remake, which are probably the right ones to remake as I think they would benefit being kinda considered the weaker games of the series.  I was wanting an RE1 remake because I just like that setting more and I'd love to have a full RE1, 2, and 3, but I'm sure they'll get to it eventually lol

Modern Video Games / Re: May 30th Playstation State of Play
« on: May 29, 2024, 07:48:52 pm »
Death Stranding 2 would be normally something I'd be excited to see, but I'm going with no more trailers/video on it from now on, I got the last one, it was enough, i just need it and I don't want to see anymore, because they always show too much lol Plus I know that's a 2025 release, so best to save my hype till we get closer to release.

Twisted Metal was in development at Firesprite but was unfortunately cancelled earlier this year. I was looking forward to it. Now I'll just hope Sweet Tooth shows up in Fortnite where he makes perfect sense for the current season. Car combat has a massive focus this season. Worth checking out for Twisted Metal fans.

I must've missed that info.  The only good thing about that reading up on it now, it was apparently meant to be a live service game and it hadn't even been greenlit at the time, so maybe instead of us getting a bad Twisted Metal built around a live service model, we can eventually get a a proper Twisted Metal game with a good singleplayer experience alongside decent regular multiplayer. 

And yeah, that's what had me interested in Twisted Metal lately as I've been playing the new Fortnite update and while the vehicles aren't actually on the level of a Twisted Metal car, at least with playing solo, it gives that vibe.  Heck, I'd be happy with just like a remaster of Twisted Metal 2 or something.  Loved that game.

Modern Video Games / Re: May 30th Playstation State of Play
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:34:05 pm »
The only actual want is Bloodborne, every event I hope for Bloodborne, but every year I'm left disappointed, but one day it'll happen, and then I can finally rest lol

Otherwise I'm not expecting too much.  Another Sony property I'd like to see return is Twisted Metal, the show is going into its second season and I think it's time for that to get a return.  Wolverine could possibly be teased at the end of the show, it's said to be for games this year, but that's a good bonus bit for sure and would work with the new movie coming out soon.

Can't really think of anything else I'd kinda expect to see or would be really amped to see.  I still have Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to finish, Elden Ring DLC is coming out in less than a month, so I'm certainly not short of stuff to play right now, but a fun surprise would be welcomed.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 25, 2024, 12:21:02 am »
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - On rewatch after a couple years away, it seems like my tastes have shifted slightly over the past few years.  I was pretty sure I had Empire above A New Hope on fave's, but they are kinda neck and neck now.  A New Hope is just a nice beginning to end story, they could've just ended the series there and it would've been fine, the story was overall unfinished, but it was just this one story of this world and it worked fine. 

Empire hinges a lot more on the 1st act of the movie with Hoth than I thought, I love that entire sequence, and while Dagobah is good character stuff, the Bespin stuff is kind of a weak point for me, and it very much feels like a middle film.  It's an enjoyable watch and I do enjoy Vader and Luke's fight, it doesn't have the dazzle of later era fights, but it works a lot more than how Vader/Kenobi fight was as there's a lot of passion to it.

Always interesting to see something in a slightly different light than how it was before.  I don't think much will have changed with Jedi, but we'll see.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 24, 2024, 02:36:02 pm »
I was wanting to get this because of the Godzilla DLC as well, but I wanted to wait for a deeper discount.  Well, apparently the Godzilla content is going to be time gated and not available after a period of time, so I'm probably going to get it this week.

The time period is all the way till November, so you could give it a wait, but a 25% deal for 15 bucks is more than worth it for this.  I've already put in 8 hours and I'm only at Chapter 3 out of I think 5 chapters (Actually it's 7, I thought the Godzilla stuff was gonna be like post-game, but it shows up in Chapter 5) and then with the Dredge and Godzilla DLC, that's a decent amount of content.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 23, 2024, 09:51:39 pm »
Saw that the Godzilla DLC was out for Dave the Diver and since I've been meaning to check it out, and I'm dying for any sort of Godzilla gaming thing at this point, and it was on sale, I figured it was a good time to jump into it.  Been kinda struggling to get myself involved in a game the past few weeks, I still really need to get back to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but nothing was hitting me. 

This game is great though.  Normally I'm not big on timers in games, I like to do what I want at my own pace, but this game being so casual about it makes it feel fine to deal with.  I wasn't even super interested in the other part of the game which is a sushi restaurant minigame experience, but that's enjoyable to.  It's involved enough to not feel boring, but not too complicated to put me off setting up menu's, hiring people, and the other smaller elements.  All of the characters are pretty fun too.  Also randomly, it makes me want to play Ecco the Dolphin.  I haven't played that since the 90's lol

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 23, 2024, 12:52:58 am »
Star Wars: A New Hope - With all the anniversary talk lately for some of the movies, felt like doing a watch of all the movies as it's been awhile since I did that...I don't think I did everything before Rise of Skywalker, so maybe before Last Jedi? Either way, it's been awhile since I've watched the series and felt like it could be a good time to revisit everything, so all three trilogies along with Rogue One and Solo if I don't get distracted like I usually do with my marathons lol

The longer time has gone on, the more I wish we had the original trilogy in it's original theatrical release.  No special edition additions, just a clean, original, release.  I hate that nearly 30 years later, we still don't have that.  The CG additions always stood out like a sore thumb and they continue to age worse every year. At least in this one, it's not the worst, it's mostly shenanigans in Mos Eisley and then some ship stuff later on, but it will absolutely get worse the further I go lol

The movie itself is of course still a classic, even with the Special Edition parts tacked on, but can't really say anything new on it, both this and Empire are top favorites of the entire series.  It's just a great scifi adventure.

General / Re: IGN just acquired a ton of their competitors
« on: May 21, 2024, 07:02:34 pm »
While I don't read much of any of these, consolidating so many websites like this under one banner can never be a good thing.  I do need to find another gaming site with editorials to read, Destructoid has fallen off real hard lately for me, and otherwise I just check out Gematsu for pure game news.  Sucks to see stuff like this happen, because there's just not many smaller sites anymore, they tend to get bought up and it's questionable how long they'll last, much like game studios who get bought up, just to get shutdown, even if they do things right, or in some cases, relegated into the AAA franchise mines where creativity goes to die.

Hardware and Tech / Re: New PC Talk...
« on: May 16, 2024, 03:12:04 pm »
Am I getting that much of an upgrade with just some new parts? I tried to sorta browse what I think an upgraded build for me could be on Youtube and it didn't seem like I would be getting a huge leap on more graphic heavy games that are out now. An improvement for sure, better than what I got now, but I'm trying to do a big leap in quality while also setting myself up for the next couple years

There isn't a way to know without being able to try both. The price on your picker deal is pretty good considering what is included.

Personally I notice when playing games that max settings usually isn't worthwhile. First because there are many games where I can't tell the difference between Med/High/Ultra. Second is that unless the game is a walking simulator or some other type thing where you get to look around at the environment alot, the extra things that appear may not be noticable if you are focusing on the action. Since you're talking about Helldivers 2 the MP game, it is similar to me when I was playing BO4, where I didn't need or want the graphics to be on max because competition (and hence, speed/performance) takes priority over how the game looks. Even BITD the best Q3 player I personally knew ran the game on low settings to get the highest framerate. I know multiplayer games are more in the general public so you may not be a competitive player that cares about that, idk.

Yeah I'm not someone who is a "competitive" player in the multiplayer games I play, I almost never play anything ranked lol  I just want it to look real good while also having real good performance.  I know I watch EvilToaster for Apex and he's got his system so completely fine tuned to levels that are unbelievable to get the best looking visuals while also getting like maxed 200+fps action lol

I do play a lot of multiplayer games, but I would say what I tend to play most on my PC are larger open world experiences, survival games, things where I want great visuals and great performance.  Cyberpunk 2077 was one that still doesn't run well for me, that game I understand is taxing no matter the system, but still...I play DayZ every so often, I just got done playing Grounded again which runs well but even on lower settings has some performance issues, I'm interested in open world games like Star Wars: Outlaws coming up and STALKER 2 is gonna be super environment heavy and I want that to run it really well.  Also if the next Battlefield game coming out next year isn't a dumpster fire like Battlefield 2042, getting a game like that running great is something I want to push for, as Battlefield V was actually a push for me to get a new system back in 2018...which wasn't a great game, but it did look nice at least lol

If the system I'm grabbing looks good, then I'm definitely gonna pick it up soon, but I do appreciate trying to help me save me money with wanting to discuss just some upgrades, I'm sure other people can use that information to try and get some light upgrades just by double checking to see what their current setup can handle with some new hardware added.

Hardware and Tech / Re: New PC Talk...
« on: May 16, 2024, 01:24:43 am »
My current system is a...

ASUS ROG Strix Z370-E Gaming LGA 1151
Intel Core i5 8th Gen - Core i5-8600K Coffee Lake 6-Core 3.6 GHz
CORSAIR Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin PC RAM DDR4 3000
EVGA 600 BR 100-BR-0600-K1 600 W
And then have a 1tb SSD I've been using, but no specs on that because I bought it after my initial PC build.

I'm sure there's some room for improvement, but a graphics card wouldn't be all I'd need right?

Some things I can mention.
1. i5 CPUs are fine but for modern gaming it seems i7 is the minimum. There is obviously some crossover between ages, such as perhaps a newer i5 is better than an old i7 but as I've mentioned earlier, we are at CPU plateau so a 10 year old i7 (or equivalent) is going to be the same for gaming as a modern one. So an i7 or a quad core with Hyperthreading and at least 2.8 GHz is the minimum.

2. RAM is cheap, so if you board can support more you should get more. However, you are likely not going to actually need more than 16 GB. The only situation I've run into where you'd want more than 16 GB is running modded Minecraft. On my system I would allocated 12 GB to Java. But in general, PC games aren't going to be using enough, but as stated the prices may be low enough that it doesn't matter.

3. As far as I'm aware, there are no video cards with over 8 GB VRAM that run on BIOS. Many/most 8 GB cards are either BIOS (very few), UEFI, auto-detect (not reliable) or switchable (very few). And worse is that those types of capabilities are not often advertised with any degree of certainty. Second thing to be aware of and this is important is that you need to know how your OS is installed if you want to do an upgrade. If you are currently running on BIOS or CSM enabled, and your disk is MBR, if you were to buy a video card with more than 8 GB VRAM, the card is UEFI and you may not get any video at POST or boot. If your system is on UEFI and using GPT disk, then you are safe to get one of these modern cards.

I want to mention that the video card I am using, the Sapphire Radeon RX 580 is 8 GB and is one of the few cards that has a physical switch. I am running on BIOS on a board 2 generations older than yours. So this card is the best card I can ever use in this configuration. That being said, I haven't run into any games that do not work on this card. The most demanding game I have run on it was COD Warzone. Now if I run into a situation where I need to get a card with more VRAM, I'm going to have to do some work to get compliant with that. There is a way to do it without reinstalling the OS, but I'd rather not do it.

Am I getting that much of an upgrade with just some new parts? I tried to sorta browse what I think an upgraded build for me could be on Youtube and it didn't seem like I would be getting a huge leap on more graphic heavy games that are out now.  An improvement for sure, better than what I got now, but I'm trying to do a big leap in quality while also setting myself up for the next couple years along with likely getting a 1440p monitor.  I'm cool with the price of the upgrade, I have the money for it, though I am waiting till Memorial Day to see if I can take advantage of some sales.

I just want to make sure the build I have is going to get me what I want and that I have all the main parts I need and there was nothing weird to the choices.  From what I looked up, while it doesn't seem like New Egg specifically goes out of its way to check for compatibility with its pc builder, it tries to make sure the only parts that can be chosen should work with the parts picked, the only possible things that may not count being like GPU's and how they fit into a case.

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