VGCollect Forum
General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: burningdoom on April 16, 2014, 11:18:57 pm
There are two types of game collectors I've found (well, three if you count resellers); either you buy games with full intention to play them (even if they sit on the shelf longer than expected); or there are those collectors that are more driven by completing a set or getting that one rare 70s console that no one has heard of.
Which category do you fall into?
I'm definitely a collect to play guy. I have full intention on playing all of my games in my collection, unless they're extras that came in a lot or something (those ones become trading-fodder). I will admit there's far more games in my collection un-played then I'd like there to be, though (outside of initially testing them).
That's not to say I don't feel proud of my collection, or I don't like to complete a set. But playing is my primary concern.
I have a tendency to do both. When it comes to NES, I collected to collect. When it came to my SMS set, I got them to both play and collect. My other systems I only collect the games I have an interest in playing at some point in time.
As far as consoles themselves, I am envious of guys like theflea who have the most obscure consoles but I dont have the time/money/patience to find and buy them all. Other than a weird 70's pong clone, every system I own is one I enjoy either now or as a child.
I'm both. I don't collect everything, just the things I'm interested in and once I get the chance to set everything up properly and have the working systems I want, I'll be more inclined to play the older stuff like with my slowly growing N64 and NES collection. I want to play the old games, but right now it's just about grabbing what I can find cheap for my collection or buying the few things I want to have in my collection.
I think there are very few people that call themselves collectors that fit neatly into either category.
Myself, I collect a bunch of NES stuff I'll never play. I'll probably never fire up Win Lose or Draw again. I'm more selective with some systems than others. With the NES, N64, and more recently the Wii, I'll buy any old turd. With the PS2 I only get stuff I want to play and can't get anywhere else.
I tend to collect things that I want to play, Although there are a few games here and there that I got just for the novelty of having them in my collection (such as Doom on SNES... Absolutely horrible port that plays like crap but I just love that red cart sitting on my shelf!). And then there are some games that I got randomly that seemed interesting but ended up sucking real bad, but I still want them in my collection. I don't like losing games, even ones that suck.
I used to just buy everything regardless of title, but now I only buy games I plan on playing. Although I will pick up any crappy Atari 2600 game I find just for fun.
I used to be collect to collect until I met the... ugly side of such behavior at a forum about a month ago.
Since then I moderate my game purchases. I don't buy games unless they're really dumb looking or I can use them as trade / sale stuff.
I used to be collect to collect until I met the... ugly side of such behavior at a forum about a month ago.
Since then I moderate my game purchases. I don't buy games unless they're really dumb looking or I can use them as trade / sale stuff.
I kind of want to know what the dark side of the behavior is....
Also, I collect to play.
I used to be collect to collect until I met the... ugly side of such behavior at a forum about a month ago.
Since then I moderate my game purchases. I don't buy games unless they're really dumb looking or I can use them as trade / sale stuff.
I kind of want to know what the dark side of the behavior is....
Also, I collect to play.
Buying game bundles on Steam just to pad your game count. Disregarding the quality of games, calling them bundle fodder... I got sick of that and left the place where I encountered that behavior.
I definitely collect to play. I never really saw the point of collecting every game for a specific console, including all the crap, shovelware, Maddens, and BS that no one except a completionist collector would want. I only collect games that I someday plan on playing, even if that ends up being 40-years from now. With that said, I will buy a game I have no interest in if it is a good deal and if I can use it as trade bait. Other than that, I only want games that I will play someday, even if my collection is way smaller then someone going for a whole system set.
I definitely collect to play. Waste of money to just collect for the sake of completion, in my opinion. Unless the collection is being used for reselling, I can then understand that venture. Also, the games I buy are either ones I enjoyed when I was younger or researched and believed I would enjoy the purchase. I have an ever-growing backlog of games that I have not had the time to even work on.
As for buying video game lots, some of them are for trading, though.
I collect to play even though I don't take the time to play. I'm only buying games I wish to play in the future. I have no idea when this "future" will be, so I've got a lot of games waiting to be played. The only games I got that I don't really care about playing or not, I got them in lots or for really cheap.
I definitely collect to play. I never really saw the point of collecting every game for a specific console, including all the crap, shovelware, Maddens, and BS that no one except a completionist collector would want. I only collect games that I someday plan on playing, even if that ends up being 40-years from now. With that said, I will buy a game I have no interest in if it is a good deal and if I can use it as trade bait. Other than that, I only want games that I will play someday, even if my collection is way smaller then someone going for a whole system set.
Hey, I PROUDLY own every almost Madden since 2002 (except 2005 and 2009). And I still play most of them... or at least pop them in to laugh at the rosters.
I definitely collect to play. I never really saw the point of collecting every game for a specific console, including all the crap, shovelware, Maddens, and BS that no one except a completionist collector would want. I only collect games that I someday plan on playing, even if that ends up being 40-years from now. With that said, I will buy a game I have no interest in if it is a good deal and if I can use it as trade bait. Other than that, I only want games that I will play someday, even if my collection is way smaller then someone going for a whole system set.
Hey, I PROUDLY own every almost Madden since 2002 (except 2005 and 2009). And I still play most of them... or at least pop them in to laugh at the rosters.
My Bad :p
I personally don't see the point of collecting every Madden installment, as well as the other EA sports franchises that get an annual release, but that is just me.
I definitely collect to play. I never really saw the point of collecting every game for a specific console, including all the crap, shovelware, Maddens, and BS that no one except a completionist collector would want. I only collect games that I someday plan on playing, even if that ends up being 40-years from now. With that said, I will buy a game I have no interest in if it is a good deal and if I can use it as trade bait. Other than that, I only want games that I will play someday, even if my collection is way smaller then someone going for a whole system set.
Hey, I PROUDLY own every almost Madden since 2002 (except 2005 and 2009). And I still play most of them... or at least pop them in to laugh at the rosters.
My Bad :p
I personally don't see the point of collecting every Madden installment, as well as the other EA sports franchises that get an annual release, but that is just me.
Yeah, growing up I played mostly only sports games and while I've grown out of that now, I still have a sort of soft spot for them. Especially Madden for whatever reason. It's still a yearly purchase for me. Just a sucker I guess, lol.
Both to an extent. As far as games go i try not to pad too much. Most of the filler I have comes from lots I have bought because it had a handful of games that I really wanted and the rest was an added bonus.
Hardware on the other hand. I tend to collect any system I can get my hands on. Doubly so if it has a major hardware revision.
i do a bit of both, i buy games, consoles & computers for the experience and to preserve gaming/computing history, the games i tend to play the most are from the 90s but this should come to no surprise since i was born in 95
There are two reasons that I "collect". One is because of an urge to secure myself a legit copy of a game as prices and interest in these games continue to increase, while we grown ever closer towards the end of physical games - in other words, anxiety. The second reason, it's kind of fun. With that said, I do not and try not to buy anything I don't think that I want to play. I use to take a lot of gambles, and I still take some, but for the most part, I know what I am after.
Games I collect to play.
Consoles... I dunno... I seem to be collecting for the sake of collecting.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Little of both, While I do play games I love like RPG's, shooters, fighters etc. I really don't play much sport games and only buy those when I find them cheap so I just collect them. (heck many of them just get put in storage.) All games I buy I play at least once. Not only to see if it works but to see if I like it. If I like it I will keep playing it if its crap then it goes in the collection only to be played again when I feel like showing it to someone. :P
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
I mostly collect to play. The exception being that for some reason I want a complete Dreamcast collection. That's far down the road, but I'm always looking to get new Dreamcast games! Doubly so now that I have my sweet Hanzo VGA box/Scanliner.
I mostly collect to play. The exception being that for some reason I want a complete Dreamcast collection. That's far down the road, but I'm always looking to get new Dreamcast games! Doubly so now that I have my sweet Hanzo VGA box/Scanliner.
Haha funny enough the Dreamcast has been the only system I considered collecting the whole set as well. Part is was that I am almost half way there with the games I actually want on the console, and the other is that I just have so, so, so much love for that console. All the games (including the sports games) have this character to them that I am completely in love with. Seeing this video also didn't help matters:
85% to play &
15% to 'collect.
I mostly collect to play. The exception being that for some reason I want a complete Dreamcast collection. That's far down the road, but I'm always looking to get new Dreamcast games! Doubly so now that I have my sweet Hanzo VGA box/Scanliner.
Haha funny enough the Dreamcast has been the only system I considered collecting the whole set as well. Part is was that I am almost half way there with the games I actually want on the console, and the other is that I just have so, so, so much love for that console. All the games (including the sports games) have this character to them that I am completely in love with. Seeing this video also didn't help matters:
I have so much love for it too, but I didn't get a Dreamcast until after the system was discontinued. I think it was Power Stone 1 & 2 that sold me on the system's charm. Typing of the Dead as well.
I've noticed you going for Dreamcast games in the past. I kind of consider you competition :P. I've seen a couple videos from the keep dreaming series and it's pretty fantastic. I want two Dreamcast fighting sticks so bad!
I hope you were able to nab those games from Foxhack. If PAX East hadn't just happened, I'd probably have the money to grab them myself lol.
I mostly collect to play. The exception being that for some reason I want a complete Dreamcast collection. That's far down the road, but I'm always looking to get new Dreamcast games! Doubly so now that I have my sweet Hanzo VGA box/Scanliner.
Haha funny enough the Dreamcast has been the only system I considered collecting the whole set as well. Part is was that I am almost half way there with the games I actually want on the console, and the other is that I just have so, so, so much love for that console. All the games (including the sports games) have this character to them that I am completely in love with. Seeing this video also didn't help matters: (
I have so much love for it too, but I didn't get a Dreamcast until after the system was discontinued. I think it was Power Stone 1 & 2 that sold me on the system's charm. Typing of the Dead as well.
I've noticed you going for Dreamcast games in the past. I kind of consider you competition :P . I've seen a couple videos from the keep dreaming series and it's pretty fantastic. I want two Dreamcast fighting sticks so bad!
I hope you were able to nab those games from Foxhack. If PAX East hadn't just happened, I'd probably have the money to grab them myself lol.
Lol it's all good, there is plenty to go around :p
I did end up getting Capcom vs. SNK and King of Fighters Evolution from him, but I already have the rest. After I get those in the mail there are only 4 more NTSC Dreamcast games I am after (Silent Scope, Vigalante 8: Second Offense, Street Fighter III: Double Impact, and Illbleed). I also have about 20 import titles I am after as well. So I am almost out of the Dreamcast Collecting scene, although as I said, it is tempting to go for a full set ;)
I mostly collect to play. The exception being that for some reason I want a complete Dreamcast collection. That's far down the road, but I'm always looking to get new Dreamcast games! Doubly so now that I have my sweet Hanzo VGA box/Scanliner.
Haha funny enough the Dreamcast has been the only system I considered collecting the whole set as well. Part is was that I am almost half way there with the games I actually want on the console, and the other is that I just have so, so, so much love for that console. All the games (including the sports games) have this character to them that I am completely in love with. Seeing this video also didn't help matters: (
I have so much love for it too, but I didn't get a Dreamcast until after the system was discontinued. I think it was Power Stone 1 & 2 that sold me on the system's charm. Typing of the Dead as well.
I've noticed you going for Dreamcast games in the past. I kind of consider you competition :P . I've seen a couple videos from the keep dreaming series and it's pretty fantastic. I want two Dreamcast fighting sticks so bad!
I hope you were able to nab those games from Foxhack. If PAX East hadn't just happened, I'd probably have the money to grab them myself lol.
Lol it's all good, there is plenty to go around :p
I did end up getting Capcom vs. SNK and King of Fighters Evolution from him, but I already have the rest. After I get those in the mail there are only 4 more NTSC Dreamcast games I am after (Silent Scope, Vigalante 8: Second Offense, Street Fighter III: Double Impact, and Illbleed). I also have about 20 import titles I am after as well. So I am almost out of the Dreamcast Collecting scene, although as I said, it is tempting to go for a full set ;)
That's awesome! Watching that video was definitely inspiring to collect for the system. You seem to have a lot of patience (and perhaps a decent amount of disposable income), so I'd say go for it!
I mostly collect to play. The exception being that for some reason I want a complete Dreamcast collection. That's far down the road, but I'm always looking to get new Dreamcast games! Doubly so now that I have my sweet Hanzo VGA box/Scanliner.
Haha funny enough the Dreamcast has been the only system I considered collecting the whole set as well. Part is was that I am almost half way there with the games I actually want on the console, and the other is that I just have so, so, so much love for that console. All the games (including the sports games) have this character to them that I am completely in love with. Seeing this video also didn't help matters: (
I have so much love for it too, but I didn't get a Dreamcast until after the system was discontinued. I think it was Power Stone 1 & 2 that sold me on the system's charm. Typing of the Dead as well.
I've noticed you going for Dreamcast games in the past. I kind of consider you competition :P . I've seen a couple videos from the keep dreaming series and it's pretty fantastic. I want two Dreamcast fighting sticks so bad!
I hope you were able to nab those games from Foxhack. If PAX East hadn't just happened, I'd probably have the money to grab them myself lol.
Lol it's all good, there is plenty to go around :p
I did end up getting Capcom vs. SNK and King of Fighters Evolution from him, but I already have the rest. After I get those in the mail there are only 4 more NTSC Dreamcast games I am after (Silent Scope, Vigalante 8: Second Offense, Street Fighter III: Double Impact, and Illbleed). I also have about 20 import titles I am after as well. So I am almost out of the Dreamcast Collecting scene, although as I said, it is tempting to go for a full set ;)
That's awesome! Watching that video was definitely inspiring to collect for the system. You seem to have a lot of patience (and perhaps a decent amount of disposable income), so I'd say go for it!
Patience, yes. Disposable income, no. lol. I pick up the vast majority of my games on the cheap so it allows me to buy more. I also do a lot of trading with local collectors which helps reduce costs. I probably won't be diving into the import games for a while, and as for going for a complete set it wouldn't be that expensive for me considering 90% of what I don't have are games worth $5 or less.
Patience, yes. Disposable income, no. lol. I pick up the vast majority of my games on the cheap so it allows me to buy more. I also do a lot of trading with local collectors which helps reduce costs. I probably won't be diving into the import games for a while, and as for going for a complete set it wouldn't be that expensive for me considering 90% of what I don't have are games worth $5 or less.
Sounds like you have your answer :P. But yeah it seems like once you get some of the bigger titles taken care of, the prices are pretty reasonable.
If you collect useless crap that you will never touch that's worthless it's hoarding to me. I don't see the point I collect to play, wouldn't dare buy a game that shuffleware.
I am a collector to play. In rare circumstances, I will get something just for memory purposes or franchise love, but 90 percent is me wanted to play. Example would be, I don't ever plan to play Pokemon Collosium for the Gamecube; however, I love Pokemon and I try to collect all Pokemon games officialy released. The only one's I really want to play are all the handheld releases and Pokemon Snap.
If you collect useless crap that you will never touch that's worthless it's hoarding to me. I don't see the point I collect to play, wouldn't dare buy a game that shuffleware.
That's can do whatever you like ;D
However, a lot of us don't buy games to "hoard" them -but- instead, to either use as gifts, to resell, and/or to use as trade material, etc...
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.
I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.
I will admit that some of my collection is indeed shovelware. I personally find 95% of the entire NES library to be totally garbage but I have 715 titles right now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with collecting specifically to collect. How many people collect stamps just to use them on letters? Collect coins just to spend them? But unlike most collectors, I dont do it for value. I really do like owning the items and the way my game room flows as one fluid motion cause of all the pieces I have.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.
I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.
I don't have any problem with people who collect the good stuff just to have the good stuff. But I think completionists are kind of wacky. I agree, no one should waste their time collecting shovelware, sports titles, kiddy games, and licensed cash-cow IP crap just to say they've got every game for a console. It's really not impressive when people have all that junk cluttering up their games with the good ones crammed few and far in between them.
Also, I disagree that the NES has a lot of shovelware. It has a lot of sub-par games, but it's not shovelware by today's standards of what shovelware is. I love NES, and also love the endless obscure wanna be titles on it. I don't find most of them to be bad. In general, I'm not a tough critic. I think the NES library is unique and awesome in it's own kinda way.
I know my opinion on the % of NES shovelware is definitely not shared with a lot of people. I am, as most people will attest to on here, a tough critic though and thats why I stick with my percentage.
I will tend to agree that completionists are wacky but I tend to fit in that a little. Now Im not one of those 110% completionists who care about stuff like matching sleeves, ad inserts, styrofoam, etc. I dont get into variations either. I think they are wacky too. But thats the amazing part of the gaming community. There is room for all the wacky people including me!
I know my opinion on the % of NES shovelware is definitely not shared with a lot of people. I am, as most people will attest to on here, a tough critic though and thats why I stick with my percentage.
I will tend to agree that completionists are wacky but I tend to fit in that a little. Now Im not one of those 110% completionists who care about stuff like matching sleeves, ad inserts, styrofoam, etc. I dont get into variations either. I think they are wacky too. But thats the amazing part of the gaming community. There is room for all the wacky people including me!
You only think 5% of the games are good? Let's see... 709 games got the Nintendo Seal of Quality(Licensed). 113 Didn't (Unlicensed)
If you only include the licensed games 709 x .05= 35.45 games
If you include the unlicensed (which is mostly trash) [709+113] x .05= 41.1 games
You could easily come up with 40 games on the NES that are good.
Collect to Play, and maybe a touch of Collect to Collect. I generally want to play everything that I buy, but it tends to sit on the shelf for a while before I get around to it. But things like Castlevania/Atlus/PS2 games I collect to collect/play.
I know my opinion on the % of NES shovelware is definitely not shared with a lot of people. I am, as most people will attest to on here, a tough critic though and thats why I stick with my percentage.
I will tend to agree that completionists are wacky but I tend to fit in that a little. Now Im not one of those 110% completionists who care about stuff like matching sleeves, ad inserts, styrofoam, etc. I dont get into variations either. I think they are wacky too. But thats the amazing part of the gaming community. There is room for all the wacky people including me!
You only think 5% of the games are good? Let's see... 709 games got the Nintendo Seal of Quality(Licensed). 113 Didn't (Unlicensed)
If you only include the licensed games 709 x .05= 35.45 games
If you include the unlicensed (which is mostly trash) [709+113] x .05= 41.1 games
You could easily come up with 40 games on the NES that are good.
It's not saying much, i'm not complaining but it's kept the avgn in business. You would be hard pressed to find 40 games you would play. The NES is definitely the worst offender when it comes to crap games. I can't really think of that many great games that I would even play today other than contra, mega man, castlevania, kirby, little samson and metriod.
I'm both :D
It's not saying much, i'm not complaining but it's kept the avgn in business. You would be hard pressed to find 40 games you would play. The NES is definitely the worst offender when it comes to crap games. I can't really think of that many great games that I would even play today other than contra, mega man, castlevania, kirby, little samson and metriod.
Don't get me wrong. There is a pile of shit on the NES, but it's smaller than 95% of the pie. You also can't call games that are just old "garbage". There are bad games and then there are outdated games. I don't think anyone can honestly say the Call of Duty or Halo games are bad games. It may not be their type of game, but it's still a solid game. In 25 years, the huge games of today will look awful and have zero lasting appeal. Same goes for the NES. The best games are still fun, but that just shows how good the gameplay is. It can outlast time.
*If that didn't make sense: Only great games outlast technology. Just because a game is shit now, doesn't mean it was shit when it was new.
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****
These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, Gargoyle's quest, Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.
Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Heh I think Turf and I kind of said the same thing at the end of our posts.
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****
These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, Gargoyle's quest, Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.
Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Dude, that's a strange 40 games. I guess that's why they made so many. Something for everyone.
If you get sick of hoarding the other 650+ games you have, I'll happily come pick them up. ;)
Thats what I say about the PS1/PS2 ... I dont care how picky you are on games, with a potential combined library of over 4000 games, there is no way you cant find "something" you wouldnt play.
It's not saying much, i'm not complaining but it's kept the avgn in business. You would be hard pressed to find 40 games you would play. The NES is definitely the worst offender when it comes to crap games. I can't really think of that many great games that I would even play today other than contra, mega man, castlevania, kirby, little samson and metriod.
Don't get me wrong. There is a pile of shit on the NES, but it's smaller than 95% of the pie. You also can't call games that are just old "garbage". There are bad games and then there are outdated games. I don't think anyone can honestly say the Call of Duty or Halo games are bad games. It may not be their type of game, but it's still a solid game. In 25 years, the huge games of today will look awful and have zero lasting appeal. Same goes for the NES. The best games are still fun, but that just shows how good the gameplay is. It can outlast time.
*If that didn't make sense: Only great games outlast technology. Just because a game is shit now, doesn't mean it was shit when it was new.
Old doesn't mean bad I measure games on fun factor. I quite like the outdated games it captures the culture, and era of the time. I played sega master system, and I still love it played NES was bored out of my mind, sold it.
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****
These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, Gargoyle's quest, Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.
Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Obviously you are entitled to your opinion and I don't begrudge you that, I'm just curious as to why you think Castlevania 2 is good but 1 and 3 are shit? I know it's kinda cliche to give Castlevania 2 crap, but I really never could get into it nearly as much as 1 or 3. Also, I'm not really an NES guy (my current collection excluding virtual console titles is a whopping 0) so I can't really speak on the other titles there or other ones you left off, I just found it strange that that one made the cut for you but not the others in the series.
Its cause he has a boner for RPG elements and Simon's Quest has them. ;)
Scott is mostly correct. I like RPGs more than any other genre. Castlevania is frustrating as hell otherwise!
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****
These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, , Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.
Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Final fantasy 1 was always overrated anyone who's played phantasy star on sms will know which is the superior game in every regard. Final fantasy on NES doesn't even beat the dragon warrior games.
-Gargoyle's quest superior version on snes.
-Ultima superior version of sms
-Pac man better versions elsewhere
-Gauntlet superior versions elsewhere
-Mike Tyson's Punch out snes better
You mentioned some pretty good obscure ones there surprized they even let some of them off the famicom through you mentioned some average even terrible ones as well. Wizards and Warriors god I hate that game so much.
Scott is mostly correct. I like RPGs more than any other genre. Castlevania is frustrating as hell otherwise!
Fair enough. I think if I were to make my own must-play nes list (which would be far smaller than yours just based on the fact that I've only played a handful of them anyway) I would only put the first on there for me. 3 is definitely incredibly frustrating and usually falls on the more-frustrating-than-fun side for me. But the first one, at least to me, just perfectly balances right on that line. It's challenging, and sometimes maddening, but I usually find that I'm frustrated in a way that makes me want to power through and beat it. Beating it the first time was definitely one of my greater personal gaming moments.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.
I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.
That's crazy! Might as well pay just a little more and get an actual Master System.
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****
These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, , Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.
Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Final fantasy 1 was always overrated anyone who's played phantasy star on sms will know which is the superior game in every regard. Final fantasy on NES doesn't even beat the dragon warrior games.
-Gargoyle's quest superior version on snes.
-Ultima superior version of sms
-Pac man better versions elsewhere
-Gauntlet superior versions elsewhere
-Mike Tyson's Punch out snes better
You mentioned some pretty good obscure ones there surprised they even let some of them off the famicom through you mentioned some average even terrible ones as well. Wizards and Warriors god I hate that game so much.
I only listed the NES games I considered worth owning. Comparing NES to SNES is simply unfair. I will definitely agree on Quest of the Avatar. Pac man and Gauntlet versions on NES are very comparable to any other system. And yes, Phantasy star is the best 8 bit RPG.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.
I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.
That's crazy! Might as well pay just a little more and get an actual Master System.
My main reasoning for looking for a converter is cause it potentially is able to be used on Retron 5 when it comes out in 2020.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.
I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.
That's crazy! Might as well pay just a little more and get an actual Master System.
My main reasoning for looking for a converter is cause it potentially is able to be used on Retron 5 when it comes out in 2020.
Seems like a good reason. But I personally wouldn't go for a Retron. The sound is always off on those things.
I want to be able to play my games in my living room. The way my entertainment system is in my living room, there is no way for me to do so.
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****
These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, , Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.
Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Final fantasy 1 was always overrated anyone who's played phantasy star on sms will know which is the superior game in every regard. Final fantasy on NES doesn't even beat the dragon warrior games.
-Gargoyle's quest superior version on snes.
-Ultima superior version of sms
-Pac man better versions elsewhere
-Gauntlet superior versions elsewhere
-Mike Tyson's Punch out snes better
You mentioned some pretty good obscure ones there surprised they even let some of them off the famicom through you mentioned some average even terrible ones as well. Wizards and Warriors god I hate that game so much.
I only listed the NES games I considered worth owning. Comparing NES to SNES is simply unfair. I will definitely agree on Quest of the Avatar. Pac man and Gauntlet versions on NES are very comparable to any other system. And yes, Phantasy star is the best 8 bit RPG.
It's going to be said tho lol. Let's be honest the SNES was everything the NES wasn't, and it did everything the NES didn't, and it did better at that. The NES hoarded all the exclusives as well from the SMS. I feel SMS should of been the rightful winner of that generation if it was given the chance. At the end of the day I feel the NES is nothing more than a overhyped machine fueled by nostalgia, and youtube NES collectors. It also pisses me off to be honest people buying 50 copies of a game to drive up it's value, these folks are not gamers, business men pure, and simple who probably don't even play video games who feed off ill informed collectors at a high price. There should be no association between them. Lets be honest about it.
It's going to be said tho lol. Let's be honest the SNES was everything the NES wasn't, and it did everything the NES didn't, and it did better at that. The NES hoarded all the exclusives as well from the SMS. I feel SMS should of been the rightful winner of that generation if it was given the chance. At the end of the day I feel the NES is nothing more than a overhyped machine fueled by nostalgia, and youtube NES collectors. It also pisses me off to be honest people buying 50 copies of a game to drive up it's value, these folks are not gamers, business men pure, and simple who probably don't even play video games who feed off ill informed collectors at a high price. There should be no association between them. Lets be honest about it.
Of course the SNES is what the NES wasn't it was better. That's how progression works. They made a better NES. Dare I even say they made it "Super"? You can't compare the two. Technology was moving so fast at the time. Is a PS1 as good as the PS2? PS3? No, they took what worked and made it better. Are there games on the PS1 that are better than games on the PS3? I'm sure there are. I don't really know.
I know it's cool to like the SMS right now; but let's all face it, the NES has more good games on it. I like the SMS. I have one hooked up right next to my NES (actually it's below it and to the left, but still the same TV :P). The SMS has some good games on it; but just like the NES, it has some shit too. In my opinion and the opinion of many, many others, the NES has better games.
As for the NES being overhyped: Are you serious? More people on this planet know who Mario is than Barak Obama. That is a fact. A ton of massive franchises were born on the NES. Super Mario, Mega Man, Metroid... Do I really need to keep going?
And resellers hoarding stock to raise the price? How is the any fault of the NES? You need to be blaming the people that are willing to pay those high prices. NES collecting started because people loved the system as kids and wanted to get a piece of that back. It just sucks that these speculation assholes saw where a dime could be made and jumped in.
Now, you are entitled to your opinion. You don't have to like the NES. You may think the SMS was developed by God himself and handed down to Sega. I just don't see it. That's why there is more than one system. We can all find something we like.
It's going to be said tho lol. Let's be honest the SNES was everything the NES wasn't, and it did everything the NES didn't, and it did better at that. The NES hoarded all the exclusives as well from the SMS. I feel SMS should of been the rightful winner of that generation if it was given the chance. At the end of the day I feel the NES is nothing more than a overhyped machine fueled by nostalgia, and youtube NES collectors. It also pisses me off to be honest people buying 50 copies of a game to drive up it's value, these folks are not gamers, business men pure, and simple who probably don't even play video games who feed off ill informed collectors at a high price. There should be no association between them. Lets be honest about it.
Of course the SNES is what the NES wasn't it was better. That's how progression works. They made a better NES. Dare I even say they made it "Super"? You can't compare the two. Technology was moving so fast at the time. Is a PS1 as good as the PS2? PS3? No, they took what worked and made it better. Are there games on the PS1 that are better than games on the PS3? I'm sure there are. I don't really know.
I know it's cool to like the SMS right now; but let's all face it, the NES has more good games on it. I like the SMS. I have one hooked up right next to my NES (actually it's below it and to the left, but still the same TV :P). The SMS has some good games on it; but just like the NES, it has some shit too. In my opinion and the opinion of many, many others, the NES has better games.
As for the NES being overhyped: Are you serious? More people on this planet know who Mario is than Barak Obama. That is a fact. A ton of massive franchises were born on the NES. Super Mario, Mega Man, Metroid... Do I really need to keep going?
And resellers hoarding stock to raise the price? How is the any fault of the NES? You need to be blaming the people that are willing to pay those high prices. NES collecting started because people loved the system as kids and wanted to get a piece of that back. It just sucks that these speculation assholes saw where a dime could be made and jumped in.
Now, you are entitled to your opinion. You don't have to like the NES. You may think the SMS was developed by God himself and handed down to Sega. I just don't see it. That's why there is more than one system. We can all find something we like.
Yeah but more doesn't mean better, and it never will. Neither does brand recognition. More people probably know who snooki is than george washington today.. It really depends how you define progression 16 bit renditions of 8 bit games have been miserable failures sometimes the graphics couldn't even save them. But some however bloomed into playable games like super castlevania the jumping in the later stages was no longer broken like in the NES game, and it was more fun. But this is besides the point.
You're in North America right? how many games came out for SMS in NA like 5 or something compared to europe, and brazil lol? I wouldn't even say NA even got a crumb of what the SMS could do. It was already dead in the water before it even landed there thanks to nintendo's illegal business practises on exclusive publishing rights on the NES. Sega took them to court on it but by then the SMS already dead. Konami is still pissed off about it today why they jumped ship to sega genesis as soon as they could.
And those games half of them you mention are not even in house nintendo games. If fate played slightly different the SMS could of had mega man, castlevania, and a bunch more of the games you mention at the drop of a hat. And they would of been much better at that on SMS. Lastly I never did like that mario he was always to damn slow, and his jumping was terrible if it was any other game people would complain about the jumping but it's like oh it's ok it's mario. Super mario world fun a little, but well come on it's babies game it's designed for like 2 year old, some respect for mario 3 I guess.. Much rather play the superior Alex kid, or sonic at that.
It's only become painfully apparant now how empty nintendo was, and is when it comes to games. They lived, and died by it's 3rd party support. Why the drought of games on N64, and gamecube onwards is still present to this day.
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game. It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game. Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.
Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game. It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game. Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.
Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. I like mario 2 on gameboy.
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game. It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game. Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.
Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. Side note I like mario 2 on gameboy.
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game. It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game. Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.
Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. Side note I like mario 2 on gameboy.
Check out super mario world 2 if it needs to be made anymore clear lol.
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game. It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game. Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.
Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. I like mario 2 on gameboy.
I guess it was the model 1, it basically looks like an NES controller, just felt cheap and flismy and I think its even smaller than the NES one. I grew up with the NES controller and had no issues with it at all. Played it for years. Not saying it couldn't have used a better design, alot of the stuff from that time needed it, but it worked well till I moved onto the much better SNES controller, though not sure if I'd say I liked that more than the smaller 6 button one for the Genesis or not.
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game. It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game. Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.
Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. I like mario 2 on gameboy.
I guess it was the model 1, it basically looks like an NES controller, just felt cheap and flismy and I think its even smaller than the NES one. I grew up with the NES controller and had no issues with it at all. Played it for years. Not saying it couldn't have used a better design, alot of the stuff from that time needed it, but it worked well till I moved onto the much better SNES controller, though not sure if I'd say I liked that more than the smaller 6 button one for the Genesis or not.
The sms controller 2 is much better man I got the model 1 controller and you're right it's terrible. I think I would go with the snes controller over the genesis controller it's d pad probably a little better. It always felt like the snes controller was the posher more elegant controller to me anyway.
Super Mario World is for babies? I stopped even reading at that point.
Super Mario World is for babies? I stopped even reading at that point.
Yes very manly i'm sorry lol definitely not for kids. It should come with warning, and 18+ rating.
[youtube] [/youtube]
Seems legit.
Super Mario World is for babies? I stopped even reading at that point.
Yes very manly lol definitely not for kids. It should come 18+ rating
It should come with an 18+ rating he's using his unborn children as ammunition, and that baby cry can be used to torture people. not to mention theres a level where yoshi's fucking higher than a kite.
You realize that those are all pictures of Yoshi's Island, and not Super Mario World, right? (Well, except for the Koopa Kids image, but that's artwork and not from any specific game).
Seems like this is turning into the classic argument that you can clearly define what is an "adult thing" and what is a "child thing". Something that is lighthearted and carefree is labeled as a "child's" thing, and automatically assumed to be intended as such. You know it must clearly and always appeal in the interests of "mature" people if it's chalk full of violence, cursing and innuendo. ::) That "Everyone" rating, really does mean something. Besides, what do little kids care about babies and cutesy stuff? Kids think so-called mature stuff is cooler, usually.
Was thinking about the comparing of old systems to new. I don't get that. It's not even apples to oranges, it's like comparing apples to things made out of apples, like like candy apples or apple pie. It's odd to suggest the refined product is "better" than the core ingredient from which it was derived. There's a bit of that core in the next progression. If you didn't like the NES, you probably shouldn't like the SNES. My theory anyway. It surprises me how much hate Nintendo gets online. I grew up on Nintendo, stuff that's near and dear and often hear people say it's complete crap and that baffles me.
I dont think Nintendo is crap (other than the N64) but some people are seriously blinded by their nostalgia of the NES/SNES. Reading a few days worth of threads on Nintendo age will show anyone that.
Seems like this is turning into the classic argument that you can clearly define what is an "adult thing" and what is a "child thing". Something that is lighthearted and carefree is labeled as a "child's" thing, and automatically assumed to be intended as such. You know it must clearly and always appeal in the interests of "mature" people if it's chalk full of violence, cursing and innuendo. ::) That "Everyone" rating, really does mean something. Besides, what do little kids care about babies and cutesy stuff? Kids think so-called mature stuff is cooler, usually.
Was thinking about the comparing of old systems to new. I don't get that. It's not even apples to oranges, it's like comparing apples to things made out of apples, like like candy apples or apple pie. It's odd to suggest the refined product is "better" than the core ingredient from which it was derived. There's a bit of that core in the next progression. If you didn't like the NES, you probably shouldn't like the SNES. My theory anyway. It surprises me how much hate Nintendo gets online. I grew up on Nintendo, stuff that's near and dear and often hear people say it's complete crap and that baffles me.
Well there's a target audience. I never liked nintendo's core franchises other than super smash bros. I like the SNES very much but mostly for it's superior 3rd party games like MK2,SF2 and the rpgs. For me if you wanted a console in 1991 it would be sega genesis if you wanted a console in 1994 it would be snes. I think anyone who's worth there salt would probably agree the super famicom to be one of the best consoles of all time because it got everything right. To me I never grew up with NES it's just like atari to me I wouldn't touch any atari 2600 game today as it doesn't hold up except maybe warlords of course I respect the historically impact of it even if I prefer intellivision. I did however grow up with the very late SMS,SNES generation then onto the playstation , and n64. Things were changing extremely fast. I didn't seem to notice 2d games were dying at a rapid rate to the 3d games. But on point if I had to pick between sms, or nes I would go with sms, if I had to go with snes or genesis it would be snes. There's something unique about it's box art, and games. NES games are butchered.
I dont think Nintendo is crap (other than the N64) but some people are seriously blinded by their nostalgia of the NES/SNES. Reading a few days worth of threads on Nintendo age will show anyone that.
See, I loved the N64. Your opinion on it is very common, but also very foreign to me. I dunno, I did grow up on it before branching out to others things. As an adult I no longer carry biases and approach everything with an open mind. I'm still confident in saying that I like Nintendo consoles (and games) generally more than Sega. I can admit there are some Nintendo things I don't like. I never cared for the GameBoy (Color too), I found the Game Gear and Lynx to be a lot better. I thought the GameCube was lacking, I almost wanna say the Dreamcast was a better console. To me the only crap Nintendo ever let, was the Virtual Boy. Beyond that, I have a hard time accepting that others think the NES, or N64, or even the Wii is crap. I don't get it.
Seems legit.
Big difference between Yoshi's Island and Super Mario World lol Technically it is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, something I'm kinda unsure why they really went with other than they were probably unsure if the game would sell as well on its own under just Yoshi's Island, but most everyone just calls it Yoshi's Island in conversation.
This is Super Mario World.
Still doesn't make Yoshi's Island for babies just because of its colorful artstyle lol
Also the N64 is one of my favorite consoles. The controller isn't great, but it has some of my favorite games on it.
I dont think Nintendo is crap (other than the N64) but some people are seriously blinded by their nostalgia of the NES/SNES. Reading a few days worth of threads on Nintendo age will show anyone that.
Well there like the baptist church no reasoning. You're right the n64 is more overhyped than the NES the damn system is 90% racing games. Also no 3rd party support hardly, and no rpgs wtf? I don't know how any company could fall apart so much in such a short time from the SNES to N64.
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
*Sniffs, curling up in the corner with his arctic blue N64* It's okay...I still love you... :'(
Heh you mentioned a lot of the stuff I was saying.
The N64 had hope but when it abandoned its contract with Sony, it lost thus birthing the greatest chain of consoles ever - The playstation.
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
*Sniffs, curling up in the corner with his arctic blue N64* It's okay...I still love you... :'(
Hah! I do think that the colored consoles look neat displayed. There is a guy on Nintendo age that collects all of them including the special JP ones and its definitely appealing to look at. I just wish the Gamecube had as many options. I got the black/indigo/silver and really want to pick up the orange and especially that mint Tales one.
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
It's got starcraft 64 lol splitscreen is cute. Only thing I recall is golden eye 007 and zelda being the redeeming factors of that system. But still not saying much. Sega saturn only had what like 40 less games than the n64?
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
Quest 64!
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
Quest 64!
We thou not suppose to speak of thou name here. It's offensive.
Suppose zelda is kinddddddddddddddddd of a rpg. But no promises.
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
That's a pretty hard knock at the racing genre. Racing games can be a lot of fun. I had a blast with San Fransisco Rush, Beetle Adventure Racing, Cruisin', and Mario Kart back in the day. Those are definitely not landfill waste. I guess if RPGs define gaming for you, then yeah, the N64 showed you no love. But, if you have a well rounded taste for other things, I don't see why you couldn't have a ton of fun with the N64. Action, Adventure, defining FPS titles, Platformers, Racing, Fighting (mostly in the form of Wrastlin') and stuff like that are covered well. No matter what label you give Paper Mario, I thought it was a great game (great series, in fact).
Does a console need to deliver on every genre before it's any good? Not really. Not if the games it does have are good, and well, superior to the competition's line up of the same games. There's some types of games I really like that are very poorly represented on the Saturn, but I still think it's a good console for what it does deliver on. If you are looking for something that has it all, PS1 was your safe bet. That doesn't mean it had the best games in every genre, so you can't really call it the best console just because it did have them. It's complicated, but the N64 was great, at least I think so.
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
*Sniffs, curling up in the corner with his arctic blue N64* It's okay...I still love you... :'(
The N64 was my favorite console to play when I was younger, and sadly I agree with Soera on this one. Most of the library is absolute garbage. The games worth owning on the system though are fantastic, games like Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart 64 justify the purchase of an N64 in my opinion. No way that I would ever want to collect a complete set though.
Ha! yeah. N64 isn't great and I realize that most of my fondness for it is due to nostalgia, but there are some damn fine games for it (not everything has to be an RPG Soera :P ). Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Mario 64, Ocarina/Majora's Mask, Goemon, Jet Force Gemini, and of course the classic Superman 64. And then there are a bunch of just flat out fun multiplayer games like the Mario Party/Mario sports titles, Duke Nukem 64, Goldeneye, Smash Bros, Mario Kart and the finest wrestling game I've ever played WWF No Mercy... Overall, there is a lot of shit on that system, yeah, and it's probably my least favorite of all of Nintendo's consoles. But there is still fun to be had on it to this day.
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
That's a pretty hard knock at the racing genre. Racing games can be a lot of fun. I had a blast with San Fransisco Rush, Beetle Adventure Racing, Cruisin', and Mario Kart back in the day. Those are definitely not landfill waste. I guess if RPGS define gaming for you, then yeah, the N64 showed you no love. But, if you have a well rounded taste for other things, I don't see why you couldn't have a ton of fun with the N64. Action, Adventure, defining FPS titles, Platformers, Racing, Fighting (mostly in the form of Wrastlin') and stuff like that are covered well. No matter what label you give Paper Mario, I thought it was a great game (great series, in fact).
Does a console need to deliver on every genre before it's any good? Not really. Not if the games it does have are good, and well, superior to the competition's line up of the same games. There's some types of games I really like that are very poorly represented on the Saturn, but I still think it's a good console for what it does deliver on. If you are looking for something that has it all, PS1 was your safe bet. That doesn't mean it had the best games in every genre, so you can't really call it the best console just because it did have them. It's complicated, but the N64 was great, at least I think so.
I don't see how having a console 90% racing games can be defined as balanced. Racing games are fun but come on how many racing games could you possibly wish to play unless your a car fanatic, or something then maybe that's great. Take away the RARE made games on n64 and then n64 looks like an atari jaguar.
If you want balance playstation 1 is the way to go for balance.
Please do enlightenment what types of games that are very poorly represented on the Saturn?
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Soera, mine is a Power Base Mini from Stone Age Gamer. It was on sale for $20 when I got it but now goes for $35. The downside is 3d glasses and card based games do not work with it. The upside is it's made from all brand new components so it should last a long time.
I own Double Dragon for the SMS just so I have something to test it with. But I am researching the SMS library to find other games I _should_ own now that I have it. :)
I dont think Nintendo is crap (other than the N64) but some people are seriously blinded by their nostalgia of the NES/SNES. Reading a few days worth of threads on Nintendo age will show anyone that.
Your just mad because your Dream never got Casted! lol ;)
I'm going to respond to these one at a time. So, bare with me.
Yeah but more doesn't mean better, and it never will. Neither does brand recognition. More people probably know who snooki is than george washington today.. It really depends how you define progression 16 bit renditions of 8 bit games have been miserable failures sometimes the graphics couldn't even save them. But some however bloomed into playable games like super castlevania the jumping in the later stages was no longer broken like in the NES game, and it was more fun. But this is besides the point.
Better is really subjective. Is it a hard fact that Super Mario Bros. is better than Alex Kidd? I don't think so. Would most people think Super Mario Bros is better than Alex Kidd? I would say so.
I'd like to know which games your talking about when you say, "16 bit renditions of 8 bit games have been miserable failures". Any game I can think of that was on the SNES that was a sequel an NES game was more than just a graphic upgrade.
You're in North America right? how many games came out for SMS in NA like 5 or something compared to europe, and brazil lol? I wouldn't even say NA even got a crumb of what the SMS could do. It was already dead in the water before it even landed there thanks to nintendo's illegal business practises on exclusive publishing rights on the NES. Sega took them to court on it but by then the SMS already dead. Konami is still pissed off about it today why they jumped ship to sega genesis as soon as they could.
The SMS was "dead in the water" because very few people bought it. I don't there was anything illegal about Nintendo's businesses practices. It may have been shitty, but it wasn't illegal.
I don't think Konami is "still pissed off about it today". They have made games for every Nintendo console (except maybe the WiiU, but I'm not sure about that). In fact, they made more games for the SNES than they did the Genesis.
And those games half of them you mention are not even in house nintendo games. If fate played slightly different the SMS could of had mega man, castlevania, and a bunch more of the games you mention at the drop of a hat. And they would of been much better at that on SMS. Lastly I never did like that mario he was always to damn slow, and his jumping was terrible if it was any other game people would complain about the jumping but it's like oh it's ok it's mario. Super mario world fun a little, but well come on it's babies game it's designed for like 2 year old, some respect for mario 3 I guess.. Much rather play the superior Alex kid, or sonic at that.
I didn't say those games were in house Nintendo games. I said some great series got their start on the NES. The could have, would have, should have you're saying here doesn't really work. Those games didn't come out on the SMS. If they did, people might love (or remember) the SMS; but the fact is, they didn't.
If you think Mario is too slow and the jumping is bad, don't play it. Go enjoy your Blast Processing. I'll stick with my baby games.
It's only become painfully apparant now how empty nintendo was, and is when it comes to games. They lived, and died by it's 3rd party support. Why the drought of games on N64, and gamecube onwards is still present to this day.
I don't really know how you can say Nintendo depended on 3rd party support. They have the strongest 1st party properties of any company. They are still around because people love Nintendo games.
I can't really decide if you're a troll or you really mean all of this. If you're sincere, everyone has a right to an opinion, even if it's different than mine. If you're trolling, this bunch will run you off in a hurry. If I haven't said it yet, welcome to the site.
All the N64 hate makes me sad :(. Despite having no RPGs on it really, it is still my favorite Nintendo console of all time.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Soera, mine is a Power Base Mini from Stone Age Gamer. It was on sale for $20 when I got it but now goes for $35. The downside is 3d glasses and card based games do not work with it. The upside is it's made from all brand new components so it should last a long time.
I own Double Dragon for the SMS just so I have something to test it with. But I am researching the SMS library to find other games I _should_ own now that I have it. :)
Ill start you with my personal SMS list. Alex Kidd in miracle world (arguably the best game on the system period), Alien Syndrome (not as good as the actual arcade version but its acceptable), Astro warrior (pretty generic shmup but has a fun level in it), Basketball nightmare (coolest 8 bit B-ball game ever), Dragon crystal (an okay rpgish game), Fantasy zone (very weird shmup), Forgotten worlds (a decent arcade port although it really should have had 2 player option like the arcade), Golden axe warrior (not a Zelda clone but a Zelda superior), Golvellius (quirky little adventure title), Miracle warriors (a very disliked by most rpg but I found it endearing enough that its where my screen name comes from), Ninja Gaiden (superior version than the NES), Phantasy star (simply put the best 8 bit RPG without question), Power strike (another decent shooter but kind of costly to find), R-Type (my personal favorite shmup ... love the upgrade options), RC Grand prix (not as good as RC Pro-am but still entertaining), Rampage (an okay arcade port but gets boring), Rocky (a short but memorable boxing game), Sonic (no need to mention anything about this other than do not get caught up in the US UPC issue), Space harrier (no idea what genre this is called but its a pretty accurate port of the arcade game and can be kind of fun ... there is also a 3D version), Time soldiers (Ikari warriors wanna be but has better upgrades of weapons), Ultima IV (vastly superior version of Quest of the avatar), Wonder boy III (neat little adventure title), Ys the vanished omen (Book I of Ys ... not as visibly amazing as the Turbo Duo and definitely missing book II but its fun enough alone) and Zillion (sort of the Metroid of the SMS).
All the N64 hate makes me sad :(. Despite having no RPGs on it really, it is still my favorite Nintendo console of all time.
I dont hate on anyone that loves the N64. Im sure there are plenty of people that dont like the crap I do but thats just personal taste. I simply compare N64 to PS1 (same generation) and its by far and away the biggest gap in consoles ever to me.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Soera, mine is a Power Base Mini from Stone Age Gamer. It was on sale for $20 when I got it but now goes for $35. The downside is 3d glasses and card based games do not work with it. The upside is it's made from all brand new components so it should last a long time.
I own Double Dragon for the SMS just so I have something to test it with. But I am researching the SMS library to find other games I _should_ own now that I have it. :)
Ill start you with my personal SMS list. Alex Kidd in miracle world (arguably the best game on the system period),
Really???? Do you think Alex Kidd is better than Golvellious?
I'm going to respond to these one at a time. So, bare with me.
Yeah but more doesn't mean better, and it never will. Neither does brand recognition. More people probably know who snooki is than george washington today.. It really depends how you define progression 16 bit renditions of 8 bit games have been miserable failures sometimes the graphics couldn't even save them. But some however bloomed into playable games like super castlevania the jumping in the later stages was no longer broken like in the NES game, and it was more fun. But this is besides the point.
Better is really subjective. Is it a hard fact that Super Mario Bros. is better than Alex Kidd? I don't think so. Would most people think Super Mario Bros is better than Alex Kidd? I would say so.
I'd like to know which games your talking about when you say, "16 bit renditions of 8 bit games have been miserable failures". Any game I can think of that was on the SNES that was a sequel an NES game was more than just a graphic upgrade.
You're in North America right? how many games came out for SMS in NA like 5 or something compared to europe, and brazil lol? I wouldn't even say NA even got a crumb of what the SMS could do. It was already dead in the water before it even landed there thanks to nintendo's illegal business practises on exclusive publishing rights on the NES. Sega took them to court on it but by then the SMS already dead. Konami is still pissed off about it today why they jumped ship to sega genesis as soon as they could.
The SMS was "dead in the water" because very few people bought it. I don't there was anything illegal about Nintendo's businesses practices. It may have been shitty, but it wasn't illegal.
I don't think Konami is "still pissed off about it today". They have made games for every Nintendo console (except maybe the WiiU, but I'm not sure about that). In fact, they made more games for the SNES than they did the Genesis.
And those games half of them you mention are not even in house nintendo games. If fate played slightly different the SMS could of had mega man, castlevania, and a bunch more of the games you mention at the drop of a hat. And they would of been much better at that on SMS. Lastly I never did like that mario he was always to damn slow, and his jumping was terrible if it was any other game people would complain about the jumping but it's like oh it's ok it's mario. Super mario world fun a little, but well come on it's babies game it's designed for like 2 year old, some respect for mario 3 I guess.. Much rather play the superior Alex kid, or sonic at that.
I didn't say those games were in house Nintendo games. I said some great series got their start on the NES. The could have, would have, should have you're saying here doesn't really work. Those games didn't come out on the SMS. If they did, people might love (or remember) the SMS; but the fact is, they didn't.
If you think Mario is too slow and the jumping is bad, don't play it. Go enjoy your Blast Processing. I'll stick with my baby games.
It's only become painfully apparant now how empty nintendo was, and is when it comes to games. They lived, and died by it's 3rd party support. Why the drought of games on N64, and gamecube onwards is still present to this day.
I don't really know how you can say Nintendo depended on 3rd party support. They have the strongest 1st party properties of any company. They are still around because people love Nintendo games.
I can't really decide if you're a troll or you really mean all of this. If you're sincere, everyone has a right to an opinion, even if it's different than mine. If you're trolling, this bunch will run you off in a hurry. If I haven't said it yet, welcome to the site.
Come on dude. You're really going to name call lol? Please do your research, Nintendo got took to court for the exclusive signing of 3rd party companies, it was currupt beyond belief. And it gave them control of the video game market share in NA 95% in the 80s that's why it was close to impossible for a new commer sega to break in they managed to take 5% of the market despite not being able to get any 3rd party support. This is pretty well documented. Read the book the rise and fall of sega it makes it pretty clear the very extent of how underhanded, and damn right criminal nintendo was. It's a fact not an opinion i'm afraid let's start being honest about it instead of revisioning how things played out back then because we are starting to see those pieces fall apart at nintendo today. So if your into this kind of thing it's important that the facts are clear. I'm not going to agree with you for the sake of agreeing. Konami was eventually forced to publish games on the snes again but the fall out in 1990 between konami and nintendo was pretty famous. One of the first games they were working on was burning force exclusive for genesis. Nintendo hasn't made an original game since the mid 90s why the Wii U is failure. You want to know why nintendo isn't on top anymore they gave there 3rd party support away on a silver plate after the snes.
I think the N64 was the weakest console that generation between N64, PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast; too. (Obviously it was better than 3DO or Jaguar, though)
For me, it was the controller that really killed it for me. It's just awkward to use between the "M" shape of it, and the super-sensitive thumbstick. And I felt PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast all had better game-libraries for my personal taste.
I still own an N64 and play it, though. I don't think it's a bad console, just not as good as the other ones. I didn't own one when it was current, though.
I think the N64 was the weakest console that generation between N64, PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast; too. (Obviously it was better than 3DO or Jaguar, though)
For me, it was the controller that really killed it for me. It's just awkward to use between the "M" shape of it, and the super-sensitive thumbstick. And I felt PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast all had better game-libraries for my personal taste.
I still own an N64 and play it, though. I don't think it's a bad console, just not as good as the other ones. I didn't own one when it was current, though.
But dreamcast wasn't from that generation..
I've been over the whole console wars thing for a long-time. I play games I like, regardless of console. Some consoles have more games I like than others, but there are very few consoles I've played that I can't find a few games I like on, at least.
I think GameSpot's Legacy Board really killed any left-over SNES vs. Genesis feelings I might have had still. Some guys on there were rabid Sega fans or rabid Nintendo fans.
I think the N64 was the weakest console that generation between N64, PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast; too. (Obviously it was better than 3DO or Jaguar, though)
For me, it was the controller that really killed it for me. It's just awkward to use between the "M" shape of it, and the super-sensitive thumbstick. And I felt PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast all had better game-libraries for my personal taste.
I still own an N64 and play it, though. I don't think it's a bad console, just not as good as the other ones. I didn't own one when it was current, though.
But dreamcast wasn't from that generation..
Technically, no. But it was kind of an in-betweener console. It shared a whole lot more games with PS1 & N64 than it did PS2 or Xbox.
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.
Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.
Soera, mine is a Power Base Mini from Stone Age Gamer. It was on sale for $20 when I got it but now goes for $35. The downside is 3d glasses and card based games do not work with it. The upside is it's made from all brand new components so it should last a long time.
I own Double Dragon for the SMS just so I have something to test it with. But I am researching the SMS library to find other games I _should_ own now that I have it. :)
Ill start you with my personal SMS list. Alex Kidd in miracle world (arguably the best game on the system period), Alien Syndrome (not as good as the actual arcade version but its acceptable), Astro warrior (pretty generic shmup but has a fun level in it), Basketball nightmare (coolest 8 bit B-ball game ever), Dragon crystal (an okay rpgish game), Fantasy zone (very weird shmup), Forgotten worlds (a decent arcade port although it really should have had 2 player option like the arcade), Golden axe warrior (not a Zelda clone but a Zelda superior), Golvellius (quirky little adventure title), Miracle warriors (a very disliked by most rpg but I found it endearing enough that its where my screen name comes from), Ninja Gaiden (superior version than the NES), Phantasy star (simply put the best 8 bit RPG without question), Power strike (another decent shooter but kind of costly to find), R-Type (my personal favorite shmup ... love the upgrade options), RC Grand prix (not as good as RC Pro-am but still entertaining), Rampage (an okay arcade port but gets boring), Rocky (a short but memorable boxing game), Sonic (no need to mention anything about this other than do not get caught up in the US UPC issue), Space harrier (no idea what genre this is called but its a pretty accurate port of the arcade game and can be kind of fun ... there is also a 3D version), Time soldiers (Ikari warriors wanna be but has better upgrades of weapons), Ultima IV (vastly superior version of Quest of the avatar), Wonder boy III (neat little adventure title), Ys the vanished omen (Book I of Ys ... not as visibly amazing as the Turbo Duo and definitely missing book II but its fun enough alone) and Zillion (sort of the Metroid of the SMS).
Import from europe. It's like comparing pc engine to turbografx. No games in NA. Check my list ;D
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
That's a pretty hard knock at the racing genre. Racing games can be a lot of fun. I had a blast with San Fransisco Rush, Beetle Adventure Racing, Cruisin', and Mario Kart back in the day. Those are definitely not landfill waste. I guess if RPGS define gaming for you, then yeah, the N64 showed you no love. But, if you have a well rounded taste for other things, I don't see why you couldn't have a ton of fun with the N64. Action, Adventure, defining FPS titles, Platformers, Racing, Fighting (mostly in the form of Wrastlin') and stuff like that are covered well. No matter what label you give Paper Mario, I thought it was a great game (great series, in fact).
Does a console need to deliver on every genre before it's any good? Not really. Not if the games it does have are good, and well, superior to the competition's line up of the same games. There's some types of games I really like that are very poorly represented on the Saturn, but I still think it's a good console for what it does deliver on. If you are looking for something that has it all, PS1 was your safe bet. That doesn't mean it had the best games in every genre, so you can't really call it the best console just because it did have them. It's complicated, but the N64 was great, at least I think so.
I don't see how having a console 90% racing games can be defined as balanced. Racing games are fun but come on how many racing games could you possibly wish to play unless your a car fanatic, or something then maybe that's great. Take away the RARE made games on n64 and then n64 looks like an atari jaguar.
If you want balance playstation 1 is the way to go for balance.
Please do enlightenment what types of games that are very poorly represented on the Saturn?
Considering there are about 36 (I think, I took the liberty of counting) racing games on the N64 out of 296 games, that's about 12% racing games. A bit small really, but most of the racing games on the N64 were some of the best for their time. I didn't argue the console was balanced, I argued that unbalanced didn't mean the console was bad because it delivered quite strong in some areas. How can you say it would look like the Jaguar? Come on now. You had Nintendo first party, you had Midway really hitting their stride, solid support from Hudson, SunSoft, Crave, Ocean, THQ delivering the finest wraslin' games of the era, Konami support was solid, lots of Lucas Arts love, the list goes on. It's kind of like asking "what is the PS1 without Square or Enix?" Well, it's still a lot of things, and bad is not one of them.
I'm speaking for the western Saturn. It poorly represents the same areas that the N64 delivers strongly on. Not completely absent, but poorly represented. 3D games in general, Action Adventure, FPS, 3D platforming (not even a true followup to Sonic 3), 3D racing, wrestling games, and don't bite my head off, but even RPGs are a rare breed on the western Saturn, 13 as appose to N64s 5.
All the N64 hate makes me sad :(. Despite having no RPGs on it really, it is still my favorite Nintendo console of all time.
There's only really one person in here hating on the N64, and apparently everything else Nintendo has ever done... I have so many good memories with the 64, it's just that my love for the SNES and that the Gamecube had a bit more variety in its games make the 64 my least favorite from nintendo, but still fun. I personally think the N64 could've been so much better had they not focused solely on the 3D aspect. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I wish there were more games on 64 that had the SNES feel but with better graphics/sound etc... A few 2D games mixed in there would've done a lot for the console imo.
I have some kind of love for all those systems. SMS, NES, SNES, Saturn, Genesis, Dreamcast, N64, PS1...There is good and bad to all those consoles when it comes to games. At least for me it is. There is at least 5 days on all those systems I would love to play and at least 5 that I personally think are horrible. I do think a system is horrible if it does not have 100 good games to play. I dont think there is a system that has 50 games or more I want to play. But everyone likes each system for their own personal reasons.
This thread seems to have gotten way out of hand. Lets respect each others opinions and realize everyone has different taste and thats fine. Now back to why we collect...
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
That's a pretty hard knock at the racing genre. Racing games can be a lot of fun. I had a blast with San Fransisco Rush, Beetle Adventure Racing, Cruisin', and Mario Kart back in the day. Those are definitely not landfill waste. I guess if RPGS define gaming for you, then yeah, the N64 showed you no love. But, if you have a well rounded taste for other things, I don't see why you couldn't have a ton of fun with the N64. Action, Adventure, defining FPS titles, Platformers, Racing, Fighting (mostly in the form of Wrastlin') and stuff like that are covered well. No matter what label you give Paper Mario, I thought it was a great game (great series, in fact).
Does a console need to deliver on every genre before it's any good? Not really. Not if the games it does have are good, and well, superior to the competition's line up of the same games. There's some types of games I really like that are very poorly represented on the Saturn, but I still think it's a good console for what it does deliver on. If you are looking for something that has it all, PS1 was your safe bet. That doesn't mean it had the best games in every genre, so you can't really call it the best console just because it did have them. It's complicated, but the N64 was great, at least I think so.
I don't see how having a console 90% racing games can be defined as balanced. Racing games are fun but come on how many racing games could you possibly wish to play unless your a car fanatic, or something then maybe that's great. Take away the RARE made games on n64 and then n64 looks like an atari jaguar.
If you want balance playstation 1 is the way to go for balance.
Please do enlightenment what types of games that are very poorly represented on the Saturn?
Considering there are about 36 (I think, I took the liberty of counting) racing games on the N64 out of 296 games, that's about 12% racing games. A bit small really, but most of the racing games on the N64 were some of the best for their time. I didn't argue the console was balanced, I argued that unbalanced didn't mean the console was bad because it delivered quite strong in some areas. How can you say it would look like the Jaguar? Come on now. You had Nintendo first party, you had Midway really hitting their stride, solid support from Hudson, SunSoft, Crave, Ocean, THQ delivering the finest wraslin' games of the era, Konami support was solid, lots of Lucas Arts love, the list goes on. It's kind of like asking "what is the PS1 without Square or Enix?" Well, it's still a lot of things, and bad is not one of them.
I'm speaking for the western Saturn. It poorly represents the same areas that the N64 delivers strongly on. Not completely absent, but poorly represented. 3D games in general, Action Adventure, FPS, 3D platforming (not even a true followup to Sonic 3), 3D racing, wrestling games, and don't bite my head off, but even RPGs are a rare breed on the western Saturn, 13 as appose to N64s 5.
You make it sound like it's alot but it doesn't add up to more than 20 worthwhile games today on the n64. shovelware would be the term. Saturn didn't have many rpgs but the rpgs it did have were quality over quantity you know atleast it had them. If the saturn had lasted longer they would of also got policenaunts, the dragon quest games, breath of fire, shin megami, grandia, lunar, mystaria 2, and blue breaker just to name a few. However what we did get was panzer dragoon saga anyone who has been through that game will tell you it's as good as FF7 if not better, and the only game to ever even begin to touch into what the saturn could do. Shining force 3, dragon force, legend of eldean etc.. And lastly it's quite a common misconception that the saturn was weak in 3d it's simply not the whole story.
Come on dude. You're really going to name call lol? Please do your research, Nintendo got took to court for the exclusive signing of 3rd party companies, it was currupt beyond belief. And it gave them control of the video game market share in NA 95% in the 80s that's why it was close to impossible for a new commer sega to break in they managed to take 5% of the market despite not being able to get any 3rd party support. This is pretty well documented. Read the book the rise and fall of sega it makes it pretty clear the very extent of how underhanded, and damn right criminal nintendo was. It's a fact not an opinion i'm afraid let's start being honest about it instead of revisioning how things played out back then because we are starting to see those pieces fall apart at nintendo today. So if your into this kind of thing it's important that the facts are clear. I'm not going to agree with you for the sake of agreeing. Konami was eventually forced to publish games on the snes again but the fall out in 1990 between konami and nintendo was pretty famous. One of the first games they were working on was burning force exclusive for genesis. Nintendo hasn't made an original game since the mid 90s why the Wii U is failure. You want to know why nintendo isn't on top anymore they gave there 3rd party support away on a silver plate after the snes.
I'm not name calling. I was just letting you know. I'm actually leaning toward this being your honest opinion.
I know Nintendo got sued a bunch in the late 80's. How many of those cases did they lose? Just because things are underhanded and morally wrong doesn't mean they are illegal. Nintendo pretty much said, "If you make games for them, you can't make them for us". Well, Nintendo had that huge install base. Who would you have made games for? These companies were in the same business as Nintendo: making money.
I'm not a video game historian by any stretch of the imagination. I haven't done my research. I don't know how the business side of late 80's video games went. I've just been a fan of video games since I was a kid in the 80's. I've had this same conversation on a playground about 1991. "Nintendo is better." "No, Sega is better." I'm not trying to do that here. I don't care who you think is better. We're just going to have to agree to disagree.
Come on dude. You're really going to name call lol? Please do your research, Nintendo got took to court for the exclusive signing of 3rd party companies, it was currupt beyond belief. And it gave them control of the video game market share in NA 95% in the 80s that's why it was close to impossible for a new commer sega to break in they managed to take 5% of the market despite not being able to get any 3rd party support. This is pretty well documented. Read the book the rise and fall of sega it makes it pretty clear the very extent of how underhanded, and damn right criminal nintendo was. It's a fact not an opinion i'm afraid let's start being honest about it instead of revisioning how things played out back then because we are starting to see those pieces fall apart at nintendo today. So if your into this kind of thing it's important that the facts are clear. I'm not going to agree with you for the sake of agreeing. Konami was eventually forced to publish games on the snes again but the fall out in 1990 between konami and nintendo was pretty famous. One of the first games they were working on was burning force exclusive for genesis. Nintendo hasn't made an original game since the mid 90s why the Wii U is failure. You want to know why nintendo isn't on top anymore they gave there 3rd party support away on a silver plate after the snes.
I've had this same conversation on a playground about 1991. "Nintendo is better." "No, Sega is better."
So funny lol. I remember those playground conversations. You make me feel so old Turf :'(
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
That's a pretty hard knock at the racing genre. Racing games can be a lot of fun. I had a blast with San Fransisco Rush, Beetle Adventure Racing, Cruisin', and Mario Kart back in the day. Those are definitely not landfill waste. I guess if RPGS define gaming for you, then yeah, the N64 showed you no love. But, if you have a well rounded taste for other things, I don't see why you couldn't have a ton of fun with the N64. Action, Adventure, defining FPS titles, Platformers, Racing, Fighting (mostly in the form of Wrastlin') and stuff like that are covered well. No matter what label you give Paper Mario, I thought it was a great game (great series, in fact).
Does a console need to deliver on every genre before it's any good? Not really. Not if the games it does have are good, and well, superior to the competition's line up of the same games. There's some types of games I really like that are very poorly represented on the Saturn, but I still think it's a good console for what it does deliver on. If you are looking for something that has it all, PS1 was your safe bet. That doesn't mean it had the best games in every genre, so you can't really call it the best console just because it did have them. It's complicated, but the N64 was great, at least I think so.
I don't see how having a console 90% racing games can be defined as balanced. Racing games are fun but come on how many racing games could you possibly wish to play unless your a car fanatic, or something then maybe that's great. Take away the RARE made games on n64 and then n64 looks like an atari jaguar.
If you want balance playstation 1 is the way to go for balance.
Please do enlightenment what types of games that are very poorly represented on the Saturn?
Considering there are about 36 (I think, I took the liberty of counting) racing games on the N64 out of 296 games, that's about 12% racing games. A bit small really, but most of the racing games on the N64 were some of the best for their time. I didn't argue the console was balanced, I argued that unbalanced didn't mean the console was bad because it delivered quite strong in some areas. How can you say it would look like the Jaguar? Come on now. You had Nintendo first party, you had Midway really hitting their stride, solid support from Hudson, SunSoft, Crave, Ocean, THQ delivering the finest wraslin' games of the era, Konami support was solid, lots of Lucas Arts love, the list goes on. It's kind of like asking "what is the PS1 without Square or Enix?" Well, it's still a lot of things, and bad is not one of them.
I'm speaking for the western Saturn. It poorly represents the same areas that the N64 delivers strongly on. Not completely absent, but poorly represented. 3D games in general, Action Adventure, FPS, 3D platforming (not even a true followup to Sonic 3), 3D racing, wrestling games, and don't bite my head off, but even RPGs are a rare breed on the western Saturn, 13 as appose to N64s 5.
You make it sound like it's alot but it doesn't add up to more than 20 worthwhile games today on the n64. shovelware would be the term. Saturn didn't have many rpgs but the rpgs it did have were quality over quantity you know atleast it had them. If the saturn had lasted longer they would of also got policenaunts, the dragon quest games, breath of fire, shin megami, grandia, lunar, mystaria 2, and blue breaker just to name a few. However what we did get was panzer dragoon saga anyone who has been through that game will tell you it's as good as FF7 if not better, and the only game to ever even begin to touch into what the saturn could do. Shining force 3, dragon force, legend of eldean etc.. And lastly it's quite a common misconception that the saturn was weak in 3d it's simply not the whole story.
I would argue that the majority of the games put out on N64 by the publisher's I mentioned are by no means shovelware. Most of them were games you just could not get anywhere else, and some of them really couldn't have been done, or done as well on other consoles.
The pinnacle of 3D gaming for the western Saturn was Tomb Raider and Croc and that's about it. They didn't look bad, but they were nearly unplayable because you had to use a d-pad to navigate. These types of games were to the Saturn, what RPGs were to the N64. Even though that bothers me, I still don't think the Saturn is bad, because it has other strengths.
Thanks for the list of SMS games. I'll have to check a bunch of those out! Local shops here have tons of SMS games. I've seen some of the ones you mentioned. I just a few minutes ago picked up Ducktales 2 for the NES so my wife has cut off my access to the card for a while. ;)
Come on dude. You're really going to name call lol? Please do your research, Nintendo got took to court for the exclusive signing of 3rd party companies, it was currupt beyond belief. And it gave them control of the video game market share in NA 95% in the 80s that's why it was close to impossible for a new commer sega to break in they managed to take 5% of the market despite not being able to get any 3rd party support. This is pretty well documented. Read the book the rise and fall of sega it makes it pretty clear the very extent of how underhanded, and damn right criminal nintendo was. It's a fact not an opinion i'm afraid let's start being honest about it instead of revisioning how things played out back then because we are starting to see those pieces fall apart at nintendo today. So if your into this kind of thing it's important that the facts are clear. I'm not going to agree with you for the sake of agreeing. Konami was eventually forced to publish games on the snes again but the fall out in 1990 between konami and nintendo was pretty famous. One of the first games they were working on was burning force exclusive for genesis. Nintendo hasn't made an original game since the mid 90s why the Wii U is failure. You want to know why nintendo isn't on top anymore they gave there 3rd party support away on a silver plate after the snes.
I'm not name calling. I was just letting you know. I'm actually leaning toward this being your honest opinion.
I know Nintendo got sued a bunch in the late 80's. How many of those cases did they lose? Just because things are underhanded and morally wrong doesn't mean they are illegal. Nintendo pretty much said, "If you make games for them, you can't make them for us". Well, Nintendo had that huge install base. Who would you have made games for? These companies were in the same business as Nintendo: making money.
I'm not a video game historian by any stretch of the imagination. I haven't done my research. I don't know how the business side of late 80's video games went. I've just been a fan of video games since I was a kid in the 80's. I've had this same conversation on a playground about 1991. "Nintendo is better." "No, Sega is better." I'm not trying to do that here. I don't care who you think is better. We're just going to have to agree to disagree.
::) So that's all you took away from what's been said lol? You liquidated it down as "he's just a sega fanboy" oh boy.. man it's like an atheist talking to someone about the bible. I actually prefer snes over genesis but up in arms if it's not utterly postive about nintendo. I was simply just pointing out the facts of how things played out calling me a troll because i'm not really fond of the notion of we must all praise nintendo like everything they touch turns to gold, and there perfect like they're above negative criticism. They saved video games bs but alright whatever suits you. I don't really agree to disagree and I think that's a complete cop-out. I think that somebody who rejects reason and evidence just saying, "well, let's just agree to disagree," as if I'm some crazy guy who doesn't take reason and evidence. I pointed out the facts... But alright :D
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.
That's a pretty hard knock at the racing genre. Racing games can be a lot of fun. I had a blast with San Fransisco Rush, Beetle Adventure Racing, Cruisin', and Mario Kart back in the day. Those are definitely not landfill waste. I guess if RPGS define gaming for you, then yeah, the N64 showed you no love. But, if you have a well rounded taste for other things, I don't see why you couldn't have a ton of fun with the N64. Action, Adventure, defining FPS titles, Platformers, Racing, Fighting (mostly in the form of Wrastlin') and stuff like that are covered well. No matter what label you give Paper Mario, I thought it was a great game (great series, in fact).
Does a console need to deliver on every genre before it's any good? Not really. Not if the games it does have are good, and well, superior to the competition's line up of the same games. There's some types of games I really like that are very poorly represented on the Saturn, but I still think it's a good console for what it does deliver on. If you are looking for something that has it all, PS1 was your safe bet. That doesn't mean it had the best games in every genre, so you can't really call it the best console just because it did have them. It's complicated, but the N64 was great, at least I think so.
I don't see how having a console 90% racing games can be defined as balanced. Racing games are fun but come on how many racing games could you possibly wish to play unless your a car fanatic, or something then maybe that's great. Take away the RARE made games on n64 and then n64 looks like an atari jaguar.
If you want balance playstation 1 is the way to go for balance.
Please do enlightenment what types of games that are very poorly represented on the Saturn?
Considering there are about 36 (I think, I took the liberty of counting) racing games on the N64 out of 296 games, that's about 12% racing games. A bit small really, but most of the racing games on the N64 were some of the best for their time. I didn't argue the console was balanced, I argued that unbalanced didn't mean the console was bad because it delivered quite strong in some areas. How can you say it would look like the Jaguar? Come on now. You had Nintendo first party, you had Midway really hitting their stride, solid support from Hudson, SunSoft, Crave, Ocean, THQ delivering the finest wraslin' games of the era, Konami support was solid, lots of Lucas Arts love, the list goes on. It's kind of like asking "what is the PS1 without Square or Enix?" Well, it's still a lot of things, and bad is not one of them.
I'm speaking for the western Saturn. It poorly represents the same areas that the N64 delivers strongly on. Not completely absent, but poorly represented. 3D games in general, Action Adventure, FPS, 3D platforming (not even a true followup to Sonic 3), 3D racing, wrestling games, and don't bite my head off, but even RPGs are a rare breed on the western Saturn, 13 as appose to N64s 5.
You make it sound like it's alot but it doesn't add up to more than 20 worthwhile games today on the n64. shovelware would be the term. Saturn didn't have many rpgs but the rpgs it did have were quality over quantity you know atleast it had them. If the saturn had lasted longer they would of also got policenaunts, the dragon quest games, breath of fire, shin megami, grandia, lunar, mystaria 2, and blue breaker just to name a few. However what we did get was panzer dragoon saga anyone who has been through that game will tell you it's as good as FF7 if not better, and the only game to ever even begin to touch into what the saturn could do. Shining force 3, dragon force, legend of eldean etc.. And lastly it's quite a common misconception that the saturn was weak in 3d it's simply not the whole story.
I would argue that the majority of the games put out on N64 by the publisher's I mentioned are by no means shovelware. Most of them were games you just could not get anywhere else, and some of them really couldn't have been done, or done as well on other consoles.
The pinnacle of 3D gaming for the western Saturn was Tomb Raider and Croc and that's about it. They didn't look bad, but they were nearly unplayable because you had to use a d-pad to navigate. These types of games were to the Saturn, what RPGs were to the N64. Even though that bothers me, I still don't think the Saturn is bad, because it has other strengths.
What about burning rangers, resident evil, deep fear, alien trilogy, exhumed, quake, hexen, doom, nights into dreams, VF2, FV, duke nukem 3d, virtua on, die hard arcade, die hard trilogy, decathlete/athlete Kings, winter heat, sonic racing, etc. man I could go on all day listing the 3d games and these are just the ones to make it west. It's like you picked up your saturn at a bargain bin with couple crappy games, and never looked at it again. There's plenty of good 3d games if you look.
I have an N64 that was given to me by a guy from church who married someone that made him give up video games. :P
To date I've barely played it. I was given to me with 007, Star Fox 64, Perfect Dark, Star Wars Episode 1 Racers, and I picked up a copy of Lego Racers for $5.
My son loves lego racers. I tried perfect dark but didn't really see what all the hype was about. At some point I'll play Star Fox and maybe pick up Super Mario 64.
I think the obsession with "3D" really hurt the games of the time. They certainly don't age well on modern day HD TVs. N64 and Playstation 1 look pretty terrible. NES, SNES, and Genesis hold up much better.
I have an N64 that was given to me by a guy from church who married someone that made him give up video games. :P
To date I've barely played it. I was given to me with 007, Star Fox 64, Perfect Dark, Star Wars Episode 1 Racers, and I picked up a copy of Lego Racers for $5.
My son loves lego racers. I tried perfect dark but didn't really see what all the hype was about. At some point I'll play Star Fox and maybe pick up Super Mario 64.
I think the obsession with "3D" really hurt the games of the time. They certainly don't age well on modern day HD TVs. N64 and Playstation 1 look pretty terrible. NES, SNES, and Genesis hold up much better.
Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, those are some of the top games to check out. Some of my absolutely favorite games. There's other good ones too on the system.
I have Ocarina of time for Game Cube. I got it when I preordered Zelda Wind Waker. :)
I have Ocarina of time for Game Cube. I got it when I preordered Zelda Wind Waker. :)
I have it on N64 in the box, that version which comes with the Master Quest addition, and I'll eventually own it on 3DS lol
I have Ocarina of time for Game Cube. I got it when I preordered Zelda Wind Waker. :)
I have it on N64 in the box, that version which comes with the Master Quest addition, and I'll eventually own it on 3DS lol
Nice! The Game Cube disk I have has either master quest or Majora's Mask. I don't remember.
Thanks for the list of SMS games. I'll have to check a bunch of those out! Local shops here have tons of SMS games. I've seen some of the ones you mentioned. I just a few minutes ago picked up Ducktales 2 for the NES so my wife has cut off my access to the card for a while. ;)
If your new to playing SMS games Dashy, I would personally highly recommend Golvellious. For me personally, when I first got the game like a year or 2 ago maybe, I played it and at the very first part I was like , "yea this game sucks" but I gave it just little time to get to the first boss and I slowly started enjoying the crap out of the game! :D By the time I got to the end and beat it, I was very very amazed and happy. To me, one of the best games I've played from the 8 and 16 bit era. Most may not agree, but I think it's under rated. Also, if you are a fan of Rampage, I think the SMS version is the best port available. But those are just my 2 cents on some SMS games
Thanks for the list of SMS games. I'll have to check a bunch of those out! Local shops here have tons of SMS games. I've seen some of the ones you mentioned. I just a few minutes ago picked up Ducktales 2 for the NES so my wife has cut off my access to the card for a while. ;)
If your new to playing SMS games Dashy, I would personally highly recommend Golvellious. For me personally, when I first got the game like a year or 2 ago maybe, I played it and at the very first part I was like , "yea this game sucks" but I gave it just little time to get to the first boss and I slowly started enjoying the crap out of the game! :D By the time I got to the end and beat it, I was very very amazed and happy. To me, one of the best games I've played from the 8 and 16 bit era. Most may not agree, but I think it's under rated. Also, if you are a fan of Rampage, I think the SMS version is the best port available. But those are just my 2 cents on some SMS games
I'll have to check out Golvellious. I used to be a fan of Rampage until I overplayed it on the NES. Decided I was going to beat it one day ended up falling asleep of boredom from the repetition about 3 hours in. killed it for me. my son would probably get a kick out of it though.
*sees interesting topic on collecting games, wants to reply but gets slammed at work for 2 days*
*returns 2 days later, thread is now about Sega vs Nintendo*
:o :P
Aaaaanyway... ;) I primarily collect with the intention of playing. How's that? :P I don't go for complete system collections, but I DO go for complete genre collections on certain systems - RPGs, to be exact. And I really would like to play the majority of them. Guess that's the problem with your favorite genre of games also being typically the longest games. But I chip away so I don't feel TOO bad. :)
And like someone else said, people collect many other things without "using" them, so I don't see the problem with buying the occasional game that I have no intention of ever playing. It's foolish to judge what someone else chooses to do with their money anyway.
And I have no "dog in the fight" with Nintendo vs Sega. I grew up on Nintendo systems so I am much more familiar with them and there's a ton of nostalgia for me with those old systems. That said, I think of myself as a gamer anomaly. Many people seem to collect for the NES, and many of them weren't alive when it was a thing. My first console was an Atari 2600 (well... a pong machine if you want to be technical) and I very clearly remember the NES era. But I have no interest in going back & playing those old games beyond the occasional "hey, I remember this" 5-minute play. I don't collect for cartridge-based systems period really, outside of portables. I got my PSX after college, so obviously my PS2 was several years after that and it's the console I enjoy collecting for the most. For me, it has not only the single best library of my favorite genre, RPGs, but it also has a ton of variety and quirky games that I love. And the majority of them hold up very well today.
I think we got our first big fanboy on VGCollect, guys.
I think we got our first big fanboy/girl on VGCollect, guys.
For political correctness 8)
I didn't realize Dream was a girl. My bad for falling into the male-geek stereotype.
I also do not really have an opinion as to which was better.
If you look at my collection it is dominated by AAA Genesis titles. That said, it's more because my wife's Grandpa used to own a video game rental store and when he passed all of the stores Genesis stuff became my wife's. Not exactly the preferred way to build ones collection.
Genesis did have a lot of good exclusives. That said when a game went to both systems the Graphics and Sound are undeniably better on the SNES versions almost every time.
For example, I have MK I for Genesis in spite of the weaker graphics and sound because of the blood. But MK2 on the SNES because of the better graphics sound and gameplay.
I think the coolest thing is that these things have become so cheap that now you can actually afford to have both and experience the best of both worlds. Back in the day you had to pick and at the prices you were lucky to have either.
Street fighter sucked balls on genesis.
I collect to play for the most part. I may not get to them all but I do play when I could. It is now frustrating to buy the games I want to play but can't because it's getting to ridiculously expensive! I dislike it when people just buy a game and place it on their shelves just to look cool.
I collect to play for the most part. I may not get to them all but I do play when I could. It is now frustrating to buy the games I want to play but can't because it's getting to ridiculously expensive! I dislike it when people just buy a game and place it on their shelves just to look cool.
I'm cool with it so long as they will at least let me borrow it for a review. ;-)
For $350 I'd rather borrow than own Bonk for the NES.
What bums me out more is ReCarts of things like SMB2j that had very limited production runs. As is typically my luck, I didn't even know things like the RetroZone version of SMB2j existed until they were no longer being made.
Try finding one of those for sale anywhere, let alone for a reasonable price.
Street fighter sucked balls on genesis.
Woa woaaaaa there cowboy! Street Fighter II SCE for the Genny was amazing! The only downside was the raspy voices and smaller sprites, but other than that it played perfectly fine. Six button pad on Genesis > SNES pad for fighters any day(unless playing MK)!
As for the topic... I am both types of collector. I have 3 systems that I absolutely love and want to own every game for no matter how shit it is and then there is the rest that I buy games that I know are good and actually want to play.
I was collecting to collect at one point, (spending over $1000 most months), and then I realized I was never gonna get a chance to play over half of what I collected in my life, (most being RPGs). I have since calmed WAY down, limited myself extremely, (going for getting 1 game a month unless there is some crazy good deal like the PSN .99 flash sale), and play pretty much everything. I got rid of I'd say about 90% of my collection since last year and now have around 20 or games in the cabinet. Of course I am not counting PS+ games, steam or PC in general.
Though I really enjoy collecting games, I got to where I saw no point in it at all when I was never going to play most of em even though I wanted to.
And hopefully no one that does collect takes offense because I love hearing and seeing folks collections.
Street fighter sucked balls on genesis.
Woa woaaaaa there cowboy! Street Fighter II SCE for the Genny was amazing! The only downside was the raspy voices and smaller sprites, but other than that it played perfectly fine. Six button pad on Genesis > SNES pad for fighters any day(unless playing MK)!
As for the topic... I am both types of collector. I have 3 systems that I absolutely love and want to own every game for no matter how shit it is and then there is the rest that I buy games that I know are good and actually want to play.
You can actually see side-by-side comparisons of Genesis and SNES Street Fighter games on YouTube, and there's very little differences. The 3-button controller sucks to use on SF on Genesis, but that's easily remedied with a 6-button controller.
Street fighter sucked balls on genesis.
Woa woaaaaa there cowboy! Street Fighter II SCE for the Genny was amazing! The only downside was the raspy voices and smaller sprites, but other than that it played perfectly fine. Six button pad on Genesis > SNES pad for fighters any day(unless playing MK)!
As for the topic... I am both types of collector. I have 3 systems that I absolutely love and want to own every game for no matter how shit it is and then there is the rest that I buy games that I know are good and actually want to play.
You can actually see side-by-side comparisons of Genesis and SNES Street Fighter games on YouTube, and there's very little differences. The 3-button controller sucks to use on SF on Genesis, but that's easily remedied with a 6-button controller.
I agree with you completely about the controllers.
The 6 button genesis controller is perfect for street fighter while the snes controller is ideal for mortal kombat. I can't wait until the retron 5 lets me have the best of both worlds!
Street fighter sucked balls on genesis.
Woa woaaaaa there cowboy! Street Fighter II SCE for the Genny was amazing! The only downside was the raspy voices and smaller sprites, but other than that it played perfectly fine. Six button pad on Genesis > SNES pad for fighters any day(unless playing MK)!
As for the topic... I am both types of collector. I have 3 systems that I absolutely love and want to own every game for no matter how shit it is and then there is the rest that I buy games that I know are good and actually want to play.
You can actually see side-by-side comparisons of Genesis and SNES Street Fighter games on YouTube, and there's very little differences. The 3-button controller sucks to use on SF on Genesis, but that's easily remedied with a 6-button controller.
I agree with you completely about the controllers.
The 6 button genesis controller is perfect for street fighter while the snes controller is ideal for mortal kombat. I can't wait until the retron 5 lets me have the best of both worlds!
I'm actually more used to the SNES style for SF games because that same control layout continued onto PS1 and Dreamcast, both of which I owned when they were current back then.
Usually I play first and then collect..
I think we got our first big fanboy on VGCollect, guys.
HEY, I've been here for a while. Unless, if my pickup of the Atari Lynx makes me not a fanboy... ;D
On topic: I collect to play and to collect. I'm a full set collector in terms of goals. As a consequence, I own very few systems. If I really only collected to play, I would only keep about 10-30 games at most. I would then buy and sell games once I was done. Once you get the hang of eBay, you really don't lose money this way. Just keep an eye out for a good deal and then sell it as a BIN for a little under the asking price. You can actually build up your paypal account this way.
But I do enjoy playing these games. Even the bad sports games give me the $1 (or often less) value that I paid for them. If I never pop it in the system again, I still got my money's worth. And the opportunity cost of selling it does not outweigh the cost of keeping it as part of the collecting fun. Sometimes, I just like organizing and cleaning the games.
Now I also have an XBox collection on top of this. This is mostly to play. But I also like the picking up games at flea markets aspect. This is very much a collecting hobby in it. It reminds me of collecting for the NES in the late 90s. It's tough to do this with SEGA or Nintendo now.
It reminds me of collecting for the NES in the late 90s. It's tough to do this with SEGA or Nintendo now.
I can find Sega Master System, Dreamcast, and Sega Genesis games for dirt-cheap. Granted the Master System games are rarer to come across than the Genesis or Dreamcast games, though. But those Dreamcast and Genesis games are a dime-a-dozen and quite plentiful around here. It's the SNES, Saturn, Sega CD, and TG-16 stuff that goes for a pretty penny around here.
I primarily collect with the intention of playing.
And like someone else said, people collect many other things without "using" them, so I don't see the problem with buying the occasional game that I have no intention of ever playing. It's foolish to judge what someone else chooses to do with their money anyway.
Amen! :P At first I didn't wanna buy anything that I'd never play, but in the end I kinda started doing it from time to time. Just because owning some games make me happy, even without playing them.
It reminds me of collecting for the NES in the late 90s. It's tough to do this with SEGA or Nintendo now.
I can find Sega Master System, Dreamcast, and Sega Genesis games for dirt-cheap. Granted the Master System games are rarer to come across than the Genesis or Dreamcast games, though. But those Dreamcast and Genesis games are a dime-a-dozen and quite plentiful around here. It's the SNES, Saturn, Sega CD, and TG-16 stuff that goes for a pretty penny around here.
Yeah, SEGA is still cheap. XBox is just cheap AND plentiful. So, while SEGA is cheap, it's just not as plentiful as the NES was in the late 90s. I have a decent sized SEGA collection. But it's not that big. And I feel like I've tapped my area out decently. I think it would be difficult to get 50% of the games for any SEGA system from a single area. However, this could be done on the NES in the 90s. It can also be done on XBox now
collect to play without a doubt. I think there's about 12 games on my shelf that need to be played. I have a hard time when I'm out in the wild of saying no to good deals, which I come across often.
If any of you guys are looking for master system games the local shop here has about 30 of em. Let me know what titles you're looking for and I'll see if he's got em and what they go for.
I'm going there tomorrow to pick up my Retron 5.
Are they complete? Can you post a list of the ones that are?
I'm looking for King's Quest, fantasy Zone, and Spider-Man if the price is right, of course.
Are they complete? Can you post a list of the ones that are?
They are loose/cart only.