Picked up some awesomeness at a buy sell and trade electronics/media store that I frequent. Got the hole lot for $50. ;D
Xbox games $5 each
Metroid II, Turtles the arcade game, Kirby the Amazing Mirror $10 each
Seriously. :o It amazes me that not only do you guys find that many games, but that they're GOOD games. Around here if I do find anything it's typically shovelware or sports. I wasn't going to go yard sale-ing today, but I saw a craigslist ad for an estate sale that said they had a lot of games - ps2, gc & wii u. I went and they had a PS2 w/ 3 or 4 crappy games, a plat GC (which I'm looking for, actually) but he wanted $50 for it which I thought was nuts & 4 or 5 crappy games, and a Zelda Wii U that he wanted $200 for. I offered him $150 for the Wii U but he wouldn't budge - told him I couldn't pay $200 for a used system so I walked.
And last but not least two Pong Consoles. Paid $3 for both.
- Coleco Telstar (hey soera look familiar? lol)
And last but not least two Pong Consoles. Paid $3 for both.
- Coleco Telstar (hey soera look familiar? lol)
Hah did you finally get that guy to respond to you ? I never got anything from him. Or is that a different one?
TheFlea always makes me jealous!Seconded :(
after 3 days of neighborhood garage sales (must have hit over 200 sales in the last 3 days)
after 3 days of neighborhood garage sales (must have hit over 200 sales in the last 3 days)
Great haul but you must have spent like $100 in gas. This is something that I've started to factor in when it comes to yard sales. Sure I've found $20 games for a buck or two but I would spend $25 in gas driving around all day, plus wear and tear on the car so it was really a wash.
I know, I know, it's all about the "hunt" for some but after doing this for over 20 years I'm starting to look at online buying as easier on both myself and my vehicle.
Didn't go on a hunt this weekend but I still found someone selling games I've been wanting for a while, so I bought these!
- Arc Rise Fantasia
- Tales of Symphonia : Dawn of the New World
- The Last Story Limited Edition
Got them for 75$ and Tales' disk is signed by the voice actor of Emil!
Nice batch of Wii games! I have been on the lookout for Arc Rise for a long time. I found a copy for $20 a while back, but passed on it. Kind of kicking myself now.
I agree - the signed Tales is extra-cool. :D
I'm hoping for some feedback, did I do okay? ;)
The 3 ebay games I grabbed last week w/ that $5 off $20 coupon came in today: Alpha Protocal, Splatterhouse & Bionic Commando, all for PS3. Averaged between $5-$6 each after coupon. :)
The 3 ebay games I grabbed last week w/ that $5 off $20 coupon came in today: Alpha Protocal, Splatterhouse & Bionic Commando, all for PS3. Averaged between $5-$6 each after coupon. :)
I need to pick Splatterhouse back up sometime. It's a fun game.
after 3 days of neighborhood garage sales (must have hit over 200 sales in the last 3 days)
Here's my booty. Also some cool stuff came in the mail.
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Sommoner: Soul Hackers (thx Stethebubble)
And they finally came in the mail! A huge thanks for Pacpix for giving away these games to the community and I'll try and do the same when I can :) Both are a nice addition to my collection.You're welcome! Enjoy the games :)
I'm loving this one thrift store I've been going to more regularly since they are closer. Don't know why i didn't before lol I got a complete NES, looks like it is in nice condition with all the cords, two controllers, a gray zapper, and an Advantage for about 20 bucks. Not crazy cheap like at a garage sale, but below that of the higher end store prices. I take my chances on whether it works or not, but we'll see.
Still better then what I find at thrift stores. There's only one small thrift store I check everytime I pass it, It's the only store I ever find any games at good prices. Every other store ether has nothing or priced at retail. :-\
Still better then what I find at thrift stores. There's only one small thrift store I check everytime I pass it, It's the only store I ever find any games at good prices. Every other store ether has nothing or priced at retail. :-\
The Salvation Army's have been rather empty since I got my Dreamcast pile of games a few weeks back, but I seem to find something every other day I go to this place. Just in the past week I got that GBA with 4 games, those battle chips that turned out to be kinda useless lol, and now a complete NES that I'm hoping works lol It seems like they have good rotation and they are always busy. What seems best though, is that I don't even have to go early in the morning, I've been just going in the late afternoon and finding stuff lol
Games wise they don't seem to get a ton of great stuff in, I've been keeping an eye out, but mostly just sports titles. They get a few DS games in every so often, but usually kid stuff so I pass on that. Even stuff that doesn't look great gets sold there eventually as someone bought that Red DS Lite that was there for 20 bucks that had no cords, a broken hinge, and a kinda gunky screen lol
Still better then what I find at thrift stores. There's only one small thrift store I check everytime I pass it, It's the only store I ever find any games at good prices. Every other store ether has nothing or priced at retail. :-\
The Salvation Army's have been rather empty since I got my Dreamcast pile of games a few weeks back, but I seem to find something every other day I go to this place. Just in the past week I got that GBA with 4 games, those battle chips that turned out to be kinda useless lol, and now a complete NES that I'm hoping works lol It seems like they have good rotation and they are always busy. What seems best though, is that I don't even have to go early in the morning, I've been just going in the late afternoon and finding stuff lol
Games wise they don't seem to get a ton of great stuff in, I've been keeping an eye out, but mostly just sports titles. They get a few DS games in every so often, but usually kid stuff so I pass on that. Even stuff that doesn't look great gets sold there eventually as someone bought that Red DS Lite that was there for 20 bucks that had no cords, a broken hinge, and a kinda gunky screen lol
Battle chips, as in Megaman NT Warrior/ Battle Network battle chips ? Why are they kinda useless?
Aren't the battle chips for one of those dinky hand held things that have like a little battle game in them of some sort? Are they used for the proper console games? I mean, technically they aren't useless, I just don't have much value for them if they aren't used for a proper console system lol
Aren't the battle chips for one of those dinky hand held things that have like a little battle game in them of some sort? Are they used for the proper console games? I mean, technically they aren't useless, I just don't have much value for them if they aren't used for a proper console system lol
Yeah, they're supposed to work with an electronic PET which I never used, but I love the chips anyway. I got 2 chips with figurines, and I'm still hoping to find the PET someday :P If you ever wanna get rid of the chips, I might be up to buy them, or trade for something else ;D
Holy Bill Nye the Science Guy covered in Molasses!
Was feeling crappy from being sick and got a late start hitting the streets for garage sales.
Thinking "well, I'm not going to find much." and low and behold after many sales of just average game finds I come across this.
A sale had a box full of games and the lady told me I could have it all for $5. I was like ya sold.
Then when I told her i was happy about finding video games she said "wait here I might have something you want."
So I waited and she brings out a Huggies box, and when I saw what was inside I almost emptied my bowels right there.
When I asked how much? she said $10. I really almost made a mess in my pants.
What is it you ask? he he, I'll let you know later after I hit some sales tomorrow. but here's a pic of the boxes. :P
How do you keep Vgcollect in suspense? I'll tell ya tomorrow... ::)
How do you keep Vgcollect in suspense? I'll tell ya tomorrow... ::)
Holy Bill Nye the Science Guy covered in Molasses!
Was feeling crappy from being sick and got a late start hitting the streets for garage sales.
Thinking "well, I'm not going to find much." and low and behold after many sales of just average game finds I come across this.
A sale had a box full of games and the lady told me I could have it all for $5. I was like ya sold.
Then when I told her i was happy about finding video games she said "wait here I might have something you want."
So I waited and she brings out a Huggies box, and when I saw what was inside I almost emptied my bowels right there.
When I asked how much? she said $10. I really almost made a mess in my pants.
What is it you ask? he he, I'll let you know later after I hit some sales tomorrow. but here's a pic of the boxes. :P
How do you keep Vgcollect in suspense? I'll tell ya tomorrow... ::)
Question for anyone who owns Final Fantasy III for the DS: Is the spine of the case perfectly white, or is it slightly...I guess brown-ish towards the bottom? Picked up a used copy in really good shape today at GS, but I'm not sure if the case is supposed to be this way or not. If it's not, it's going back. ;)
Holy Bill Nye the Science Guy covered in Molasses!
Was feeling crappy from being sick and got a late start hitting the streets for garage sales.
Thinking "well, I'm not going to find much." and low and behold after many sales of just average game finds I come across this.
A sale had a box full of games and the lady told me I could have it all for $5. I was like ya sold.
Then when I told her i was happy about finding video games she said "wait here I might have something you want."
So I waited and she brings out a Huggies box, and when I saw what was inside I almost emptied my bowels right there.
When I asked how much? she said $10. I really almost made a mess in my pants.
What is it you ask? he he, I'll let you know later after I hit some sales tomorrow. but here's a pic of the boxes. :P
How do you keep Vgcollect in suspense? I'll tell ya tomorrow... ::)
Question for anyone who owns Final Fantasy III for the DS: Is the spine of the case perfectly white, or is it slightly...I guess brownish towards the bottom? Picked up a used copy in really good shape today at GS, but I'm not sure if the case is supposed to be this way or not. If it's not, it's going back. ;)
Question for anyone who owns Final Fantasy III for the DS: Is the spine of the case perfectly white, or is it slightly...I guess brownish towards the bottom? Picked up a used copy in really good shape today at GS, but I'm not sure if the case is supposed to be this way or not. If it's not, it's going back. ;)
Its supposed to be brownish I guess. I bought mine new and its on there. Never really noticed it til you mentioned this heh.
Nah, that's pretty terribly really. I'll be the nice guy here and take it off your hands though as it's just not worth the trouble to keep it.
Hey flea, want to double your money on the Turbo Grafx?Don't listen to Turf! I will triple your money!
Hey flea, want to double your money on the Turbo Grafx?Don't listen to Turf! I will triple your money!
W O W!
I can't believe you guys find awesome stuff like this. I can't find anything at flea markets. :(
Hey flea, want to double your money on the Turbo Grafx?Don't listen to Turf! I will triple your money!
Don't listen to either of these guys I'll quintuple it
Honestly though I Thought it would be a bunch of Turbo Graphx games and stuff, so I was at least half right
Racing - Umm.. because Racing? What racing collection is complete without the definitive, one-and-only, genre creating game. Joking aside, this looks as budget as you can get but the title is hilarious. Bonus points for having a Mitsubishi Evo 5 or 6 on the cover art.the name sounds as hilarious as the the two games that i have called create city and snowmobile racing
I just found Conker: Live and Reloaded for $5! Someone traded in a pristine Xbox collection, and one of good taste I must add, into a local pawn.
the name sounds as hilarious as the the two games that i have called create city and snowmobile racing
I just found Conker: Live and Reloaded for $5! Someone traded in a pristine Xbox collection, and one of good taste I must add, into a local pawn.
Lucky! Been really wanting that since the N64 conker is so much more expensive to get.
I just found Conker: Live and Reloaded for $5! Someone traded in a pristine Xbox collection, and one of good taste I must add, into a local pawn.
Lucky! Been really wanting that since the N64 conker is so much more expensive to get.
I didn't realize the 64 one was now the most expensive N64 game. The was excited to find the Xbox version because this one is going up in price too.
I just found Conker: Live and Reloaded for $5! Someone traded in a pristine Xbox collection, and one of good taste I must add, into a local pawn.
Lucky! Been really wanting that since the N64 conker is so much more expensive to get.
I didn't realize the 64 one was now the most expensive N64 game. The was excited to find the Xbox version because this one is going up in price too.
It's not the most expensive one, I think a couple others beat that out like Clayfighters 631/2 Sculptors Edition, but it's a pricey game for sure averaging like 75 to 100 I believe for a CIB version.
And today, I managed to get back a copy of Splatterhouse on Xbox 360. I do really like this game, a shame it did poorly, it really needed a sequel to clean up the game.
the name sounds as hilarious as the the two games that i have called create city and snowmobile racing
The company who did Racing also produced such classics as Billiards, Bowling, Snowboarding, Tennis, Boxing and Shooter Space Shot. If you're a fan of any of these particular sports, your collection would not be complete without them.
AI games made a lot of shareware crap, but they did have a couple hidden gems.
AI games made a lot of shareware crap, but they did have a couple hidden gems.
A1 Games. Not AI games. They were a division of Agetec.
It's worth noting that most of these titles were originally released as part of the Simple 1500 Series in Japan. These were low priced games developed by various companies.
The same people that made the superb King's Field and Armored Core games? Wow.I said Agetec, not From Software. Agetec is a publisher.
The same people that made the superb King's Field and Armored Core games? Wow.I said Agetec, not From Software. Agetec is a publisher.
AI games made a lot of shareware crap, but they did have a couple hidden gems.
A1 Games. Not AI games. They were a division of Agetec.
It's worth noting that most of these titles were originally released as part of the Simple 1500 Series in Japan. These were low priced games developed by various companies.
picked this up for the wife. its about time she learnt to play the guitar she got.
Decided to try and do a Pickups video... Hopefully it turned of decent
Also Shameless Plug Subscribe to my youtube channel please
Finally found out when the close thrift store gets its new stock in as they are one of the bigger ones that get shipments in I believe rather than taking in the usual donations, so I managed to get a couple PS1 games, a PC game, and after I decided to make a second round of the store just to double check, I was heading to the counter and they were putting out a Game Boy Color with some games for only 10 bucks! I needed one for my collection. It's a tad beat up on the corners and pretty well used, but it works just fine. It's this one with Pikachu and Pichu on it.
007 Racing
The World is Not Enough
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
C&C Generals
Game Boy Color
Test Drive Cycles
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Batman: Chaos in Gotham
Army Men Air Combat
Game Boy
Super Mario Land
No Retron5
I used that Toys R Us sale to finally pick me up Kid Icarus for the 3DS and some decent headphones for the 3DS as well.No Retron5
Im feeling this right now myself. Im kind of getting antsy waiting on this damned thing. Its been almost a year now.
Ducktales NES (now I have both 1 & 2 :))
Garage sales in the middle of the week, AND you find that much stuff??? :o What kind of magical land do you live in?
My wife got me a Retro Duo Portable. I think I'm going to like this little jewel. I don't think I'll use it traveling, but I might. I can see myself playing SNES games on this while she watches her shows on tv.
The NES attachment is silly. Not exaggerating at all, the top of the NES cart sticks out 6" above the screen. It's crazy big. I like it though. It feels good in my hand. The AC adapter could have plugged into a better place. It's on the side beside the d-pad. It makes it tough to play while charging.
Overall, for the little I've played it; I'm in. I like this little dude. I haven't tried to hook it up to a tv, but you can. It came with a little control port. I might have to give that a shot.
(http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/18162.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/19332.jpg)
I really had little interest in getting Fable III. But I actually found a better deal for Dark Souls in a bundle with Fable III than I could for the game alone. So why not?
Garage sales in the middle of the week, AND you find that much stuff??? :o What kind of magical land do you live in?
Garage sales in the middle of the week, AND you find that much stuff??? :o What kind of magical land do you live in?
Garage sales are the best place to go since usually the people don't recognize the value of the games. Thrifts however are becoming increasingly aware and are selling them through their websites or other places. Some actually check the internet and set prices that way instead of putting on a price tag. Otherwise, if you are looking for sports games they will give you 8 for $2.
Garage sales in the middle of the week, AND you find that much stuff??? :o What kind of magical land do you live in?
Garage sales are the best place to go since usually the people don't recognize the value of the games. Thrifts however are becoming increasingly aware and are selling them through their websites or other places. Some actually check the internet and set prices that way instead of putting on a price tag. Otherwise, if you are looking for sports games they will give you 8 for $2.
It completely depends on your area - yard (garage) sales AND thrift stores are a bust in my town. And someone having a sale on a Thurs. is unheard of - you might get a handful on a Friday.
(http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/18162.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/19332.jpg)
I really had little interest in getting Fable III. But I actually found a better deal for Dark Souls in a bundle with Fable III than I could for the game alone. So why not?
So how do you like Fable II so far?
Fable feels more like an action/adventure game tho it does have some RPG elements so I guess technically it is one. At any rate, Fable II was the high point in that series, and it's a good game but not amazing. Fable III is horrible tho, felt like several steps backwards. I couldn't bring myself to finish it, I probably quit before the half-way point.
(http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/18162.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/19332.jpg)
I really had little interest in getting Fable III. But I actually found a better deal for Dark Souls in a bundle with Fable III than I could for the game alone. So why not?
So how do you like Fable II so far?
Fable III. But it hasn't arrived yet, I got it on eBay. I'll probably end up using it as trade-bait. I'm not a big fan of the Fable series, it feels like an RPG made for the kiddies to me.
Bought Super Bomberman for SNES, Bigfoot and Adventures of Bayou Billy for NES!
Yeah, and it's legendary for it's difficulty.Bought Super Bomberman for SNES, Bigfoot and Adventures of Bayou Billy for NES!
Adventures of Bayou Billy! That was an epic game for it's time. Duck Hunt, Rad Racer, and Double Dragon game styles all in one game!
great pickup!
Legal games. :P
Received my Mugen Souls Z LE's today, which...put me @ the 800 Items Mark! 8)
Received my Mugen Souls Z LE's today, which...put me @ the 800 Items Mark! 8)
Even increased your post count !! ;)
Received my Mugen Souls Z LE's today, which...put me @ the 800 Items Mark! 8)I see you purchased 3 as usual :P
Received my Mugen Souls Z LE's today, which...put me @ the 800 Items Mark! 8)
Even increased your post count !! ;)
Size doesn't matter though,...
*reassures self* 8)
Received my Mugen Souls Z LE's today, which...put me @ the 800 Items Mark! 8)I see you purchased 3 as usual :P
Yes, it really tends to pull a disgaeniac whenever he adds new stuff.
Yes, it really tends to pull a disgaeniac whenever he adds new stuff.
better 'disgaeniaced' then 'Munsoned' 8)
+5 trivia points to the 1st one of you to call-out that out
Picked up a few random items:
Galaxian, Ms Pac Man, Basketball, Qbert (2600)
Rampage 2 (PS1)
Wipeout64(N64 CIB)
But what I'm most excited about is my Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collection finally showed up. I don't have my own photo, but here's what it looks like:
It comes with so much content, I couldn't pass it up -- 11 disc soundtrack, art book, light-up Ryu statue, Ryu's black belt, 2 disc blu-ray set of documentaries and various SF anime and four games (SFIV Arcade and SF vs Tekken on disc; SFII HD and SFIII 3rd Strike download codes [boo!] and a boatload of DLC costumes.) And a really badass box it all comes in.
I just picked up my Wolfenstein for PS4, but I'm not going to add it to my collection since this will be a "finish it & trade it" game. ;)
I just picked up my Wolfenstein for PS4, but I'm not going to add it to my collection since this will be a "finish it & trade it" game. ;)
You getting Mind Zero and/or Murdered: Soul Suspect?
Ive pre-ordered the 1st & I'm still undecided on the 2nd...
Picked up a few random items:
Galaxian, Ms Pac Man, Basketball, Qbert (2600)
Rampage 2 (PS1)
Wipeout64(N64 CIB)
But what I'm most excited about is my Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collection finally showed up. I don't have my own photo, but here's what it looks like:
It comes with so much content, I couldn't pass it up -- 11 disc soundtrack, art book, light-up Ryu statue, Ryu's black belt, 2 disc blu-ray set of documentaries and various SF anime and four games (SFIV Arcade and SF vs Tekken on disc; SFII HD and SFIII 3rd Strike download codes [boo!] and a boatload of DLC costumes.) And a really badass box it all comes in.
That's pretty sweet looking! It looks like a lot (if not all) of the games are a download codes?
this is what i got at my local salvation army thrift store
lion king activity center - $2
bandai electronics hockey - $2.50 ( going by the strictest definition of a video game, this barely passed as one)
I got an awesome Castlevania 8-bit figure in the mail yesterday - thanks a TON 90's!!! ;D
Got a cordless silver Gamecube at the thrift shop today, I have a spare GC controller and I believe it just uses the same type of AV cords as the N64 right? I just need to get a power adapter now and I should hopefully having a working GC. It looks like it's nice condition at least.
Also got the strategy guide for CoD Modern Warfare, the last one I really liked, though it turned out to be the Wii Reflex Edition lol
After another day of garage sales here's what I picked up.
Also a couple PS3 games came in the mail I forgot to include them in pic. :P
- a Stack of Manuals
After another day of garage sales here's what I picked up.
Also a couple PS3 games came in the mail I forgot to include them in pic. :P
- a Stack of Manuals
Do you happen to have any duplicate manuals you are looking to sell?
I've started seeking out the manuals for a lot of the games I have. My genesis games all have manuals.
Most of my NES and SNES games do not.
I got an awesome Castlevania 8-bit figure in the mail yesterday - thanks a TON 90's!!! ;D
Give us a pic!
I got an awesome Castlevania 8-bit figure in the mail yesterday - thanks a TON 90's!!! ;D
Give us a pic!
Sure, along with the rest of today's haul:
(https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2896/14246157562_9f280a1f14.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/nGThjf)IMG_2862 (https://flic.kr/p/nGThjf)
I swung by Toys R Us after work hoping for a cheap Vita case in their clearance section for my wife's new Vita I managed to get for her. No luck - but they have dropped green/blue tagged clearance items down to 70% off, so I got the last Lara Croft figure for $12 and Dead Rising: Off The Record for $6. My Mugen Souls Z LE also came in the mail today (due to my last-minute waffling I didn't get my order in early enough to get mine with everyone else).
How are you guys adding pictures?
Home from garage sales today and have some cool finds.
A light blue Game Boy Advance SP 101 model with 2 games for $3
Found this beauty yesterday for $13 at a thrift store.
I can comment on some of the skylanders. First I see Gill runt which is one of the sidekicks. They definitely have value. Second is Scarlet Ninjini which was (I think) the last variant of the Giants released. Wham shell which is the last released Spyro released and still one of the more expensive characters.
Found this beauty yesterday for $13 at a thrift store.
That thing is amazing and must way an ass load. :o
Figured I'd come here & get my weekly does of The Flea jealousy - mission accomplished! :P
I got sleep today. A lot of it, too. ;)
The Boy and I played through Kingdom Hearts together. That was a pretty good time. I was a Sony hater until recently, so I missed Kingdom Hearts until the remix came out. Such a good game.
The Boy and I played through Kingdom Hearts together. That was a pretty good time. I was a Sony hater until recently, so I missed Kingdom Hearts until the remix came out. Such a good game.
I remember when it first came out. I got my wife a PS2 with Kingdom Hearts for Christmas.
She got me a Gamecube with Resident Evil Zero.
Talk about true love. :)
Now the only Tony Hawk game I need is Tony Hawk's Underground 2.
So my wife is at the pool with the kids and im at home on the computer. She calls me and wants me to go to the gas station down the street to buy some drinks. I did not really feel like going, and after arguing, at the end of the day, I ended up doing what she said. But, I went to the good will before the gas station and found this bad boy for 2.50 fully complete and in great condition 8.5/10!!!! :D :D :D :D Thanks wife for making me go get some drinks at the gas station!!
Also, I got Legend of the River King for Game Boy cartridge only at a yard sale for free.
Now the only Tony Hawk game I need is Tony Hawk's Underground 2.
I've never played 3 but the second in my opinion is the greatest one on the Dreamcast! I used to have hours of game play of Tony Hawk 2. The sound track was awesome as well
So my wife is at the pool with the kids and im at home on the computer. She calls me and wants me to go to the gas station down the street to buy some drinks. I did not really feel like going, and after arguing, at the end of the day, I ended up doing what she said. But, I went to the good will before the gas station and found this bad boy for 2.50 fully complete and in great condition 8.5/10!!!! :D :D :D :D Thanks wife for making me go get some drinks at the gas station!!
Nice. All my local goodwills appear to check ebay before pricing. They currently have a busted DS fat going for $36.
Also, I got Legend of the River King for Game Boy cartridge only at a yard sale for free.
Great deal! Maybe it's a sign that next time she asks you to do something, you should comply too :P haha (just kidding. Don't do everything anyone says, even the wife! :o)
So my wife is at the pool with the kids and im at home on the computer. She calls me and wants me to go to the gas station down the street to buy some drinks. I did not really feel like going, and after arguing, at the end of the day, I ended up doing what she said. But, I went to the good will before the gas station and found this bad boy for 2.50 fully complete and in great condition 8.5/10!!!! :D :D :D :D Thanks wife for making me go get some drinks at the gas station!!
Also, I got Legend of the River King for Game Boy cartridge only at a yard sale for free.
I finally get to try this plan thing everyones talking
about. Got it $5 at a yard sale along with Gears 2 for the same price. Already have it but another gears 2 for $5 is uh, impossible not to buy.
So I have the entire series now, minus the Wii "Chronicles" spin-offs! RE: Director's Cut, RE2: Dual-Shock, RE3, RE: Code Veronica X, RE4, RE: Zero, RE (Remake), RE5, RE6, RE: Survivor, RE: Dead Aim.
I finally get to try this plan thing everyones talking
about. Got it $5 at a yard sale along with Gears 2 for the same price. Already have it but another gears 2 for $5 is uh, impossible not to buy.
Darn phone, I meant okami.
I finally get to try this plan thing everyones talking
about. Got it $5 at a yard sale along with Gears 2 for the same price. Already have it but another gears 2 for $5 is uh, impossible not to buy.
Darn phone, I meant okami.
Ahhhh. I was like "plan thing?"
You just reminded me I need to add Okami to my wishlist.
Now the only Tony Hawk game I need is Tony Hawk's Underground 2.
I've never played 3 but the second in my opinion is the greatest one on the Dreamcast! I used to have hours of game play of Tony Hawk 2. The sound track was awesome as well
I have THPS 2, but I have it on PS1 (I have the original THPS on Dreamcast, though). It is a great game, one of the best in the series for sure. The first THPS is still my favorite, for nostalgic reasons; followed by the first Tony Hawk's Underground, because I love the hugeness of the levels and the open-area feel of them.
HAve not tried it yet but heard its basically twilight princess with a dog and art.
Now the only Tony Hawk game I need is Tony Hawk's Underground 2.
I've never played 3 but the second in my opinion is the greatest one on the Dreamcast! I used to have hours of game play of Tony Hawk 2. The sound track was awesome as well
I have THPS 2, but I have it on PS1 (I have the original THPS on Dreamcast, though). It is a great game, one of the best in the series for sure. The first THPS is still my favorite, for nostalgic reasons; followed by the first Tony Hawk's Underground, because I love the hugeness of the levels and the open-area feel of them.
Underground 1 is my favorite if only for the soundtrack which is, in my opinion, the best licensed soundtrack on any game I've ever played.
@karyann, I think your image is broken.
All this talk about Resident Evil is making me want to dig out Resident Evil 4 again. One of the first games I played obsessively, and it's still a blast even after all these years. The castle area was my favorite. :) Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, though...
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
@karyann, I think your image is broken.
All this talk about Resident Evil is making me want to dig out Resident Evil 4 again. One of the first games I played obsessively, and it's still a blast even after all these years. The castle area was my favorite. :) Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, though...
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
As someone that played RE4 to death on GC and PS2, I hated the wii controls lol
@karyann, I think your image is broken.
All this talk about Resident Evil is making me want to dig out Resident Evil 4 again. One of the first games I played obsessively, and it's still a blast even after all these years. The castle area was my favorite. :) Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, though...
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
As someone that played RE4 to death on GC and PS2, I hated the wii controls lol
I am the opposite. Loved the Wii controls for RE4 and ps move controls for RE 5. Hated the normal controller.
The Wii version of RE4 also is 480p 16:9 progressive scan and has even more special bonus content than the PS2 version.
It's one of those cases were only you can decide if it's right for you.
@karyann, I think your image is broken.
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
I loved the motion/pointer controls on the Wii U port of RE4. I had no problems with how they worked; QTEs seem more natural when you're frantically shaking the wiimote, the aiming was way more fun and the knife was actually useful (trading the awkward button press combo for a simple wiimote swipe to swing your knife). I never used the knife in the GC original, but used it frequently in the Wii U version.
In addition, you get the bonus content from the PS2 version and plus 16:9 support, so the Wii U version is what I consider the definitive version of RE4.
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
I loved the motion/pointer controls on the Wii U port of RE4. I had no problems with how they worked; QTEs seem more natural when you're frantically shaking the wiimote, the aiming was way more fun and the knife was actually useful (trading the awkward button press combo for a simple wiimote swipe to swing your knife). I never used the knife in the GC original, but used it frequently in the Wii U version.
In addition, you get the bonus content from the PS2 version and plus 16:9 support, so the Wii U version is what I consider the definitive version of RE4.
If I'm not mistaken you can use the Move controller w/ the PS3 version of RE4, which IMO would make it the definitive version simply because the game is in HD. I may be mistaken tho, I'm not sure I've actually tried using the Move with it (I know it works w/ RE5 Gold Ed.).
In other news, I picked up Watch Dogs for the PS4 yesterday and am loving it so far. Great open world game, very addictive. :)
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
I loved the motion/pointer controls on the Wii U port of RE4. I had no problems with how they worked; QTEs seem more natural when you're frantically shaking the wiimote, the aiming was way more fun and the knife was actually useful (trading the awkward button press combo for a simple wiimote swipe to swing your knife). I never used the knife in the GC original, but used it frequently in the Wii U version.
In addition, you get the bonus content from the PS2 version and plus 16:9 support, so the Wii U version is what I consider the definitive version of RE4.
If I'm not mistaken you can use the Move controller w/ the PS3 version of RE4, which IMO would make it the definitive version simply because the game is in HD. I may be mistaken tho, I'm not sure I've actually tried using the Move with it (I know it works w/ RE5 Gold Ed.).
In other news, I picked up Watch Dogs for the PS4 yesterday and am loving it so far. Great open world game, very addictive. :)
The PS3 version uses the PS base for it's port. The 3d cutscenes are teh prerendered ones for PS2 which are lower resolution than the gamecube ones.
If I'm not mistaken you can use the Move controller w/ the PS3 version of RE4, which IMO would make it the definitive version simply because the game is in HD. I may be mistaken tho, I'm not sure I've actually tried using the Move with it (I know it works w/ RE5 Gold Ed.).
In other news, I picked up Watch Dogs for the PS4 yesterday and am loving it so far. Great open world game, very addictive. :)
The PS3 version uses the PS base for it's port. The 3d cutscenes are teh prerendered ones for PS2 which are lower resolution than the gamecube ones.
Hrm, well if that's the only difference I'd still go with the PS3 version because I'd rather have HD gameplay & slightly lower res cutscenes, but I guess that's up to personal preference.
I don't even consider PC gaming. As in, I have a PC that's fully capable of gaming, and I refuse to use it. ;) Don't like it, don't wanna do it. :)
I don't like gaming on PCs because of compatibility issues. Your computer or 3D card may not be powerful enough to run game A, so you upgrade, and now you can't play your older games. It's frustrating.
I know with some time and research I can learn how to tweek settings and ram and such to play any game I want. But it's just so much easier to pop a game in a console, and press power, and you're done.
I have a few PC games, though, and I do have a number of games downloaded for cheap off of GoG.com, I just concentrate on my console stuff a whole lot more.
I don't like gaming on PCs because of compatibility issues. Your computer or 3D card may not be powerful enough to run game A, so you upgrade, and now you can't play your older games. It's frustrating.
Ive gotten me a nice Cougar Boy with 13 games.
I don't even consider PC gaming. As in, I have a PC that's fully capable of gaming, and I refuse to use it. ;) Don't like it, don't wanna do it. :)
I have no idea why but thats exactly how I see it too. The only gaming I did on my PC was MMOs but since I havent played any of those in a while, I really have no interest in emulating or anything else.
Ive gotten me a nice Cougar Boy with 13 games.
I just gots to ask. What is that?
Ive gotten me a nice Cougar Boy with 13 games.
I just gots to ask. What is that?
Ive gotten me a nice Cougar Boy with 13 games.
I just gots to ask. What is that?
Its also known as the Mega Duck. I usually look down on it and think of it as a Game Boy knockoff. But then again I don't know much about it and it could be elitism shining through...
the cougar boy/mega duck was handheld console made by hong kong company called welback holdings, it was supposed to compete with with the game boy in south america, some parts of europe and in a few asian countries but it wasn't successful and it has become a pretty rare, the cougar boy is rarest modelIve gotten me a nice Cougar Boy with 13 games.
I just gots to ask. What is that?
The Game Boy has a much better game selection, but cannot compete with the awesomeness of the name Mega Duck.Ive gotten me a nice Cougar Boy with 13 games.
I just gots to ask. What is that?
Its also known as the Mega Duck. I usually look down on it and think of it as a Game Boy knockoff. But then again I don't know much about it and it could be elitism shining through...
You guys got me thinking with the Mega Duck stuff. I used to watch this show in the 90s as a kid that starred some yellow duck with glasses and I remember my mom after while stopped letting me watch it because she said it was an adult show. I remember him cursing and stuff. Anyone know what Im talking about and what its called? I would love to get it on video and watch it again.
BTW, there can only be one true Mega Duck and here it is below:!
I also overpaid (in my eyes) for Phantasmagoria. I'm a big King's Quest fan and Roberta Williams did this one too. I probably won't play it, but I just felt compelled to buy it. - $4how complete is it?
Serious Sam Collection sealed for Xbox 360 - $4here is the value of the other games
Command and Conquer 3 Red Aleart sealed for PS3 - $4
Ive gotten me a nice Cougar Boy with 13 games.
I just gots to ask. What is that?
Its also known as the Mega Duck. I usually look down on it and think of it as a Game Boy knockoff. But then again I don't know much about it and it could be elitism shining through...
I just read that Wikipedia article and other than my opinion on the "Mega Duck" is a better name, I have no comment on the article or the system.
I also overpaid (in my eyes) for Phantasmagoria. I'm a big King's Quest fan and Roberta Williams did this one too. I probably won't play it, but I just felt compelled to buy it. - $4how complete is it?
loose copy: $5 - $8
mostly complete: $10 - $20
CIB: $50 - $100+Serious Sam Collection sealed for Xbox 360 - $4here is the value of the other games
Command and Conquer 3 Red Aleart sealed for PS3 - $4
serious sam collection - $40
C&C3 red aleart: $25 - $30
CIB: $50 - $100+
Sup guys, just posted my latest video on my pick ups for the month of May, (so far) check it out!
Nice video & great pickups! :) What do you use to capture your game footage? (man, I hope I haven't asked you that already - I've been asking several people trying to get a feel for what everyone uses before taking the plunge & buying something...)
So I get a text this morning from my mom saying a package came with some video games in it so it must be yours. I have not ordered anything or anything. I told her I am not expecting anything but if its games I will go take a look at it. I get there and the following two awesome bad boys were in the package complete in box!! Looked at the back of the box and they were from MJMarran. This is unbelievable. I am so shocked and excited I do not know what to say. Thanks MJMarran man. This is amazing and this made my day! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
(http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/3264.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/2576.jpg)
Check out my unboxing video of my Mario Kart 8 and my poster!! :) :) :) So happy!!
Check out my unboxing video of my Mario Kart 8 and my poster!! :) :) :) So happy!!
Sweet! Lucky you for getting 2 posters :)
It's nice that they did a red case since it's Mario Kart and all, but am I the only one who thinks that this red color does not match at all with the Wii U's turquoise label? With Luigi U they at least changed the box art's label color to match the box. :o
It's nice that they did a red case since it's Mario Kart and all, but am I the only one who thinks that this red color does not match at all with the Wii U's turquoise label? With Luigi U they at least changed the box art's label color to match the box. :o
Added another obscure / quircky Wii game to my collection. :)I remember renting this one back when I first go a Wii and it was a cool game.
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3749/14123780010_b6b3540563.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/nw54Js)IMG_2977 (https://flic.kr/p/nw54Js)
I sucked it up and went to Gamestop to get Cave Story 3D. Unfortunately every Gamestop only had cartridges and no case/manual so I just took advantage of the cartridge while I could. I also got the following pc games all brand new for 3.99 each :)
(http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/20379.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/18283.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/37706.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/37706.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/61225.jpg)
Seriously Flea, how can you find so many people willing to sell a current-gen Mario game for $3? You puzzle me each time!
Seriously Flea, how can you find so many people willing to sell a current-gen Mario game for $3? You puzzle me each time!
Seriously Flea, how can you find so many people willing to sell a current-gen Mario game for $3? You puzzle me each time!
Leg Work!
@Flea - How many yard sales do you think you hit in a week?
Seriously Flea, how can you find so many people willing to sell a current-gen Mario game for $3? You puzzle me each time!
Leg Work!
@Flea - How many yard sales do you think you hit in a week?
I'd say about 40-50 a day on average, so 120-150 a week. Thursday - Saturday. More if I hit large neighborhood sales.
Some neighborhood sales have up to 90 sales in one area.
Yes a lot of leg work, I'm usually exhausted by the end of the day.
Two more great 360 games for cheap. Now is the time to stock up on them!
(http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/15009.jpg) (http://vgcollect.com/images/front-box-art/17602.jpg)
I was just browsing around my local GS store (while, most definitely, *NOT* flirting with and/or chatting-up the girlie that's been crushing on me - who...disappointingly has yet to find out a concrete answer regarding her promotion to Manager; so far - she's only been assured of "definitely (at the very least) being the "Interim" manager"...
...when I noticed & bought my FIRST PS4 RPG called:
Bound by Flame (they also had it for the PS3).
It's funny - I still clearly remember my 1st PS2 & PS3 RPGs too (FFX-2 and Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (followed by Enchanted Arms/both just "holding-me-over-material whilst waiting for Oblivion:), respectively.
I'm *A.l.m.o.s.t.* ready & motivated enough to un-box, connect, & start playing that sleek-n-smexy beast (my PS4) :P
Anyone else have any interesting memories of their "FIRSTS" for different platforms over the years?
I was just browsing around my local GS store (while, most definitely, *NOT* flirting with and/or chatting-up the girlie that's been crushing on me - who...disappointingly has yet to find out a concrete answer regarding her promotion to Manager; so far - she's only been assured of "definitely (at the very least) being the "Interim" manager"...
...when I noticed & bought my FIRST PS4 RPG called:
Bound by Flame (they also had it for the PS3).
It's funny - I still clearly remember my 1st PS2 & PS3 RPGs too (FFX-2 and Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (followed by Enchanted Arms/both just "holding-me-over-material whilst waiting for Oblivion:), respectively.
I'm *A.l.m.o.s.t.* ready & motivated enough to un-box, connect, & start playing that sleek-n-smexy beast (my PS4) :P
Anyone else have any interesting memories of their "FIRSTS" for different platforms over the years?
You mean "Assistant to" the interim manager? :)
Nope ;)
I mean "Interim Manager" ;D
As in, when the current manager leaves tomorrow...she will be the *Manager* until Friday (the day that Corporate decides to make her (or, 1 of the other 2 or 3 *potential* managers) the NEW manager.
So...during that *TERM* (from Mon. afternoon - Friday afternoon), she will be the *Manager* (ie..."Interim Manager")! 8)
After Corporate decides on Fri (she & I, at least:) are hoping that she will continue (be *Promoted*) to the position of the new, permanent manager of that store...
...Very likely, the other *Potential* Managers (who will all indeed be the "Assistants to the Interim Manager") will be hoping just as strongly that They will be promoted to become the manager of that store.
So. tl;dr =
I do, indeed, know what "Interim" & "Manager" mean!
Thanks for your concern, though - it's duly noted :P
my bad, then - I've never watched Office
had a really bad day yesterday too...no offense meant to anyone
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection LE got here today :)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection LE got here today :)
You might want to check out this thread.
http://vgcollect.com/forum/index.php/topic,4934.0.html (http://vgcollect.com/forum/index.php/topic,4934.0.html)
my bad, then - I've never watched Office
had a really bad day yesterday too...no offense meant to anyone
my bad, then - I've never watched Office
had a really bad day yesterday too...no offense meant to anyone
my bad, then - I've never watched Office
had a really bad day yesterday too...no offense meant to anyone
Oh and Disgaeniac, Mose called and said you need to travel to Shrute farms tonight all by yourself so you can get some "free games"