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Topics - kamikazekeeg

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Marketplace / Wii U Games
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:05:26 pm »
Wonderful 101 - $10 + Shipping
Zombi U - $5 + Shipping
Black Flag - $10 + Shipping
Xenoblade Chronicles X w/Collector's Guide - $45 + Shipping
Sonic Lost World - $15 + Shipping
Captain Toad - $20 + Shipping

Paypal and shipping only within the USA and if someone bought it all or most of them, I'd more than likely shave off a few bucks.

Modern Video Games / PS4K
« on: March 31, 2016, 05:38:23 am »
So if you haven't heard, Sony is basically looking to bring out a mid-generation system replacement for the PS4 that will be straight up be a direct upgrade to the PS4 to mostly allow for 4K gaming.  The downside is that according to a verified person on Neogaf, games made with the new and improved specs, will suffer a drop in performance on original PS4 systems.  As someone that just bought their console, with a possible next year release date, this kind of sucks.  I don't really understand the point of doing this as I'm pretty positive that 4K isn't a thing yet.  Isn't it still at that mid to higher tier in consumer pricing? Looking at Best Buy, the name brand stuff for their cheapest and smallest, such as Sony is like 900 bucks for a 40" TV.  Most people don't have one, so why center your console around it now, directly affecting new games being made?

At first it seems like the New 3DS, and it is to a degree if Nintendo had not abandoned the idea of New 3DS exclusive games, but we saw with Hyrule Warriors Legends, they released a busted version of the game for regular 3DS owners.  I have to wonder if this is what we'll see with the PS4K, but unlike Nintendo, they aren't going to abandon things, and will greatly push forward the new games, making regular PS4 owners suffer because of this.

Why do this now and not the next gen cycle when there's a greater selection of 4K owners? I can't imagine there are remotely as many 4K owners as there are regular HDTV owners.  It's not like Sony is hurting like Nintendo and they need to get a big improvement out after suffering for years.  The PS4 has sold incredibly well its entire time and still dominating over the Xbone.  Why threaten possible sales by introducing brand new hardware and possibly alienating players?  Where are the people begging for 4K quality?  The PS4 has barely even had any serious system sellers outside of like maybe Bloodborne.  Heck, looking at a "Top PS4 Games List", it only has 4 actual PS4 games that are new and I'd probably only say 2 are truly worthwhile and I only played Bloodborne, because I don't want to play Until Dawn lol

This just mostly seems like a terrible decision to take your currently very well selling system, and cut it's feet off in favor of a version that I don't think a ton of people are going to want.  I know I don't care about 4K right now and won't for awhile.  We haven't even dropped DVD yet, but we are already trying to push in 4K? The heck is going on!

Halo 3 Collector's Set - $35 + Shipping - Comes with the game, behind the scenes disk, and cloth cover.

Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition (PC) - $85 + Shipping - Comes with everything other than a working copy of the game since the code is used.

Xenoblade Chronicles X - $55 + Shipping - Comes with the hardback collector's guide that also still has a digital copy and cloth.

Pokemon X - $30 + Shipping - Comes with the hardback collector's guide

Call of Duty PS4 - $30 + Shipping - Completely sealed.

Paypal only for these, not wanting to ship out of the USA.  I'll double check on the shipping, but Call of Duty wouldn't be more than 5 bucks, the two games with books would probably be around 5, to slightly more, and the bigger things are probably closer to 10.

Classic Video Games / Classic Video Game Soundtracks?
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:09:45 pm »
I've downloaded a bunch of modern remixes of songs from OCRemix, mostly to have a playlist of stuff for local game events I participate in, but I was thinking of getting classic original songs from the 8 and 16 bit days, so I was wondering if anyone knew an easy way to get hold of them?  Couldn't really find anything at a glance, but figured there would be people that knew here.

In my shift away from having a regular collection and more of a focus on new games and my Zelda collection, I'm getting rid of a few of the bigger things I have.

Fallout 4: Pip Boy Edition (PC) - Comes with everything, other than the original plastic for holding the materials inside and a working copy of the game. Still has the plastic slip sleeve for the outside. Repeating that this does not have a usable copy of the game, just the disk and steelbook case for it that is useless because of a used Steam code.

Fallout: New Vegas Collectors Edition (PS3) - Outer sleeve has a little wear to it, but it's complete and the disks are in top condition.

Halo 3: Legendary Edition (Xbox 360) - It comes with the large Master Chief helmet on a stand, the game and separate documentary material inside, and the Halo 3 branded bag cover.  Doesn't come with the original box.

I don't feel to bad about getting rid of this stuff as once I have a more stable job that I can get back into serious collecting with, it's not hard to get this stuff again.

If you want pictures for everything, I easily can just to make sure to show that everything is there.

Marketplace / Anyone have empty Zelda game boxes?
« on: February 26, 2016, 11:19:26 pm »
I currently own all the main Zelda games, but I don't have them all boxed. Mostly I'm missing boxes for about 2/3rd of the Game Boy ones, Spirit Tracks, and both versions of A Link to the Past on SNES.  I don't even need like high quality pristine boxes, a little wear is okay as long as it's not faded or just plain busted.  I might go to Ebay eventually to see if I can find them that way, but I'd like to kinda deal with people more directly on here if possible.  Oh and manuals too.  Boxes are more important and I'll take box only, but a more complete version would be best in the long run.

Zelda 2 on Game Boy Advance
Both Seasons on Game Boy Color
Both Links Awakening versions
Both A Link to the Past versions on SNES
Spirit Tracks on DS

If I can get those, that'll mostly complete my collection for just the main line of games.

Marketplace / Xenoblade Chronicles X with Collector's Strategy Guide
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:29:21 am »
Selling a copy of Xenoblade Chronicles X for the Wii U in good condition along with the hard cover collector's strategy guide that still has the screen cleaner and extra digital guide code.  75$ for it all, paypal only and shipping only within the USA.

Modern Video Games / Dragon Quest Builders
« on: January 25, 2016, 08:20:45 pm »
Anyone play the Japanese demo? I know some people have Japanese accounts for this kind of stuff.  I was just curious if it was any good as games like this, Terraria, Minecraft, and Slime Rancher are my "casual games".  Stuff that I can sorta just mindlessly invest a lot of time into while I have music or a podcast going at the same time.  I figured it was simply going to be Minecraft with a better story/RPG element to it, but if it's any good as basically a Minecraft type game where you got a lot of freedom, but quality combat and stuff to get, then I'm all for it.

Marketplace / Call of Duty Black Ops 3 w/Nuketown map PS4 [Updated]
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:42:04 pm »
Selling the PS4 version of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 with the Nuketown map, still sealed.  45 bucks, paypal only, shipping included.

Modern Video Games / Final Smash Bros Presentation
« on: December 15, 2015, 04:53:01 pm »
Starts in less than 10 minutes.  Signs seem to be pointing to Cloud releasing today among a couple other available goodies and I'm guessing we'll see what could be some of the last character DLC for the game would be coming off the character poll.  I really want it to be something like Shovel Knight, Banjo-Kazooie, and like Splatoon, but it's probably gonna just be more something like...Wolf, some other slight variation character that's popular, and like King K. Rool lol That's the boring choice for sure.

Hardware and Tech / Wii U External HDD Recommendations?
« on: December 09, 2015, 06:24:22 pm »
With the Xenoblade Chronicles X quicker loading packs, I'm basically up against the wall for my system and with future DLC on the horizon from Smash and Hyrule Warriors, I'm gonna need more room.  Anyone picked up a relatively cheap, but good external HDD or whatever might work best for expanding save space on the system? I don't buy much digitally on the system, so I don't really need a huge expansion.

Modern Video Games / The Game Awards 2015
« on: December 03, 2015, 08:52:09 pm »
The awards themselves are mostly unimportant, but they tend to have announcements at the show, such as showing Zelda Wii U last year.

This year, it was already leaked that that the next Mortal Kombat DLC will have Bo Rai Cho, Leatherface, a Cyborg that is the originals combined into one, and they added the Xenomorph, but with the twist, that he was born from the Baraka race, so he has blade arms.

Baba Yaga story DLC for Tomb Raider.  Looks like a lot of mind altering type of stuff.  Makes me glad that when the game leaves Xbox, we'll be getting the better, more complete version lol  Looks cool though and it's supposed to be hours of new content.

Wow, kinda surprising, but Splatoon won best multiplayer over COD, Halo, Rocket League, and Destiny lol I need to go and play this more since they've released new maps.

New Uncharted 4 footage, but just a tease.  Looks pretty fun.

Witcher 3 is half-off on GOG right now.  Perhaps other platforms? I might've missed that.

Shaq-Fu is getting shown off  Wasn't the original game a fighter? Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but this is definitely a brawler.

New eSports tv show on TBS called E-League.  Guess it's more of a documentary style setup, following groups around big tournaments?

Okay, interesting...Batman by Telltale.  This could be cool if they take this one to advance their usual works.

Far Cry Primal footage.  You apparently get to control beasts like Sabertooth tigers, wolfs,  and bears.  That's a pretty sick way to replace guns in this game lol Out February 31st and apparently March 1st on PC.  More interested in the game now.

-Brand new Psychonauts game just confirmed. Crowdfunded on something called Fig that apparently is like investing in stock for the game rather than just the usual Kickstarter setup. 3.3 million dollar goal.

-Not directly connected with the Game Awards, but apparently as Dark Cloud was announced to be up-rezzed for the PS4, it also confirms that there will be NO PS2 disc use on the system.

-Rock Band VR lol Oculus Rift support.

-Glad to see that Ori and the Blind Forest won for best art direction.  It's a very beautiful game.

-Kind of a bittersweet Icon award for Westwood Studios I feel, with how the company died off and so did Command & Conquer.

-New Walking Dead Telltale Game starring Michonne.  Kinda cool to see I think. Will be cool to get more backstory for Michonne.

-Not a single bit of new information from Nintendo.  Kinda disappointed with that. Thought they might have something new to show off.

-Deadmaus also confirms after his DOTA 2 appearance, is that he's boring as all hell.  I don't care if he works some videogame aspects into this one, he's boring and awful in every way and should no longer be associated with the gaming industry lol

Modern Video Games / Nintendo Direct - November 12th
« on: November 10, 2015, 02:46:57 pm »
Just a heads up for folks as we are finally getting a new Nintendo Direct very soon.  Hopefully we'll get that confirmation of Twilight Princess HD and some other good surprises as they hinted about some new stuff coming out soon that hadn't been discussed before.  Also would be interesting if we got some Smash news, such as maybe a new character or two they plan to release for the game.  I'm also wanting new Mario Kart courses, so that would be great to announce.

Modern Video Games / Nintendo News
« on: October 29, 2015, 01:22:53 am »
At the recent investor's meeting, we got a lot of information for upcoming new ideas for Nintendo.  My Nintendo will be the Club Nintendo replacement and will connect accounts and game data using a cloud based data service, so that your account is connected with basically everything, from social apps to game data that'll go between PC, smartphone, and console.  It sounds like this will also see the return of original physical items like with Club Nintendo.

There are unannounced games for this year still and I assume this is what the next direct will be, I'm guessing coming next month.

The first mobile game coming up is called "Miitomo", but no one is really sure what it is.  Sounds like it'll just be like that Tomodachi game, but with more of a social aspect to it.  Not much of anything, but it is the start of the 4 to 5 games planned and will release in March of next year.

Hopefully we'll get the next Direct in a week or two and we'll finally see if the rumored Twilight Princess HD is real.

Marketplace / Super Mario Maker For Sale
« on: October 06, 2015, 10:19:58 pm »
Turned out to be way too much of an impulse buy as the craving to create maps wasn't there, so I'm just gonna sell it off and put it towards something else I know I'll put the time into.  50 bucks, barely played, comes with the artbook and carboard case of course.  No added shipping costs.  Paypal only.

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