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Messages - doafan

Pages: 1 ... 71 72 [73] 74 75 ... 83
General / Re: Gaming Hall Of Fame. Who would you put in?
« on: June 10, 2015, 01:09:00 pm »
I got some of them but the ones that I decided at this moment should be the following ones  ;)

* Silent Hill - (PS1) : Even when there are a lot of Survival Horror titles and a lot from this franchise this one at least for me it's the best of all of them, the whole experience of just playing it, the good use of the atmosphere also the excellent use of the fear and how to make the player feel it has made this game the right to be here.

* Soul Calibur - (Arcade / Dreamcast ) : Maybe it's only me but the addition and use of weapons I'm talking of the good ones in the fighting genre became a legend also a reference for the future titles not only of this franchise but in general.

* Contra - (Arcade / Nes) : Maybe not the first Run and gun game but for a lot of people the one that have started the genre and the evolution of this one, even today this is a game that everybody still play it, definitely need to be here.

* God of War - (PS2) : The mythology and the history that nobody wants to ear well implemented in a scenario surrounded with blood and boobs, do I have to say more ?, damn put this one on the Hall of Fame already.

General / Re: 5 Days: What Would You Like To See At E3 2015?
« on: June 10, 2015, 10:03:18 am »
I heard from a friend that there will be a new game of Battletoads or that they are gonna appear in a game, not quite sure since the bastard is from Japan and I can barely understand is English pronunciation, hope that I can see something about this characters at this event  :'(

Modern Video Games / Re: Mega Man Legacy Collection
« on: June 09, 2015, 04:41:16 pm »
Not a bit excited and kinda mad of this one, despite the extras that the game can have and knowing that the 3DS is capable of more it's a shame that only the six first games are going to make it, maybe I'm asking to much but since they are trying to have a "Legacy Collection" why not include at least the two latest titles that are so similar in graphics and gameplay, yeah it might have the HD Flair whatever this thing is, if Keiji Inafune aka Mega Man father is not involved I totally have to pass this one, won't gonna pay for something that I already have, maybe it's because am from the old school generation so for me this a total waste of money, if at least the game will come with a bonus, I dunno an action figure or a collectible from the series then I can consider the purchase or perhaps that it came with the manuals of the six titles will definitely buy it but knowing cRapc0m already know that this is impossible.

It was an AWESOME weekend, picked up some great finds. Garage sales were good to me this week.
- Power Blade 2

Damn I do envy you, this game is a must have for me and unfortunately it's a rare title so that's mean is fucking expensive, not a true gem like other games but it's fun, gotta love the Mega Man style with a boomerang and that's why I wanted this one, by the way you didn't mentioned the price of this beauty  :o

Got Tekken for PS1 and LoLo 3 w/book for NES as well as instruction manuals for Turok 2 and Darius Twin.

Haven't been able to found the third part of Lolo at ML, just the second one, indeeed is an awesome adition  ;)

I do use the Fusion for the Sega Genesis and for the NES I do use the NesterCD in the Dreamcast, nothing beats to play the game in the original console but I can always made and exception for those cartridges that I don't own, in the past did enjoyed a lot playing those Neo Geo titles but just to practice at home, always love to see you opponent defeated when is next to you in the arcade  ;D

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: June 08, 2015, 12:02:08 pm »
After seeing a lot of images of Rachnera Arachnera I read this past week all the numbers of Daily Life With A Monster Girl / Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, why ? maybe because I totally felt in love with her, she reminded me a lot to Ivy Valentine from the Soul Calibur series, as Kimihito Kurusu I do love legs and since she also have that dominant essence that love in these characters I don't have to say more, wanted to see the anime but this time I didn't resisted the temptation and I went first for the Manga  ::)

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: June 08, 2015, 11:26:44 am »
Three years later but I finally managed to see The woman in black and only because I was about the part two of this one, didn't want to mess with the story, in case that there is one to follow up, movie was Ok for a weekend also saw Rusell Madness, my daughter started to see this one but in the end I saw it with her, dunno why but the main wrestler reminded me a lot to John Morrison maybe it's him but haven't seen wrestling in a long time so am not quite sure ;)

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 05, 2015, 05:58:20 pm »
That's too expensive, at least here in Mexico and really can't afford it also my dad has accepted his condition like a pro so I'll will follow his decision and be a man, a bald man  :P

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Childhood Films
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:16:08 pm »
No particular order but the most memorable and the most that I remember, at least right now  ;D

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 05, 2015, 11:54:51 am »
Apparently males in my family don't lose their hair until they're elderly. I think. Most of 'em died off before they got to that point.

Luckily you, my dad is not that bald but he does have a lot of loss of hair and even when he has purchased a lot of products to avoid this but nothing has worked, he even tried some weird pepper shampoo, was funny has hell when we heard him screaming at the bathroom when he used it for the first time anyway because of this I am not using any product to avoid this problem, it will be my legacy  :-\

General / Re: New Mega Man Animated Series
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:40:16 pm »
Please tell me that you are joking, if not don't waste your time and start seeing it, at this parte of my life still can't believe that they translated and transmited this one at the Mexican open TV  :D

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:36:25 pm »
28th. Eh. I'm old.

Well thanks now I totally feel like a grandpa  >:(

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:47:31 am »
At any rate: I'm not considering dropping the genre since Guilty Gear has taken so much of my time. I'm considering dropping the genre because of the time sink it takes to get decent at my favorite game in the genre. Does that make sense? Other fighting series like Street Fighter or King of Fighters don't interest me because the characters are drab and most of the games lack personality. I know there are other great 2D fighters out there, but either their scene is too scarce or it'd be another time sink.

Whatever you do just don't sell your titles, trust me for personal experiences I can say that this will be the worst thing that you can ever made and then when you are more relaxed you will regret it, about the KOF series don't have the same opinion that you, at least not for the first years, the innovation at that time of those awesome crossovers was fucking amazing, then SNK totally blew up the series, I admit that, guess that have a lot of good memories because I used to play all the times at the arcades and always was a pleasure to kick somebody's ass, nothing beats the joy of seeing your opponent knocked out  8)

And in more other news, my birthday is in two days! <3 Who else has a June birthday on here?

My mother's birthday is this next 6th of June so don't expect me to be here, will be eating cake  ;D

General / Re: New Mega Man Animated Series
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:25:13 am »
This is awesome, still have the episodes from the old cartoon at some VHS cassette's, hope that this one became true, I mean that they actually released and don't cancel at the last moment, still remember with a lot of good memories the moment when Mega Man meets Mega Man X  :'(

Maybe he's like me and loves trashy games. Have you seen the kind of crap I own? :

I just took a fast look but it seems that you are missing a lot of crap and am talking about the good one since wasn't able to see nothing from the NES, don't get the wrong idea I do love this console, it has a lot of awesome games but it also has a lot of crappy tiltes that will perfectly fit your taste  ;D

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