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Messages - doafan

Pages: 1 ... 76 77 [78] 79 80 ... 83
General / Re: Recommended YouTube channels?
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:04:58 pm »
A couple of days ago started to watch these two channels and at least in my opinion they are very good, if you are in the retro stuff you might going to like them.

* Drink a Beer and Play a Game

* Pat the NES Punk

General / Re: World of Nintendo
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:58:37 pm »
Damn really want to see this awesome find totally restored have to admit that I totally envy you  >:(

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:40:30 pm »
This weekend was boring has hell, nothing to see on the cable or premium channels so I saw We Bought a Zoo cause Scarlett Johansson was there also spend time with my little daughter and saw together My Little Pony: Equestria Girls also this past Sunday saw "Mortal Kombat X Movie" cause this game will not going to be in my collection in a long time, kinda disappointed but served is purpose  :P

Haven't tested Arkham yet and not because I don't wanna do it, have seen a lot of excellent reviews about this one but right now my budget doesn't allow me to add it into my collection also I prefer to add games that in a near future will be kinda difficult to find, 360 and PS3 titles will be still available for a couple of more years  ;)

These two babies arrived yesterday at my office am talking about The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants some people say this game sucks but am a big fan of the TV series at least from the first seasons that's why I decided to give it a try, the second one is the all mighty Batman: The Video Game because by far this is the best game of this character, found them at Mercado Libre in a mint condition for a very reasonable price, paid less than 12 bucks for both of them  8)

Site Feedback / Re: Problems to recover my password
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:27:09 pm »
Issued solved you might close this thread, again thanks a lot  ;)

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:39:25 pm »
I remember that part, it happened at the New Avengers 33 and yes Doom is the biggest badass in the Marvel Universe, other hero or villain would be scared in that situation but not him, really hope that he continue the same way after the reboot and seriously we need a spoiler option in the reply's section, not for me but for the rest of the users that read comics too, where can I ask for it ?

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: May 07, 2015, 12:54:36 pm »
Thanks but I downloaded my digital copy after I wrote my last message and yes that page is so freaking awesome by the way here is the page in better quality in case somebody want it to read it too also have searched for some more information about this reboot and really love the opinion of this writer:

Make no mistake though, this HAS to happen.  Why?  Well look at where they are right now in the classic Universe:  Wolverine, Uatu The Watcher, Professor Xavier, Classic Nick Fury are all dead; Deadpool is supposedly about to be killed as well; Captain America is now a Super Soldier Serum-less old man; Thor is no longer the God of Thunder; Hulk is a super-smart and super-strong, egomaniac;  The original X-Men are time-displaced and can’t get back to their own time; Iron Man is a borderline super-villain; The Fantastic Four have fallen from grace.  It’s not really worth mentioning what’s happened in the Ultimate Universe as outside of Ultimate Peter Parker’s death at the hands of the Green Goblin and the subsequent introduction of Miles Morales, they have been mired in mediocrity since the end of Ultimatum caused that Universe to die a slow, agonizing death.

I'm pretty honest when I say that really don't have any clue about what is happening here so since you seem to know more about this event than I can you please tell me what the fuck is happening here and what numbers and in which order do I have to read to understand it, kinda immersed myself in the Convergence event these past days also WTF does the Titans from Attack on Titans doing in the Secret Wars 00 fighting against Spider-Man and the Avengers or that's a different story ?, as you can see am so damn confused  ???

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: May 07, 2015, 10:07:28 am »

Retro rig.

Just wondering what do you store on the Champion's shoe box ?, I'm asking this because I do have own one of this and want to believe that you also store cartridges, cables or anything related to videogames, in my case I store my Nintendo 64 on it  ;D

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: May 07, 2015, 09:36:05 am »
Oh come on please tell me that Marvel is not planning to do a reboot of their universes too or maybe the Punisher is going to destroy  the Marvel Universe again am guessing this last theory because of the logo at the top  ???

It will put these titles at my wish lit, the only ones that have tried and are currently at my collection are WWE Day of Reckoning 2 for the GameCube and WWF Wrestlemania 2000 for the Game Boy Color but never is to late to test old games that are good  8)

Am a wrestling fan in real life but not so much in video games but this one is the exception, have to admit that I purchased my copy only for this Dixie Clements image and because there was a promo of Metal Gear 3 and Rumble Roses in a magazine, in my personal opinion its a shame that the second one for the 360 is not as good as this one  >:(

I got you all beat.

How much did you paid for that Rumble Roses ?, already got my copy years ago but the manual is missing and really want it back  ;)

Damn I just wondering how the hell does people manage to add so many games every month to their collections, I can barely purchase one each week and this one is not the exception cause am adding into my NES library the Sqoon title, before I started writing this post went into the search option of the NES titles just to see how many people has this one at their collections and it's kinda sad that only 38 people have it at their collections, Irem as Natsume are two of my favorites companies and with a good of reasons because almost all of their games are so fucking amazing, this title was at my list for some months but haven't been lucky until a couple of days ago when I saw it at Mercado Libre Mexico for only 16 bucks, as everybody can see it might now be in excellent condition but it's very fine and for this price I only can say that it was a very good deal  8)

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:34:42 am »
Went with my wife to the movies this past Friday to see Avengers: Age of Ultron also yesterday we saw Insiduous 2 and Intruders  ::)

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