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Messages - doafan

Pages: 1 ... 77 78 [79] 80 81 ... 83
The Guardian Legend indeed is a great addition to every NES fan can't say the same about the Castlevania, nothing personal but I really never liked the saga  :P

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:29:36 am »
It took me three attempts but I finally finished Contra III - The Alien War at normal mode, didn't remember this game being so hard, my little daughter was scared at some parts of the game because she was with me at those moments, the final boss from level 3 was the most, she almost leaved the room when she saw it and I don't know why since she already has chainsawed some locust in the Gears of War 3

Anyway as soon as I finish Super Mario RPG will try the Hard Mode.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:53:37 am »
Even when I barely have free time to play have to say that the Donkey Kong Country is now at stand by since the arrival of the Contra III - The Alien Wars but am still playing Super Mario RPG, this time my little daughter is now helping me where we already have reached the Bowser's Keep but definitely will not start this level until I upgrade the levels of my characters, at my experience of this kind of games already know that the battles here will be a pain in the ass so prefer to be at least at level 50 before we attempt to finish this game  :-\

Time to add another two titles to my NES collection, in this occasion from my favorite company (at least when I was a child) Capcom, both of them arrived yesterday from Mercado Libre, am talking about the Mickey Mousecapade and Duck Tales where I paid less than 20 bucks for both of them, guess that my little girl is gonna play with the first one cause she loves Mickey's cartoons  ;D

General / Re: The most difficult game you ever beat?
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:55:23 am »
2. Mega Man 2 (NES)

Want to believe that you are joking cause this one was beaten by my wife last year, actually is the only onf from the whole series that she was able to complete, at least for me even at the hard difficulty is not that though.

Did anyone beat TMNT?

Actually never completed the water level those damn electrified things  >:(

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:25:16 pm »
I am reading the Convergence event because I want to see again some old universes like the one where Gen-13 and Azrael or even Parallax existed also the story is quite interesting, am more a Marvel fan but right now this company has nothing to offer so all my attention is right now with DC comics also want to see the results from the domes battles maybe it's because in part it reminds me the Marvel vs DC comics.

I can't afford to purchase more comics so all my reading right now are digital but as Master Stan Lee said I do prefer the real thing instead of this format : Stan Lee's thoughts about digital comics, which he compares to female breasts.  "They look great on a computer," Lee supposedly states.  "But I'd rather hold one in my hand."

I downloaded Five Star Wrestling for PS3. I also went to a local store and bought a bundle of loose boxes and manuals!
Nice find at that store I really want that Mega Man V manual and the game too of course  :'(

General / Re: The most difficult game you ever beat?
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:49:46 pm »
Don't remember all the names of those hard games that I finished but I do remember the one that kicked my butt more times than I want to remember,  I'm talking about the Battletoads for the NES, if you finished this one they got my full respect  ;)

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 15, 2015, 05:57:13 pm »
This past weekend I played with my wife Mario RPG where I do have to admit that never expect that she liked this title also spent some hours with my little girl at the Donkey Kong Country and yesterday started playing alone the Contra 3 cause neither my wife or my daughter wanted to play with me, this is the main reason why I want a kiddo now  8)

Yesterday I received at the office my last Mercado Libre's purchase, it took me a month to pay it cause my financial situation right now is not the one that I want but this won't stop me to add more titles to my collection, am talking about the Contra III: The Alien Wars, paid for this little fella $ 25 bucks which is a great price if you consider that I was able to do two payments instead of one in a whole month also the prices at Amazon and eBay again are highest for this game, dunno why but certain times is better to purchase at Mexico  ;D

General / Re: Recommended YouTube channels?
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:01:36 pm »
Don't own a channel damn I don't even own free time but these two channels are my favorites, so give them a try  8)

* Gaming Historian

* Michael B The Game Genie

Another SNES title has been added into my collection yesterday, this time I'm talking about the Donkey Kong Country purchased the version Players Choice for the ridiculous price of ten bucks here at my office, it might not be at mint condition but for this price and after seeing my daughter playing like a champ it seems that it was a very good addition  ;)

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 07, 2015, 06:41:35 pm »
You know what sounds good right now? A taco!

Get it with lengua, man.
Good stuff.

Nop you should add some Buche, Nana or Tripita if you want to taste the real thing  ;D

General / Re: Best Website to Write Game reviews on?
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:30:52 pm »
Not everyone just collects ALL games. Some only want the good ones.
Totally agree with your opinion, in my personal case I have purchased some good games that I never heard anything about them just by an awesome review, clear example is the Metal Storm, Bucky o' Hare and Kick Master for the NES  ;D

General / Re: Best Website to Write Game reviews on?
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:34:25 pm »
No offense if somebody from here have a review at Amazon but almost or at least the 80% of the review there sucks, I guess it will be a good opportunity for you to start there and gain experience and see people's reaction to your reviews and maybe later start to write them a some place else  ;)

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