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Messages - oldgamerz

Pages: 1 ... 169 170 [171] 172 173 ... 183
Classic Video Games / Re: Do you put your game discs inside a disc wallet?
« on: November 19, 2017, 06:19:28 am »

there a lot better than the disc wallets. I've lost a lot of good music from the disc wallets and I live in Michigan. where it's cold in the winter, and hot in the summer. but I never lost a single CD if I put them in those think or thin jewel cases. I even lost some CD's from not putting them in cases at all due to disc rot, and I don't live in a jungle at all and nothing close.

If you want my advice then don't use wallet cases no matter where you live AND instead always put your CD's back into some kind of plastic case even if it is a half a case, but I would also recommend a full closing plastic case to be extra safe

how long did you have them stored in that manner before they started to deteriorate?

I got some CD's as a gift being left in a car (for I don't know how long.)
But some of the CD's were damaged in the wallet even before I touched them and when they were originally stored in a car,  due to disk rot.

and right when I moved into a basement setting they all rotted within a year in the wallet in my basement. when I opened the wallet the CD's were all sticky and the top layer peeled off upon removal.

In fact it is safer to leave you CD's out then to permanently store them in a CD wallet.  although I managed to keep some of my CD's in a small wallet for over 10 years and no problem until I moved them into a basement setting

Hardware and Tech / Re: Opinion on modded consoles
« on: November 16, 2017, 06:04:22 pm »
Modding certain consoles is actually rendered illegal in the United States. Though I think it has more to do with selling the modded consoles. I do know that I've tried to soft mod a PS2 and saw that there is a red flag doing this even though it's yours, It don't make much sense to me either :-\

Classic Video Games / Re: Do you put your game discs inside a disc wallet?
« on: November 16, 2017, 05:48:18 pm »
I have a disc binder for a couple of games I have no cases for including some demoes although after hearing some of the comments here, I may want to rethink using them which now brings me this question. Are those plastic disc holders any good? The ones that are used to stored blank CDs?

there a lot better than the disc wallets. I've lost a lot of good music from the disc wallets and I live in Michigan. where it's cold in the winter, and hot in the summer. but I never lost a single CD if I put them in those think or thin jewel cases. I even lost some CD's from not putting them in cases at all due to disc rot, and I don't live in a jungle at all and nothing close.

If you want my advice then don't use wallet cases no matter where you live AND instead always put your CD's back into some kind of plastic case even if it is a half a case, but I would also recommend a full closing plastic case to be extra safe

General / Our Gaming Forum Avatars And Why We Chosen them
« on: November 16, 2017, 05:22:09 pm »
My avatar is the earth as many might know. I chose it because I thought it was cool. To get the photo I simply put my PS3'S music on and pressed the square button 2 times. and took a photo You can too. it comes in handy putting something on the screen while listening to ripped cd tracks on your PlayStation 3's harddrive.

I chosen it rather then my crucifix because retro collect banned me for displaying an upright cross as an avatar. and I got perm banned for latter for putting an angel as my avatar. And I don't want to get banned here so I came up with the earth.

What Happen On a Different Forum for posting my preferred avatar
While I had the upright cross as an avatar. An ever so loved member complained to management I think. and then send me a pm for his dislike in everything I did on the forum while everyone else was fine with my posts and such. I told him to calm down and I am sorry I offended him than he bloats me again saying He wanted another apology for telling him to calm down. I am not going to say his name because some of the retro collect members are on VGcollect. chances are if you are on retro collect you may not know that is what happened to me.

If I posted a demon instead of an angel I might still be posting on that site

This topic got me thinking, because You can't take the games without if you like got into an accident.

The reason why I made such a sad thread was to get your thoughts on this, because people die from unknown causes a lot in their sleep. I am NOT referring to a planned death scenario like commenting suicide or anything like that.

and please, no! don't any of you attempt suicide because of this thread, I am only saying if it is an accident. who do you think your collection would go to, or would your family just trash everything of yours, or attempt to sell you life possessions at a garage sale.

Me? I would request in my will my games get used in some sort of public library I'm going on 29 soon if you need to know my age

General / Game/Level Editors Do You/Have You Built Anything Before?
« on: November 07, 2017, 08:21:03 pm »
I have on a different forum built some levels involving an unfinished mod I made for Duke Nukem 3D involving a unfinished adventure based on his 2nd video game Duke Nukem II. A 1992 platformer for PC. I also built a Doom Mod for deathmatch but it was also unfinished called newwave.

How many of you PC gamers download level or world editors and use them to make your own video game experience, and how many of you enjoyed it. I did but most of my levels and world I only kept for myself

General / Re: Moving to Australia, where do I start?
« on: November 07, 2017, 07:57:39 pm »
I heard from being on Retro collect that Australia is the #1 worst place for finding retro video game even worse than in the United Kingdom. prices are through the roof I heard on anything and everything video games and virtualy everything I heard is considered rare.

So like hexen said and from what I heard Australia has video games but they are too vary vary high priced :(

You might as well be golfing

General / Outdated Or Funny Storylines In Retro Video Games
« on: November 07, 2017, 01:27:43 am »
Ok so my first post goes like this. I own Duke Nukem 3D and the Duke It Out In DC expansion and it's storytelling is. oh god.

US. President Bill Clinton has been abducted by aliens and you DUKE must rescue US President Bill Clinton from certain doom. so as the game progresses in which is a great expansion by the way you get to the final boss and at the far end of the level you find Bill Clinton tied to a swivel chair, defeat the boss you get a photo screen with some text thanking duke from Bill Clinton. then and Duke Nukem and Bill Clinton shake hands and then the game ends.

Looking at this games story-line to todays standards I mean could you image a videogame plot where president Donald Trump gets abducted by aliens or even Obama and you would have to go rescue him or them :P

I don't really like the perception some people have of video games being bad for the brain and responsible for lack of attention.

This? I can relate to. and I have to say religious organizations who have the mindset that video games are bad for the youth, just plain annoy me. >:( I teach Godly word on my Facebook page and I can tell you that people who cause riots over, lets say, (video games brainwash the youth) it just makes my blood angry,

 I mean if parents don't want their kids into violent video game than they can buy sports games for their kids, but SOME PEOPLE, say ALL video games are bad. in fact their is a Facebook Fan page all about a protest against all video games. and it don't have vary many likes, I mean compared to mine

I often wounder how many fake likes that other page has

« on: November 02, 2017, 07:18:17 am »
So? Moving forward, what kind of other pop/rock music interests you guys and girls? does anyone dig these? here some more of my recommendations from various bands and artists.

I apologize that some of these selections have no motion video

Title: Come Sail Away
Artist: Styx
year 1977

Title: White Room
Artist Cream
year 1968

Title: All Along The Watchtower
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
year 1967

Title: China Town
Artist: Thin Lizzy
year 1980

Title: Take Me Home Tonight
Artist: Eddie Money
year 1986

Title Wanna Be Free
Artist: Accept
year 2014

Seprate Ways
Artist: Journey
year 1983

General / Does Alcoholic Beverages Really Help Play Games Better
« on: November 01, 2017, 11:14:59 pm »
hello, I had not drank a single beer in years and I was just wondering does Alcoholic Beverages really help win video games? Beer makes me feel sluggish but I take medicine so that may be the case.

Every good gamer I heard of, or met. Says beer helps you win or at least drinks an alcoholic beverage while playing. I don't understand how, for example it can help on a racing game for example as this simulates drinking and driving, and driving under influence though not exactly in real life, I wounder how would this affect a gamer in a racing game. again I wounder your thoughts of how (if so) drinking and playing video games helps you, or? does it leave you feeling ill?

there is one Halo game for the Xbox360 I either don't know how to play correctly or is a really bad game all together.

It is called in these exact words "HALO 3 ODST" there is virtually NO ammo in the levels leavening you stranded fighting countless enemies. ON easy your basically invincible without cheats and on normal difficulty the enemies are impossible and kill you.

While your stuck wandering around on the ground looking for full ammo weapons for shooting at them you taking damage. I don't get this game at all. My guess now would be to enter some sort of vehicle  but they are all destroyed and the AI friends die vary quickly in that game >:(

take this, you need to drop and pick up different weapons every single time you run out of ammo,  you can't refill ammo by simply walking over the guns. >:(

General / The First Video Games We Can Remember Playing
« on: October 22, 2017, 10:47:32 am »
What are some of your first played video games, not nesesaryly the first beaten video game but the first one as far as you can remember playing. for me it was the PC DOS platform and my first title memories of the games I played were (not in order)

1: Bill Elliott's Nascar Challenge
2: PGA Tour Golf
3: Wolfenstein 3D Shareware
4: Kids Pix
5:Doom Shareware
6: Heretic Shareware
7: Body Count Shareware
8: Kens Labyrinth

first handheld:
1: Mortal Kombat for gameboy
2: Mirco Machines

General / Re: How Do You Feel About Yet Another Call Of Duty Game?
« on: October 19, 2017, 09:33:19 am »
The Mexican-American War and the Civil War weren't fought with modern weapons.  That makes a big difference.  If the weapons suck, so will the game.  I didn't play Battlefield 1, but that has to be the cutoff for modern weaponry. 

COD4: Modern Warfare was my jam.  Modern weapons.  Not future laser gun and jetpack shit.  Bullets and shrapnel.  That's how I like my Call of Duty.

I am into single player campaigns only guys, and I like the challenge of shooting with bolt action rifles from time to time, Battlefield 1 does have some portable machine guns buy the way I seen some replays from it.

General / Re: How Do You Feel About Yet Another Call Of Duty Game?
« on: October 19, 2017, 09:29:32 am »
If I'm not mistaken, they are removing a lot of historical accuracies from the game so as to not offend folks.

Again as I feel they should be able to honor the war veterans, and that is what I thought they were doing when they first started out. I mean it all was censored even then the real horrors of war were never displayed in which I liked that aspect. but turning ww2 into a fantasy I feel is worse, it shoves the dignity of war veterans down much further than just a video game about actual battle worlds. war should never be toyed with but I always liked the history aspect of the historical games.

IMO turning ww2 into a fantasy is like saying ww2 didn't happen also without censoring like in all of the games it would turn it into brutal doom with people in which is also not good at all in my opinion.

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