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Messages - oldgamerz

Pages: 1 ... 170 171 [172] 173 174 ... 183
General / How Do You Feel About Yet Another Call Of Duty Game?
« on: October 19, 2017, 09:08:39 am »
As some of you know A new Call Of Duty game is coming and, you guessed it it's another world war 2 First Person shooter game as if they just plain ran out of ideas. I used to like Call of Duty series but in my opinion, what are they doing creating another world war 2 shooter? as if they are starting their entire franchise all over again. I am just plain sick of world war 2 shooters. world war 1 barly gets any attention and I can't figure out why. this is crazy I mean all the WWII battles are covered on the PS2 there was 4 games for original Xbox and PS2 and countless PC games featuring  Call Of Duty.

 this is laughable out of all wars done call of duty has to backtrack world war 2. What about the Cival War or the Mexican American war, they made strategy games for those wars instead of battlefield sims.

there is so many other ideas COD could stick with and they come up with another graphics update to the second world war >:( and come to think if it featured another war I might have just bought a PS4. of course there is Battlefield 1 but I think that is online multiplayer only

A person who buys retro games just to destroy them so he or shes company can make more profit on newer games. It is possible for some stereotype to do this, imagine a person who is so desperate to fuck all retro gamer, and a rich person too. being a scalper also buying hundreds of retro consoles and games only to break them, if we are (taking hate) in which is a vary harsh word this is one sterotype that we can all hate together

I consider myself a gamer wannabe, I get lots and lots of games, and I need to play them, I was hoping to share my collection but at the moment I got noone to trust lending all my games out to people for free

General / Re: Is Gamer Culture Too Toxic?
« on: October 14, 2017, 10:10:42 am »
The fact that Vgcollect isn't like that makes this a great community.

Hear hear!  This positive environment needs to be protected from all the BS that plagues everything else.  Unfortunately as long as political and religious topics are allowed to be discussed this will lead the opposite direction and end up like NintendoAge or worse.  Toxicity is a direct result of these aforementioned subjects among a few others.  I like it here and I really don't want to see this turn out like the others...  I don't need that in my life.

This is probably the most harmonious large forum I've ever belonged to. Kudos to the site admins for keeping this an oasis among many flaming troll dens.

I second and third this statement I am glad to be in a safe controlled community

General / Re: Is Gamer Culture Too Toxic?
« on: October 14, 2017, 10:04:53 am »
Online Game are in the toxic zone. but single player games, I don't really know so. It is better to rage at a computer then an actual person. People simply don't care online, they can say just about anything and before the person can get banned, it's too late the hurt or anger probably 9/10 has been done. I've even seen footage of top paid video game champions curse at the losing aspect of some kind of prize tournament. I pretty sure we all seen or at least heard some kid screaming at another more experienced or cheating player on YouTube or not. I have

Like the 1 admin said games are for enjoyment. In fact I never hooked some microphone and headset online I never will because I am already a paranoid person, But occasionally I laugh like this one time, On an online doom PC game I typed in "We killed the cow, lets eat" I was referring to the dead demon and the darn game  was coop anyway and someone said FU fully spelled, I mean come on

I remember back in the late 1990's and early 2000's games seemed more interested in the voice acting and the level designers, soundtracks too but never so much the producers . I can tell you that Duke Nukem 3D for PC had the voice acting done by Jon St Jon, and some of the level designers included Alan Blum, and the Level Lord Richard Bailey Gray .

AND, who can forget Will Wright the crater of Simcity and early The Sims games most notably the sims 1 and 2 for PC :) and who could forget Spore. for PC.

I still remember Chris Sawer bring the main creator of Roller Coaster Tycoon for PC back in 1999

evtually if the game industry keeps going digital only than a lot of games would be trashed to the general public. Remember you do not own a digital copy of a game like others have said and servers are well known to close down even steam. I have to also agree with the first reply, people with torrents would be king with the way things are going and.

 as I recall steam likes to tweak games of the past not giving players original experience in my experience, and I don't know what that is all about

General / Does Anyone Remember The Giga Pet / Virtual Pet Fad?
« on: October 10, 2017, 06:13:05 am »
I remember growing up in the nineties and just about everyone I encountered at school was into and had a Giga Pet also known as a Virtual pet. I was not into them nor did I ever understand them, so I never asked my parents to buy me one.

So what are some of your thoughts on the Giga Pet Fad, I have a good memory and can remember such things as devices we no longer use like Giga pets and Pagers. :)

and while were at it can you tell me what modern console or handheld replaced the Giga Pet. I only remembered how popular that they were not how they were replaced. assuming that they were replaced

General / Re: What do you think was the worst gaming fad of all time?
« on: October 08, 2017, 06:04:25 am »
I have to defend the Wii sports titles I think that they are great, like golf tennis, bowling and also party games as well. :)

General / Re: What do you think was the worst gaming fad of all time?
« on: October 08, 2017, 06:03:21 am »
Anyone dislike First Person Shooter games on the Wii. personally I think that is the worst fad. Especially when in Call Of Duty moving the Wii remote slightly left and or slightly right makes you turn on screen. I never been able to hold the wii rifle long enough to aim correctly it just moves way too fast and my arms hurt in the process. I am not talking about on rail shooters either no manual move squad based shooters instead

I'd love to see what some of you think about motion controlled first person shooters on the Wii were like for you. My dad don't seem to have a problem though.

General / Re: Limbo
« on: October 02, 2017, 10:19:01 pm »
welcome to the site, I never played"Limbo" can you tell us more about this video game? first off if this is a newer game then a few people probably ever played this game outside of yourself. I happen to be a retro collector not owning a single thing current generation or soon to be last generation. the newest console I own is a PlayStation 3 and a recently obtained Xbox360.

I lost or sold every console game I had as a teenager including 007 Golden eye for the N64. I wish I had not lost or sold those games because I even had Metroid for the GameCube and another Japanese racing game and I want it back but don't know it's name :(

Off Topic / Re: God is a lobster.
« on: September 25, 2017, 04:20:08 pm »
When oceans turn brown, and land becomes washed away, fish will laugh, humans will cry. 
Your dreams are manipulated and are portals to the truth. Every hour slept was an hour awake. Every hour awake you were sleeping.  This is a dream....

God is of the sea true but not the part about God being a lobster, more like dragon, and I am not taking about satan no. Satan is a goat that looks silly and walks upright. In fact it says in the bible that life itself is a dream so he is also making a lot of biblical sense here. at least I remember part of the bible saying that the only time we are awake is when we are dead and in the afterlife.

Here's my five most recent wins with no cheats,

Red Faction PS2
Cave Story+ PC
Battle Clash SNES
StarFox NES

Geez you had got through that darn stealth mission on Red Faction 1 where you are stripped from all you guns and you have to stealth through and then an even harder mission without cheats, that is pretty impressive ::) or did you mean Red Faction 2? how many tries did it take you to successfully navigate through the stealth areas.

 I mean I suck at stealth and  by looking on YT I see now that  strife walking is the way to go. great job man ;)

« on: September 24, 2017, 08:27:59 am »
Rest in Peace Charles Bradley... Been listening to this mans music since I heard the news... Late bloomer, but had a hell of a spirit. You will be remembered...

I only knew of him with the cover of Changes he did, but he had a hell of a voice.  Also had that good cameo on Luke Cage.

RIP Charles Bradly. :'(

I have the Black Sabbath version on CD. never heard of this particular version though I like it :)

Charles Bradley is good at this song with his classic soul sounding voice 

Ozzy Osbourne wrote this song twice I think. I like Charles Bradly's version better then the Black Sabbath version even though, I know the Black Sabbath version came out first. lot of artist  do covers. did anyone know that Elvis Presley, covered songs too?

Song: Changes
artist: Black Sabbath
Year: 1972
Album: Volume 4

here is another man who makes covers as well. You may or may not have heard of

his name is Micheal Bolton
Song: How Am I Suppose to Live Without You
Atrist Micheal Bolton
album Soul Provider
Year: 1983

Hardware and Tech / Re: Anyone got a suggestion on a Gameboy game fix?
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:59:11 pm »
Sometimes on Gameboy cartridges something goes loose on the inside from being dropped on a hard surface in my experience or from careless handling. I mean a loose part in the cartridege itself I think would be the problem sometimes right guys? ???

Adding to this topic, my friend found an old gameboy advance video cart under some melted snow in an orchard near his home. I've tried cleaning the contacts and any residue on the board, but playing it on a gba shows that, whatever i do,i always get a broken nintendo logo on startup. Any fix for this? GBA videos are pretty valuable, I'd hate for this one to go to waste.
video relating to topic

Yea good call on your part for trying to reuse the hardware. But  in my opinion you should look for rust spots because once electronic hardware gut like the kind found in all computer electronics gets totally rusty it is usually not good to use anymore. But sometimes it can be salvageable just like ET for the Atari 2600 game cartridges working found dumped in the elements of a city landfill or junkyard.

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