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Messages - oldgamerz

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I don't envision this would do you much good as both the HDD and DVD drive are locked to the console via encryption in the EEPROM.

That's only the 360.  You can swap parts on the original no problem.

Don't you still need to recode something?  I recall you needing to do that even on the original XBOX that just swapping any old IDE drive won't work.

I didn't notice you mentioned the HDD.  Well the HDD is locked to the Xbox it was shipped with by a security key, the DVD drive is not.  My original Xbox had a Hitachi DVD drive in it.  It was spotty as far as performance went, swapped it for a Thompson.

I'm not in the business of replacing drives anymore, since they are getting really expensive for a good working one.  It's a lot more work but it's cheaper just to replace the optical pickup.

You can swap the HDD but you would first need to get the EEPROM off the original drive and flash it to the new one via a hotswapping method.

The 360's DVD drive is locked via the drives motherboard.  You have to desolder the original drives mobo and solder it to the new drive, or you could just replace the optical pickup and avoid that hassle.  Since that is what usually goes in the drives.  Philips Lite-on and BenQ being the worst.  They fail fairly quickly.

Wow is fixing an xbox that difficult. ??? I mean fixing a playstation 3 super slim sounds is lot easier.

 swapping a harddrive out on any PS3 just requires you to flash download the SONY operating system onto the new harddrive, via playstation 3

I I always wondered what it would be like to be in the mood to play, memorize, and master each and every video game in the universe. and live long enough to do so. SO what's your list. Here is mine

1: Medal Of Honor Vanguard PS2
2: Ultimate Doom PC
3: Duke Nukem 1 PC
4: Duke Nukem 2 PC
5: Duke Nukem 3D PC

Most people look on the internet but imagine their was no internet only you and your buddies that you see and saw in person count

I have a few games I mastered in my lifetime. Or beat, but here is my list of games I can't get enough of, and keep resorting back to. But, most of my list don't include a highest difficulty. Because I enjoy winning and hate cheap AI in games as I said earlier. Ok so I'll admit that I suck at most video games when it comes to playing them raw

1:Duke Nukem 3D
2: The Sims 1
3: Doom 1 & 2
4: Wolfenstein 3D
5: Hockey Games
6: Call Of Duty series
7: Atari Anthology
8:  Activision Anthology
9: Intellivision Lives
10: Sim CIty 3000 and 4

How would you feel if you were on television as a Nintendo, Atari, Sega, SONY, or/and Microsoft Champion? and how would you react to a game in your challenge you've never got a chance to play yet?

 so imagine, how do you think you'd win? think of a competition where every piece of hardware is equal and nobody can cheat, how do you think the experience would come out? and would you be mad if you lost the competition to someone who already had the experience in a random game challenge.

think of a challenge were all the games were chosen and you none knew what you were going to play to prepare. Or would this even be the slightest bit of interest to you?

which contender comes out as in 1st place? But remember what if again you could not cheat and everyone had to use raw skill.

I would like us to elaborate on this, what kind of video games do you even think would go in a challenge these days and why.

For me I would be extremely nervous and 9/10 probably come in last place against universal video game champions like those of you on this forum because for one I get frustrated easy and fatigued vary quickly and I have never played a game in years with an actual person so I could not say how I would react to this if I was randomly chosen

I saw some videos on YouTube of this and the way they ran the contest, like only for a few minutes made me think of how crappy the championship was set up.

I mean how many of you out there think you have what it takes to go on a video game contest for as long as a football of basketball game then think of yourself as a video game player/athlete competing night after night only giving you some nights to practice

does anyone have the trouble I have where the back of the car always causes you to lose control. Because all racing games I play today It's like the back of the car is sliding on ice and it happens on every turn. and I can actual deal with that as long as if's not a nascar game and the cpu keeps on knocking me into the pit like Nascar 99 for ps1

Yea I know how to release the gas on turns but it still don't help much when the AI causes you to spin out of control and sent back to last place

How many have this issue, in racing games? where like when trying to turn your racing vechile and have to put up with losing control of the back side of your car, eventually crashing into a wall then hit by a computer, and do a spin out then lose a race in last place because once the computers are past you and keep going. I read that someone on retro collect mentioned rubber banding and I only just recently came across this frustration. In games like Wave Race 64 and 1080 snowboarding for the N64. and even sometimes in gran turismo

AND does anyone have it where your like playing a sports title and all of a sudden the AI beats the crap out of you by sending all of your players to the opposite side of the game while the computer racks up points? on your defense?

a video about it

I am starting to think that hackers altered all my video games so I lose at them it is possible I mean I've seen my PC game disc curropted while strange people would pull in at my neighbors house

General / Re: Which genre of games do you play the most of?
« on: September 16, 2017, 02:51:17 am »
for me it's

1: Sports
2: Racing
3: First Person Shooters
4: The Sims

I love sports games in fact that is what I usually play I love PONG too and PS2 Arcade ports

General / Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« on: September 16, 2017, 12:44:45 am »
Civil War: A Nation Divided is a fun game that everyone points as buggy. and I have to agree with the squeal secret missions being even worse in my opinion challenge wise. playing the game is not all that bad but I wish it were better, being it the only American civil war First person shooter on the market that I know of.

I love call of duty ghosts storyline in the beginning. but, was vary disappointed on how the story line of that underrated game ended. I beat Call Of Duty Ghost once and never went back to it though

General / What Do You Think Is The Greatest Console Of All Time?
« on: September 12, 2017, 09:02:50 am »
For me It would have to be the PS3 Superslim 250 gig model. It is a vary reliable thing and you can go online with it and every thing else. But the major downside is you cannot play PS2 games on it becuase it has no PS2 hardware. the fats overheat and don't last long in most cases otherwise that would be my vote.

General / Re: The Lease Agreements Of Video Game Companies
« on: September 12, 2017, 08:36:13 am »
speaking of this GOG revoked 3 games my mom payed for me to have as a gift and now that account don't have any access of the games she bought me making digital downloads from GOG stuped.

Don't use GOG after a year they remove all your download rights >:(

This level in Metal Of Honor Frontline where all the bad guys fire bazookas from a sniper position off the current screen is what ruined the fun in that game. the only Medal of honor games I beat are Vanguard and European assault,

Still remember cussing at the game on Vanguard at the vary last stage where countless enemies come in for like 10 minutes  and after that the game is over but at least it was possible for me to beat vanguard happy

General / Lets Name Some Games That Frustrate US To The Point Of Cheating
« on: September 10, 2017, 05:19:52 am »
I need to get back into the zone with playing some of my retro games because that is what I collect and play for. I often fear a new game because I am afraid of losing after working so hard just to get a game over screen 50 million times over. I hate the way hard and unfair games leave me fatigued and mentally wound up when I don't push the buttons fast enough. I am just not hyper active anymore and most game I have require fast reflexes or precise controller handling

Also some of my games freeze leaving my depressed and paranoid about people hijacking the AI for player movement in which I believe is possible but
 I am going on 29 years old and my love for collecting video games is vary high but actually beating them makes me scared thinking if it is going to run or if I'll run into a glitch mess or something like a racing game where all computers go faster then your  max speed can go and you've got the game on the easy setting. :'(

so I've been sticking to the sims 1 and simcity games currently

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: September 10, 2017, 04:55:52 am »
I'd take it your a master at Pacman, or it'r obviously your favorite retro video game. Mine happens to be PONG and Asteroids, at least from the pacman era of retro video games that is ::). Strangly I never saw how pacman was so popular back in the 1980's being other then being a great single player arcade machine. I happen to own Pacman and Ms Pacman in my collection somewhere but not the arcade cabinet

Classic Video Games / Re: Physical Quality of Carts
« on: September 09, 2017, 12:07:58 am »
a little 97% isopropyl alcohol is a great method for cleaning out the cartridge tips, just use a cue tip dip it in that stuff and gently scrub, with the cue tip of the dirty edge. then take a dry cue tip and scrub the vary bottom of the the game tip.

Trust me it does wonders and one time. It was reading the games right after I removed some thick black dirt off my entire NES collection those cartridges were so dirty before cleaning them not even a new retro duo would read them before I cleaned all of them :D now all of them work perfectly

I'm into all kinds I have enough sports games though I just bought donkey Kong 64 for $13.00 lose today and I have a big back log so I'll just buy what I like on Youtube reviews :) thanks :)

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