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Messages - oldgamerz

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Me? Advance AI 3D world Stealth Missions or Levels Or Challenges and Puzzles in shooting games

At first Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship of the ring looks like your standard RPG, but it's not. I played for an hour and found out that it has loading screens but no checkpoints. At first I loved it open worldliness, it does give you the option to save at will in which is a great feature and just may save me from flushing it down the toilet. The second missions starts off with one of those advance AI 3D world stealth type missions that you can't fight, you can't run.the only option is sneaking past these two fast moving and knights on a one way path. Can't stay in one spot either. If one of these 2 riders smell you then you get a cutsence and then you booted back to the new game screen. It is so fricking cheap it didn't even say game over or retry anything. their is no lives system. My question is a game this cheap worth playing through. I do see a way through but it's stupid  the option is to keep movin  but it is going to take a lot of game overs before I get past this.

My weakness in video games is mostly stealth missions I hate stealth missions. there are 2 games I now can see no point in playing the one mentioned and Red Faction 1 a missions where your given nothing but a pistil with 32 rounds and no ammo to pick up.

it's a little like 007 goldeneye for the Ninendo 64 where there are cameras, and drones, and guards, and gun,s and secrurity alarms everywhere without only corners to hide. OK so if you upset one guard or workers or spotted by, one camera, or one drone. Then your faced with unlimited respawning guards. that do not drop any ammo and keep coming out of the woodwork till you have no ammo and are dead. and then I heard rumours that game Red Faction 1 for PS2 has another Advance AI Stealth Mission right after from a Youtuber he got so frustrated with that mission and the one after he admited to not finishing the game ever.

Can you guys tell me and others your video game stories I'd love to hear them below :)

Classic Video Games / Re: What game are you really good at?
« on: March 05, 2017, 09:42:19 pm »
I play at the easiest difficulty setting on every single genre except for some types of sports games. So I just like talking more about video games at the moment more then being hardcore. I am a wuss I guess :P. the only online multiplayer I played in my life would be Zandronum/ former skulltag the PC doom engine. that I was a keyboard master for a while and people thought I was using an aimbot but I wasn't. I have a good gut for gaming but little skill from a master at all genres give me a 2-20 rating. There are some guys I believe out there that can tackle every genre and noone wants to play them as a result. I'm good at most PS2 NHL and PS1 NHL games that I sometimes play on medium difficulty in which most have 4 difficulty settings ranging from Beginner Easy Medium and Hard I suck at platforms, I really suck at strategy games but I am pretty good at simple run and gun games, like Call Of Duty I mean I have potential in call of duty

Now tell the truth people and answer this question

What do you rate yourself as an all round gamer?

 from 1-20 self rating 20 being perfect at every single video game at the upmost hardest difficulty old and new from the Atari 2600 to the current generation and 1 being horrible. let keep this conversation interesting shall we ;)

we could also rate in these sections

2nd generation or Atari 2600-1-10
NES or 3rd 2-10
SNES or Mega/Genesis or 4th gen 1-10
Ps1 N64 or Sega Saturn (etc) 5th generation 2-10
6th gen or PS2 Dreamcast, or Xbox 2-10
7th PS3, 360, or Wii 3-10
8th current any current system 1-10
sports 1-10
platforming 1-10
beat em ups 1-10
fighting 3-10
shooting 4-10
3rd person 1-10
RPG 3-10
Stratagy 1-10
racing 3-10
Sim -10-10
Arcade 1 -10

my score one out of five stars

Backstory:  I am unfortunate some would say that the I just got into the PS3 when the Super Slims came out. I never owned a phat PS3 or any kind that was fully backwards compatible. I could have had a PS3 phat that did everything at one time but bought a 250  gig used super slim model instead for the same price, because I kept hearing stories of the Fully compatible models breaking and acting its nasty blinking light issue.  So I am hesitant to this day to buy a PS3 fully compatible model do to its short life span. among most of it's players

I eventually  bought 2 PlayStation 3, super slims both the 250 gig and the 500 gig models.

the 250 gig model never gets hot as long as you don't use HDMI then it gets a little hot but never burns up unlike what  people say the bigger  PlayStation 3's do. the 250 gig at nature runs much faster with both reading PS1 and PS3 discs then my 500 model by nature ever gig did. of course my 500 gig PS3 was covered in thick nicotine thick enough to bury my nails in upon it's arrival.

it was 2015 when I purchased  my Super Slim 250 gig (by nature) model about a year later when I got my 2nd Super Slim 500 gig model (by nature)

the 500 gig by nature? All I can say is it seem more sluggish than the 250 by nature however it seems to keeps it's cool at all times better then my 250 did, even though the dam thing is covered in an inch think of cigarette smoke and ash residue from it arrival.

The laser went vary quickly but of course it was used, not sure how much but, used and filthily I had cleaned the lasers multiple times in it, still didn't work and even when I had both lasers replaced the darn thing would constantly reject PS1 games by giving my data options (the option to explore the CD)  instead of the option to play the game. Personally I don't think that the 500 gig super slims in which are supposed to be the latest PS3 on the market. are compatable with PS1 games at all. though they generate less heat buildup. but they do not play games vary well it is even a chore for mine to load PS3 games and I can forget PS1 games because all I could do on it was read the contents of the PS1 CD nothing else and SONY never responded to help me to fix this issue

My point but If you want a new PS3 for your game room take my advice from experence and go with the 250 gig. I bought that thing used and its read at least 3000 CD and 300 Blu Rays and still holds up to this day, only with slightly less heat tolerance on HDMI output. then on my 500 gig model.

SO you know what I did I swapped the hard drive and gave it away because It still plays PS3 games and I did clean it and the 500 (at nature)+ gig gave me nothing but problems

SO now I have a 500 gig harddirve inside a 250 gig model. and if you guys really want to take a chance you could swap out a 20 gig for a 500 gig or something bigger because all PS3's take SATA laptop hard drives for any newbies out there.

There is nothing like cranking out an old PS2 for the PS2 games so I highly recommend a PlayStation 2 phat and A PlayStation 3 Super Slim 250 gig model( by nature) in your collection. Those 2 systems seem to me to be the better builds

Dont't even bother taking a PS3 super slim apart there is a switch that is called a limit switch I had to hire a tech guy just to put this tiny switch back onto the console in which is vary hard to see and extremely easy to break off when your working on any super slim so watch out and don't say I didn't warn ya

Classic Video Games / Re: Sports Games
« on: March 05, 2017, 03:59:02 pm »
I am your stereotypical geek in the fact that I'm just not into traditional sports, on any level. So I don't have any of those games.

But I do have a little less "pure" sports games in my collection.

I love the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series, even though I suck at skateboarding in real life. Tons of fun to just go around and try new stuff while exploring. And usually the rock side of the soundtracks on these games are great (not into hip-hop, though). For the same reasons, I have the Cool Boarders snowboarding series, as well.

Being a wrestling fan, I of course like a good wrestling games. The WWE 2K series (which later became just a year-by-year series) since 2012 have been great. I love playing through the story modes on those, since I've been a wrestling fan for a long time and those are usually nostalgic.

And a good arcade racer can be fun. Not my top favorite genre, but if it's done right I can get into them. I'm just not into the technical, more car-guy type racers, though. I want something like RC Pro-Am that's just mindless video game fun, or an arcade racer like Ridge Racer or Daytona USA where I can just pick a car and go. Also the ones that incorporate battle-elements, like Road Rash or Arctic Thunder. Gran Turismo is just not my bag, baby.
I love the gran Turismo series but the licence thing is the hardest part in the entire game. and on gran turismo 4 it has really frustrated me, on this one licence course where you must turn a sharp corner while going downhill and cannot let any part of your car go off the track or you have to do the entire course over perfectly and in a time sequence that has me frigging pissed. AND if you don't past that darn course your stuck earning 500 credits for winning a race every time and less for not placing in 1st place.  and upgrading a single component of your race car in GT 4 cost at least 2000 credit for only one small no effect upgrade taking.

GT 2 is rare but I love that game and recommend everyone even if you don't like the gran turismo series to get Gran Turismo 2 for the PlayStation 1. and it is best played on your PS3 where you can have a TON of cars on a digital memory PS3 quota without ever having to swap PS1 memory cards unlike when using a PlayStation 1 or PlayStation 2 when playing a PS1 game.

All you sports fans take note a PS3 is a must have for your PlayStation 1 sports games seasons. With any PlayStation 3 you can create multiple seasons on PS1 memory and never have to use a PS memory card again. I have a former 250 gig super slim and it rocks with PS3 and PS1 games of all sorts  ;D.

Classic Video Games / Re: Sports Games
« on: March 05, 2017, 05:27:06 am »
I personally have the PlayStation 1 version of NHL 2001 and it is a blast to play :D

Classic Video Games / Sports Games
« on: March 05, 2017, 12:39:16 am »
i love sports games in general. I first started playing them in 2002 with NHL 2002 for PC. That Game Took me 4 years to master on the easiest setting and I left me soaked in sweat after each and every game now I can just about win any hockey game as long as I can let some shots go without getting scored on every time. Does anyone else play and enjoy sports games.I know when I was talking about them on a different forum this one guy thought they were pointless and stupid to collect or spend your money on. I am referring to mostly the retro kind the ones without all the glitches and crappy AI.

do you play and enjoy them? which ones do you recommend the most that you have or maybe don't have in your collection. My favorite hockey games are NHL 2001 NHL 2000 NHL 2008. I currently don't know how to play american football. favorite International Football/soccer is FIFA 2001, I don't have a current favorite Baseball game yet and but I really like NBA live 2006 March Madness 98 and March Madnesss 06 and I have tons of racing and driving games yet to master


These points are what really stood out to me. I think if you are looking to breakdown a compilation game into its different components like this, I would highly recommend If you open up the detailed mode when adding games, can add all the games in a compilation individually, then designate it as part of a set, which then creates a drop down that has each game nested under the main title. You can then add notes about the year it came out within each individual entry. Backloggery also tracks what games you have and haven't beaten yet.

I started one to show you how it looks

Unfortunately VGC is not optimized to breakdown the individual pieces of a compilation for the purposes of showing the information about each individual game, which ones you have beaten, etc. Personally, I agree that this feature could be nice/useful, and I see where you're coming from with that. But adding each game as a separate listing isn't the right way of doing it in the context of the site. Adding the game as a separate entry is saying that it was released entirely on it's own, as a separate release, not in a compilation, which wouldn't be accurate.

So like lets say I wanted to buy/own in my hands Metal Slug 4 in North America on the PS2, I could either buy Metal Slug 4&5 (, or Metal Slug Anthology ( But adding a separate entry for Metal Slug 4 would not be right, because the game was never released as a separate game; it's always tied in within a compilation in North America. But that's the message that adding each game individually is saying.

this is great advice but I am going to stick on here for a while because I see that this site has potential to become the biggest game databace on the internet. Is this place new? I tryed to find a retro collecting site earlier but this did not show up last year

please don't think I came on here to be bossy. I am going to do what you say. I just have multiple brain issues

PS thanks again for being patient with me

you can always report bad data if you find different results for NA on your end. I am now checking for some home brews in the database. Trust me I have been using search this entire time and yes I didn't combine soulcalibur as one word I miss typed it in the database and I apologize, and I rushed the photo upload in which explains why it didn't say PS2

Hi I added more 3 previously unreleased Atari games the only one I (could) find a valid picture for was Aquaventure in which was a prototype made in 1983 from previous research and 1984 from current research it's a prototype that comes with the Atari Flashback 6 console 
and the other 2 I read are official releases done by activision but they were not released untill November 19, 2002 and came with the activation anthology

You guys can trust me I don't troll and I'm honest and really serious about my words and information. please let me know if anything is wrong you can message or reply

edit I have a hard time paying attention to detail sorry I however probally should not add homebrews?

no I would need a mansion to hold that many, what I was saying was the options of arcade conversions not the cabinets. there is an option for both in site. I have been adding individual conversions not too many people but me it seems wants them to be added. these are video game compilation I want to track the games online without having to run the game. I just would like to add PS2 and PS3 discs with 20 or more games on it  to be displayed for personal reasons.

I assume the option to add PS2 conversions was OK to do but I was using the original arcade cabinet release because it is more interesting for to find when the games were made. I got your message and thanks for the heads up :)

I agree to all the rules and I made mistakes of adding unnecessary information in the description tabs. In my short time being here I seen that their is not only an option to add psychical copies to the database but also  home brews and arcade conversions as well. I was told on a thread by one of the chief admin not to add video game compilation pieces to the database i will listen but i don't understand.

I wanted a site that lets me track my entire collection in one place to figure out and plan what I want to play next and learn the details of a game not in the database yet. Yes I wanted a site I could use to track my entire video game collection and I already said in an earlier reply I wil leave the descriptions blank All admins can stop me from adding my games I am aware of this, I am a former member of retro collect and that site really is a big disappointment not having any photos or game years barley. and no way of adding games to their confined small database I am an honest person and although I may not always have originals, I do have games i want to track by at least knowing what year the game came out. yes some compilations give out this information on hand with the game or manual itself. my collection is public to anyone on here but I would also like to know some facts about the single game.

the reason for this post is a question of why is there an option for arcade conversions and homebrews when the boss says not to use that feature. small data like that should not even take of 3 kilobytes, but if it's a hard drive space problem I will understand,8101.0.html

Please dont add each piece of a compilation to the database. Its not something someone can own separately so there is no reason to allow it to be added to someone's collection.

Ok i won't, I'll stop adding acrade conversions and homebrews even though this site gives the option to do so I figured if that feature was there to assign homebrews and arcade conversions :( I guess it was my mistake to add all those arcade conversions to the database
the main reason why I added them is because I would like to browse through games in my collection quickly without turning my self into a DJ I just want to log on, look for a game in my collection then see it and decide if I want to play it. I thought this site might be what i was looking for :(

Hi I just joined yesterday or the day before and have been adding to the database.  My first question what I am asking is, how many of you have play/played any Arcade compilations?

I own almost all of them for my PS2 and almost 200 of my games are not already here on site. My goal is to put all those games into my VG collection, and my final question is do you consider adding the arcade games found in your all in one disk collection to your VG collection?

If you just care about the games like i do than I highly recommend PS2 arcade compilations such as

Taito Legends 1 & 2 PS2
Midway Arcade Treasures vol (1) & (2) & (3) PS2
Capcom Classics Collections 1 and 2 PS2
Megaman Anniversary Collection PS2
Megaman X Collection
Intellivision Lives PS2
Activition Anthology PS2
Atari Anthology PS2
Sega Genesis Ultimate Collection PS3


Site Feedback / Re: Hello this is oldgamerz admins should read
« on: March 01, 2017, 02:04:17 pm »
Can I still add games only without a decription? because I plan on just to leave it blank for games not in the database thank you guys for checking the Information at IAM. if i find a game that is not listed I will (not) place a description I read the rules 4 times over, my goal is that I am also picky when it comes to game descriptions and I know all you ask is for the truth and I understand that fully. one game photo didnt come out I am not sure why or how that happened I tryed to fix it. please don't ban from this site or backdate.. my final question is the photo, how do make a photo? display without photo shopping it. Are google pics allowed as images on site or does everything have to be custom and photo shopped that is where i am still confused. I never plan on writing another description  and also everything I wrote into the database is the truth according from 3 sources 1:google 2: IAM and 3: Wikipedia just to let you guys know

 something in like a video game compilation impossible to get a photo without the internet that is why I highly recommend you do check the IAM, thank you for being kind I am also kind and i will not take advantage.

Hello I'm new to this forum and I would like to say. fist and foremost the Atari Jaguar because if It had better games for it it would have been fun to play. I heard it  had a vary small library we should know  that always can make or break a console.

 second I would say the Sega Saturn because I think it suffered similar fate as the jaguar. I read somewhere that the Sega Saturn was vary hard for companies to program due to it's duel processor and few programmers could code the games made for the Sega Saturn as a result. About the best 2 games on the Saturn ID say was Virtua Fighter 2 and Daytona USA or something USA I forgot.

third I'd say the Dreamcast. I never played a Dreamcast before only seen one for sale but It don't interest me much. I heard it had fantastic games for it not sure because I don't know much about that 6th generation console

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