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Messages - kingrat101

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General / Re: Is there a game console you have that most people don't?
« on: October 01, 2016, 05:15:15 am »
I've got:
Atari Jaguar
Amiga CD32
Neo Geo AES
5200, 7800
Turbo Grafx with cd add-on
FM Towns Marty? does that count?
That's all I can think of off the top of my head

Classic Video Games / Re: What is your least favorite controller?
« on: September 30, 2016, 06:57:12 am »
Dreamcast, I really don't have a problem with the keypad controllers, jaguar, intellivision, etc. I use an adapter on the dreamcast that allows for the use of Saturn controllers on the thing.

General / Re: I have a question about import games
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:45:32 am »
I display my imports together, I have all my stuff separated by company though. Nintendo shelf, sega shelf, sony shelf, etc. Whatever works for you man, you'll find your own way of doing things that works best.

General / Re: Recently got my PS3 out of the shop.
« on: September 19, 2016, 06:30:03 pm »
Oh man tons of great games on the PS3, in no particular order
The Last of Us
I really liked Hot Shots Golf Out of Bounds
God of War 3 and Ascension
Dragon's Crown
GT 6
Little Big Planet 1,2 and Karting
Mod Nation Racers
the various HD remastered games

Modern Video Games / Re: Virtual Reality, Future or Fad?
« on: September 15, 2016, 04:56:36 pm »
I really enjoy my Oculus and am really excited to see the Oculus Touch controllers, I don't really know if we can actually say it's going to be the future or just a fad.

Haha crazy I actually just downloaded that exact app on my Lumia 950, I'll have to check it out

Thank you! very much I just picked up mine

General / Re: What is The Rarest Game You Own?
« on: August 23, 2016, 07:01:50 am »
I don't own any super rare items either, I've got the NA Master System Castle of Illusion, Metal Slug 4 and 5 on the AES as well as Mark of the Wolves on the AES. Of consoles I do have an FM Towns Marty and a NA Amiga Cd32. That's all I can think of the "rare" stuff though

General / Re: Sony or Nintendo all time?
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:51:28 am »
I go with Nintendo too, the obvious NES and Snes stuff has already been brought up, So I wont go into detail about that. I might be the odd one out but I like the Gamecube over the ps2. The Ps3 is great and has held up better overall than the Wii, however I feel like I'm the only one that is legitimately disappointed in the PS4. Hear me out, since I've gotten into PC gaming, there seems like nothing exclusive to the PS4, I recently beat Tearaway on the PS4 and was extremely disappointed, the Vita version was great, the ps4 version, on the other hand, was terrible. For me, there is a reason to have a wii u, I cant play Bayonetta 2, Splattoon, or Pikmin 3 on a PC.

Funny you bring this up, at the moment I'm obsessed with Fallout, I recently played through New Vegas and am now playing Fallout 3 GOTY. I don't know if they have really "clicked" for me personally, I mean I love the games and atmosphere, but over 100 hours in any game is still pretty insane to me. According to steam I have 24 hours in New Vegas... and that's after beating the game, I've gone back to Fallout 4 a couple of times just to mess around but I am really hoping Fallout 3 changes that for me. I'm trying to force myself to take it slow and not worry about when I'll beat the game, but to just enjoy what is there.

I'm not big into collector's editions of games, however I have gotten a few, Rise of the Tomb Raider that came with a nice statue and some other trinkets. My favorite, though is probably the Doom CE. It didn't come with a lot of stuff but the statue makes up for that, it's well designed and painted really nicely.

Classic Video Games / Re: Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter?
« on: July 13, 2016, 03:19:44 am »
Sly Cooper!

Video Game Database Discussion / Oculus Games
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:01:21 am »
Hey guys I was wondering if I can add some Oculus Rift games, and if I can should I just add them under Steam? or are we going to add a new platform?

General / Re: Favorite First Person Shooter?
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:56:22 am »
Oh man so many great ones, a personal favorite of mine is the original Quake, and all of ID's FPS. Borderlands is pretty great too, I'm on my second run of the Borderlands games and man those are addicting.

Marketplace / Re: Looking for a good place to start in DFW
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:21:39 am »
Don't forget Thrift Stores,I've never found games at yard sales but always find a ton of stuff at thrift stores for great prices

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