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Messages - ko1ru

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 [22] 23
General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:20:45 pm »
I've been playing Dante's Inferno, which I picked up at a garage sale for $5.  I'm a total sucker for DMC-style action games, so this is right up my alley.  The descent into hell is a really interesting concept, with each level portraying a different sin (gluttony, lust, greed, etc.)  The scale of some of the earlier stages is astonishing, where you can see a boss in the distance way before you actually get there.  The levels themselves are extremely creative and horribly dark and disturbing.  I need to avoid playing it before bed, since it gives me some f'ed up dreams.

I really enjoyed Dante's Inferno.  I feel it was because of the darker subject material that not a lot of people delved deeper into it, which is a shame.  Easily one of my favourites for the current generation of consoles.

Nice find, Turf!  :)

General / Re: What is your irrational gaming fear?
« on: November 12, 2012, 10:05:24 am »
... My irrational fear is that games on a physical format will soon be history.  I cringe at the thought of a digital-only marketplace, where our collections will fill a hard drive rather than shelves in our game rooms.  The thing is, it's not really irrational, since it's coming.  The next-gen XBox/PS systems will most likely push downloads over disc purchases; some used games are already being gimped if you try to play them online.  The newest iMac doesn't have a disc drive.  Mobile devices are pushing digital-only games like Angry Birds and crowding out the 3DS and Vita.

The day I can no longer walk into Best Buy and buy a physical game is the day I'm no longer a modern gamer.  On that day, I'll revert to the thousands of games on cart and disc that I have yet to play.

I wholeheartedly agree with this.  Long live physical media!

General / Re: What is your irrational gaming fear?
« on: November 09, 2012, 11:10:37 am »
I can sympathize with the heights thing.  I know when I'm building something extremely tall in Minecraft -- even though I'm crouching and the possibility of falling is pretty much nonexistent -- I still get a bit of a sickly feeling in my gut.  :P

Modern Video Games / Re: The Elder Scrolls Online - Gameplay Video
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:42:27 am »
... I hope they don't focus solely on this game and continue to develop single player games.

I thought the very same thing.

General / Re: How did you choose between PS2 and Xbox (or PS3 and 360)?
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:28:48 am »
I bought the PS2 shortly after launch because I loved the PlayStation.  I always had an aversion to Microsoft, especially when they announced the Xbox.  I stuck with my PS2 for the longest time (it's still my favourite console and game library) and refused to get a 360 (or PS3) when it launched.  My boyfriend had gotten a 360 for cheap from a friend several years ago, knowing full-well I had zero interest in it, but he wrangled me into developing an interest for it when he bought me Oblivion and Fable.  His sneaky plan worked, and I was hooked.  :P

We bought an original Xbox a year or two later and got a few games for it as well.  I now play mostly on the 360, even though the PS2 is still hooked up and gets attention from time to time.

I never really had a desire to get a PS3 after having the 360, but I'd like to get one when the next gen is available and the price drops significantly.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: November 09, 2012, 09:28:49 am »
That's a boat-load of stuff for one room!  Plus, kitty is cute.  :)

Went to Springfield, MO over the weekend and came home with a good 20 or so games to add to the collection.  The boyfriend was looking specifically for more Guilty Gear, while I was hoping for more Castlevania.  No Guilty Gear, but he was most happy about a cheap copy of Mega Turrican and I about Castlevania: The Adventure for a cool $8.   8)

Off Topic / Re: Retrotron - New Mame Cab Project
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:57:59 am »
That looks so cool.  I can't wait to see it when it's done!   ;D

Those Atari Hot Wheels are freaking awesome.  I'm gonna have to look for those...

Nothing too special, but got a few games today:

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA)
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (SNES) and
Paladin's Quest (SNES)

Hopefully I'll come home with a few more finds tomorrow as I'm going out of town and plan on visiting a few game shops.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: October 29, 2012, 01:28:21 pm »
Good luck disgaeniac

Ditto.  Be safe.   :-\

Off Topic / Re: Celebrated my 25th birthday today...
« on: October 27, 2012, 11:04:15 pm »
That's a pretty awesome cake!  Happy birthday.  :)


Today I got Castlevania: Legends, the box has some wear on it but the rest of it looks good and it has all the paper work with it. So now I only need Belmont's Revenge and I'll have CIB copies of every US release other than Kid Dracula (unless you want to count oddball PC ports of Castlevania 1).

Do want. 

I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally jelly of your mostly complete Castlevania collection.   8)  I've recently put more of an effort into fleshing out my humble little Castlevania collection.  Slowly but surely.   :D

Off Topic / Re: Retrotron - New Mame Cab Project
« on: October 27, 2012, 08:45:07 pm »
That's pretty sweet!  Nice work so far.  :)

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U, who's getting it?
« on: October 27, 2012, 08:24:17 pm »
I personally have zero interest in the Wii U.  I highly dislike the Wii anyway (even though I have one...  ::) ), and have very few games for it.

I am a little upset Bayonetta 2 was announced for Wii U, but no other platform.

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