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Messages - tripredacus

Pages: 1 ... 234 235 [236] 237 238 ... 313
Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Listing Errors 2016
« on: December 20, 2016, 11:03:51 am »
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition (PS4)

I can't find a good replacement image, but the PS4 version doesn't look like this, all copies have that "Playstation VR Mode Included" bar at the top.

Added front and back art and fixed the title.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate Listings 2016
« on: December 19, 2016, 12:52:32 pm »
Die Hard Trilogy

Not a dupe. 116099 is a Greatest Hits variation. Changed the record to match.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Listing Errors 2016
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:56:53 am »
Can't find anything about it, not in collections so deleted.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: PlayStation Asia
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:49:54 am »
It has been brought up in general before, that link is too old.

For now, put other Asia release games in [CN] category, but make sure to use the appopriate suffix if the game is not Chinese release.

Classic Video Games / Re: What game are you really good at?
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:48:44 am »
I realize it's probably considered to be an easy game, but Super Punchout! After about 10 years of not playing, I picked it up and had a flawless run through. Punchout! on NES? Completely different story.

The arcade game?

Nah, I didn't realize there was an arcade one.

I was going to say. Super Punchout!! arcade game is really tough.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate Listings 2016
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:47:18 am »
Painkiller    - uncut    - regular

There exists no Uncut.  Can someone confirm the existence of a digital release of the Uncut version on XBL?

They are merged anyways. Added strikeout to your first post. If this is in error, we will need to recreate the entry.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: December 18, 2016, 10:59:57 am »
Planet Hulk
Star Wars: Rogue One

Classic Video Games / Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister - Is it worth it?
« on: December 18, 2016, 10:11:08 am »
Micomsoft will stop production on it soon. Read more here:

Classic Video Games / Re: What game are you really good at?
« on: December 18, 2016, 10:04:34 am »
I realize it's probably considered to be an easy game, but Super Punchout! After about 10 years of not playing, I picked it up and had a flawless run through. Punchout! on NES? Completely different story.

The arcade game?

Classic Video Games / Re: Is the collecting bubble shifting?
« on: December 16, 2016, 10:54:58 am »
Online seems to be a difference. Since I primarily collect Sega games for consoles, I am seeing more online recently. Locally it is about the same. Very few games I don't have, which is a shame.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Netherlands [NL] and Benelux [BE]
« on: December 14, 2016, 10:28:31 am »
Game entries are for the complete package, it doesn't matter if the cart is the same across multiple countries. So each actual release should have its own entry. This is because there are people who collect the different international versions, or package variations, so all of those should be in the db for that type of collector to put them in their collection to reflect what they actually own.

Classic Video Games / Re: What game are you really good at?
« on: December 13, 2016, 12:11:32 pm »
If I think about it, I have been really good at two games.

The first was Starcraft/BW. When I first joined, I had known a guy in a clan... I think it was [WS] or something. They were ok and I was an average player. Then that clan merged with another clan that was from South Korea and their leader was in the top 10 of the Korean Ladder. We then had some training games and he shows us how to play Protoss. So we worked that way for awhile but since there was such a time difference, we didn't end up playing with them very much. Also then everyone (the US people) left the clan or stopped playing Starcraft. I was then on my own and decided to play on the NA Ladder. I went 35-0 and then quit.

The second was Quake 3, which I played for much longer. I had mastered the strafe jump fairly quickly and then the rocket jump. Also a different way to aim, where you put your mouse sensitivity all the way up. Then you can look around very quickly. And you can time it in such a way that where you can do a 360 (or less, whatever) very fast by lifting the mouse off the desk slightly and then put it down to stop the turn. I kind of learned this by accident when I went from using ball to optical mouse around 2002. This trick can only be used with an optical mouse, it does not work for a ball mouse.

So this way you end up moving much faster than everyone else, but then you also get blamed for botting. Needing more challenge I left the normal arenas (and Urban Terror) to play on rail servers. Then I moved entirely to jump maps, or what became known as parkour servers, which were all about using the speed tricks where I then finally figured out how to do plasma walking. These types of servers all had maps where you needed to use the tricks to move around, the platforms and jumps were in some range outside of a normal jump. It was popular for a short time, but the amount of people playing Q3 was falling and most people who joined those servers did not know how to do this, so they camped a lot. I then ended up moving to speed servers like Vogon. This type of server was modified to make the game run faster than normal. This is the end of the story, having gone to this type of server, you cannot go back because normal speed is too slow. My best achievement was playing in the tournament that lasted for many hours. I made it to the final match and lost vs Russian (his name, he was from Russia).

Since having those experiences, and the amount of time it took of my life playing. Especially Quake 3 where you can get "rusty" from not playing daily, I have not had the motivation to be "good" or competitive in any other game. Now I just play them for fun.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Netherlands [NL] and Benelux [BE]
« on: December 13, 2016, 11:42:52 am »

I was quite surprised that there's a separate release of this one for the Benelux region. I'll have to add the European/UK release. But the picture of the cartridge in this entry definitely IS the European one, so that should probably be removed from this entry.

BTW: Is there a reason for having separate regional codes for Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) and the Netherlands? It does seem a bit redundant to me.

This game is too new for me to research the regional differences. You will need to post a comparison of the two different carts, and say which is which and which should be on the entry.

Benelux was added into the DB primarily for non-Nintendo releases which had general Benelux releases. Nintendo is way more spread out on the regional spectrum than other console publishers. FAH suffix item numbers with orange triangles, specify mostly the language and not the region specifically. FAH is French/Dutch and is usually the Netherlands release. There is also HOL (light blue triangle) which is Dutch only.

So we can be sure that HOL titles are [NL] and then what would FAH actually be? Should they be [BE] as is, and not [NL] at all, as you say one is inclusive of the other? Or should all FAH be marked [NL] unless a HOL release of the same title exists, then the FAH becomes [BE] and the HOL becomes [NL] ?

For sure, this topic should be discussed and agreed upon by collectors of these games and people who actually live in this region.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Listing Errors 2016
« on: December 12, 2016, 11:11:54 am »
Cruise Ship Resort:
EU box art and literally nothing else listed. I have to imagine it's the EU release of Cruise Ship Vacation Games:

I put it into Wii [EU].

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