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Messages - tripredacus

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Off Topic / Re: audio setups gaming and home theater
« on: February 04, 2013, 06:18:06 pm »
Is it safe?   :P

Yes but I'm always afraid so I turn it off when I'm not using it.

Site Feedback / Re: Dealing with Hardware Revisions?
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:12:18 pm »
I ran into this issue when trying to add a console. There are a few different Genesis options in the list but none really have any info. For example I have a Model 1 High-Definition VA6 with TMSS. But the ones already in the database could be either really. So I just didn't add it for now.

Off Topic / Re: audio setups gaming and home theater
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:40:38 pm »
Explain what you mean by "My "receiver" is a VCR"...

And now I want to see what your sub looks like! lol

My TV is a 19" from 1988 so it only has an RF in. So my VCR connects to that. Fortunately my VCR has some more inputs, being RF (connected to Genesis currently) and Composite. The composite IN ports are connected to a 4 port switch box (Satellite, PS2, Tape deck and aux) and the composite OUT ports connect to the speaker system. The "aux" port has a 3.5mm jack connected to it so I can connect my netbook, other computer or iPod to it.

Here is pic of the subwoofer.

Untitled by Tripredacus, on Flickr

The red/white come from the VCR. There other 4 ports are speaker outs. Yes it was very dusty when I took the pic and YES it is partly made out of electrical tape and beer cases. xD

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: NEW Duplicate Listing Thread
« on: February 01, 2013, 08:33:12 pm »
Spider-man and X-Men in Arcade's Revenge:

Site Feedback / How to remove
« on: February 01, 2013, 08:28:14 pm »
I accidently added a game I already had in my collection. I do not see a way to remove the extra game from the game page. Is there a way?

Also: I suggest that a change be made to the "Add" button if that particular item is already in the collection, so that this is more immediately obvious to the user.

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro collecting is dying!
« on: February 01, 2013, 08:14:51 pm »
Goodwill is pretty much the only place I can find good deals on video games anymore. Even the local flea market sellers thinks they have gold on their hands if they come across an NES cartridge.

Thrift stores are primarily where I get my games from nowadays. Most of the time the people there are older and don't know what things are. For example, I got Pokemon blue for a quarter last year sometime. The only difference is Goodwill actually knows what some things are, since they have that auction site. But that doesn't mean some deals still can be found.

Off Topic / Re: Gamer Metalheads
« on: January 31, 2013, 09:29:47 pm »
My metal claim to fame is making a $40 loss when putting up a Hate Eternal show.

Off Topic / Re: audio setups gaming and home theater
« on: January 31, 2013, 09:28:33 pm »
My sound setup is kinda homemade. My "receiver" is a VCR but the speaker system I built myself using 3 other speaker systems. I could still make it better by adding bigger speakers but I haven't done that yet. My subwoofer is so ghetto you don't even want to see what it looks like!

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: January 31, 2013, 09:14:12 pm »
I only collect Transformers and G.I.Joe and related properties. So besides those my collection currently includes Macross/Robotech and Battle Beasts... And Secret Wars II :)

Off Topic / Re: Top 10 movies
« on: January 31, 2013, 09:12:35 pm »
1. Fight Club
2. Forrest Gump
3. Transformers: The Movie
4. Pi

Sorry I only went to 4. Everything else I like is branched off into different categories.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: January 31, 2013, 09:09:08 pm »
I've been on a VHS kick recently. I've got about 80+ on my watch list. The last one was The Day the World Ended. The movie title is not really relevent to the movie itself, but it was decent. Definately one where you could go either way with the ending.

Wiki doesn't help much here. Basically, the monster is supposed to be the kid's real dad. But at the end you are left wondering whether the monster was really that, or a manifestation of the child's mind.

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro collecting is dying!
« on: January 31, 2013, 09:03:47 pm »
I personally HOPE that it dies. Prices are crazy now 'a' days. I could have sworn, I saw games dirt cheap to what I see them as now.  Sometimes I will add a game to my wishlist on amazon, come back to it in a year, and its 7 dollars more expensive! I wouldn't mind if everyone else suddenly lost interest.

This is happening with a lot of hobbies. The ones I am involved in: video games, transformers (action figures), arcade... I can see it but I know why it is happening. A big part of the problem is those "reality" shows that give uneducated opinions and often inflated facts. This is something worse than the Ebay age where people looked at listing price and not completed price. Now many people have an over-inflated sense of value on their stuff, which is causing this price hike problem.

Ebay is worse now because of fools and shills. There was one well documented case of an uncommon Transformers bootleg selling for hundreds of dollars more than it was worth, partly because of this. Let's not even bring up that NES-001 thing.

Another problem is that some cities have gotten retro retail shops, like mine, that is over-inflating prices on things they sell. Who in their right mind would buy SMB3 (NES) for $25? Well the shop near me sells it at that price. Its a problem and I'm not sure if the market will correct itself soon. I certainly hope so!

It is still worrisome.

General / Re: Favorite accessory
« on: January 31, 2013, 08:57:30 pm »
For me it is the Sega Genesis 6 button controller. After getting it, it was hard to use the original one. Plus, it is godly on the Atari 2600!

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: January 31, 2013, 08:55:25 pm »
That reminds me, is there a signature thing here I can use on other gaming forums?

EDIT: Actually I see others have it, how do I get to set that up?
Hover your mouse over Profile at the top of the screen, click on Forum Profile and then you will see a place at the bottom to copy the web code. I hope that makes sense :)

Nevermind, I figured it out. Its under Settings on the main site. Thanks!

General / Re: Storage Methods
« on: January 31, 2013, 08:53:31 pm »
I don't have a lot of room. I have 1 shelf for games, mostly Sega games. Everything else goes into bins until I can figure out something else.

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