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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 22, 2014, 01:42:02 am »
Not really I wanted truthful discussion, and insight about the direction the wii u is heading without the sentimental bullshit but that seems to much to hear reality. "The wii u is failing but I won't say anything because I don't want to upset the fanboys", sorry for my bluntness. Not to be name called, and ganged up by you, and your friends like a bunch of tribal folk. But I don't mind. A console originally called the nintendo "family" entertainment system it was targeted for kids that still resides today. Why so much aggression that it's fundamentally a childrens toy.

I didn't see any super serious fanboys in this thread, just pointing out where you might be wrong and even agreeing with you on the issues of the system.  At the very most were a few people like me very interested in some of the games coming up, but none of us are blind to the situation the Wii U is in.  You are arguing without anything to argue about because there's no one to take the bait.  You see the Wii U as a failure, others just see it struggling, but we've seen how things have gone bad for Nintendo before and they've recovered, or it was just a loss and they made it up the next time around.  The 3DS was being called a failure too and that is now doing fantastic.  I don't think that's the future for the Wii U though, but there are still some great looking games coming up.

I've only been here around 3 days longer than you, but with the vibe about this place compared to other forums I visit, it's a very chill place.  People aren't wanting to argue about stuff like that in particular.  It's all very goofy and half-serious, none of the console war type stuff you get in game threads elsewhere, not much of the foaming at the mouth fanboy stuff.  It's not about unconditional love for Nintendo or some thing else, it just seems mostly unnecessary to get confrontational about this stuff.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 22, 2014, 01:15:00 am »
Oh dear what have you been reading?, posts that are not postive about holy nintendo? This can't be this is sacrilege! You're more than free to religiously worship the church of nintendo if you so do wish. If you feel so strongly about it still you can give me all your nintendo games, and i'll send you the wii u that my friend is using a door-stop free of charge.

Not trashing Nintendo doesn't mean that anyone here is thinking the opposite, that Nintendo is put onto this pedestal that can never be touched or criticized, but this idea that Nintendo MUST be called out, that you are the only one willing to stand up to Nintendo, is just pointless.  Seems to be a common thread with you and your posting.  The thread at this point really just feels like you wanted an argument rather than a discussion.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 22, 2014, 12:25:28 am »
You aren't hear spouting off the "untold truth" and opening the minds of folks to something they are just failing to realize.

I beg to differ. Because of this, I now hate everything Nintendo. It is a child's toy that is doomed to fail. I'm glad someone brought me to the light before I enjoyed something.

I want your collection of Nintendo games cleaned out by the morning!

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:47:51 pm »
decline is nothing to be proud about, real danger no, but danger yes they should be concerned about it. It's like wearing flower glases or something. Before things get worse nows the time people should speak up about it. Unless they want to talk about the good old days when the wii u still had a future, and what went wrong a decade from now.

Speak up about what? What are you even going on about? Nintendo has shown plenty of concern for the system for a while now and made decisions to show how they think about it such as Iwata taking a huge pay cut over the troubles with the system. No one is denying that Nintendo is struggling, or that the Wii U isn't hurting them because of poor sales.  The only thing I'm seeing in the conversations any more are two things.  People worried about the system, but excited for some upcoming titles, and those who are foolishly calling this the end of Nintendo's hardware career.  Their handheld business is massively successful, the Wii U is nothing more than a bump in the road for them.  I would say their future lies more on the next system and how well it can compete with other consoles as being a much bigger decider on their LONG term future, but I think at the very worst, it would only end up with Nintendo focusing on their handheld market instead.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:28:34 pm »
Most people won't say it out loud, but looking around the internet with people who care more about saying what wants to be said than reality. Won't continue the dreamcast wasn't expecting to die as soon as it did either

Most people have and agree the Wii U is in a troubling place.  You aren't hear spouting off the "untold truth" and opening the minds of folks to something they are just failing to realize.  Everyone sees that Nintendo is having trouble with the Wii U.  Well regarded fact for abit now, especially after the successful launches of both the Xbone and PS4.  At this point and with what we know of the company, Nintendo isn't in any real danger right now of losing their hardware business.  At the most, we'll just see a shorter life cycle between the Wii U and the next system.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:46:51 pm »
People don't care about Mario, they buy the games for Toad! :P

Did you hear? That Toad explorer minigame that was in the 3D Mario games? Apparently it was so well received, they are gonna do more with him! SO MUCH HYPE!


Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:36:37 pm »
I know people don't like hearing it but no one gives a shit about mario for the most part, and it's the truth.

Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 have sold over 15 million copies combined.  Super Mario 3D Land has done over 8 million in sales.  Even with a struggling Wii U, Super Mario 3D World has done 2 million in sales.  New Super Mario Bros U has done 4 million, though I'm sure a good bit of that was due to being a bundle package later on.  I'm not denying that there is technically a bigger mobile market which is held together by half-assed free to play games that is easier to pull people in, but people still like Mario.  The problem is that the average consumer just doesn't really understand the Wii U these days and Nintendo has struggled to really sell it to them.  People owning a 3DS certainly love the crap out of Mario and that's the "truth".

I also didn't misquote you.  You said that Nintendo "just puts out tired franchises, and for children at that"...That has nothing to do with Nintendo's "persona", which is that of family gaming.  That's calling Nintendo games as childish.  Sure, they don't have the more adult humor of your Loony Tunes example, but they are games made for everyone to enjoy, not just kids.  It's kind of the usual remark you see from the hardcore crowd on other systems that only see Mario as mascot for a kiddy console.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« on: April 21, 2014, 09:50:53 pm »
Could you drop the "Nintendo games are for kids" nonsense? Like the second time now I've seen you knock them for it for no good reason.  So the games are colorful and fun for the family, so therefor are just for kids?  I love more adult games like Fallout, STALKER, Metro 2033, games that are dark and gritty and full of violence, but I also enjoy Mario and Kart Racing games.  Because they are fun and entertaining.

As for the Wii U, yeah it's not doing well and probably will just manage to scrape by for a few more years.  I feel like if they had initially went about things differently, it would've left them in a better place, such as the name.  The Wii U is kinda confusing as a name, it very much just seemed like an addon of sorts to those that didn't know any better.  It wasn't advertised well.  If it had been a new name entirely, it would've helped to show that this was a new console.  Combine that with poor third party support and it's just not good at all.

Funny enough, with how poor the Wii U is doing, I'm way more interested in the system than I was the Wii.  I like that motion control isn't a focus, it has a proper and cool controller, it's HD, and I have more games now for the system than I did the 2 or 3 years of the Wii's life that I had one before selling it off to a friend.  I'm actually backed up a bit on Wii U games lol With Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 coming up, those are two big games.  There's Bayonetta 2 and X that look awesome, the Zelda Dynasty Warriors hybrid should be fun, and I'm sure at E3 this year we'll finally get our big Zelda reveal that I've been waiting on.

And Nintendo consoles won't die off.  There was an article recently where Nintendo could lose millions of dollars every year for the next 30 years and still be in business.  They are much smarter about how they handle their company compared to everyone else that they won't just go the way of Sega.  The 3DS for them is doing fantastically well which is a big part of their company, they are just gonna have to trudge things out for as long as they can with the Wii U, get out a few more of the big games, before they start looking to their next console that will have to probably come out quicker than the Wii U did after the Wii if they can't get out of this slump at all.  The future for them does seem to be about interlinking the handheld with the console which is a good start for getting things on track, if not now, then for the next handheld and console.

Re-Bought Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts today.  At the time it came out, I thought it was okay, but as I'm sure all the fans were thinking, it was not the game any one wanted.  I mostly want it for the Banjo-Kazooie collection, but I'm gonna get back to playing it for some fun since it's far removed from those times of wanting Banjo-Kazooie 3 lol  It's not a bad game at all, the build a car feature is pretty sweet actually, but everyone wanted a brand new HD 3D Platformer that we just never got and never will because Rare is dead :\

Modern Video Games / Re: Kamikazee-Games better on PC or console
« on: April 21, 2014, 03:46:06 pm »
I'm not sure if any of those are particularly any better on PC.  Like the first Mass Effect is not good on PC, but 2 and 3 are probably about equal to console, with the possibility of slightly better graphics on PC, but they are good on it.

Borderlands 1 is not good on PC at all, but Borderlands 2 certainly is.  Again, it's a situation of the game being certainly on par with the console version, but not really anything to surpass it as none of these games benefit from more high end graphics or modding.

Now for Halo, I would say the PC version is better because it does look to have a modding community, though I believe it's losing its multiplayer due to the loss of Gamespy.  You can see what mods there are below and while I regularly play games for their modding community (Fallout, STALKER), I haven't played Halo on PC in years.  I'd personally say Halo is better in general on PC because I prefer shooters on PC nowadays and the same goes for Borderlands 2 which is an FPS.  Third person shooters like Mass Effect don't quite matter as much in comparison to controller and keyboard/mouse personally.  I never played the Halo remake on 360, but that probably visually looks way better than the PC version I'm guessing.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 21, 2014, 01:49:59 am »
Grabbed Kingdoms of Amalur on Steam and put a good few hours into it.  It's not bad, basically like an action heavy, single player, MMO.  It's that kind of game you can just dive in for awhile and if you aren't turned off by kinda generic questing, it can be fun.  Interesting tidbit of info about the game, the great Grant Kirkhope of Rare fame did the music for the game.  I'm super stoked for the music he'll be doing for the upcoming "A Hat in Time" 3D Platformer.

I don't add digital stuff to my collection, but I grabbed Kingdom of Amalur yesterday with the Steam Sale.  Full game and all the DLC for 12 bucks? Sold!

General / Re: Psssh...
« on: April 20, 2014, 02:15:51 am »
I just use to host pictures.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 19, 2014, 09:55:54 am »
Disappointing me, Flea Market.  Almost no new garage sale folks there today, just empty as hell.  I don't remember the last time I saw it so empty, just the same sellers selling the same crap they had before.

General / Re: How do you your love for video games has gone too far...
« on: April 19, 2014, 12:41:35 am »
There's any number of situations for this.  If it's not just letting a kid die or killing a kid, it's those crazy situations where someone died because they couldn't stop playing games.  They played for like 3 days straight hopped up on nothing but junk food and energy drink and then died because their body couldn't handle it.  I think your video game love has hit the bad point way before something like that, but those are the pinnacle of extreme examples.

A more realistic thing would be like if you are missing work or events because you are gaming, you haven't left the home in awhile, eating well isn't being considered, you are spending all your money on games and nothing else to the detriment of your living situation, not being able to play your games becomes a serious issue to you, these are all more common things to see for sure.

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