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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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A raise in price for sure, especially the good ones, but I don't think we'll be seeing near the same kind of thing anymore as we do with the old systems, particularly cartridge based stuff.  I think the amount of games might play a part also, I mean, how many PS2 games are out there? Over a thousand? These old consoles with like 700 games are a lot, but that's a more manageable number for a collector to me.  And as Argyle says, the cartridge stuff has a longer lasting form than the disk ones, where one bad scratch can ruin an entire game.  Even now with games just a couple years old, I'm seeing these games just get trashed by folks and there are just so many more of these games around as Dreama1 brings up.

Oooops, sorry, confused you with someone else it seems.  ;)  Yeah, I don't mind open explorable levels at all - I just hate having to keep going back into the same level over & over for different "goals" - just let me do everything at once or something.  Always was a very distracting system imo.

I could see it as a limitation of the old consoles, but I want them to have those big cool standalone levels, but you just explore them how you want to get the stars and stay for however long you can till you need maybe to unlock some item to advance further.  That's just some of my favorite platforming and it was the best on N64.  It's why my favorite games are Super Mario 64 and the Rareware platformers lol

General / Re: Disapointed at my local Good will
« on: April 18, 2014, 06:51:42 pm »
I wondered why I never found anything at Goodwill in 5 years. Just one less place to find games less than market value. It's all only going to get worse. Soon enough yard sales will be asking $50 for their Ff7s and $20 for their Mario 64s.

Worse, someone will make a reality show out of it and send the prices of Mario/Duck Hunts into the stratosphere.

It's gonna happen.  There's that Toy Hunter show I like to watch, and there's a cosplay show out there, so it's inevitable that we'll come up to something game related about going to conventions to find games, hunting through flea markets, craigslist visits, and thrift stores for gaming items.

General / Re: Disapointed at my local Good will
« on: April 18, 2014, 03:57:11 pm »
The worst prices I've seen have actually been at flea markets. I've seen $5 games like Mario/Duck Hunt being touted as "Vintage Collects Items" for $20 or more.

I go to the flea market for the garage sale folks that show up there that aren't really looking for resell prices.  I get good deals every so often there.  Probably more regularly than I tend to find stuff at the Salvation Army around here.

I agree completely.  Tho I think you were also the one that agreed with me about hating the Mario formula that started with 64 where you have to keep revisiting the same world, so I guess that makes sense.  I also need the 2nd one for collection purposes but I don't want to pay very much at all for it.

I love the Mario 64 formula lol I want 3D Mario games to go back to that.  The reason I don't like Mario games as much Post-Sunshine is because they basically dropped most of that stuff, with Super Mario Galaxy 2 dropping the hub world entirely.  I don't want the linear Super Mario 3 lines to follow with small individual levels, I want big open worlds to explore like in Mario 64.  The Mario games, 2D or 3D are basically interchangeable now with how little the differences are with them.  The next Mario game I just want it to be a massive version of Mario 64 lol

General / Re: Disapointed at my local Good will
« on: April 18, 2014, 03:34:45 pm »
I'm basically stopping going to Goodwill now.  All three Goodwills I go to have noticeably cut out all gaming, dvds, and CD stuff to the point that those section barely exist anymore and this is just within the past few weeks I noticed them cleaning out these sections.  Very disappointing, but the Salvation Army has always been much better anyways.

General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 18, 2014, 01:54:47 am »
I have Ocarina of time for Game Cube. I got it when I preordered Zelda Wind Waker. :)

I have it on N64 in the box, that version which comes with the Master Quest addition, and I'll eventually own it on 3DS lol

General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 18, 2014, 01:48:21 am »
I have an N64 that was given to me by a guy from church who married someone that made him give up video games. :P

To date I've barely played it. I was given to me with 007, Star Fox 64, Perfect Dark, Star Wars Episode 1 Racers, and I picked up a copy of Lego Racers for $5.

My son loves lego racers. I tried perfect dark but didn't really see what all the hype was about. At some point I'll play Star Fox and maybe pick up Super Mario 64.

I think the obsession with "3D" really hurt the games of the time. They certainly don't age well on modern day HD TVs. N64 and Playstation 1 look pretty terrible. NES, SNES, and Genesis hold up much better.

Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, those are some of the top games to check out.  Some of my absolutely favorite games.  There's other good ones too on the system.

^ Man, I still need to get the first Super Mario Galaxy.
And I still need to get the second one ha.  Highly recommend the first one though.  One of my favorite 3D Mairo games.

I was disappointed by both of the Galaxy games basically reverting to old traditional Mario ways that should've been left to the handheld titles, but I've been meaning to give them another play sometime.  I have the first one, but not Galaxy 2.

General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 17, 2014, 09:12:17 pm »
The N64 is one of the worst post-video game crash consoles ever made. There isnt one legit RPG on the console (Dont get me started on paper mario as an RPG and tactical RPGs are as boring as the chess game they are modeled after) and its library of 296 games has about 50% of it consisting of sports and racing titles which is the gaming equivalent of landfill waste. The controller was made for a 3 armed alien and in the world of disks and games with massive space for massive content, it stuck with cartridges and limited the amount of content it could play on a single game. I will give the cartridge credit for its durability but thats as far as anything good that can be said about the N64.

*Sniffs, curling up in the corner with his arctic blue N64* It's okay...I still love you... :'(

General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 17, 2014, 09:06:28 pm »
Seems legit.

Big difference between Yoshi's Island and Super Mario World lol Technically it is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, something I'm kinda unsure why they really went with other than they were probably unsure if the game would sell as well on its own under just Yoshi's Island, but most everyone just calls it Yoshi's Island in conversation.

This is Super Mario World.

Still doesn't make Yoshi's Island for babies just because of its colorful artstyle lol

Also the N64 is one of my favorite consoles.  The controller isn't great, but it has some of my favorite games on it.

General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 17, 2014, 06:31:10 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. I like mario 2 on gameboy.

I guess it was the model 1, it basically looks like an NES controller, just felt cheap and flismy and I think its even smaller than the NES one.  I grew up with the NES controller and had no issues with it at all.  Played it for years.  Not saying it couldn't have used a better design, alot of the stuff from that time needed it, but it worked well till I moved onto the much better SNES controller, though not sure if I'd say I liked that more than the smaller 6 button one for the Genesis or not.

General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 17, 2014, 06:17:18 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).

Man was today awesome.  I went out to the thrift shops cause I was bored and I'm not likely to make my Saturday run to them, didn't expect to find much since it was into the afternoon, stopped by one, didn't find much, so went to the Salvation Army.  I found an entire stockpile of Dreamcast games.  16 in total with a sealed Web Browser 2.0, all for 2 bucks a pop! And they weren't all sports games! In fact there was only like 2 or 3 sports games and a fishing game in it.

Sadly there was no Dreamcast there to go with it as I would've liked, but not bad at all. Hyped up on that, I drove down to the other Salvation Army I visit and found 9 more Dreamcast games! This one was mostly sports titles, but at a dollar a pop, I can't complain at all.

I don't know if I plan to keep them or not, I don't particularly have a strong desire to have a Dreamcast collection, I've been trying to decide if I want to focus on abit of everything or just on cartridge with disk stuff on the side for what I really want, so I might get rid of these if I don't come across a Dreamcast soon as Nintendo and Sega are gonna be what I focus on.  25 games right off the bat is nice for a collection though, especially since I didn't get a single double.

List of games...
-Atari Anniversary Edition
-Trick Style
-Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
-Sega Sports NHL2K
-Sega Sports NCAA 2K2
-Sega Bass Fishing
-Sega Sports World Series Baseball 2K2
-Sega Sports NFL 2K2
-Sega Sports NFL 2K
-Speed Devils Online Racing
-Hidden & Dangerous
-Virtua Fighter 3tb (The heck is 3tb? lol)
-Sega All Stars Crazy Taxi
-Crazy Taxi 2
-Sega Marine Fishing
-Quake 3 Arena
-Tony Hawk Pro Skater
-Virtua Tennis
-4x4 Evo
-Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
-Soul Calibur
-102 Dalmations
-Eighteen Wheeler
-Web Browser 2.0

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:32:17 pm »
For that Little Samson, what about the board makes it fake? I mean, I'd consider it a possible fake based on just how damn pristine it is, but I'm still pretty new to the collecting scene and don't know all the tells for things like this.

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